How To Use Thinker In A Sentence

  • You captain the dream team of smart thinkers that shine with self-confidence and boundless energy. The Sun
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul Tillich is a great thinker who made great contributions in both philosophy and theology.
  • But even if some of the facts aren't I new to us, we look to thinkers and policymakers like him not only for fresh syntheses, but also for responsive and realistic answers to the problem.
  • Therefore, many scholars and latter day thinkers and intellects disagreed with him on a variety of issues.
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  • Although he has not got much speed, he is an intelligent thinker and he knows what he is doing.
  • In psychology, sociology, and cultural criticism the term alienation would be popularized primarily by Jewish thinkers. Emancipation
  • Orphaned and blinded from childhood, he became an ascetic freethinker and materialist.
  • Scientists and thinkers have struggled with the controversy and its implications for humanity for decades.
  • Not just the actual sodomites like myself, but the Sapphic Sisterhood, the Hamite Alliance, the League of Heathens and Infidels, Atheists Anonymous, a whole panoply of progressive thinkers, aligned and unaligned, to whom your rant reads as the ethically repugnant ravings of a sociopath, given that it has so little concern for aforesaid "empathy". An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • But the Church wants to challenge that finding by meeting and debating with leading thinkers on faith and contemporary living.
  • My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers. March 25th, 2009
  • Our mutual friend Robert Anton Wilson wrote, "The prover proves what the thinker thinks. Paul Krassner: How Serious Is R.U. Sirius?
  • He was a deep thinker about the game. Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest Football Manager
  • Certainly, few thinkers of the past two centuries have presented a more powerful critique of capitalism 's destructive power. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's sad to see such a provocative thinker go out with a whimper instead of a bang.
  • We may observe here the singular paradox, which we believe that the philosophy of the mind and the experience of the scholar equally establish, that what are usually called the heaviest or severest subjects of thought are the least exhausting to the thinker. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • Not many leading business thinkers have embraced new technology with your enthusiasm.
  • madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker
  • This is a disservice to one of the 20th century's most powerful writers and thinkers and a disservice to ourselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the vast majority of academic thinkers, Zizek is not worried about being ‘careless.’
  • If both must be taken or rejected together, an alternative which we emphatically deny, what sincere and earnest thinker now, whose will is unterrifiedly consecrated to truth, can be expected to hesitate long? The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • It was that polemic which resounded through the ages; its shockwaves can still be felt in later thinkers like Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) and Zabarella (1533-1589) who carefully examined, though in the end rejected, Philoponus 'anti-eternalist arguments. John Philoponus
  • Few thinkers today risk such disapprobation by questioning our attitudes to modern living.
  • That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
  • In the famous attack by al-Ghazali (d. 1111) in his Incoherence of the Philosophers, thinkers such as Avicenna were condemned for heresy for their failure to demonstrate the supposed Qur™anic account of physical resurrection and the reality of the afterlife. Mulla Sadra
  • They have not been taught systematic approaches more abstract than those of addition and substraction and as a consequence have not become very sophisticated thinkers. Chapter 3
  • Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good. Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • If we ignore the context in which thinkers lived and worked, and proceed in a sort of ahistorical history of ideas fashion, we are never going to understand why.
  • Confucius: lived in the period of telophase Chunqiu, is the great thinker, educator and politician in our country.
  • But probably the most impactive dualist thinker would have to be Descartes, the father of modern philosophy.
  • A compartmentalized thinker who indulges in epistemology can destroy his knowledge, yet retain it as well.
  • They want independent minds, mavericks and free thinkers.
  • Fuller's main interest, however, is not in religious thinkers who were most representative of their times but in those who rebelled against their times.
  • Patient, cogent and an exquisite thinker, Oz is a rare blast of sanity and intelligence.
  • None of these thinkers, however, would argue that rhetors do not produce effects.
  • Suddenly, the new religious right saw him as a dangerous free-thinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, what I really have in mind is something Ancient, and is really captured by terms like 'virtue' and 'wisdom' and (perhaps most of all) "eudaimonia"; and the thinkers I am leaning on are first, Alasdair MacIntyre, and second, Martha Nussbaum (and behind them both lies Aristotle). What do I mean by 'emotional intelligence'?
  • And his philosophical musings influenced a much later, left-handed thinker: German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche.
  • It is reassuring when you come to a thinker with no desire to be an appalling old waxwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • He can't be seen as an orthodox political thinker because his perspective is far too broad. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know free-market thinkers and believers just hate the term regulation, but we saw the damage done by banks who went for years unregulated. Is protecting health insurance companies truly healthcare reform?
  • And where are the political thinkers, as opposed to the apparatchiks?
  • I know, -- "and the Cardinal hesitated a moment," I know I can speak quite plainly to you, for you are what is called a freethinker -- yet The Master-Christian
  • The psychologist Carl Rogers laments the fact that "we tend to turn out conformists, stereotypes, individuals whose education is 'completed, ' rather than freely creative and original thinkers.
  • She was a brilliant thinker, whose ideas and formulations were always evolving.
  • There are a multitude of coaches, back-up coaches and tactical and technical thinkers spending their lives trying to change rugby for the better. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word intelligentsia was coined to describe the class of revolutionary thinkers who are at the center of Part II, Shipwreck. The Heart of the Matter: Wilson Versus the Rest
  • Once settled, he sought out people with whom he could share some of his cultural traditions - those free-thinkers who had taken up vegetarianism and theosophy.
  • Those three anglophone thinkers each tried to provide a theory, right or wrong, to engage and elucidate some kinds of facts about human communication.
  • However, while you are quick to overlook faults, the Thinker can be overly critical.
  • Ambition often drives a thinker to stretch evidence, ignore nuance and disregard exceptions. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are also blissfully unaware that, to serious thinkers, they come across as the kids we hated in high school.
  • Berkeley, home of supposed radical thinkers (radical from the root in Latin "radix" meaning East Bay Express
  • Noonan is VERY important thinker, and a comment box is no place to air what whole conferences have debated over the years, ie, his ultimate place in ecclesiastical and juridic letters. Former Laetare Medalist to deliver address at Notre Dame's commencement
  • I, too, hold that he was a giant among the great thinkers of mankind.
  • Nothing like a "religionist" straw man to bait, for thinkers who can't look at themselves Main RSS Feed
  • He was known as a radical reformer/thinker/politician.
  • They give a hint of an avid reader and serious thinker with hidden, some say darker, depths.
  • Modem military thinkers may make a tripartite classification of topics of military thought into strategy, military operations, and tactics, but such categories were alien to the Byzantines, who knew of such ones as strategy, tactics, stratagems, poliorcetics or the art of besieging a city, and naval warfare. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
  • It was soon evident to every clear-headed thinker that this question could only be answered in the sense of our anthropogeny, by admitting that man had descended from a long series of Vertebrates by gradual modification and improvement. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leading a crew of Enlightenment thinkers, botanists, and linguists, Cook landed on the South Pacific Island in 1774, having already charted many of the surrounding island archipelagos.
  • A freethinker is a person who forms an opinion about religion, politics and morals independently of tradition, authority or established belief. Osama Bin Laden Renamed Muqtada al-Sadr by America
  • Early Christian thinkers developed the claim that in worshipping idols one worships the demonic.
  • For the parapsychologist, this should be considered a useful introduction to the workings of the mind of a creative thinker in the field of conjuring.
  • Likewise for some Christian thinkers today, greed can mask an even greater sin; the sin of idolatry.
  • Has some modernist thinker sat in a college, chuckling as he invents this ludicrous caricature in order to discredit postmodernism once and for all?
  • Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The works of Trotsky and his co-thinkers had been censored and suppressed for decades.
  • Religious beliefs are increasingly losing their attraction in the minds of people around the world, and more people are becoming free- thinkers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • EDWARD WILMOT BLYDEN, Arabic scholar, student of African affairs, writer, diplomat, educator, and one of the most forceful thinkers of the nineteenth century, was born at St. Croix, Danish West Indies. World’s Great Men of Color
  • That said, let us not forget that many ‘liberal’ thinkers — and anarchists — have argued that the human condition can be meliorated, even perfected, without claiming that ‘socialist man’ is the end in view. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • The contrast between Tagore's commanding presence in Bengali literature and culture, and his near-total eclipse in the rest of the world, is perhaps less interesting than the distinction between the view of Tagore as a deeply relevant and many-sided contemporary thinker in Bangladesh and Tagore and His India
  • Rohmer's characters are thinkers and are not inclined to act spontaneously.
  • On Crusius as an antinomic thinker with resemblances to and influence upon Kant, see Heimsoeth's Studien zur ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • There have been signs too that Sampras, always more of a doer than a thinker, has been contemplating life after tennis.
  • But maybe what's needed is someone to proselytise and promote the thinkers within the organisation.
  • He was the father of experimental science, the sharpest thinker of his time, a great debater and a dismissive polemicist.
  • Gaga is a deeply gifted thinker, writer, and student of style who, in her first column for V magazine, wrote: I can look at almost any hemline, silhouette, beadwork, or heel architecture and tell you very precisely who designed it first, what French painter they stole it Susannah Gora: Lady Gaga: Born This Way... And That Way... And That Way...
  • Though Islamic philosophers had a independent, religious tradition of allegorical literature from which they could draw, the allegories from medieval Islamic thinkers tend to concern the same Neoplatonic themes of the ascent of the soul and the Neoplatonic structure of the cosmos, allegorizing the stages of emanation from and return to the One. Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
  • The question was, indeed, broached by the greatest thinkers among the great Greeks; howeer, their answer was always with reference to the presencing of the present Anwesen des Anwesenden, and the ambiguity contained in this "twofold," the tragic flaw contained in this failure to make what Heidegger calls the "ontological difference" was to haunt western thought concerning the tiny word "is" from Parmenides' famous maxim to the "is" of Hegel's speculative propositions. Enowning
  • Foremost, he was an original thinker with ideas, and with an ability to formulate new questions in new ways.
  • Unlike the neoconservative apologists for the Republican attempt to rip off the poor, he is a genuinely original thinker, as well as a prodigy of learning.
  • It's a phenomenon I call the intellectual version of black-on-black crime, where black writers, black thinkers and black politicians serve as hit-men on one another's ideas.
  • The site will require that you are an ace in FLASH and very creative thinker.
  • Alfred Wegener was a keen thinker and a daring pioneer.
  • Honey, stubborn is not the same as forward-thinking. 6 out of 6 fashion-forward thinkers agree: a vest simply is not a cardigan. Bury Me With The ‘Lo On | ATTACKERMAN
  • Her thinker was missing on a cylinder or two, thanks to the high-test fuel she kept adding to the tank.
  • That said, let us not forget that many ‘liberal’ thinkers — and anarchists — have argued that the human condition can be meliorated, even perfected, without claiming that ‘socialist man’ is the end inview. The Volokh Conspiracy » Further to Andrew Ferguson on Behavioral Economics
  • He was very much a free thinker, who railed against any sort of doctrinaire approach to politics and problem solving.
  • Instead of using the experiments and expressions of the ancient Savants and thinkers as a basis for our future struggle against ignorance and to try to find out a solution to this mysterious problem, we – lethargical as we have proved to be – raise the hue and cry of faith, unflinching and unwavering faith to their versions and thus are guilty of stagnation in human progress. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities.
  • And so I think there's a lot of great progressive thinkers out there right now, but also there's some of the guys who are kind of old school and still worrying about fictitional characters being gay and pointing the fingers at people, and almost creating a moralistic club, you know, that you have to be very moral to be in our private country club. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2006
  • On the other hand, if a modern thinker wishes to have a more open mind, then why not be a student of more than one subject?
  • Books create great ideas and thinkers, empowering and civilizing the world. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • They were freethinkers and opponents of religious dogma.
  • He's an exceptional combination of a precise thinker and an imaginative thinker.
  • There flashed upon the minds of some thinkers the idea that here, in economics, was to be found the key to a real science of man.
  • These people - artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers - will now reap society's richest rewards and share its greatest joys.
  • Study any relativist long enough, and you'll either discover that the "relativist" has a bedrock beneath which he will not sink, or that he's not really a serious thinker. Archive 2005-07-01
  • He was neither influential on policy, a significant thinker on Germany, or a model of the freedom-is-truth ideal he propounded.
  • He may not be a great thinker or preach polished sermons; his hands may be rough and his clothes ill-fitting; but if he is a loyal friend and ministers to real spiritual need, he is saint and prophet to those whom he has brothered. Society Its Origin and Development
  • He's a brilliant thinker and writer, and I thank him for contributing to this forum.
  • This did not go down well with the isolationist thinkers, of which Ginny's father was one of the most prominent. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Darwinism, political and social, has, like an epidemic, for many years invaded the mind of more than one thinker, and many more of the advocates and declaimers of sociology, and it has been reflected as a fashionable habit and a phraseological current even in the daily language of the politicians. Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
  • Sam Shuster, professor of dermatology at the University of East Anglia, believes the revolutionary thinker had hidradenitis suppurativa HS in which the apocrine sweat glands – found mainly in the armpits and groin – become blocked and inflamed. Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Marx didn’t hate capitalism, he just had bad skin
  • He was indeed a superb human being; a very simple man, a thinker and an expert organiser.
  • at one time a freethinker was a man who had been brought up in the conception of religion, law, and morality, who reached freethought only after conflict and difficulty. A Scientific Worldview?
  • Esteemed as an independent thinker and artist, she was a woman profoundly dependent on the financial and emotional support and approval of others, mostly men.
  • Any complex, sophisticated thinker is unlikely to fit neatly into a single type, yet the types can still be helpful in mapping the field.
  • There are a multitude of coaches, back-up coaches and tactical and technical thinkers spending their lives trying to change rugby for the better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, it's within a flawed ouevre, but find me any great thinker with an unflawed oeuvre.
  • He is the father of those antirationalist thinkers for whom the seamless whole of reality in its unanalyzable flow is misrepresented by the static, spatial metaphors of mathematics and the natural sciences. THE COUNTER-ENLIGHTENMENT
  • I enjoyed learning about the great theological thinkers of the time. A Channel of Peace
  • A great thinker and leader, you have a great deal of power despite being really poor.
  • Li Zhi was a well - Known thinker, educator and man of letters in the Later Qing Dynasty.
  • Positive thinkers are simply wrong to argue that the mind can overcome any obstacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • As an important cultural icon of Silver Age in Russia, D. Merezhkovsky is an influential religious philosophy thinker and founder of poetic symbolism.
  • Find other clear-headed thinkers like yourself and pay attention exclusively to their work.
  • Such researchers often come up with very different conclusions from those of the new prevention thinkers.
  • As an important cultural icon of Silver Age in Russia, D. Merezhkovsky is an influential religious philosophy thinker and founder of poetic symbolism.
  • (e.g., the Garden of Eden and the concept of original sin), including those offered by thinkers such as Ficino and Pico della Mirandola, [18] away from what he considers to be the original intentionality of the text. Judah Abrabanel
  • It's a game for thinkers and there's a lot of strategy involved.
  • This essay is indebted to the postmodern thinkers who have developed these theories.
  • Bearded and dignified, Aitken was an original thinker who remained outside the mainstream of scientific activity.
  • Many scholastic and Cartesian thinkers had assumed substances to be the ultimate constituents of reality, and, as such, self-dependent.
  • Outside (certain parts of) science, vanishingly few deep thinkers win a Nobel Prize.
  • Logical thinkers feel that real estate will continue to be a long-term outperformer. News
  • That will be enough to be a good economist, no matter how little, providing you are a good thinker and clear writer.
  • ‘I am not a philosopher or a thinker, I am just a novelist,’ says the fair-haired, soft-spoken author, firm despite his hesitant English.
  • Other blue sky thinkers in Palo Alto have similarly lofty ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Krishnamurti: We separate it because the rememberer, the experiencer, the thinker, becomes permanent by separation.
  • We are rather hoping that "Mental multivitamin" is that space-time for our fellow readers, thinkers, and autodidacts. Are we alone in the universe?
  • We were landed with legislators and tribunes who were ineffectual and unaccomplished, with no track record as strategic thinkers or ability to communicate. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The Confucius is the thinker, educator, founder of the Confucianism.
  • It also warns the reader to beware of the counsel of small-thinkers, defeatists, bureaucrats, and other bad sorts that the authors feel are standing in the way of an easy victory.
  • Vincent Van Gogh took up painting in that year, and Monet painted Sunset on the Seine in Winter, and the sculptor Rodin turned out The Thinker, and Renoir began his riverscape masterpiece, Luncheon of the Boating Party. Mark Twain
  • And others of them have said that he was an industrious plodder rather than an original thinker. Chapter 37
  • Beginning with physiography (Green's name for natural history as the study of natura naturata), this scale proceeds to "physiology" or the study of the powers behind nature, the natura naturans that is the subject of German Naturphilosophie in the work of the early Schelling, Lorenz Oken and British thinkers such as John Hunter and John Abernethy. 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • This study had been commenced in his own time by de Brosses, the inventor of the term fetishism, and pronounced by competent modern authorities to have been a powerful and original thinker upon the facts of the infancy of civilization. Voltaire
  • And here comes a certified Great Thinker to tell you that what really counts is not dispassionateness but, on the contrary, passion.
  • What made this man, this walking, talking mass of paradox and seeming contradiction, almost the perfect avatar for his age and a thinker whose ideas remain pertinent today?
  • Analytic" is of course a nice term to be used whenever it's necessary to distinguish between mere emotional and instinctual artists and real thinkers -- the intellectually rigorous (and properly credentialed) "scholars" who can cut through all the artsy-fartsy rigamarole favored by the "creative" types and let us know what all cultural activites are finally really about. Literary Study
  • Immanuel Kant was almost the only profound speculative thinker who was decidedly convivial, and given to gulosity, at least at his dinner. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • But it does not follow that Aristotle was not at bottom a systematic thinker; and the theory of science expounded in the Posterior Analytics cannot be dismissed as an irrelevant archaism, a genuflection to Plato's ghost.
  • I read actual books see ... and if I weren't an independant thinker, I'd likely still be a motherfriekin 'mormon (may their "temples" burn, may they loose their tax status and be dunned for many decades of back taxes ... that would pay off the deficit!) Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • South Australia's office of Thinker in Residence is occupied by neuroscientist Susan Greenfield, an English baroness and professor.
  • People followed these advanced thinkers with unseemly haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • An original thinker always alertly attuned to contemporary culture, he was admired for his intellectual style and the felicity with which he expressed his ideas in his many books and articles.
  • Anti-urban thinkers feared the anonymity of the city setting would lead to a lack of discipline and therefore dalliances with immoral behavior.
  • Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Book-fanciers now and then bid a few shillings, for a copy of the catalogue of his library; and some sly free-thinkers, of modern date, are not backward in shewing a sympathy in their predecessor's fame, by the readiness with which they bid a half-guinea, or more, for a _priced copy_ of it. Bibliomania; or Book-Madness A Bibliographical Romance
  • She is an ingenious poet, a brilliant performer, a funny person, and serious thinker.
  • Many serious thinkers reject relativism because of this implication.
  • And nearly all thinkers agree that being and substance are composed of contraries; at least all name contraries as their first principles-some name odd and even, some hot and cold, some limit and the unlimited, some love and strife. Metaphysics
  • A revolutionary thinker, Hamilton gave biologists the tools for understanding sociality in all organisms.
  • West Indies cricket has become out of place in a world where even the original old thinkers have abandoned the habits of the plantocracy that we still embrace.
  • In short, in England and in America, the freedoms we have won were won often by alliance between freethinkers and religious progressives.
  • Fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists, and plain folk live alongside freethinkers, environmentalists, artists, and scientists.
  • He is determined, energetic, enthusiastic and an alert and original thinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism.
  • The final constituent of Patrizi's physics is humidity (fluor), which is passive and material and somewhat akin to the elements associated with pre-Socratic thinkers such as Empedocles. Francesco Patrizi
  • Philosophers and thinkers have always been wondering and arguing about the nature of man.
  • E. B. Du Bois was a distinguished thinker and activist in African-American history.
  • When we find, indeed, a system such as Jesuitism blasted by the ridicule of Pascal, we conclude that it was not true, -- but why? not merely because ridicule assailed it, for ridicule has assailed ten thousand systems which never even shook in the storm, but because, in the view of all candid and liberal thinkers, the ridicule _prevailed_. Poetical Works of Akenside
  • Ethan Allen was a freethinker, as atheists were known as back then.
  • He was considered an original thinker, linking the old twelfth-century theological ideas with the new interests of the thirteenth.
  • The creative thinker must think in the terms of the logic, the thought patterns, the expressible concepts of his culture. David Loy - Rethinking Karma
  • I'd like to be a thinker & poster of original philosophy, but try as I might I'm so much more comfortable as a collator & indexer! Archive 2005-03-01
  • Here's a partial digest of the professor's torment I snipped from the American Thinker for my original post: Gates of Vienna
  • But in this column I'd like to look at some websites concerned with ethics as a subject of interest to rationalists and freethinkers, rather than as an ‘issue’ for Internet users.
  • He was, he insisted, an unsystematic thinker, hoping to observe his day and age accurately rather than build a beautiful abstract system.
  • In the mind of a scientific thinker like Sacks it can trigger new insights and, perhaps, effort to see how much more can be achieved for noticing more using seemingly intact sensoria by means of willful compensation and training. — david dell The World Science Festival: Oliver Sacks at the MET - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • And yet beneath the mellow exterior lies a fiercely independent, and at times disputatious, thinker.
  • Many creative thinkers are now not in universities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Muhammad Ali is the fisticuffer of choice for all manner of deep thinkers. The Great Black Hope
  • Indeed, no less a thinker than Pythagoras , he of hypotenuse fame , logged some impressive early results.
  • People interested in world events tend to be opinionated independent thinkers.
  • Thinkers are unconstrained by base political considerations.
  • I was at first a bit put off by this puppeteering of some of the great thinkers of the 20th century, until I realized that if it had been a film-even a "docudrama" - it would have bothered me less. American Scientist Online
  • He became a deeply spiritual person who was also a profound thinker and a talented writer.
  • This might not be one in the end -- but it was clearly a toss-up; and to consecrate a toss-up in this fashion with manufactured unction before a crowd of fashionable free-thinkers -- for who thought otherwise than freely, or not at all, when they were "dolled" up -- seemed to her as near a sin as one could find in an age which had abolished them. The Forsyte Saga - Complete
  • He has carved a niche for himself as an exciting political thinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, he became an outstanding collector and mineral diagnostician, a master of the art of preparing specimens, and a genuine mineralogical thinker.
  • But most religious thinkers accommodated themselves fairly rapidly to the basic concept of evolution.
  • The classical anarchist thinkers, envisaging the future organisation of society, thought in terms of two kinds of social institution: as the territorial unit, the commune, a French word which you might consider as the equivalent of the word 'parish' or the Russian word 'soviet' in its original meaning, but which also has overtones of the ancient village institutions for cultivating the land in common; and the syndicate, another French word from trade union terminology, the syndicate or workers 'council as the unit of industrial organisation. Slackbastard
  • The agnostic who doubts the existence of God, and the free thinker who feels that the existence of God is unnecessary and not justified, constitute a majority of non- believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • It sums up the lifework of one of the most serious, original, and balanced literary thinkers in North America.
  • The other, to be delivered if there is a jail sentence, will be more triumphant and announce his rebirth as a political thinker. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thinker enters the mind of the other as an observer not as an actor.
  • Canada, his native land, the UK where he trained and taught, and the United States all owe much to this sophisticated thinker.
  • This made him a formidable thinker but his knowledge and expertise did not just come from midnight oil.
  • Huxley founded a remarkable dynasty of English scientists and thinkers.
  • No other two great thinkers (not me and my mucker, the other two) have supplied the world with such an open invitation to knowing so dangerously little.
  • He was one of the great photographic thinkers, whose mind reached ahead from still photography towards the inevitable invention of the cinema, which he anticipated by constructing a gadget called a zoopraxiscope that could animate sequences of images to display mules kicking or nymphs dancing. Eadweard Muybridge: pioneer photographer
  • If jockeying a joystick isn't for you, we've included three of our favorite new books - one for the fan, one for the thinker and one for the kids.
  • Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths. Criss Jami 

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