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  1. the effect of supernatural or divine intervention in human affairs
  2. white magic performed with the help of beneficent spirits (as formerly practiced by Neoplatonists)

How To Use theurgy In A Sentence

  • This has led to the rejection of Sephardic Jewish Humanism as formulated by Maimonides and an affirmation of an ethnocentric Jewish chauvinism based on the magical mysticism of Kabbalistic theurgy. David Shasha: Dangerous Mystic Motifs in Judaism
  • It is certainly true that theurgy operated at the boundary between religion and magic, as I have argued myself, and that it represents the closest thing to Wicca that can be traced in antiquity; but how close was it?
  • When he returned to Sardis he entered the circle of local Neoplatonists, learned theurgy and medicine, and mainly taught rhetoric.
  • It should be emphasised also that there is no good evidence that theurgy was ever practised in the Latin West, and that theurgists were well aware of how little they had in common even with the vast majority of late antique pagans.
  • Martianus was pagan (he makes veiled allusions to Christianity as well as to Chaldaean theurgy, and elegizes over the silence of the oracles) and sufficiently well-read in Greek to translate Aristides Quintilianus' treatise on music.
  • Before the advent of medicine, there was theurgy and philosophy. Notable Physicians, Medicine And Christ, The Great Physician I
  • He makes veiled allusions to Christianity as well as to Chaldaean theurgy, and elegizes over the silence of the oracles.
  • By the practice of theurgy one could not just communicate with such beings but actually let them inhabit oneself during ritual ceremony. Archive 2009-01-01
  • For Sorabji his financial gain was the continuation of his municipal salary, so that he could keep his school open, rather than a craven payment for services rendered to the Christian authorities; he did not betray his friends; he did not betray philosophy, since he merely preferred the teaching of Porphyry in the matter of divine names and theurgy to that of Iamblichus and Proclus. The Garbage House
  • Instead of agreeing with Iamblichus 'insistence on theurgy as indispensable to reaching spiritual union with God, a doctrine largely taken over by Proclus, Ammonius harmonized Aristotle with Plato by siding with Porphyry's (232-309) view that names were imposed by humans and, Sorabji suggests, he also agreed with Porphyry's refusal to accept the efficacy of theurgy in purifying the intellect and hence leading us to God. The Garbage House
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