How To Use Thicket In A Sentence
Here we find a good deal of open ground, with thickets of shrubby Artemisias and Gnaphaliums, like our southernwood and cudweed, but six or eight feet high; while Buttercups, Violets, Whortleberries,
The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 1
They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river.
Darkness and Dawn
The dense thicket of rules and exceptions will drive away, or drive mad, almost anyone else.
The birds love the dense thickets and scrub and clumps of bushes like blackthorn that grow in the older sites of the park.
Among the nearly 200 species found here are thicket tinamou, brown pelican, osprey, king vulture, and laughing gull.

We kept driving, past cedar thickets and a pasture studded with blooming prickly pear cactus.
He followed a little farther, and now his tail was heard to '_tap, tap, tap_' the brush as he went through a dry thicket.
Two Little Savages Being the adventures of two boys who lived as Indians and what they learned
exfoliated" surface sheets which here, too, gave it an inhuman, primeval look; in the higher sun the vast expanse looked, I suppose, more blindingly white; and nowhere did buildings or thickets seem to emerge.
Over Prairie Trails
The island is home to troops of long-tailed macaques that live on the mangosteens, rambutans, jambus, mata kucings, and other fruits thriving among the groves of palm and dense thickets of casuarina and barrington trees.
With a sigh Aislinn turned and slowly entered the thicket herself, knowing he must settle the problem himself within his own mind.
Where Lowell lived, this consisted of low-lying conifers, alders, and gorsy thicket.
There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
The brushier the cover is, the better: dense stands of softwoods, hardwood sapling thickets, tangled alder bottoms, even tall CRP fields.
Make a Trail to Bring Buck Whitetails to You
Rhododendron and laurel form dense thickets of glossy green.
However, at the elevations of the ericoid thicket there is a pronounced decrease in species richness for all of these groups.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
This was his middle range, a place of dense coverts, bullbrier thickets and sunny open spots among the ledges, where you might, with good-luck, find him on special days at any season.
Secret of the Woods
The second-best room in the Manor, situated upon the first floor, it overlooked the back of the garden, where there was a tangled thicket of laurustinus and rhododendron.
The Hill A Romance of Friendship
The Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve in the north and Andohahela National Park in the extreme southeast contain small areas of ericoid thicket above 1,950 m.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
The only thing they are good for is mature bucks like to hide in cedar thickets in winter time 'cause that is the thickest cover around then.
Kill Some Trees On Earth Day
The thicker scrub and thickets of elder, hawthorn and bramble, meanwhile, provide ideal cover for nesting robins, wrens, sparrows, dunnocks, blackbirds and thrushes.
The transition from montane sclerophyllous forest to ericoid thicket may occur at different elevations.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
It ran through thickets of aspen and balsam poplar and was signposted to Alder Creek and Mush Lake.
In the pioneer days of the great west, coffee and tea were hard to get; and, instead of them, teas were often made from garden herbs, spicewood, sassafras-roots, and other shrubs, taken from the thickets [89].
All About Coffee
He was told by villagers that approximately 10 minutes after the airman had landed, militiamen from the village found him hiding in a bamboo thicket and captured him.
Busch, Jon T.
Thickets of flamboya, casuarina and sweet coconut give way to the arid Palmyra palm.
I don't need to lead you through the thickets of distortion, deceit, and self-puffery here.
It was basically underbrush - small bushes, thickets, plants with long branches and thorns.
Thickets of mixed microphyllous and broad-leaved woodland subject to salt spray and wind occur on seaward-facing dune slopes (Eugenia, Brachylaena, Euclea, Diosporos and Mimusops species).
Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
They cleared the crest and emerged from the pool as if into another world, for now they were in the thicket of velvet-trunked young madronos and looking down the open, sun-washed hillside, across the nodding grasses, to the drifts of blue and white nemophilae that carpeted the tiny meadow on either side the tiny stream.
Chapter XXIV
The dogs cornered the bear in a thicket, and when it dashed for the water once more, the men fired and managed to kill it.
To lure them from the dense woody thickets scattered through the arid open savannas, he used the ultimate bait: the ‘plaintive bleat of a wounded baby buffalo.’
The birds love the dense thickets and scrub and clumps of bushes like blackthorn that grow in the older sites of the park.
A lion roars in the dense thicket into which the watercourse runs.
Cutting a path through the thickets of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and lunatic theorising that have grown up around the symbol of the Grail is no easy task.
At middle elevations, dense thickets of shrubs such as desert ceanothus, alderleaf mountain mahogany, and catclaw mimosa form chaparral communities.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
As a result Chelsea became increasingly reliant on the ability of Gianfranco Zola to thread long passes through thickets of players.
He would let it leap from the grass into the thicket to burn the understory shrubs.
They move through an opening in the thicket at the bridle path 's edge, and they are suddenly out on the lawn.
The surveyor looked in the dense thicket of rhododendron that screened the garden from the road.
Times, Sunday Times
At points the towpath is bordered by mature trees and thickets of elder and hawthorn, home to many different species of birds.
A winding road slopes downhill through a thicket of trees before looping once around a tiny manmade lake.
He spent the morning trying to work his way through a thicket of statistics.
Ilderim and I and the remaining three waited until nightfall, and then set off on foot to the thicket where we were to rendezvous; there were the first six horses and a sowar waiting, and round about midnight Shadman and his companions came clattering out of the dark to join us, crowing with laughter.
He was working in a thicket of briar, elder and dead wood from a fallen tree.
He picked up his heavy racked head and pranced out of the thicket.
New Weekly Contest: Best Hunting Story Wins a Leatherman
It led straight to the bullbrier thicket where the old beech partridge roosted.
Secret of the Woods
Under the old methods, if the logs had to be "snaked" out, the loggers took the shortest cut, and if that cut led through a dense thicket of young trees, the logs were dragged through them, so that millions of young trees were destroyed each year by this recklessness alone.
McClure's Magazine, Vol. XXXI, No. 3, July 1908.
Organ Pipe is quintessential Sonoran Desert terrain, a landscape of cactus and creosote bush interspersed with jagged mountains and laced with thickets of mesquite, ironwood, and palo verde trees.
The thicker scrub and thickets of elder, hawthorn and bramble, meanwhile, provide ideal cover for nesting robins, wrens, sparrows, dunnocks, blackbirds and thrushes.
As a teenager we lived in a house with a salmonberry thicket.
» Salmonberries
This way came Dr. John, in visage, in shape, in hue, as unlike the dark, acerb, and caustic little professor, as the fruit of the Hesperides might be unlike the sloe in the wild thicket; as the high-couraged but tractable
And as fires kindled dispersedly in a dry forest and rustling laurel-thickets, or foaming rivers where they leap swift and loud from high hills, and speed to sea each in his own path of havoc; as fiercely the two, Aeneas and Turnus, dash amid the battle; now, now wrath surges within them, and unconquerable hearts are torn; now in all their might they rush upon wounds.
The Aeneid of Virgil
The track was soft and mossy, and it led though ferns and brackens, thickets of brambles and groves of tall Himalayan cedar trees.
So much he told the seekers in few words; and then while they grovelled on the earth and wept for pure joy, whereas the sun was down and it was beginning to grow dusk, he went and looked around soberly to see if he might find water and any kind of victual; and presently a little down the hillside he came upon a place where a spring came gushing up out of the earth and ran down toward the plain; and about it was green grass growing plentifully, and a little thicket of bramble and wilding fruit-trees.
The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
The boat was tied up to a small wooden platform built along the riverbank; she could see the mast protruding above a thicket of shrubs.
They slept on board to avoid crocodiles and spent long days scrub-bashing through vines and thickets.
Even now I can smell the muskiness at the heart of the clustered grapes, the same darkness that inhabits the thicket in the park, hatches moth wings, hides muddles of draggled feathers as they disintegrate.
There are pockets of evergreen forest in fire-protected gorges and on deeper soils; in the east are valley thicket and succulent thicket, which are less fire-dependent, and in the drier north, low succulent Karoo shrubland which has an unparalleled diversity of species.
Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
The Blackfoot is fifty paces in breadth, and is bordered by dense thickets of willow - near the mouth there is a large solitary mound or hill, called the "Blackfoot Butte.
Life in the Rocky Mountains
The thicker scrub and thickets of elder, hawthorn and bramble, meanwhile, provide ideal cover for nesting robins, wrens, sparrows, dunnocks, blackbirds and thrushes.
Do you enjoy wading through dense thickets of symbolism?
Two hours later, from another thicket, Koolau watched a body of police trying to make the ascent from the opposite side of the valley.
Koolau the Leper
But now the deer turned to the right and made for a distant thicket, and Lionel saw the young hunter spring from his lagging steed, and, with a stout cord reeled around his arm, dash after the stag afoot, while hounds and hunters panted far behind.
Historic Boys Their Endeavours, Their Achievements, and Their Times
But fast as they run they stay there so long as if they wanted not time to finish the race; for it is usual here to find some of the young company till midnight; and the thickets of the garden seem to be contrived to all advantages of gallantry; after they have been refreshed with the collation, which is here seldom omitted, at
The Strand District The Fascination of London
There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
Bloom lights the orchard-appleAnd thicket and thorp are merry
May is Mary's Month
With an eye ever open for the absurdity of her vocation, Mr. Gottlieb steers us through a thicket of fictions and half-truths about Sarah, many of them perpetrated by the "relentless fabulist" herself.
Actress, Seductress
Her ideals are hedged in a dense thicket of ego.
Times, Sunday Times
The gardens were a thicket of self-seeded ash and sycamore and bamboo.
Times, Sunday Times
They ran up the creek bank, across a gravel bed, and onto meadowgrass where thickets converged ahead of them.
The Gates of Thorbardin
In dry, open woodlands, thickets, and roadsides, from August to October, we find the dainty White Wood Aster (_A. divaricatus_) -- _A. corymbosus_ of Gray -- its brittle zig-zag stem two feet high or less, branching at the top, and repeatedly forked where loose clusters of flower-heads spread in a broad, rather flat corymb.
Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
Meadows, partly covered with arundinaceous plants, corn-fields, and European fruit trees, alternated with small thickets and groves.
Travels in the Interior of North America
It was finally decided to use Humbert’s linework for the spiny thicket ecoregion, but form an additional ecoregion defined by the remaining extent of Cornet’s subarid bioclimate, as it shares floral affinities with both the spiny thicket and western dry-deciduous forest, yet contains distinct assemblages.
Madagascar spiny thickets
Mark could catch a hint of that odor now, fermenting itself up at the heart of the weedy thicket.
Only here and there were thickets, easily avoided, while he encountered winding, park-like glades where the cattle had pastured in the days before war had run them off.
She could have had a Court of Virgins, or gone like Artemis, buskined through the thickets, with a hundred high-girdled nymphs behind her, all for her sake locked in chastity.
Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
Shrubs of buttonbush and elderberry are frequent beneath the overstory and form dense thickets wherever an opening occurs.
Staccato stabs of dry-brushed whites over pale, scumbled colors show the distinctive locale, the early light and the pale, prickly thickets of desert thornbush.
If you are lucky enough to find her house, and then a parking space on the narrow road, you will be greeted by a thicket of untended bushes and misshapen trees that obscure the entrance to the path that winds around the house to her studio.
Ursula's lodging benights, and the rest of them slept on the field as they might; or should they come to a thicket or shaw, they would lodge them there softly.
The Well at the World's End: a tale
Virginian deer, [4] and of the prongbuck "antelope" [5] thronged the grassy flats, and elk browsed on the foliage of the thickets along the river banks.
Pioneers in Canada
Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
Paspalum pulchellum, Tonina fluviatilis and Utricularia subulata and in drier areas the grasses Fimbristylis paradoxa and Declieuxia fruticosa with palm thickets Acoelorraphe wrightii and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, 20-25 m tall.
Río Plátano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras
At the edge of his plot, he pointed at a lush thicket of runner bean plants.
Times, Sunday Times
Marojejy, Andringitra, Anjanaharibe-Sud, Tsaratanana and Andohahela are significant sites in that they are areas where there is an intact elevational cline from lowland forest through to ericoid thicket.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
She struggled through holly thickets, forced through dense stands of winter blackthorn, still shrouded in dead leaf.
I dove to my left again, and this time rolled into a somersault that landed me in a thicket of mountain laurel at the base of the ridge.
It's just like hiking in a thicket - it requires too much energy to bushwhack, so you follow a deer trail.
I crawled to the back end of the mountain laurel thicket.
Plumage characters suggest that the Abyssinian catbird is a babbler whose nearest relative may be the bush blackcap, Lioptilus nigricapillus, found in the thickets and forests of eastern South Africa.
Mystery bird: Ethiopian catbird, Parophasma galinieri
Tears coursed down her cheeks and she ran blindly down the wild jungle of the grounds parallel to the thicket.
The only course was to plunge into the close-set thickets where riders could not follow. and run for the Severn.
Plants that grow on rock outcrops are less threatened than other ericoid thicket species because the rocky areas block the local passage of fire.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
But all as in most exquisite pictures they vse to blaze and portraict not onely the daintie lineaments of beautye, but also rounde about it to shadow the rude thickets and craggy clifts, that by the baseness of such parts, more excellency may accrew to the principall; for oftimes we fynde ourselues, I knowe not how, singularly delighted with the shewe of such naturall rudenesse, and take great pleasure in that disorderly order.
Shepheardes Calendar
She is an informative, analytically rigorous, yet always companionable and deeply humane guide through the moral thicket that is early 21st century assisted reproduction.
It is a very attractive park of rolling hills, open grassy valleys, interspersed with thickets, woodlands and rich wetlands.
Approaching it from this side you pass through a dense bryanthus-fringed grove of mountain hemlock, catching glimpses now and then of the colossal dome towering to an immense height above the dark evergreens; and when at last you have made your way across woods, wading through azalea and ledum thickets, you step abruptly out of the tree shadows and mossy leafy softness upon a bare porphyry pavement, and behold the dome unveiled in all its grandeur.
The Yosemite National Park
Edward entered the thicket cautiously.
The Children of the New Forest
Here were the tropical plumage of the palm, the dark green masses of the live-oak, the glistening verdure of wild orange-groves; and from out the shadowy thickets hung the wreaths of the jessamine and the scarlet trumpets of the bignonia.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
As we had the trough slung under the cart we had to choose the clearest possible route, avoiding anything like a thicket; we, therefore, could not pass directly by the candleberry and caoutchouc trees, and I sent
Swiss Family Robinson
It might have felt like a craven surrender to Philistinism; instead I persuaded myself that the girls might one day recall Karnak's ancient thickets of stone columns, with their lotus-flower capitals, and realise that their parents had a point. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Woods and thickets ran up the sides of the mountains, and disappeared among the sinuosities formed by the winding ravines which separated them from each other; but far above these specimens of a tolerable natural soil arose the swart and bare mountains themselves, in the dark grey desolation proper to the season.
The Fair Maid of Perth
It ran through thickets of aspen and balsam poplar and was signposted to Alder Creek and Mush Lake.
Locally, it may be expected not only in gardens, but also in farmyards, sand-dunes, thickets, hedgerows and woodlands.
The spiny thicket or "spiny desert" of southern Madagascar, also referred to as deciduous thicket, is a globally distinctive ecoregion.
Madagascar spiny thickets
The arrow was covered with blood but the deer ran into a cedar and brier thicket.
How many people here have shot a deer and never found it, what did u shoot it with gun or bow.
With that dead weight gone I could just keep my grip, and with a mighty heave hauled myself into the thicket, catching a stouter branch and getting a leg over it — and suddenly there was an appalling crack, the branch gave way, and down I went, entangled in a mesh of leaves and withies, under the surface, helpless in the grip of the current which swept me away.
Flashman on the March
Dense shrubbery can provide shelter, as can brush piles, thickets of rugosa roses, or tall evergreen trees such as coast live oak, deodar cedar, or redwood.
The shrub's sheer tenacity makes it difficult to eradicate as it forms dense thickets that retard native trees' growth.
If it were necessary for me to experience sliminess, I would become slime. I would set limed snares in the thickets ( God forbid! ), playing songs of hypocrisy on my pipes.
And from this they emerged into a small circular space, where the cartway made a turn at right angles and disappeared behind thickets.
In the Year of Jubilee
This historical thicket is rendered all but impenetrable by the facts that, as Browning lucidly and vividly demonstrates, German anti-Semitism was hardly a fixed concept but, rather, evolved and mutated with the ever shifting circumstances; that the Nazi regime and its chains of command and decision were highly decentralized — which meant that at any given moment the interpretations and conceptions of, say, Goebbels and Rosenberg concerning the timing and realization of the Final Solution could vary significantly from those of Himmler and Heydrich; and, most important, that the documentary evidence is both vast and frustratingly incomplete.
New & Noteworthy
The owl soared downwards into the thicket of pine trees where its nest was.
The mammal fauna includes unusually abundant populations of the spectacled hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus), especially in the lancewood-bullwaddy thickets, and the northern nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea unguifera), especially in grasslands and open woodlands along the margins between black-soil plains and red loamy soils.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
Blackthorn blossom foams along the sides of shorn hedgerows but grows unchecked with willow catkins and flowering gorse bushes in neglected thickets which shelter the returned chiffchaff and blackcap.
Country diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
In the thickets and close range like mentioned before buckshot is effective and does the job.
What is the effiective range for killing a deer with 00 buckshot?
However, it is established that similar to other ecoregions on Madagascar there are a number of narrowly distributed endemic species and recent biological inventories of the ericoid thicket has located further endemic species.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
He said he'd overexerted himself, that all he needed was to get back to their base for a snack, but as he swung through the trees on the way up the ridge, he lost his hold on a Palauan apple tree and crashed through a thicket of limbs to sprawl, amid a hail of fruit, on the sharp algae-covered limestone of the ridge.
Asimov's Science Fiction
My sword rose and fell amidst a swarm of blackberry bush, stinkweed and maniacal thicket following a trail left by Lotus-eaters who had stopped to rest in that hobo Eden;
Instead of a movement-coining colossus like Clement Greenberg, what we have instead are a thicket of bloggers and commentators, all happily exploring Australia's cultural undergrowth with considerable craft and application. - Comments
Such an ethics thicket is exactly the kind of briar patch Republicans would love to be thrown into.
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Generations of East Texans had hunted deer with dogs, depending on the howling canines to roust deer from the region's thickets.
A kingfisher, an airborne jewel, whirrs past, stickleback in its beak, and disappears into a thicket of riparian willow.
Country diary: Tregaron, Ceredigon
IN front of Molly, the path, deep in silvery orchard grass, wound through the pasture to the witch-hazel thicket at Jordan's Journey; and when she entered the shelter of the trees, Gay came, whistling, toward her from the direction of the Poplar Spring.
The Miller of Old Church
Lancaster drew rein, tethering his horse in the thicket of pine just off the crest of the hill.
The fact that rights thickets already exist is no reason to make them thicker and pricklier.
Works in progress: Laura Heymann
It's just that there is a very large mountain in the way, with nearly impassable bamboo thickets on its lower flanks and nearly unscalable granite faces on its higher reaches.
We covered the enlaced and crossed roots of the thicket from the blood spoor entry to the left, or west end where we could see the car around the corner but we could not see the leopard.
Hemingway on Hunting
On Tsaratanana montane sclerophyllous forest exists up to about 2,500 m and then shifting to ericoid thicket, while in on these other three massifs the ericoid thicket commences just below 2,000 m.
Madagascar ericoid thickets
Under a bruised night sky, arching trees form a thicket into which the unwary blunder.
Times, Sunday Times
If you leave it unpruned you can get a huge unruly thicket within a few years.
The bay of the bloodhound was now approaching nearer and nearer, and they could hear the voices of several persons who accompanied the animal, and hallooed to each other as they dispersed occasionally, either in the hurry of their advance, or in order to search more accurately the thickets as they came along.
A Legend of Montrose
For a long time Midnight crouched in the dark thicket, swimming between consciousness and fantasy.
The Fallen Road development used to be a thick pine woods with small scrub oak and dense thickets of cabbage palm.
Dense thickets of shrubs can have a strong impact on vegetation development, often reducing tree invasion for decades.
Growing in dense thickets, it becomes vulnerable over time to attacks from insects and disease.
I took the billhook, and we ran down toward the woods and thickets that marked the path of the stream where we got our drinking water.
Egina marbles, and have something of the same effect: the small round hat is in the form of Mercury's petasus; and the shoes and gaiters of the greater number are excellently adapted to defend the legs and feet in riding through the thickets.
Journal of a Voyage to Brazil And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823
A flock of birds surges impetuously from the thickets and takes flight towards the windmills that decorate the landscape.
Its congener, the _agouti_, affects the arid sterile plains of Patagonia, while the _biscacha_ is most met with on the fertile pampas further north; more especially along the borders of those far-famed thickets of tall thistles -- forests they might almost be called -- upon the roots of which it is said to feed.
Gaspar the Gaucho A Story of the Gran Chaco
Roberts, to whom he mentioned this circumstance, fully agreed with him as to its being a prognostication of danger, and when the arrangements were made for the night, the party camped in as open a place as they could select, where no neighbouring thicket might afford harbourage for a lurking foe.
Ralph Rashleigh
She struggled through holly thickets, forced through dense stands of winter blackthorn, still shrouded in dead leaf.
She ran faster, and tried to lose them by running through thickets and in between trees.
Growing in dense thickets, it becomes vulnerable over time to attacks from insects and disease.
Spindle-thin trunks of Douglas fir and western larch stood in anemic, dying thickets, toppling like the flagpoles of small, failed nations.
Many of the ‘gap’ species are also typically found in open to very open wetland habitats such as fens, alder thickets, wet prairies, sedge meadows, and shrub carrs.
Without the palisade was a space of waste land, marsh and thicket, tapering to the narrow strip of sand and scrub joining the peninsula to the forest, and here and there upon this waste ground rose a mean house, dwelt in by the poorer sort.
To Have and to Hold
As Simon strolled pensively through a little silvan glade, surrounded on either side with tall forest trees, mixed with underwood, a white doe broke from the thicket, closely pursued by two deer greyhounds, one of which griped her haunch, the other her throat, and pulled her down within half a furlong of the glover, who was something startled at the suddenness of the incident.
The Fair Maid of Perth
Their mystery deepens at nightfall over the landscape, and as bitter winds howl and shriek in the lonely valleys and impenetrable thickets of tall and spiky trees.
Between 6,000 and 7,000 plant species occur in the ecoregion, with more than 49 species per 100 m2 recorded in the mesic Kaffrarian thicket areas.
Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
The slow clumsy creodonts, well adapted to the jungle thickets, were replaced by the swift intelligent cat and dog type carnivora as the dominant predators.
But her book leads into a tangled theological thicket, without suggesting a workable path forward.
Christianity Today
Because he would not abandon the flock for a lost sheep after the others had bedded down for the night, he turned back, searched the thickets and gullies.
Head north onto Route 59, which turns into a ribbon of blacktop cutting through palmetto thickets and cypress swamps.
Are “thickets” a problem if rights are ignored, for example in biomedical research and software?
Archive 2009-05-01
The Fallen Road development used to be a thick pine woods with small scrub oak and dense thickets of cabbage palm.
Where she could see it, between the interlaced branches of the thicket, it was growing increasingly black.
The two sides of the vale were so near, that at every double of the river the shadows from the western sky fell upon, and totally obscured, the eastern bank; the thickets of copsewood seemed to wave with a portentous agitation of boughs and leaves, and the very crags and scaurs seemed higher and grimmer than they had appeared to the monk while he was travelling in daylight, and in company.
The Monastery
My sword rose and fell amidst a swarm of blackberry bush, stinkweed and maniacal thicket following a trail left by Lotus-eaters who had stopped to rest in that hobo Eden;
A flock of birds surges impetuously from the thickets and takes flight towards the windmills that decorate the landscape.
Dense shrubbery can provide shelter, as can brush piles, thickets of rugosa roses, or tall evergreen trees such as coast live oak, deodar cedar, or redwood.
As the mid-winter cold deepens they retire to the depths of the woods, or into the brown and sheltered thickets, where their little cry of "_Chip, chip_," and "_Cree, cree, cree_," may be frequently heard; and very pleasant it is, too.
Illustrated Science for Boys and Girls
We saw her, forspent, crawl into the thicket to sleep.
The Wagnerian Romances
She had a small house between the villages, on a small hill near a thicket of oak trees.
Whereas the dense thickets of crosshatched lines in Rembrandt's etchings fully exploit the expressive possibilities of chiaroscuro, Degas defines the folds and creases of Tourny's coat with an almost mechanical system of crosshatching, reminiscent of 19th-century line engravings.
One Master Mines Another
At the timberline belt of the Tatras mixed Pinus cembra-Larix decidua forests grow, similar those in central Alps. Above timberline, (1400 m in the north-western Carpathians to 1900 m in the south), there is a distinct krummholz zone consisting of dense thickets of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), dwarf juniper (Juniperus communis subsp. nana) and green alder (Alnus viridis).
Carpathian montane conifer forests
The orchids occurred in wet marshy swales and in open margins of wet shrubby thickets and ponds.
As I watch, it slips off the edge and rolls down the slope into a thicket of thorny bushes.
The veld type is typical mountainous sweetveld with spekboom, wild plum, gwarri, wild olive, karee, grassland and riverine thorn thickets being the predominant vegetation types.
They had long since assembled from the thickets, and secret haunts of the deep forest, into the midst of the treeless and bushless plains, as the Place for their safety.
Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
Mark could catch a hint of that odor now, fermenting itself up at the heart of the weedy thicket.
Why did this bird of alder thickets and young moist forests, with its long bill designed to probe for earthworms in loamy soil, wearing mottled feathers that perfectly match the leaf litter of its secluded habitats, choose to fly directly over the biggest, busiest, brightest city in the country?
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Finaly Brad says (calm and cool) "She's lieing right there" (points to spot 10ft. from blood on road in briar thicket).
Tell me your funniest hunting stories.
My father tore his way through the thicket to the tool-shed, dragged forth a hook and positively hacked a path back to my mother, barely in time to release her from the coils of a major convolvulus (_ipomoea purpurea) which had her fast by the ankles.
Sir John Constantine Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
It is a rich mosaic of savanna grassland, thickets and woodlands; grasslands: low-lying, hygrophilous and floodplain; sedge swamps, freshwater reed and papyrus swamps; riverine woodlands, swamp forests and forested dunes; the lake with its uniquely variable salinity regime;, underwater macrophyte beds, saline reed swamps, salt marshes and mangroves; rocky and sandy shores, coral reefs and submarine canyons.
Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa
So these Kings and Queens entered the thicket, and before they had gone a score of paces they all remembered that the thing they had seen was called a lamppost, and before they had gone twenty more they noticed that they were. making their way not through branches but through coats.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Under a bruised night sky, arching trees form a thicket into which the unwary blunder.
Times, Sunday Times
Up to eight warblers may arrive in dense gorse thickets, particularly on clear, cold nights.
She held a fig out in the palm of her hand, and the animal darted away and disappeared into the thicket.
At the timberline belt of the Tatras mixed Pinus cembra-Larix decidua forests grow, similar those in central Alps. Above timberline, (1400 m in the north-western Carpathians to 1900 m in the south), there is a distinct krummholz zone consisting of dense thickets of mountain pine (Pinus mugo), dwarf juniper (Juniperus communis subsp. nana) and green alder (Alnus viridis).
Carpathian montane conifer forests
The bushes near Carleton Beck exuded the deep sonorous zoom sound of queen red-tailed and buff-tailed bumblebees, and all around the lee side of the thicket were the hoverflies known technically as Eristalis intricarius.
Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
It is very much like the difference between looking at a well-arranged garden, planted in rows and patterns, versus seeing a wild thicket or forest growing in confusion.
I, too, felt as if I was peering into a coppice - a wood or thicket characterized by a dense, often tangled, underwood of stump shoots and suckers encouraged into being by the periodic cutting down of trees.
( "Mother of Waters"), the air grew brighter, and the picture lived and moved; trees _grew_ on the banks, more and more verdure, monkeys swung from bough to bough, birds flashed and piped among the thickets.
The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
Heidiphyllum elongatum was probably a relatively low-growing shrubby voltzialean conifer that formed dominant to monospecific thickets in areas of higher water table on a floodplain, or on sandbars within the braided river channels.
And thence to the tangled thicket where the folkway cleaves it through,
The House of the Wolfings
This coastal valley thicket vegetation has been classified as coastal Kaffrarian succulent thicket by Everard and as Mesic succulent thicket by Low and Rebelo.
Albany thickets
They also have a feature: thickets of huckleberry bushes that grow out of the tops of Redwood trees that are technically known as huckleberry afros, and you can sit there and snack on the berries while you're resting.
Richard Preston on the giant trees
By picture's end, Shaw has to navigate a thicket of Chinese organized crime figures, politicos and wheeler-dealers - plus his own traitorous colleagues - to save the day and, not incidentally, his own neck.
Its line, which reminded us of the Dámah, is well marked by unusually fine vegetation: and the basin bears large clumps of fan-palm, scattered Daum-trees, the giant asclepiad El-‘Ushr,222 thickets of tamarisk and scatters of the wild castor-plant, whose use is unknown to the Arabs.
The Land of Midian
We have a good time, and I like her so much that it quite verges on loving; but see her in a party, when she manifests herself over five or six flounces of pink silk and a perfect egg-froth of tulle, her head adorned with a thicket of craped hair and roses, and it is plain at first view that _talking_ with her is quite out of the question.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 106, August, 1866
It ran through thickets of aspen and balsam poplar and was signposted to Alder Creek and Mush Lake.
In time, a dense thicket of Coastal Plain willows, buttonbush, southern bayberry, or other plants grows on this tossed-up “mulch.”
The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
Momently, looking out toward the gray ruin on the hill (which was once, most likely, the very "sheepcote fenced about with olive trees" where Aliena dwelt and Ganymede found hose and doublet give such pleasing freedom to her limbs and her wit) one expects to hear the merry note of a horn; the moralizing Duke would come striding thoughtfully through the thicket down by the tiny pool
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You strain to make this out through a thicket of orange loops that give a subtle texture and an unsubtle effervescence to the canvas, which looks ready to bounce off the wall.
Mexico's xerophilous thickets and semi-desert pastures are located in arid and semi-arid areas that account for half of our national territory.
The track was soft and mossy, and it led though ferns and brackens, thickets of brambles and groves of tall Himalayan cedar trees.
Is it in the glade or the thicket, or on the margent of the rill?
The Coming of Cuculain
Finaly Brad says (calm and cool) "She's lieing right there" (points to spot 10ft. from blood on road in briar thicket).
Tell me your funniest hunting stories.
She screamed, wrenching a sizable twig out of her hair and hurling it at him, after disentangling herself from what must have been the twentieth or so bramble thicket.