How To Use Think twice In A Sentence

  • But proposed regulations may force people to take stock of their daily energy consumption and could make us think twice about our festive decor. Times, Sunday Times
  • A local Burmese solidarity group wants you to think twice about the country of origin of your favourite soporific.
  • A previous divorce can make you think twice about getting married again.
  • You are advised to think twice about trying to fan the embers of a dying love affair.
  • Think twice before banging crank.
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  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • The Forestry Commission is urging Yorkshire landowners to think twice before felling trees to ensure their actions do not fall foul of the law.
  • He told me to think twice before speaking.
  • As if that wasn't enough Clyburn again stepped out in the media a month or so later right here on CNN, warning about his fellow representatives were grumbling to him they were worried and warned the voters in the upcoming state to think twice before they went to the polls yet Clyburn would not say what they were saying or who was stating their concerns. Public option may be dropped from final health care bill
  • They might think twice before spreading their own particular brand of mayhem and destruction. The Sun
  • The ads could cause those who have supported Chen for his reformist ideals to think twice before voting for him, Tseng said.
  • The snap will hopefully make other people think twice before doing the same thing. The Sun
  • They are born actors, able to furrow their brows in concentration and not think twice about how the neighbors might view this seeming eccentricity.
  • Jonah is a talent but should really think twice about losing some weight or he is going to be another John Candy or John Belushi. blog comments powered by Disqus Jonah Hill and Director David Gordon Green to Pair Up for THE SITTER –
  • The couple's only comfort in their grief is that other teenagers may now think twice before getting into a stolen car.
  • If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.
  • If somebody's new shirt was a size too small, or their bright red lipstick was smudged, I wouldn't think twice about making them aware of it.
  • If the price of gold marches higher, this agreement will presumably be ripped up, although a dollar crisis might make central banks think twice about switching into paper money.
  • She's got a filthy mouth and doesn't think twice about thumping me hard. The Sun
  • She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.
  • It is in fact one of those animal cries that is both scary and scared in equal parts, a shriek that would make an intruder really think twice about going any further into a burrow.
  • Think twice before doing anything rash.
  • These people will think twice about rape, murder and other serious crimes if death is an alternative.
  • This means that sports fans better think twice before calling their bookies when they hear: "Patriot head coach Bill Belichick has thrown acid into the face of star quarterback Tom Brady, apparently out of jealousy that Brady was handsome and loved, while he himself was a hideous monster. NPR Topics: News
  • At the very least, it will make television executives think twice before rebooting The Addams Family.
  • I am just going to take a month off to give him time to cool off a little and think twice about his insane plan.
  • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
  • Performing a live version of ‘Don't Think Twice, It's Alright,’ Elliott tells a story about the first time he sang it at a hootenanny in New York, with Dylan in the audience.
  • That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq.
  • This means that sports fans better think twice before calling their bookies when they hear: Patriot head coach Bill Belichick has thrown acid into the face of star quarterback Tom NPR Topics: News
  • Although it's all hip and happening and located in the East Village, it's not a nobby joint and no one will think twice if you turn up in your sweats after a workout at the gym.
  • If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.
  • Ten thousand onlookers are expected at the musical beachfront finale today, so think twice about taking your towel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will she now think twice before joining the picket line again? The Sun
  • Think twice before you decide.
  • A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.
  • A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.
  • If you think you're smart,think twice to be smarter. Toba Beta 
  • We would think a family who used disposable plates and bowls for every meal was wasteful, but we don't think twice about diapering our babies in the same fashion.
  • The hope is that this drama will prompt viewers to think twice about the way we view our elders and betters.
  • All of which means you should think twice if you're about to dabble in body art. The Sun
  • That might make some of these heartless, compassionless people vying for political office think twice about using that office for anything other than the public good.
  • So if anyone out there is thinking of throwing a kegger, I urge you to remember this event and think twice about where you go.
  • Add a crusty engineer and his manic assistant, and you have the makings of a team any law-abiding citizen should think twice before calling in to stop trouble.
  • If the agent cuts this type of deal tightly enough, the promoter is forced to think twice about spending money.
  • In today's society we go to the market to pick up steaks, pork chops, bacon, and other meat products, and we normally don't think twice about it.
  • Anyone who does not think twice about a candidate who inspires such hatred and animosity is working on auto pilot instead of logical thought processes. McCain team reaches out to disappointed Clinton backers
  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • After it has reached a certain point people don't think twice about chucking it away.
  • They would soon think twice about nicking a blue badge space. The Sun
  • If my friends told me something was hideous, then I would definitely think twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taramasalata will make anyone think twice about eating the usual grot.
  • She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.
  • If one can't even leave boxes on a curbside because it's an open invitation to thieves, then one might think twice about buying that new TV.
  • There is a new breed of users out there, computer-literate consumers who don't think twice about altering the look, feel and functionality of a product.
  • But proposed regulations may force people to take stock of their daily energy consumption and could make us think twice about our festive decor. Times, Sunday Times
  • We did see a sketchy guy in the corner riffling through used MetroCards, which made me think twice about whipping out a $300 smartphone.
  • I'm sure Barry meant well but I'd think twice before commissioning him to write your epitaph.
  • This is a sport where few players will think twice about conning a referee to get an opponent booked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will constituent pressure make some Senators think twice before voting against it?
  • Though Anthony had a scruffy look, with his unshaved face, he also had a twinkle in his eyes that made almost everyone who knew him think twice on pulling a prank on him.
  • Christopher Zinn said the "clickwrap" contract used by babynamemeans. com was common on the internet, and users should think twice before giving sites their personal information. The Age News Headlines
  • For them, we're really 'the' competitor to beat and they don't think twice about aggressing us.
  • Workers will have to think twice before telling insensitive jokes or expressing intolerant views which may give offence.
  • It's hoped the public awareness campaign will encourage youngsters to think twice about who they're chatting to online.
  • Think twice before you do it.
  • Think twice about your ticker if you regularly pop painkillers such as ibuprofen (Advil and generic) or celecoxib (Celebrex). Study confirms that common painkillers pose dangers to the heart
  • The resulting humiliation is designed to make you think twice before making a midnight fridge raid. The Sun
  • To that end it should think twice in future before attacking the media for doing its job. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before I could think twice, his familiar black leather belt was welting me across my body.
  • If one goes by the findings of behavioural studies, one would think twice before assigning baby-sitting functions for the telly or hold back from going ga ga over the toddler who lisps ad-lib.
  • It's a look most women over 35 would think twice about and then discard.
  • Think twice before you decide.
  • Give me time to think twice before I give you an answer.
  • If you've fancied having a crack at catching a real shark, then go for the blues and don't think twice about it.
  • It could, however, make you think twice about vacationing in Europe.
  • Her last comment about the future of the "sexpert" made me think twice. Susie Bright: 2006 Sex Predictions I Wish Wouldn't Come True
  • We worry unnecessarily, when normal people wouldn't think twice.
  • Workers will have to think twice before telling insensitive jokes or expressing intolerant views which may give offence.
  • I hope people reading the book might think twice about the circumstances of the man who pumps their gas or the cashier who rings up their groceries.
  • She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.
  • They might think twice before spreading their own particular brand of mayhem and destruction. The Sun
  • This is one good reason why nations should think twice before they try to justify their foreign adventurism as acts of ‘liberation.’
  • If he had, he might think twice about clamping down on the economy by repeatedly raising interest rates.
  • You wouldn't think twice about hiring an accountant to handle the books.
  • If you have young children think twice before planting poisonous trees.
  • Kevin is a great guy but I'll think twice about inviting him to one of my parties.
  • Ours took us on unplowed roads and fields where we'd think twice before taking a stock heavy-duty pickup.
  • All of which means you should think twice if you're about to dabble in body art. The Sun
  • Better yet, ask your trainer to up the walking lunges and Turkish get-ups so you'll think twice next time before you order that peppermint schnapps infused double hot chocolate. JJ Virgin: Pick a New Resolution: 12 Strategies to Survive the Holidays Without New Year's Regrets
  • All of which means you should think twice if you're about to dabble in body art. The Sun
  • It hopes the signs will make motorists think twice about speeding and driving recklessly.
  • If you think you're smart,think twice to be smarter. Toba Beta 
  • A previous divorce can make you think twice about getting married again.
  • Prepare yourself to feel alienated, and think twice before bringing a date.
  • Merlin didn't think twice about her ability to pilot the ship and turned his attention to a navigational scanner.
  • The crazy culture sweeping this country is driving up insurance costs and making vital services think twice before helping us.
  • For instance, the opening track "Timeless" where Illa J sings on it as opposed to rhyming reminded me of Dilla on "Think Twice". Archive 2008-10-01
  • Year six pupils at Arnside National School have designed warning posters to encourage dog owners to think twice about letting their dogs foul the village streets.
  • It was possible and I didn't think twice about it, continuing on in an uninterrupted flow.
  • The rising unemployment rate has apparently caused the government to think twice about more active trade ties with China.
  • A visible alarm makes burglars think twice.
  • Though some of the buildings looked undamaged, he said residents might think twice before returning.
  • In the field "in country" or back home anyone back then, no matter who, .. would think twice about oicking a fightAs even after discharge many guys at least for a time caried,. .kives, .. or something deadly quicky accessable. Putting the Wolf on Trial
  • If there is exemplary punishment of the corporation and its officials, then other corporations will think twice before imposing risks on the life and health of ordinary people.
  • You might think twice about throwing in all of your trade show trinkets, postcards, coupons and matchbooks.
  • If my friends told me something was hideous, then I would definitely think twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'd better shut her mouth and from now on think twice before saying stupid things.
  • Other nations might think twice when facing the force of overwhelming strength.
  • And that is the merits of allowing to do so. i urge those who stand diversely think twice and then they will have a brandnew view.
  • But if a team is penalized on the ensuing kickoff, maybe the players involved will think twice about hip-hopping in the end zone as if auditioning for a rock show.
  • If your health care provider hasn't told you the merits of pure unoxidized cholesterol from the above sources, you better think twice. Anatomy of a statin ad | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • I'd think twice before taking out such a large loan.
  • Today, whether we're at work or home, we don't think twice about plugging our appliances into electrical outlets to instantly receive the power we need.
  • Innes had the musical chops to create complex "Beatlesque" melodies and arrangements and a witty touch with lyrics that match the originals for empty profundity and wordplay: "You'd better think twice / At least once more. Film |
  • Surely one ought to think twice before allowing those same draggers that decimated the cod and its habitat to once again wreak their havoc on the ocean floor and all the species they come in contact with.
  • The snap will hopefully make other people think twice before doing the same thing. The Sun
  • Massa said the ruling will make hospitals think twice before breaking the law.
  • They might think twice before spreading their own particular brand of mayhem and destruction. The Sun
  • Wedding party planners should think twice before releasing Chinese lanterns, fire chiefs say. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hope is that this drama will prompt viewers to think twice about the way we view our elders and betters.
  • I'd think twice before I started a fight with him - he'd wipe the floor with me!
  • He said well son (I was two years younger but every one was son to him) he looks a little bettern me,. .he took a pull on his ber and said "but damn sure he gonna think twice about winnin anther fight with me". Some Incidental Information
  • People would think twice about cheating if the penalty were imprisonment or a hefty fine.
  • These are just a few morsels of ‘food for thought’ from a very interesting article that would make you think twice before you buy once.
  • Like me, you probably don't think twice about switching on a light, drawing a hot bath, turning up the heat or calling a friend on the phone.
  • A previous divorce can make you think twice about getting married again.
  • If he can cast my big sister out, he wouldn't think twice about casting me out.
  • True, in the city nobody would think twice about Elanor, but Jinx knew that sooner or later some drunken bravo or arrogant mage would insult him, or he'd get mobbed by a pack of thieves, or ordered to leave by the city government.
  • Think twice, PVC is not something to brag about akay Says: SUSTAINABLE STYLE: Plastic Fantastic ‘Melissa Shoes’ | Inhabitat
  • They would soon think twice about nicking a blue badge space. The Sun
  • No one seemed to think twice about driving so far for a gig, and the car park was awash with tailgate parties.
  • But the repeated failure of these short-term interventionist policies to deliver the promised economic benefits should make politicians think twice. Stimulus Has Been a Washington Job Killer
  • The doc will make any pregnant woman think twice before indulging in the odd tipple. The Sun
  • Consider This: Playground teasing alert—think twice about naming your daughter something that sounds so similar to the word odor. 5-Star Baby Name Advisor
  • You are advised to think twice about trying to fan the embers of a dying love affair.
  • It will certainly make us think twice about hiring more people. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's got a filthy mouth and doesn't think twice about thumping me hard. The Sun
  • To that end it should think twice in future before attacking the media for doing its job. Times, Sunday Times
  • They might think twice before spreading their own particular brand of mayhem and destruction. The Sun
  • Despite their 5 per cent fat content, they still contain more calories than jacket potatoes and other non-fried foods, however, so think twice before piling them onto your plate.
  • Those who struggle to get a ball airborne or keep it in play should probably think twice.
  • We also need to think twice before going to a surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our captain was a strict disciplinarian who wouldn't think twice about not letting us wear sneakers or breaking up a poker game if he was in ill humor.
  • The doc will make any pregnant woman think twice before indulging in the odd tipple. The Sun
  • One of the factors that makes process engineers think twice before choosing homogeneous catalysis, however, is the problem of separation.
  • But think twice before taking a selfie. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doc will make any pregnant woman think twice before indulging in the odd tipple. The Sun
  • Parents may want to think twice if their teenager is telling them way-out stories, having wilder than usual mood swings and seeing things that aren't there.
  • Knowing about the civil consequences can also make people think twice about drinking beer, wine or liquor, or taking any other kind of impairing substance, and getting behind the wheel. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • The fire service advises keeping candles away from decorations and other combustibles and warn alcohol can increase the chance of making a mistake, so think twice before doing anything that can cause a fire.
  • Suttie intercuts this bittersweet tale with scenes from her own romantic history, sagely advising the audience to think twice before making a five-foot tall papier-mache penguin for your loved one. Edinburgh fringe comedy roundup
  • My only qualm is that you have a punctuation error in the first sentence – an error guaranteed to make an editor think twice about reading on. A GIFT • by Bosley Gravel
  • Think twice before you have a child
  • They would soon think twice about nicking a blue badge space. The Sun
  • That would make them think twice about parking illegally. The Sun
  • If you're still fuzzy about the company's prospects, or the numbers, think twice about making an investment.
  • “With this simple message want to inspire people to think twice about binning their empty bottles and cans … an empty drinks can that you recycle today could be back on the shelf as a brand new one in just six weeks.” 6 posts from June 2009
  • If colleagues are your Facebook friends or read your Twitter feed, think twice about any lovey-dovey posts. Office Dating Decoded
  • Hopefully this will make youngsters think twice about going on mopeds without helmets.
  • Will she now think twice before joining the picket line again? The Sun
  • Ours took us on unplowed roads and fields where we'd think twice before taking a stock heavy-duty pickup.
  • This queasy climate is making men think twice about things they used to do unselfconsciously. Eek! A Male!
  • No wonder the manager will think twice the next time his players ask to go out when overseas. Times, Sunday Times
  • A previous divorce can make you think twice about getting married again.
  • He'll have a laugh with you but if you mess with him he won't think twice about letting the menace come out from behind his manic grin.
  • Craig says he believes this would make a would-be car thief think twice before trying to steal a protected car.

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