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How To Use Thirty-fifth In A Sentence

  • They rode up to the thirty-fifth floor, rising past the bank offices on the lower floors to the executive offices of Cossack Holdings. MURDER SONG
  • Ocean, inclusive of the Bering Sea, which is situated to the north of the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude and eastward of the one hundred and eightieth degree of longitude from Greenwich till it strikes the water boundary described in Article I of the treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and following that line up to Bering A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
  • The thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth chapters form one prophecy, the former part of which denounces God's judgment against His people's enemies, of whom Edom is the representative; the second part, of the flourishing state of the Church consequent on those judgments. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Section eleven of chapter twenty-nine of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and seventeen is hereby amended by striking out in the thirty-fifth line, the word "thirtieth", and substituting the word: — twentieth, — so that the last sentence of the said section will read as follows: — If the statement of the applicant as to residence is found to be true, the election commissioners shall place the name of the applicant on the voting list; otherAnse the election commis - sioners shall forth\\'ith notify the applicant to appear before them, and, if not satisfied that his statement is true, shall not place his name upon the voting list: provided, however, that no application for registration mider the pro\'isions of this section shall be received by the election commissioners or assistant registrars later than the twentieth day preced - ing a state or municipal election. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • We're drunk at noon, thanks to a great little concoction called a mimosa that, though not strong enough to suit a thirty-fifth birthday, is served with brunch at Edward's on King Avenue. A Glimpse
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  • The Israel Ballet is celebrating its thirty-fifth anniversary this season with a showcase of programs to whet the appetite of many a balletomane.
  • Accordingly, next morning he appeared with his clerk, and, in his pontificals, read several prayers in the established form, and then read the collect for the seventh day of September, which was the thirty-fifth psalm. The Old Bell of Independence; Or, Philadelphia in 1776
  • West Philadelphia approach by Thirty-fifth street on the other; directly on the route to the Centennial Exhibition; contiguous to the great railroad artery of the United States, the Pennsylvania Central, a sideling from which will enter the receiving-house of the society Lippincott's Magazine, Volume 11, No. 26, May, 1873

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