How To Use Thirtieth In A Sentence

  • It was bought for me by some of my closest friends and some of my favourite web people - really really sweet friends who clubbed together for my thirtieth birthday.
  • Reports of cases and special arguments, argued and adjudged in the court of King's Bench, beginning in Easter term the thirtieth of King Charles the Second, and ending in Easter Term the third of King James the Second. Inventory of Robert Carter's Estate, November [1733]
  • Section eleven of chapter twenty-nine of the General Acts of nineteen hundred and seventeen is hereby amended by striking out in the thirty-fifth line, the word "thirtieth", and substituting the word: — twentieth, — so that the last sentence of the said section will read as follows: — If the statement of the applicant as to residence is found to be true, the election commissioners shall place the name of the applicant on the voting list; otherAnse the election commis - sioners shall forth\\'ith notify the applicant to appear before them, and, if not satisfied that his statement is true, shall not place his name upon the voting list: provided, however, that no application for registration mider the pro\'isions of this section shall be received by the election commissioners or assistant registrars later than the twentieth day preced - ing a state or municipal election. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • A few months shy of his thirtieth birthday, he was wealthier than he could ever have imagined. AMAGANSETT
  • Rubempre, endorsed to order of Metivier, and finally to our order, matured the thirtieth of April last, protested by Doublon, process-server, on the first of May, eighteen hundred and c. Eve and David
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  • One-thirtieth of the TTX normally found in a T. granulosa newt is enough to kill the average human being. Science, and possibly reality
  • Chapter 159. 133 by striking out the word "thirtieth", in the fourth line thereof, and inserting in place thereof the words: — thiily - tirst, — so that said section as amended shall read as fol - lows: — Section 5. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • But that which had perhaps tended more than any thing else to deepen the variance of the kings, was hump-backed Bello's dispatching to Odo, as his thirtieth plenipo, a diminutive little negotiator, who all by himself, in a solitary canoe, sailed over to have audience of Media; into whose presence he was immediately ushered. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2)
  • Welcome to the thirtieth edition of the still awesomely named depthCORE. com Collective are proud to present our 36th exhibition, a freestyle collection of sins, crims and good old fashioned booty entitled wroth is a long standing deviant dedicated to our community in many ways. Popular in the last 8 hours
  • A thirtieth birthday spent in Amsterdam, attempting to escape any pursuing sandmen a la Logan’s Run in a haze of cannabis smoke, may possibly have had some small contributory effect, but I’m sure it’s more than just too much weed and early onset senility. Notes from New Sodom: To the Water-Fountains by Hal Duncan
  • He was going to have to find his way back here, of course, on the thirtieth day. THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES
  • It's due on the thirtieth.
  • BOULDIN moved to amend the resolution of the senate, by striking out the words "twenty-third," and inserting "thirtieth" (so as to extend the session until the 30th of March); and the question being on agreeing thereto, Mr. BASS demanded the previous question; which was sustained by the house; and being put, was decided in the negative -- Ayes 39, noes 58. Journal of the House of Delegates, of the State of Virginia, for the Adjourned Session, 1863
  • A few months shy of his thirtieth birthday, he was wealthier than he could ever have imagined. AMAGANSETT
  • “And that the pentagram is a symbol of pagan religions . . . the same groups that would have been celebrating Beltane the night of April thirtieth?” Salem Falls
  • For my thirtieth birthday, my friends clubbed together and bought me a watch.
  • Hoover ordered the agency to celebrate several occasions every year—the thirtieth anniversary of the FBI, for example, or the thirtieth anniversary of the day he became director—and on these days the agents were expected to bring him presents. The Good Fight
  • The thirtieth math question was the hardest.
  • The word "Ich" (I) made its appearance in the thirtieth month. The Mind of the Child, Part II The Development of the Intellect, International Education Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX.
  • Tomorrow is the thirtieth anniversary of the revolution.
  • With her thirtieth year had come promotion to the rank of duchesse, although she preferred the tide of marquise.
  • Steven Jobs built his own computer company from scratch and became a multimillionaire before his thirtieth birthday.
  • As the world-at-large clearly knows now, the thirtieth America's Cup defense 2000 was a total annihilation of the Italian Prada Challenge by defenders Team New Zealand.
  • The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.
  • The American boys who for weeks in 2005 in Iraq shared with me their army-issue meals, their menthol cigarettes, their water, and their heartbreak in an armored humvee5 with a faulty air conditioner—once, on my thirtieth birthday, it choked all of us with sour Freon fumes—write me occasionally. Peace Meals
  • For one of them, in fact, it was positively his thirtieth birthday; poor soul, how decrepitly he flitted in front of motor trucks. Pipefuls
  • The twenty-ninth, we road before the citty of Bantam: And the thirtieth, we payed our toll to the gouernour. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.
  • Just shy of her thirtieth birthday, she must have passed as a fresh-faced teenager.
  • This week also saw the thirtieth anniversary of Margaret Thatcher's victory in the 1979 general election. The week that was
  • For my thirtieth birthday, my friends clubbed together and bought me a watch.
  • Larsson bagged his thirtieth goal of the season in Celtic's win.
  • Tomorrow is the thirtieth anniversary of the revolution.
  • Because he was diseased with a consumption, Evan Roberts in his thirtieth year left over being a drapery assistant and had himself hired as a milk roundsman. My Neighbors Stories of the Welsh People
  • It was on my thirtieth that I stopped short and took stock of my life. OUT OF THE ASHES
  • The present crop of books and documentaries about Marilyn Monroe exploit the thirtieth anniversary of her death.
  • A week later, on my thirtieth birthday, Mom called again, this time from her apartment.
  • One assumption Patience and Lacey had shared was that a man or woman who had passed their thirtieth year unwed was likely to remain so. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • The supply steamboats began to ferry all of them across to the west bank of the Missouri, where men of the Thirtieth Wisconsin Infantry were building a new post, Fort Rice.
  • Shutting herself away in her huge, plush inner sanctum, Keshari sat at her desk and stared pensively out her thirtieth-story window at the expanse of Century City and the surrounding West Los Angeles area. Larger Than Lyfe
  • A sum not exceeding thirty-two thousand eight hundred sixty-four dollars and fourteen cents is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of the Metropolitan Park System, Nantasket, Maintenance Fund, for the care and maintenance of the Nantasket beach reservation by the metropolitan park commission, during the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of November, nineteen hundred and fourteen, the same to be covered by assessments upon certain cities and towns in the metropolitan district, in accordance Nantasket beach reserva - tion, mainte - nance. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The final compiler and editor, to whom we are indebted for the collection in its present form, undoubtedly found the sweeping scepticism of the poet Agur and the pious protestations of his anonymous adversary, the thesis and the antithesis, inextricably interwoven in the section now known as the thirtieth chapter. The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur

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