- shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit
- white-flowered raspberry of western North America and northern Mexico with thimble-shaped orange berries
- raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit
How To Use thimbleberry In A Sentence
- To add to his challenges, Likes must deal with a high volume of brush such as thimbleberry, twinberry, elderberry, and fireweed.
- Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
- I've been studying them, wondering at the diet of the bear, how he can sustain himself on grasses and what appear to be shoots of thimbleberry and primeval horsetails.
- Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
- Red coralroot orchids, pale irises, white-flowered thimbleberry, and tanoak look up to madrones that would be the giants of any other forest.
- Common in the understory are chokecherry, beaked hazelnut, a wild rose, red baneberry, thimbleberry, and bracken.
- Most brambles grow in full sun; the fragrant thimbleberry grows at the edges of moist, shady woodlands.
- Cloudberry and thimbleberry are harvested from bogs in Quebec for juice and liqueur production.