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How To Use Think back In A Sentence

  • I think back to my very first appointment with the diabetologist, decades ago, when I asked if my wife could give me insulin injections. After the Diagnosis
  • Most of the older people can only think back and sigh about memories of the past, their youth.
  • In 9 Star Hotel, the filmmakers follow Ahmed and Muhammad, one a merry collector of found objects, the other a philosophical criticaster of the Palestinian character ("We think backward.
  • Think back to your highschool days and recall the most nerdy, goofy, awkward kid that you and your jock friends bullied around and tormented each and every year.
  • As the bus heads on into the pine-clad foothills of Sierra Madre mountains, I think back to how my quest began.
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  • It was the kind of thing that made one think back to a time of elegant ladies and poised gentlemen.
  • A few hugs and tears are shed as we think back to when Lindsay was too ill to even get out of bed, and could not breathe on her own.
  • It might help you to understand Elaine if you think back to when you were her age.
  • I think back and I feel I was a very quiet, insular child and what dance offered me was an opportunity to just be in this most wonderful space.
  • Malaysia if you think back to the days of Viet Nam where we recall Southeast Asia with Viet Nam on the corner and dripping down from Southeast Asia is long (?) More Like Us: Making America Great Again
  • Now if you think back to your high school or college American history classes, you may remember the caning of Charles Sumner, one of most infamous moments in the lead-up to the Civil War.
  • That makes you think back to the days of the star outfields in the National League, when you had Mays, Aaron, Clemente and Frank Robinson.
  • As I think back on the few dozen subtitled films I watched over the past three weeks, I wonder, ‘What the hell else did I miss?’
  • In one corner of the convention center, a chemist, a flavorist and two food-marketing specialists clustered around a large chart of the Periodic Table of Elements (think back to high school science class). Signs of the Times
  • And to think back to his comments about Michael Irvin's "what they call a roach" moment and the ribbing Greggo gave him is now laughable. Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • Think back to 1997, when the Brit shoe-gazing movement had reached the pinnacle of its US success.
  • Think back over the past six months and it becomes ineluctable: never in the history of modern warfare has so much been found so opportunely.
  • Recently me and my friend had an argument about something stupid while I think back, we fell out and both/ignored each other, this was all fine until I remembered that I had just sent him 500g and some adamantite ore (80, to be exact) I sent him the 500g because he needed it for repairs that night (He was doing ICC 10 and was broke).
  • As we think back to days gone by, we tend to focus on certain sounds, smells or tastes.
  • That poem makes me think back to my childhood.
  • Think back a moment, if you will, to the last seriously terrifying nightmare you had.
  • Let's think back to the dawn of time.
  • Think back to the sacrifices he was willing to make to keep Sookie and the town of Bon Temps safe from the maenad, Maryanne. The Many Loves Of Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood, Season 3) | myFiveBest
  • When you think back over a thirty-five-year period, it's really hard to remember accurately.
  • The bleak landscape made Zen think back to his dream, to his own father's fate.
  • The way she answered made Diggs think back to his high school sweetheart, and the matted clump her hair would become when she'd wear his bike helmet, and he could feel her heart through her T-shirt, blinding down the road, skid marks on the road.
  • Think back to the performance in Castres, or lack of it, think of all those lowlights.
  • When I think back on all that happened there, my memories seem vague and fogged. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Think back to your childhood.
  • That poem makes me think back to my childhood.
  • When I think back about the things that truly made me angry there were few.
  • And when you think back to your aunts and your great-aunts and the story of your family, can you remember stories of men who had intellectual disability?
  • He tried to think backthe ship, overrun with demons; Isabelle falling and Jace catching her; blood, everywhere underfoot, the demon attacking Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • You seem a very cheerful, positive person, but does it still upset you when you think back?
  • Think back to something you did on your own recently - perhaps an invigorating run or a peaceful moment of solitary reflection.
  • Ah, but think back and you'll recall they attended on sufferance, danced twice, then left. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • Just think back to before you met this David and the other foreigners who beguiled you into shipping your nation's jobs overseas.
  • I now think back on it and recognize it as one of the most admirable and self-sacrificing acts anyone has ever done for me. Seeing Red: To Write Is to Edit
  • As technology hurtles forward, we must think back to that legacy.
  • I think back to the mountains of meat we used to consume in one long weekend with guests.
  • I began to think back to my childhood.
  • When Harald Euler and Barbara Weitzel asked adults to think back about their childhood and report how they were treated by their grandparents, they found that most people remembered kinder, more protective treatment from their maternal grandmothers than from their other grandparents. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • You think back on ordering coffee in a cafe: What made your waiter beamingly, irrationally glad when you slid your chair in slightly to let him pass? Peter Mandel: Egypt a Mystery for Travelers, Even Before Its Unrest
  • For, when you think back to the creation of mobile phones, what started as a useful way of communicating quickly turned into sexting.
  • I think back to the pastors and mentors who have made the most impact in my life and I would describe them as spiritual people.
  • It might help you to understand Elaine if you think back to when you were her age.
  • So if we think on that time scale, if we think as far ahead as geologists are accustomed to think backwards into the past, then it's not crazy.
  • In 9 Star Hotel, the filmmakers follow Ahmed and Muhammad, one a merry collector of found objects, the other a philosophical criticaster of the Palestinian character ("We think backward.
  • Think Back to English Class - This may seem like a very obvious thing to do, but making sure your grammar and spelling errors are corrected is imperative to having your resume looked upon. Five Tips to Keep Your Resume Away From the Trash | myFiveBest
  • That girl, now that I think back, showed me that not all girls were like those ones who had made my life hell at such an impressionable age.
  • Peter started to think back and soon he began to realize his spike in sales were due to his new approach at buying pre-owned vehicles. Peter Records A Video For You On What To Look For When Buying A Pre-Owned Car | South Bay BMW – LA Bimmer Insider
  • Think back to your own childhood and recall how it felt when you said to your parents you were upset because no one wanted to play with you at breaktime. Be a better parent – and improve your child's mental health
  • “Whenever I think back to what my friend said to me, that night outside the theater, it somehow makes me ashamed,” an unsmiling Obama tells Auma, while cutting “green peppers.” Deconstructing Obama
  • The term apprentice makes me think back to early art days when a "master" would have a whole school of apprentices behind him, often doing his work. Master and Apprentice - SLOG
  • That tone makes me think back to my childhood.
  • One must be able to think back the way to unknown places … and to partings long foreseen, to days of childhood … and to parents … to days on the sea … to nights of travel … and one must have memories of many nights of love, no two alike … and the screams of women in childbed … one must have sat by the dying, one must have sat by the dead in a room with open windows …. Rainer maria rilke | the notebooks of malte laurids brigge « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Think back on all of his forefathers, and tell me his family is worthy of salvation.

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