How To Use Thickset In A Sentence
One afternoon a short, thickset visitor, bearded and dressed à la mode, presented himself backstage.
He was positioned behind three other men and a thickset woman.
The findings, based on ancient human bones from a cave in Romania, add to the long-running debate as to why Neandertals, a heavy-browed, thickset species of human, eventually became extinct.
A thickset blond man in the last booth held up his hand and Ron walked over to him.
He sat up, revealing broad, stocky shoulders and thickset arms to go along with him.

a thickset young man
thickset trees
By 1785 types of cotton fabric generally available included corduroys, jeans, nankeens, erminetts, thicksets, corded tabby and jeanette.
But the bus stopped a few meters away from her anyway, the back door opened and a thickset man stepped onto the street, moving slowly, heavily.
Red Wolf
Karl stood up almost immediately to shake the hand of a thickset man.
He has the same thickset build as his father.
As he strode across the lobby, I saw an elderly man, thickset and tough, who resembled an oil tycoon.
He speaks emphatically, does Robert Bruck, his bald head bobbing atop a thickset frame.
The simplified heads and thickset, burgeoning bodies of the women reflect his enthusiasm for ancient Iberian sculptures, seen in Spain.
Portrait of a Restless Artist as a Young Man
He speaks emphatically, does Robert Bruck, his bald head bobbing atop a thickset frame.
A thickset but tall serious-looking man with very dark skin and sleek black hair entered, his impressive green robe billowing around him.
Yes, I was accosted, again, in my driveway with two very thickset people, attempted to get into the car at night.
I just retain the impression of a short, thickset, dark-haired individual dressed in hairy tweed and sitting in silence in an armchair.
The peasant in charge of laundry duty, a thickset, intimidating woman of considerable age, looked Kelly up and down with a beady, critical eye.
A thickset woman with very short, dark hair, she was silent and barely flinched as people passing her hissed insults into her ear.
It was getting dark, but the sunset was as slow and gradual as dawn had been, and she watched Karina Björnlund stand and freeze at the bus stop, a thickset, dark woman in a fur and no hat.
Red Wolf
A thickset young man appeared in the doorway.
It was a fine jacket, custom-made, showing off Julian's thickset manliness and his self-identification as a relict of the swinging `sixties.
I always was thickset, "elfin" was never a possibility.
A Disturbing Image
He is described as thickset, in his mid 50s with a full face.
In one corner, I noticed that a group of thickset males were eyeing their orders.
The first was the presence of a thickset, blue-uniformed administrator behind a large, blackwood desk.
It is thickset, with a large mouth, thick white lips and a large blunt head, hence the nickname Loggerhead.
He pointed out a kind of thickset tower which crowned a pretty village set in orchards.
Oriental Encounters Palestine and Syria, 1894-6
He was no longer the slender boy who had enlisted nine years earlier but a thickset man, with shaggy hair and an untamed beard.
For Wounded Vet, Love Pierces the Fog of War
He could as well be telephoning his thickset, mafioso friend.
Before we could walk to the door, a thickset man opened it.
The commander was a thickset man with hooded eyelids and a greasy charm.
He watched her go, heavy and thickset, plodding toward the number 3 with her bulging carrier bags.
Red Wolf
Luxury hotels london saw unmedical leibnizian cistern in a treed unfitting sky with sanguification thickset super crystallite menyanthes and agamogenetic.
Rational Review
The guest was a thickset, strong-looking middle-aged man with grey hair and moustache.
Bwowff!" soothes her thickset confidante, jowls swinging approvingly at her choice of metaphor.
With The Big C, Nurse Jackie and Weeds, US TV has given us women who are more than just Mistresses
He could as well be telephoning his thickset, mafioso friend.
The thickset man, who was in his 50s, drove off with a trailer in tow, but was followed by Mr Long.
He was short and thickset, barely the required Service height, with wary eyes and a pleasant, nondescript face.
He sat up, revealing broad, stocky shoulders and thickset arms to go along with them.
Without the racist prop the reader would have been just like anyone else on the train, yet with it he suddenly appeared to be an archetypal thickset English thug.
Their vocalist, Ali Tabatabaee, went for a layup, and Printz, who is a thickset guy with dreds, came underneath and swatted his shot, hard.
Fallin’ Up
The widow's small thickset neighbours, gathered in the plain, seemly room, are doggedly attentive as the priest, comically, explains the afterlife to a ghost.
He's a thickset, ex-pat Brit who's spent nine no-risk years sunning himself by his swimming pool, tempting skin cancer.
Described as a thickset man of average height, Joe always wore a cap.
Archie ended up a thickset titch who walks with a low swagger.
The commander was a thickset man with hooded eyelids and a greasy charm.
Everywhere you look, there are thickset bully boys in tight-fitting suits, ready to dish out punishment.