How To Use Thinness In A Sentence

  • During the war in the Crimea, the thinness of the British ranks soon became an embarrassment.
  • He will have to spend hours before his leap inhaling pure oxygen to dispel any traces of nitrogen from his blood due to the thinness of the air at 40,000 m.
  • Jim Hart, a man of singular height and thinness, whom Sol disrespectfully called the "Saplin '" -- that is, the sapling, a slim young tree -- was doing the cooking. The Forest Runners A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
  • Throughout her life, Oprah rejected her mesomorph shaped body and revered the gods and goddesses of thinness, committing herself to battle with her hunger and her body. The Dieting Dilemma: Oprah Finally Gets It
  • Any such lateral motions could contribute to the absence or thinness of distal marine tephra layers on submarine high points or steep slopes.
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  • At the statistical extremes of thinness and fatness, there's no question that weight has some relevance.
  • There was the danger of the noted "thinness" -- which was to be averted, tooth and nail, by cultivation of the lively. The Portrait of a Lady — Volume 1
  • Because of his thinness, he was able to slide through with ease.
  • He was dismayed by the "intellectual thinness" of the country.
  • The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.
  • Girls and young women may experience lowered body satisfaction and self-esteem after viewing idealised images of thinness in magazines, soap operas and music videos.
  • The consequent pursuit of thinness had become a new religion, she said, and she showed a range of advertisements to support her claims.
  • My thinness was a frequent topic of discussion in our house—regardless of how much I eat. Exit the Actress
  • The colouring is usually much more subdued,with a watercolour-like thinness of texture.
  • The thinness of the liquid is vital to the operation of the pump.
  • I walked across the floor and I felt ashamed of my thinness and my ugliness and _I know that he knew that I was ashamed_. The Dark Forest
  • The lie, which soon became an untruth (for people came genuinely to believe this ungenuine account), was that Keats's sensibility, his sensitivity, the thinness of his skin, and the coagulatory thickening within his troubled mind were responsible first for his abdication, so discouraged was he by the reception of his poems, and then for his death. Keats's Afterlife
  • Another sign that the desert scenes were painted quickly is the thinness of the paint.
  • His face was powdered heavily, to cover the bruising and thinness of death.
  • The air is blue, and the horizon appears blue to the sight on a clear day, and the air by reason of its thinness is not apt to terminate the strong and rigorous vital beams.
  • Thinness or viscosity, odour, ‘touch’, clarity, foaminess, and probably taste, were all considered.
  • Mrs. Isenblatt goes to Jaky in the hope that clothing can hide her hips, an aspect of her metaphorical identity or natural, physical self, so she can attain the American ideal of physical beauty and ladyhood: thinness.
  • Cross-country skiing in the mountains presents some special challenges, starting with the thinness of the air.
  • There was something familiar about him, his fawn raincoat, his thinness, the way he moved.
  • The thinness of the wire was a great problem.
  • the thinness of a rope
  • They can be beautiful in their obesity or their thinness.
  • A splash of black tea on the plate whose fabulously bosky flavour is in inverse proportion to its thinness.
  • And the sharpness of this cry is a shard of green glass that is spun long with razor thinness, and it enters those for whom it is calling just behind the left ear, lodging in the hollow between the mandible and mastoid, a reminder, a pact, and one that has been made with the scent of blood heavy in the air. Between Expectations
  • Signs of a sick tree include a premature change in leaf color, misshapen leaves, thinness of the canopy and early loss of leaves.
  • The same folks blubbering about the reigning obsession with thinness as an insult to fatness are making a disgusting mockery of starving people's plight.
  • The Emir was in the very flower of his age, and might perhaps have been termed eminently beautiful, but for the narrowness of his forehead and something of too much thinness and sharpness of feature, or at least what might have seemed such in a European estimate of beauty. The Talisman
  • The panels are separated by 8-inch glass slits, which dramatize their lightness and thinness.
  • They believe thinness will make them a more perfect person.
  • K. also mentioned, in post 33, that thinness is part of natural physical attraction. Guilty pleasures. « A Bird’s Nest
  • She argues that while thinness is equated with success and being valued, a "lethal cocktail exists" for women today.
  • It all helps her believe that despite the thinness of professional weavers on the ground, the craft is still very much alive.
  • The eggshell thinness of the excised porcelain and the transparency of the glaze impart a striking translucency when the vase is held up to the light.
  • The author discusses why female beauty has become linked to thinness.
  • Despite its thinness, the film provides thermal properties normally associated with more massive building components.
  • The demographics of the state, the deepness or thinness of the respective political benches and the overall national political environment all can play a critical role as well. The political wisdom of early Senate retirements
  • Her face, as I have said, was long and thin, but it was the longness and thinness of growing youth. Castle Richmond
  • The Air meets, if not succeeds, expectations, and "the thinness is a big plus," Kay says. New Apple laptop: MacBook Air
  • the `n' in `thinness' is a geminate
  • They point out the thinness of the explanation.
  • Note also the radical difference between how our culture defines ‘fashionable’ thinness for men and women.
  • Cave's errant organ is just one of many minor technical frustrations that dog this otherwise invigorating warm-up gig for Grinderman's current UK tour – one staged in front of competition winners and a venerable gaggle of rock frontmen of a certain thinness and sonic disposition. Grinderman
  • Its lightness belies its warmth; the shell sheathes two layers of insulation, whose thinness and elasticity allow for greater freedom of movement when schussing down the slopes.
  • Looking at the thinness of the flags, we figured that the grommets would pull out pretty quickly.
  • The author discusses why female beauty has become linked to thinness.
  • Their last two albums have been so bloated that the relative thinness here is welcome.
  • The gold is then quartered and the process is repeated until the leaf has attained the desired thinness, which is very very thin indeed.
  • Her thinness and her oldness are the sum total of her frailness. Joe Woodward: Joan Didion: Late in Life
  • The play received such a gutsy performance by a terrific cast that its feeling of thinness momentarily faded.
  • But from exility of bones, thinness of skulls, smallness of teeth, ribs, and thigh-bones, not improbable that many thereof were persons of minor age, or woman. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • Bedawin remarked; and glass of surprising thinness, iridized by damp to rainbow hues. The Land of Midian
  • What are the political consequences of an ideology that equates thinness with virtue and fat with vice?
  • Cave's errant organ is just one of many minor technical frustrations that dog this otherwise invigorating warm-up gig for Grinderman's current UK tour – one staged in front of competition winners and a venerable gaggle of rock frontmen of a certain thinness and sonic disposition. Grinderman
  • Grant demanded "respect" for the manner in which his team had progressed in the Carling Cup – they inflicted Manchester United's only defeat of the season in the quarter-final by a 4-0 scoreline – and he also highlighted the many difficulties that he had encountered, chief among them injuries, which have exposed the thinness of his squad. Avram Grant demands respect for West Ham's progress
  • Jackson was all angles and possessed a stark thinness suggestive of angry starvation, whereas his sister was sleek.
  • The stuffing beneath the worn velvet seat cover sighed to wafer thinness under her negligible weight.
  • She has several times recently called attention to the thinness of my hair at the top of my head.
  • The consequence indicated that eperythrozoon suis resis thinness to physics and chemicals in resistant experiment.
  • The thinness of the device is at the expense of usability.
  • The thinness of the coverage and the shallowness of the analysis seem a direct outgrowth of the networks' steady disengagement from the world in recent years.
  • In a culture that deifies thinness, it's easy to become stuck in self-reinforcing cycles spurred on by yo-yo dieting, rapid weight loss and emotional eating. The Link Between Spirituality And Eating Disorders (VIDEO)
  • Without special attention to the subject, teachers are apt to acquire certain characteristic faults of voice, such as nasality, sharpness, harshness, and thinness of tone, of which they are quite unconscious. The American Union Speaker
  • I think it may be something to do with the thinness of the air. 'Tis quite high.
  • The tablet has been a design classic since its launch and pictures don't really capture its incredible thinness and lightness.
  • Respiratory criteria, such as spontaneous respiratory rate, thinness of secretions, and cough and swallow reflexes, were evaluated.
  • he disliked the thinness of the soup
  • Perhaps we are all graphologists to a certain degree and can detect a person's character in their script: the thickness or thinness of the line, how circular or how angular the curves, how high the ascenders and how low the descenders.
  • The show makes it clear that the chief attraction of any fairy in any painting of the times is the thinness of the fabric she wears.
  • In two separate bowls, the batters looked different enough in colour to make separate layers, but the thinness of the batter just meant that it all kind of mushed together. A Cup of Meh
  • The stuffing beneath the worn velvet seat cover sighed to wafer thinness under her negligible weight.
  • The author discusses why female beauty has become linked to thinness.
  • Lee says that what people remembered about Woolf was: ‘Her thinness, her fine bones, her fragility, […] and her mixture of angularity and awkwardness.’
  • On the contrary: I took great delight in my thinness and saw it as the embodiment of my strength and virtue.
  • Further down were various shells, especially bénitiers (Tridacna gigantea) the harp (here called "Sirinbáz"), and the pearl-oyster; sheep-bones and palm charcoal; pottery admirably "cooked," as the Bedawin remarked; and glass of surprising thinness, iridized by damp to rainbow hues. The Land of Midian — Volume 1
  • But this kind of chiding can make thinness seem rebellious and transgressive, and that will stimulate some thinsuasts. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Online, the thinness of the connection permits us to take social liberties that in a real-world, embodied meeting we would not.
  • Add to these detractions from her loveliness, viz: thinness and pallor, that her expression betokened earnest thought rather than gayety or sweetness, and the reader need not be surprised that people did not usually consider Hope a beauty, though we were captivated by her looks, even before we formed her acquaintance. Then and Now;--Or,--Hope's First School
  • The associations with head circumference and thinness must therefore reflect reduced fetal growth.
  • It was tall, spindly, almost inhuman in thinness.
  • It is common knowledge that when a warp thread drops out, its place is indicated by a thinness or fine opening for the whole length of the missing warp, and this is so because the reed, besides pushing the weft into position, also acts as a warp spacer, that is to say it keeps the warp threads properly apart, every one being properly aligned. Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms
  • The need to deny, palliate, or make up for the thinness of New World culture and to mount counter-claims of glory for New World scenery long shaped how America was viewed and portrayed.
  • She noted the thinness of the child's nightgown.
  • There was the danger of the noted "thinness" -- which was to be averted, tooth and nail, by cultivation of the lively .... Contemporary American Literature Bibliographies and Study Outlines
  • Men like watches with features that they can boast about such as the degree of accuracy, depth of water resistance, thinness and lightness of the watch.
  • Noodle dishes into thinness, Marinates Instant , tomato sauce, aroma spell, then great.
  • See, my thinness is definitely a source of pride, revenge on that jerk who called me “fat” in a bar oh so many moons ago, and something I work hard to maintain. Women Grow Business » Search Results » empowering women
  • There's nothing pretty about his thinness any more; he's a walking bruise with bones sticking out all over.
  • The reduced noise will result not only from the distance of the aircraft above the ground but from the thinness of the atmosphere at such extreme altitudes.
  • They acquiesced in the Assembly's dissolution, testifying to the thinness of a culture of democracy and law.
  • With the narrowness of the streets, the crowded estates and the thinness of residents' walls, it is hard to insulate yourself from the dramas and catastrophes of the people who live near you.
  • Perhaps we are all graphologists to a certain degree and can detect a person's character in their script: the thickness or thinness of the line, how circular or how angular the curves, how high the ascenders and how low the descenders.
  • Because of the comparative thinness of the jigsaw blade, it is quite easy to steer it round quite tight curves.
  • The thinness of the blanket reminded me instantly that I was not at home.
  • European culture has defined both fatness and thinness as healthy at various times in its history.
  • The resulting effect of bumpy frosted glass or textured clear plastic belies the thinness of the paint that creates the illusion.
  • Extreme thinness is fairly obviously unhealthy, as is extreme obesity. I want you to stop stalking "overweight" women. - Feministing
  • We just have this crazy idea that thinness is good and fatness is bad," Mr. Blair said. For CC, Weight Is Just a Number

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