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thin out

  1. make sparse
    thin out the young plants
  2. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
    cut bourbon
  3. become sparser
    Towards the end of town, the houses thinned out

How To Use thin out In A Sentence

  • Out in the ruined west of the city, where most of the film was shot, the traffic jams that clog the centre thin out.
  • The road winds uphill through eucalyptus and pine trees which thin out towards the top. Collins Traveller - The Algarve
  • Timber lobbyists and foresters say thin out some national forests as a means of fireproofing them and preventing more superfires; that means cutting trees - lots of them.
  • Staying on the south-west side of the gully, the wreckage begins to thin out near a pair of bollards at a depth of 18m.
  • As their numbers thin out, they turn on each other, in an attempt to figure out who is the killer.
  • Thin out the seedlings to about 10cm apart.
  • The Government/Military wiretapping effort which now appears to be headed into a coverup is part of a major effort by criminal elements within out Government to spy on us. Think Progress » Specter Caves, Proposes Blanket Amnesty For Illegal Government Surveillance
  • A section through the latter showed, going from within outwards, the cut edges of two perfect polliniferous lobes in the centre; and on either side the petaloid wing representing the remaining anther-lobe; outside these were the edges of the remaining wings, one on each side. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In time, seismograph recordings enabled geologists to determine that Earth has a dense core surrounded by a slowly flowing mantle and a thin outer crust.
  • After changing at Jamaica we still found a crowded train, but it did thin out as we got further out of the city.
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