How To Use Thirties In A Sentence

  • The woman is white, in her late twenties to early thirties, roughly five feet five inches tall and of medium build.
  • If you delay child-bearing until your mid-twenties or your early thirties, you are far more likely to have a good job, educational qualifications and a stable relationship.
  • One of them, a baby-faced guy maybe in his mid-thirties, with a black patch over his left eye, smiles and raises his beer at me in salutation. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • in his middle thirties
  • Like him, these were staff guys, in their mid-thirties, soldiers who had until now been largely warless. Doug Stanton: Horse Soldiers: The Extraordinary Story of a Band of US Soldiers Who Rode to Victory in Afghanistan
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  • Repeated studies have shown that men reach their peak potency at 18, while women do not gain the ability to achieve full sexual satisfaction until their mid-thirties.
  • He was a bulky man, military, in his mid to late thirties.
  • He did everything from the Gernsbackian "scientifiction" of the Thirties to comic strips to juveniles to adult novels that set standards for decades to come. Archive 2008-04-01
  • He was mid thirties, with thinning, reddish blond hair which had been razor cut up the back. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Outside, a blond man in his thirties wearing new trainers watched visitors going in and out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crumb has never made any bones about his hatred for rock, and rock and roll, and indeed anything that wasn't pressed on shellac by desperately obscure bluesmen and jazzers in the twenties and thirties.
  • At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece.
  • I understand the feelings of loss among those who have fond memories of the Odeon in its heyday of the Thirties and Forties.
  • And in the thirties we had the Depression, when people damn near starved in both the US and the UK.
  • Jong in her sixties is at once too much and too little like Jong in her thirties. Zip It
  • There are typical MacDonald observations and descriptions, like this one: "Three lean women in bathing suits sat at one tabel, complete with beach bags, tall drinks, and that special porcelainized facial expression of middle forties trying, with monied success, to look like middle thirties. Archive 2009-04-05
  • He was mid thirties, with thinning, reddish blond hair which had been razor cut up the back. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The ease of it all was due partly to people like Tom Gubbins, who worked as a Chinese-casting agent and prop furnisher for numerous films in the thirties, including The Good Earth. American Chinatown
  • Well, RPT, they each came out of a public university med school about $150K or so down, got paid peanuts for their internship and residencies, started actually earning money in heir mid thirties, worked hard in private practice, paid it all off, and lived wisely. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just Wondering
  • It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties, although I've seen it in many younger women, as well.
  • Inherited patterns of ageing begin to show in our thirties and fine lines and wrinkles may start to appear.
  • She looked to be in her early thirties, long blonde hair and intelligent, piercing green eyes.
  • QI'm in my early thirties and have been with my boyfriend for a couple of years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The temperature is expected to be in the thirties tomorrow.
  • Although most likely in his thirties, the man had features that looked old beyond his years.
  • A person in their eighties is a thousand times more likely to develop cancer than someone in their thirties.
  • In the thirties and forties, Long Trail lodges were equipped with good stoves, bucksaws for felling trees, and axes for cutting kindling.
  • In the thirties unemployment was widespread.
  • Mrs White gave birth to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  • In her twenties and thirties she had had no difficulty getting jobs.
  • Geometric abstraction, thirties activism, and Surrealism had their day in American art, but not at the Intimate Gallery or An American Place.
  • The Lord of Ucupe-as locals have come to call the entombed Moche leader-was in his early thirties when he died, Bourget said. National Geographic News
  • Zein al-Abideen Mohamed Hussein, generally known as Abu Zubaydah, a Palestinian al-Qaeda logistician in his early thirties, was believed to be the highest-ranking member of the terror group to be taken alive in the first months after 9/11. The Longest War
  • He was in his thirties and his death at such a young age cast a pall of sadness over the area.
  • Police are trying to identify the man, aged in his twenties or thirties.
  • When I was in my early thirties. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mrs White gave birth to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  • Suddenly, she gave an exclamation which was echoed by a jolly-looking person in her early thirties. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • In my twenties and thirties I competed successfully in humorous speech contests. The Fractal Murders: The Story Behind the Story
  • During the thirties, Stone was, as he said, a fellow traveler and "a strong popular fronter before there was a popular front. Myra MacPherson: Review: Spies: the Rise and Fall of the KGB in America and "Three Tales of I.F Stone and the KGB: Kalugin, Venona and the Notebooks"
  • `In the twenties and thirties, my grandfather had a sawmill on his farm. MOON PASSAGE
  • She may be in her mid-thirties but she has beautifully toned arms and shoulders and strong lean legs.
  • late thirties to cater for the more discriminating clientele of the valleys. GOODBYE CURATE
  • He was in his thirties, a new teacher, and the red mop on his head and wide-rimmed glasses gave him the stereotype-geek aspect.
  • And wages vary by age - peak decades for earning are our thirties and forties.
  • Oskar Fischinger back in the Thirties was animating abstract visuals to music and projecting those.
  • Mrs White gave birth to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  • Melnikov built many extraordinary buildings in Moscow in the twenties and early thirties, but it is to his own house that a path has been furrowed by a constant stream of visitors from all over the world.
  • Using Broadway as her centre, she trawled back and forth from the high Twenties, through the Thirties and into the Forties. CHAMELEON
  • The victim, in her thirties, was found after crew wearing breathing apparatus entered the room. The Sun
  • But this victim was a woman in her thirties, unlikely to be hitchhiking unless she'd had car trouble. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • Top fashion finds: anything mod, trench coats, Eighties ruching, vintage Chanel and Adolfo tweedy jackets, thirties movie star silk charmeuse gowns, seventies high-waist jeans and denim skirts a la Chloe.
  • Being proved theoretically correct in the twenties and thirties did not lead automatically to the strengthening of the Trotskyist movement.
  • The temperature is almost eighty degrees, the humidity in the low thirties.
  • The victims, both believed to be in their thirties, are thought to have been inside the premises when they were gunned down.
  • After all, most pros now peak in their late twenties to early thirties.
  • They are in their early twenties to their early thirties.
  • Each is part of the booming sex lifestyle sector and each is led by at least two women in their early thirties.
  • In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.
  • Treatment of blacks altered slightly with the great depression of the thirties and the economic boom of the wartime forties.
  • The craft was used to service and repair seaplanes in the nineteen thirties, but fell into disrepair.
  • Mr. Bruce was a voice actor in many cartoons of the thirties, forties and fifties, most notably as the narrator of silly travelogues and newsreels.
  • The bulk of the crowd tonight is in its early thirties and few of them, judging by their appearance, are strangers to happy hours in shopping-mall pubs.
  • If you were, you may have seen a thrusting City type in his mid-thirties, the worse for wear after an office party, running for a taxi.
  • This is a lesson that Southern farmers would have done well to remember when they were planting kudzu in the thirties.
  • Nowadays so many tennis players are peaking in their thirties. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's living proof that footballers can still play at the highest level into their late thirties.
  • My dad was a decently attractive man in his mid-thirties.
  • Wilson, who was still in his early thirties, was an astute trainer who sparred with his boxers.
  • It was in the 'thirties, you see, that round-arm bowling came into its own, and fellows like Mynn got their hands up shoulder-high. Flashman's Lady
  • A final problem is that the benefits of postsecondary education may not materialize until individuals reach their late twenties or early thirties.
  • Outside, a blond man in his thirties wearing new trainers watched visitors going in and out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once we pass our mid-thirties, our bodies lose muscle mass as part of a natural process called sarcopenia. Times, Sunday Times
  • These weren't people down on their luck, or down and out in London; they were well dressed and outwardly clean and regular looking people in their (I guess) mid thirties.
  • We should be nurturing leadership at a much earlier age and developing skills within people in their thirties.
  • We were buff and healthy, impressive physical specimens powering through our thirties and forties with vim and vigour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It lay dormant for more than a century, until peace activists, suffragists and labor leaders of the teens, twenties and thirties breathed life into its words with their fiery speeches and broadsides.
  • She did not live in Ireland in the thirties; she lived in Sussex and London and merely visited Eire.
  • I have female friends too, in their thirties and forties who haven't progressed beyond the giggly fifth-former stage.
  • I tried Parma ham, figs, prosciutto and pâté in the late Thirties, things the average family wouldn't taste until 30 years later.
  • In our thirties, we all head to the gym, to atone for the sins of our younger years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sample was 50: 50 male and female (one more female than male, but she was lost in rounding), 1.1% were in their teens, 13.1% in their twenties, 33.8% in their thirties, 30.6% in their forties, 14.7% in their fifties, and 6.7% aged sixty or older. Pet life in Japan
  • Compact, in his thirties, he had the shaven head and trimmed beard typical of a regime paramilitary. Times, Sunday Times
  • As thirties make way for forties, so do boho and chaotic layers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a young beat sergeant, but died in his early thirties of a cerebral haemorrhage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shops are an interesting mix with thirties style merceries and general stores, looking a little tired but still hanging on, rubbing shoulders with a good selection of modern boutiques and specialist shops.
  • Felbridge was long-haired, in his late thirties, with a ratty fur coat and plimsolls that were flapping open, but a good photographer. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Dad was about five-foot-eight of brown-haired game show loser, a sausage-eating mutt in his mid-thirties, growing dewlaps and a gut, dressed in shorts and a Six Flags Over Georgia T-shirt.
  • One philhellene whom Roessel discusses very well is his former professor, Edmund Keeley, whose experience of Greece dates back to his childhood in the thirties.
  • She appeared to be in her late thirties.
  • These are people who grew up in Ireland in the twenties and thirties and reached maturity in the era of World War Two.
  • Expanding such knowledge and extending contraceptive access rightly became a focus of working women's organizations in the twenties and thirties.
  • She was in her early thirties, blonde hair cut in a pageboy style.
  • The subject of this research was a retrospect of events, which happened during the thirties and first half of the forties (20th century).
  • She told me: 'I like my thirties way more than my twenties. The Sun
  • In the candlelight she looks as if she is in her early thirties. Times, Sunday Times
  • It all sounds a bit petty to most women in their twenties and thirties now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mukti was a tannish, goatishly good-looking man in his late thirties with thick blue-black hair that grew low on a brow contorted with furious concentration. The Guardian World News
  • He seemed to be in his late thirties and his wide smile reflected a soft heart.
  • In the thirties she settled down to mystery production, and averaged nearly two novels a year.
  • She's in her early thirties, a writer and freelance journalist like me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Story: The story begins in mid-seventies Kerala where William - in his late thirties, is a priest in the solitary church in a small coastal town.
  • She laughingly recalled a day when Pearl, then in her thirties, had inexplicably rolled a large rock into the living room of the house where she and other children were playing.
  • The person turned out to be a man in his thirties, with light yellow hair and brown eyes.
  • At 53, his blond hair graying, he is no longer the wunderkind who, in his early thirties, changed the way CEOs thought about their companies and industries.
  • And wages vary by age - peak decades for earning are our thirties and forties.
  • Mrs White gave birth to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  • At its peak in the Thirties, Underground design and architecture was all of a piece.
  • Likewise, the ability to distinguish between certain sounds such as sss, sshh or zz diminishes from the time we reach our thirties.
  • In her early thirties her hair suddenly became worse. Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • The town of Slough in Buckinghamshire, for instance, became a focus for much industrial activity in the thirties - while its architectural horrors became the target for the unwontedly bitter satire of John Betjeman.
  • Instead, it is middle earners in the private sector in their thirties and forties who are likely to get the brunt of the trouble.
  • People soon became disillusioned with the more hard-edged forms of modernism, and aghast at the overweening urge to control demonstrated by totalitarian regimes from the thirties to the fifties.
  • In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.
  • The temperature was in the high thirties right up until nightfall and thus we took every opportunity to avail ourselves of shade and air-conditioning.
  • Most likely to suffer are concrete block houses built in the Twenties and Thirties and earlier buildings where shuttered concrete was employed.
  • In the thirties unemployment was widespread.
  • Yeah, this record is kind of about what happens when you let your adolescence continue into your thirties.
  • Perhaps it was the bowdlerization that led to this usage, but even in the thirties some writers use the term "patriarchy" in a derogatory sense as the rule by male tyrants. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."
  • We are both in our early thirties and have always wanted a family. The Sun
  • Leading the way to a table by the window, she seated them with two other people: a man who appeared to be ageless, and a woman who was very elegant and probably in her mid-thirties.
  • Her Sunday best, clearly, yet she still might have walked straight out of a Dorothea Lange portrait from the thirties. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • It is a Thirties clockwork race game, in which two tin spaceships take turns to advance along a tramline track.
  • He was in his thirties when he decided to enter the church.
  • Treatment of blacks altered slightly with the great depression of the thirties and the economic boom of the wartime forties.
  • They passed in front of me, a tallish, slim blonde in her late thirties and by her side a smaller, lovely brunette. DOUBTFUL MOTIVES
  • And beware of smug marrieds who make you feel bad and fearful if you're single and in your thirties.
  • From this preparation, which I used as the mother-tincture, I obtained attenuations up to the thirties centesimal scale. Apis Mellifica or, The Poison of the Honey-Bee, Considered as a Therapeutic Agent
  • Gone were the utopian dreams of the thirties. Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
  • She was pale, late thirties or so, with dark wiry hair spiked straight up in a tall, scary crew cut, and tawny skin.
  • Teenage behaviour is best reserved for one 's thirties and forties. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I was waiting for my first call, Herb, a bulky man in his early thirties, pulled me aside for a little chat.
  • Annual colposcopy monitoring may be recommended until any adenosis is healed, which usually happens by a woman’s late thirties; discuss this with your gynecologist. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • In our thirties, we all head to the gym, to atone for the sins of our younger years. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were introduced at a party by a mutual friend in his thirties. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all, 202 people died in the explosions, the vast majority in their twenties and thirties.
  • This feeling of frustration, so incisively conveyed by these considerations by P. Medawar, pervaded in the forties the field of experimental embryology which had been enthusiastically acclaimed in the mid-thirties, when the upper lip of the amphibian blastopore brought this area of research to the forefront of the biological stage. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • A lot of actresses take their meatiest roles in their thirties and forties. Times, Sunday Times
  • The building was a prodigious limestone parthenon done in the early thirties in the Civic Moderne style.
  • Mrs White gave birth to a fine healthy baby at her late thirties.
  • I would be single, in my late twenties to mid thirties and drop-dead gorgeous.
  • The first was the industrial chemical dinitrophenol (DNP), which came on the market in the Thirties when it was found to speed up your metabolism. Home | Mail Online
  • In the thirties, air travel really began to take off.
  • She was nearly institutionalized in her mid-thirties by her older sister, a bitter twisted creature that felt pleasure only when inflicting pain on others.
  • If, for example, you begin investing in your twenties or thirties, you can afford to take more risk.
  • Dad started going bald when he was in his thirties.
  • She's a successful actor who, in her late thirties, became a successful writer.
  • He has two daughters, both in their thirties, and grandsons.
  • By his thirties Copernicus had developed a heliocentric theory of the solar system in a document of a few fruitful pages.
  • Looking back, during my thirties I became adept at fooling myself that appearance was not especially important. Times, Sunday Times
  • The extreme innovation of his twenties and thirties has given way to something more finely honed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our policies are a synergy of libertarianism, Maoism and anarch-syndicalism – and our key demographic will be dual heritage women in their mid thirties called Fiona. Cymru Election Update
  • I want to devote my thirties to having babies, minding them and being free from the constant pursuit of cool clothes.
  • He was in his mid-thirties, the kind of tanned, well-built, tennis-playing guy who subscribes to Esquire because he sees himself in every advertisement and it makes him feel good. Archive 2010-04-01
  • In his first, wartime diaries, where he journeyed round Britain listing buildings for rescue by the National Trust, bombing raids and doodlebugs meant that death was in the air even though he was only in his thirties.
  • She seemed to be in her mid to late thirties, her chestnut colored hair cut in a short pageboy style.
  • Men in their teens through their late thirties are particularly at risk of developing testicular cancer.
  • In our thirties, we all head to the gym, to atone for the sins of our younger years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wait a minute--Algar we know as animator in the thirties, then director of True-Life Adventures. It's Whom You Know...
  • Butlin had previously provided large-scale seaside amusements throughout the thirties.
  • Its core is a white roughcast house of the Thirties, which still owes something to the Arts and Crafts tradition of maintaining an at least cosmetic adherence to local materials.
  • She was in her early thirties and was screaming and crying as the police and firemen tried to console her. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dialogue was so fucking hipsterically ironic - with grown men in their thirties saying rizzle dizz and step off, brozilla and be right B. Pajiba
  • Benjamin Mascardo, a young man in his early thirties, stood up from the leftmost area of the panelist's table.
  • When you get to your thirties, you don't normally become a great putter. Times, Sunday Times
  • CHRIS, early thirties but armed with boyish good looks, cleans up the remnants of a snack that BEE, a petite, freakin adorable, but potentially challenging toddler, just shy of 22 months, has abandoned. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Mike was in his thirties, energetic and cheerful, his rather boyish good looks tempered by the premature grey in his dark hair and beard. NIGHT SISTERS
  • An employee in his early thirties may well expect to retire at an earlier age than employees in their late fifties.
  • The man who emerged from the cabin was in his mid-thirties with a cruel face scarred from years of teenage acne. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • It's sometimes hard to imagine how bad things were in the thirties.
  • The lime-green walls are almost completely covered with dozens of perfectly spaced framed posters advertising horror and science-fiction movies of the Thirties, Forties and Fifties.
  • By twenties and by thirties they came, wonderful figures, and the air rang with the music of sabots on klinker. The Chauffeur and the Chaperon
  • He says, for instance, he's currently dating a foreign sculptress in her late thirties.
  • Teenage behaviour is best reserved for one 's thirties and forties. Times, Sunday Times
  • She told me: 'I like my thirties way more than my twenties. The Sun
  • The couples who sit together on the benches are older, in their late twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, and so forth.
  • She's in her mid-thirties-thirty-six to be exact.
  • He's living proof that footballers can still play at the highest level into their late thirties.
  • He looked into the hat as he continued speaking, “but I was given to understand that the owner of the Pollux was a shorter individual, in his mid- to late thirties and with less fur—a man named Eric.” Crossed
  • He was in his thirties when he decided to enter the church.
  • Alan introduced me to the boyish owner, a nerdy man in his early thirties.
  • Aging is not a disease but a normal, gradual, and progressive decline that begins in the thirties when biological aging initiates cellular changes throughout the body.
  • It all sounds a bit petty to most women in their twenties and thirties now. Times, Sunday Times
  • You bet I can: she was tall, dark hair, late twenties or early thirties; a real looker. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • In our thirties, we all head to the gym, to atone for the sins of our younger years. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Early to mid-thirties, quite tall, mid-brown hair caught back with a tortoiseshell clip, pale face. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
  • When you get to your thirties, you don't normally become a great putter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police are trying to identify the man, aged in his twenties or thirties.
  • Women are often subjected to a savage and unexpected attack of the maternal instinct in their late thirties and sometimes those who have chosen not to have children come to regret it.
  • Nice couple, early to mid-thirties I'd say, viewing the house on behalf of parents who live in Wales.
  • It's a thirties ship's lifeboat, which is powered by a wind turbine and two solar panels on the roof. Mike Ragogna: TED, Solar Power, Windpower, and All Things Amerikana: A Conversation with Thomas Dolby
  • Entering their thirties, the men are stuck in adolescence, rudderless, jobless, and harboring dreams of escaping their small town - dreams they never act on.
  • Another coaeval of those days calls him handsome ” an epithet I should hardly apply to him later ” slight, not tall, sharp featured, with dark hair well tended, always modishly dressed after the fashion of the thirties, the fashion of Bulwer's exquisites, or of H.K. Browne's Biographical Study of A W Kinglake
  • She looked to be in her mid-thirties and had medium length brown hair.
  • His six years' pastorate at my home church during his late thirties was his first experience of settled ministry, although he spent time each year in evangelistic crusade ministry.
  • The caped man was described as being in his mid-thirties, with short strawberry-blond hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
  • I crossed the road of many Saakachvili's .. in their thirties or fourties, US-trained, long-teethed wolves fascinated by politics to make a carrier, ready to «make History» as long as History is flexible and obedient. Georgia crisis: The End of the Americanist illusion!
  • The man was white, in his thirties, quite tall, with pale skin and black, shoulder length hair with a short fringe.
  • Five men, all aged in their thirties or forties, were arrested at the scene.

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