
How To Use Thirty-six In A Sentence

  • Thirty-six heterogene ­ously grouped 7th graders crammed into our classrooms -- many of these students had mental illness and were prone to violent outbursts and attacks on their fellow students & teachers. The Full Feed from
  • There are fifteen books on the first shelf, twenty-one on the second, that makes thirty-six in all.
  • Thus, twenty-five out of thirty-six of the European countries are officially unilingual.
  • ‘Because, Adam, this ‘little strip of metal’ is thirty-six karat gold,’ she stated matter-of-factly, and I glared at her.
  • But if the earth's orbit becomes as highly eccentrical as in the past, this difference would be thirty-six days. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
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  • She's in her mid-thirties-thirty-six to be exact.
  • In Tony Blairs speech to launch this initiative he included the word employer thirty-six times. What's Going On
  • At Fonthill the crest and the thirty-six quarterings of Beckford's full coat-of-arms were blazoned on the carpets and painted glass windows.
  • The officer in charge of the picket, suddenly remembering that Major Burrage, of the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts, was taken prisoner some time since by the enemy while on a similar errand, 'gobbled' the rebel, who proved to be the famous Roger A. Pryor, ex-member of Congress and ex-brigadier-general of My day : reminiscences of a long life,
  • * mumble mumble* years, however long it takes me to cram thirty-six credits into my life. Le petit hiboux | owls gone wild
  • One of the findings of this clumsy study was that the average age of death of priests in the archdiocese had been thirty-six years old.
  • She'd given the restaurant all she had in her purse, a grand total of twenty-seven dollars and thirty six cents, the last dollar and thirty-six cents in pennies and nickels.
  • Thirty-six competitions, the majority for public projects, their submitted images, models and texts, are dissected in detail.
  • With all the difficulties which naturally surround such an examination they found that in fifty-two eyes of rabbits, thirty-six were hypermetropic and astigmatic, eight were hypermetropic only, five were myopic and astigmatic, and others presented mixed astigmatism. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • Thirty-six percent ended in legal abortion - less than in 1977.
  • Right there, the four indentations, thirty-six centimeters from the right. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Thirty-six unpublished handlists for the period 1795-c1900 are available in the Special Collections Reading Room in SOAS Library, and include both LMS and Commonwealth Missionary Society material.
  • There were fifteen automatic weapons, twenty semi-automatics, thirty-six shotguns, two sawn-offs, one hundred magazines of one hundred bullets, five pistols with two hundred clips and forty grenades.
  • The general agreement of the description with the event, viz. with the ruin of the Jewish nation, and the capture of Jerusalem under Vespasian, thirty-six years after Christ's death, is most evident; and the accordancy in various articles of detail and circumstances has been shown by many learned writers. Evidence of Christianity
  • According to these orders, Robinson supplied fifty mortise locks, thirty-six pairs of octagonal glass knobs, twelve plain knob sets, and forty-eight escutcheons.
  • And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
  • Thirty-six people among 4, 698 entrants in the annual Examiner Outdoor Quiz answered all 10 questions correctly.
  • There were fifteen automatic weapons, twenty semi-automatics, thirty-six shotguns, two sawn-offs, one hundred magazines of one hundred bullets, five pistols with two hundred clips and forty grenades.
  • And they refrained from attacking for thirty-six hours in the expectation that Diem would comply with their demands.
  • About three miles below Cincinnati I received instructions to halt, and next day I was ordered by Major-G.neral H.G. Wright to take my troops back to Louisville, and there assume command of the Pea Ridge Brigade, composed of the Second and Fifteenth Missouri, Thirty-sixth and Forty-fourth Illinois infantry, and of such other regiments as might be sent me in advance of the arrival of G.neral Buell's army. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX Peter pulled off the 10 onto National Avenue and found himself wandering into the Cheviot Hills. DEAD LINES
  • He is generally credited with having composed a motette in thirty-six parts having almost all the devices later known as augmentation, diminution, inversion, retrograde, crab, etc. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • Presumably, he will be taking the oath of office shortly, and become the thirty-sixth President of the United States.
  • Thirty-six million years ago, volcanic mudflows blocked a stream flowing through this valley, producing a lake about twelve miles long.
  • He called a fiacre, took in his hand a leather bag which, the servant said, was just large enough to hold a few shirts and a coat, but that it was enormously heavy, as he could testify, for he held it in his hand, while his master took out his purse to count thirty-six Napoleons, for which the servant was to account when he should return. The Room in the Dragon Volant
  • That first assignment of "tailing" kept him thirty-six hours without sleep, but he stuck to his trail, stuck to it with the blind pertinacity of a bloodhound, and at the end transcended mere animalism by buying a tip from a friendly bartender. Never-Fail Blake
  • And this seismograph traces an unambiguous picture, for on every single one of the fifteen questions tolerance increases significantly over these thirty-six years.51 Figure 13.9 summarizes the trends for each of the five groups averaging responses to speeches, teaching, and books in each case. American Grace
  • In 1952, he expatriated to France because of racism; and in 1955, he moved to Madrid, Spain, where he spent the last thirty-six years of his life.
  • And in the penultimate of his thirty-six pages he confessed abjectly: ‘The evil of the unequal distribution is still to be solved.’
  • For the last thirty-six years poor France had been afflicted with all sorts of pernicious things: that "sonority," the tribune; that hubbub, the press; that insolence, thought; that crying abuse, liberty: he came, and for the tribune, he substituted the Napoleon the Little
  • The drawings which illustrate my account of the discovery [45] prove that the altar rose from a platform twelve feet square, approached on all sides by three or four marble steps, that platform and altar were enclosed by three lines of wall at an interval of thirty-six feet from one another, and that on the east side of the square ran a _euripus_, or channel, eleven feet wide, and four feet deep, lined with stone blocks, the incline of which towards the Tiber is about 1: 100. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • Ere long news reached Esopus, that the savages were building another fort, which they called a castle, about thirty-six miles southwest of Peter Stuyvesant, the Last Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam
  • He was now thirty-six years of age, but because of his excess weight and the wateriness of his eyes, the discolouration of his teeth, and the blotchiness of his puttylike skin, he seemed older. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • The mausoleum of Theodoric, a decagonal structure, covered with a great monolith thirty-six feet in diameter, is the monument that reveals Roman art in its purest form, at once austere and graceful. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • At nearly thirty-six years old he captured his fifth Open title, just one short of Harry Vardon's record.
  • Two thirty-six South Beaudry was a low-rent Victorian, every single shingle weatherstripped and splintered; Buzz pulled up and saw an old woman raking leaves on a front lawn as jaundiced as the pad. The Big Nowhere
  • There were ample enough seats, considering that the table could seat thirty-six people.
  • The Chateau d'If has no cemetery, and they simply throw the dead into the sea, after fastening a thirty-six pound cannon-ball to their feet.
  • [Footnote 10: A "pood" is thirty-six English pounds.] From Paris to New York by Land
  • Actually we have in hand about two million poods (a pood is a little over thirty-six English pounds) of flax, and any quantity of light leather (goat, etc.), but the main districts where we have raw material for ourselves or for export are far away. The Crisis in Russia
  • She'd given the restaurant all she had in her purse, a grand total of twenty-seven dollars and thirty six cents, the last dollar and thirty-six cents in pennies and nickels.
  • Thirty-six million years ago, volcanic mudflows blocked a stream flowing through this valley, producing a lake about twelve miles long.
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • The annual produce of these Astrakhan fisheries -- sturgeon, sterlet, salmon, pike, shad, etc. -- amounts to 10,000,000 puds of fish (the pud thirty-six English pound weight) of the value of Russia As Seen and Described by Famous Writers
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • The camp uses about 2,450 pounds of clay and about thirty-six pints of assorted glazes and underglazes during a season.
  • Though in splendid physical trim, a thirty-six-hour trick at the wheel was the limit of my endurance. Chapter 39
  • Having occasion to move it on the twentyfourth, I peeped in and found half my caterpillars out and starved, proving that they had been hatched at least thirty-six hours or longer; half the others so feeble they soon became inactive, and the remainder survived and pupated. Moths of the Limberlost
  • The division brought charges against thirty-six Klan defendants in thirteen cases, resulting in fifteen guilty pleas.
  • Weed thought General William Henry Harrison, one of the candidates in eighteen thirty-six, might be the man the Whigs needed.
  • Inside the enclosures are thirty-six house foundations, some free-standing, others attached to the perimeter walls.
  • There were ample enough seats, considering that the table could seat thirty-six people.
  • At the following sessions at the Old Bailey, he was indicted for burglariously breaking open the house of Sarah Pickard, and feloniously taking thence thirty-six gold rings and stone rings, three silver watches, several pieces of silver plate, and divers other goods of considerable value. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • Maia was thirty-six and had worked for a local aerospace firm. GENIE ON THE LOOSE
  • This book is relatively brief: seventy-five pages of tersely written text plus thirty-six pages of appendices.
  • In four years, it had a hundred cavalrymen in uniform with another thirty-six being trained and a waiting list of more wanting to join. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Inside the enclosures are thirty-six house foundations, some free-standing, others attached to the perimeter walls.
  • Its paperboard ends covered with marbleized paper enclose thirty-six well-worn pages of laid rag paper.
  • Thirty-six well-known theater stars are scheduled to perform.
  • “But if she’s clean below, and doesn’t dismast or fall apart under the strain, and if we avoid digging her bow and flipping fore-and-aft — we might just be able to make it in thirty-six hours.” Conqueror's Moon
  • Young yet, barely thirty-six, eminently handsome, magnificently strong, almost bursting with a splendid virility, his free trail-stride, never learned on pavements, and his black eyes, hinting of great spaces and unwearied with the close perspective of the city dwellers, drew many a curious and wayward feminine glance. Chapter I
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
  • For the southeastern district, assistant, thirty-six hundred Southeastern dollars; second assistant, three thousand dollars; deputy district attorney, such compensation as shall be fixed by the district attorney, with the approval of the chief justice of the superior court. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The chances of obtaining a "larl" with one throw of one die is one in six, of obtaining "larls" with two dice, one in thirty-six, of obtaining "larls" with three dice, one in two hundred and sixteen, and so on. Magicians of Gor
  • The original thirty-six aircraft had been increased or replaced by about thirty-six Soviet fighter aircraft.
  • At Fonthill the crest and the thirty-six quarterings of Beckford's full coat-of-arms were blazoned on the carpets and painted glass windows.
  • They were taught to Lord Shiva and he created for each raga which is male - six raginis or female variations, for thirty-six in all.
  • Thirty-six people died in the blast.
  • A 500-foot length of thirty-six-inch water main was lowered six feet without cracking the big tube or disjointing any one of the forty-five sections that composed it.
  • Landing at the same spot on the Shire banks as before, Livingstone, with thirty-six Makololo porters and two native guides, ascended the beautiful Shire Highlands, some twelve hundred feet above sea-level, and crossed the range on which Zomba, the residence of the British Commissioner for Nyassaland, now stands. A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
  • Patients: Thirty-six acromegalic patients with active disease, resistant to somatostatin analogs, participated. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Current Issue
  • (The sentence, "Following in the footsteps of Miley Cyrus, he just came out with an autobiography," is one of the predicted thirty-six pop culture signs of the Apocalypse.) Welcome back, Chilean miners!
  • The desire to persist in interrogation is a valid reason for keeping a suspect in custody for thirty-six hours and indeed beyond.
  • 'Deplorable phraseology or not, I've got enough data to put the probability out beyond the nine-sigma point-the same probability as that an automatic screw-machine running six-thirty-two brass hex nuts would accidentally turn out a thirty-six-inch jet-ring made of pure titanite, diamond ground, finished, and fitted. Masters Of The Vortex
  • It's been known for some time that when people are denied photoperiodic cues their rhythms tend to lengthen, usually stabilizing between twenty-seven and thirty-six hours. Starfish
  • A thirty-six-point, four-column headline with the same question I'd been asking: how did peter mullen die? Hi-Ya!
  • Thirty-six hours before his execution, Tennessee judges voted to reconsider his case.
  • Saviard * [469] delivered an anencephalous child at term which died in thirty-six hours. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • In reality, a superintendent or above may authorize detention for up to thirty-six hours.
  • Nor will the reader without reflection readily realize the enormous stride which was made in telescopy when the makers advanced from the twenty-seven-inch to the thirty-six-inch objective. Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
  • The sum offered by Andocides and his associates was thirty-six talents, which (he claims) still allowed them a small profit in farming the tax.
  • He taught at Swansea Grammar School, a middle-class fee-paying establishment, for thirty-six years.
  • There I was, on the number thirty-six, enjoying the crossword, temporarily stuck on thirteen down: `Big trouble, sis! RESCUING ROSE
  • Round the nave and choir are twenty-eight, or, including those of the transepts, thirty-six fascicled piers, which rise nearly to the roof. The South of France—East Half
  • The remainder consists predominantly of members of thirty-six groups with populations of 100,000 or more.
  • The division brought charges against thirty-six Klan defendants in thirteen cases, resulting in fifteen guilty pleas.
  • They knew the zodiac and the principal constellations, and had special names for Orion (Sahu) and Sirius (Sopdit), the former being sacred to Osiris and the latter to Isis, and for the thirty-six decani which presided over the thirty-six decades of the year. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy

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