How To Use Thesaurus In A Sentence

  • The range of the word would be the definitions contained in the dictionary, and the field would be all the synonyms and antonyms that might be found in a thesaurus.
  • Thesaurus concept hierarchy collaborative filtering algorithm improves search efficiency and quality of recommendatory results significantly which is proved by elementary test and analysis.
  • NOT sitting their pulling words out of a thesaurus (your daily lexicon does not include "wan" and "intertextually") and forcing them into a half-ass review.
  • Yes, but does Blethen know what a thesaurus is and how to use it? Sound Politics: In which I join the MSM
  • For example, if we used our example thesaurus above and typed E.G., "browser ie" in the "All words" field, it would look for "+browser +ie" - it would no longer allow MSDN Blogs
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  • Trapped, suffocating, and every other clichéd word one can look up in the thesaurus to describe being stranded in this small terraced island in the Pacific.
  • Some of these packages include excellent typographic extras, like a spell checker or thesaurus.
  • NT unpaid household labor • RT economic value of women's work • homemaking • unpaid labor force • valuing children • volunteer work • The term unpaid employment in A Women's Thesaurus is a subdivision of • employment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Interestingly, when creating the spirituality and health thesaurus, I thought we were disambiguating terms until we did the indexing pilot study.
  • I find myself having to tell my students to unlearn this tendency by, among others, asking them to throw their thesaurus away, especially when the only reason they turn to it is to find a fancier word for something as basic as “talk” (expostulate?) or “walk” (perambulate?) Archive 2010-03-01
  • Though, as always with a Decemberists album, you may want to have a lyric sheet and thesaurus handy just in case you get a word like "roustabout" thrown at you.
  • This powerful editor will enable you to edit large files, format your text, convert your text to HTML, and even includes a spellchecker and thesaurus.
  • Give yourself time to brainstorm great website title ideas, asking friends and family for inspiration, and using a thesaurus for some dazzling words.
  • In all its myriad manifestations, the language of anti-Semitism through the ages is a dictionary of non-sequiturs and antonyms, a thesaurus of illogic and inconsistency.
  • I keep turning to the dictionary and the thesaurus, not for a reference, simply to read words at random.
  • The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • Your reviews are very good, but they could be more interesting if you didn't feel the need to lecture us about movie genealogical connections we might already be familiar with, or if you didn't rely so heavily on the Thesaurus you seem to have parked at your elbow or in your brain - "oft-presumed", "essayed", "curlicue"? With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
  • I imagine that most writers blanch and shudder upon meeting meeting meeting*, then reach for the internalized thesaurus... On a meeting meeting
  • It adds word stemming and a thesaurus on top of the term vector database to assist in keeping a search in context. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Not every dictionary or thesaurus acknowledges the opposite of feminism and feminist.
  • Virtually unique in comprehensiveness and quality, the Thesaurus offers unrivaled insight into the biological knowledge of its day.
  • Proofread and edit the completed document. use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.
  • Automatic Thesaurus Generation  Hearst (1992) presents an algorithm that can automatically generate a thesaurus or dictionary:  Learning hyponym, meronym relations and more. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Difficulties may arise where equivalent terms do not exist in all of the languages of the thesaurus.
  • A dictionary, a thesaurus or synonym finder, a good grammar book and language tapes are good investments for anyone wishing to develop or maintain language skills.
  • I checked The Cook's Thesaurus, which clarified that although London Broil is the name of a finished dish while flank steak is a cut of meat, butchers often label flank steak as London Broil. Recipe Favorites: Marinated Flank Steak (London Broil)
  • And 'channelled' - it would be interesting to look that up in a Thesaurus! Libdemologists: Benefit Fraud / Registration of Donations
  • From Stephen King: Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. Quote of the Day
  • Archturus" to incorpo - ministration and i s the thesaurus The Shepherd of Archturus rate the h-bar constant. which holds the key documents Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Lenin, to his undying credit, promptly added ‘Soviety’ to his already extensive thesaurus of pejoratives.
  • You need a new thesaurus, your reliance on the word obtuse is getting annoying. Raw Story
  • Difficulties may arise where equivalent terms do not exist in all of the languages of the thesaurus.
  • A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing.
  • The ensuing race to the deadline is a pacy affair that alternates between the hapless Tamara's frequent recourse to her thesaurus S*nday, she reckons, is just the place to scatter words such as "chthonic" and "hermeneutic" and Tait's grim determination to keep her would-be profiler at bay, particularly from her rather murky private life. The Spoiler by Annalena McAfee – review
  • I had a thesaurus program that used coexistent verb and -er noun forms followed by alteration of the noun, to produce ``birds gotta fly'' candidates, like reporters gotta announce announce-announcer=reporter Transgender bathroom rights in New England.
  • Use verbs, nouns and adjectives and get a copy of Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.
  • The thesaurus provides synonyms, antonyms and related words, and is accessed by just right-clicking on the word to be looked up, and selecting ‘Thesaurus’ from the menu.
  • Mark Peters is a language columnist for Good and Visual Thesaurus. Mark Peters: 10 Of The Funniest Underrated Humor Books (PHOTOS)
  • Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. Stephen King’s Greatest Lesson for Writers | Write to Done
  • Of course, if you are looking for synonyms then a thesaurus is a wonderful guide, the most famous being Roget’s Thesaurus. The right rites of writing « Write Anything
  • A spell checker, word count feature and thesaurus are all included and the program can handle headers and footers.
  • A thesaurus is normally tailored to meet the specifications of a particular application.
  • Proofread and edit the completed document. use the Spell and Thesaurus programs.
  • I was looking up synonyms for ‘guide’ in a thesaurus when lo and behold, I saw the word ‘cicerone.’ Beer: Guides named for Cicero
  • Reach for the thesaurus and look up ‘drama’ and every last word you find will be needed to do justice to this heart-stopping occasion.
  • It also catches dictionary and thesaurus sites and sends back deliberate misspellings, antonyms instead of synonyms, etc.
  • At the entry for " kill " , my thesaurus lists " murder " , " assassinate " and " waste " .
  • The word thesaurus, as we are continually told in the prefaces to books dealing with synonyms, comes from the Greek word meaning ` treasury. ' VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 4
  • The thesaurus provides synonyms, antonyms and related words, and is accessed by just right-clicking on the word to be looked up, and selecting ‘Thesaurus’ from the right-mouse menu.
  • PPS, when trying to be arsey and self-righteous, thesaurus. com is an immense help! EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Best email in a while
  • Parents can choose to filter out the rude words they scoured thesauruses to find when they were children, and there is an audio option, so you can hear how to articulate your new-found vocabulary.
  • The student can use the built in thesaurus and dictionally to find the proper words. - Articles related to The Con in the Clouds
  • Your reviews are very good, but they could be more interesting if you didn't feel the need to lecture us about movie genealogical connections we might already be familiar with, or if you didn't rely so heavily on the Thesaurus you seem to have parked at your elbow or in your brain - "oft-presumed", "essayed", "curlicue"? With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
  • If you know how to use a standard dictionary and thesaurus, you can use the electronic edition.
  • Magistrate decrees logodaedaelian hoosegow cageling may retain his thesaurus. Latest News -
  • I'd need a thesaurus handy just to make sure I don't keep repeating myself.
  • My thesaurus lists all these unattractive equivalents: indolent, somnolent, lumpish, torpid, lax, good-for-nothing… and so on.
  • The thesaurus functions not only as a retrieval aid, but also as a reference facility.
  • The destruction here is indescribable and the thesaurus has no words for what we have seen.
  • A spell checker, word count feature and thesaurus are all included and the program can handle headers and footers.
  • The final layer of polish for this DVD is, of course, the translation into English, and the subtitles come out just fine (even though they use yet another translation of Otani's nickname for Risa, adding "beanstalk" to a thesaurus that already includes "Amazon" and "jumbo gal"). Anime News Network
  • First there is a dig about people who write pretentiously: in blogworld, demonstrable ownership of a thesaurus is shorthand for 'good writing style' Bitchy Jones's Diary
  • According to my thesaurus here, crisp is synonymous with cold.
  • A lot of people seem to think the ability to use a thesaurus is all it takes to be a good writer. Tragedy of the Commons
  • I had the opportunity page through Frederik Ruysch's amazing Thesaurus animalium primus... Archive 2007-10-01
  • Personally, I'd rather the police keep to tormenting criminals than getting trigger-happy with the innocent. p.s. Please don't tell me that "l'eau" makes the preceding word in the title redundant - nay, superfluous and altogether unwanted: a pariah in the great thesaurus of life; an article definitely unwanted. Buggerthat Diary Entry
  • There were atlases, dictionaries, reference books, and thesauruses, fantasies, biographies, tragedies, and tales of horror, mysteries, volumes of poetry, encyclopedias, and novels.
  • Many ‘ontologists’ are truly re-inventing the wheel - an already-developed thesaurus for their subject matter may be hiding in the stacks of their local university library.
  • This is how I came to imagine some kind of film thesaurus, a little like the one that comes with a word processor.
  • ‘Most textbooks belong in the reference category along with encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses’.
  • I have ransacked my thesaurus for a word that does justice to the terrible events that made up what history will know for ever as The Battle of Old Trafford, and I have come up with the mot juste.
  • Without commenting, Craig asked one student to look the word up in a dictionary and another student to find the word in a thesaurus.
  • The built-in dictionary and thesaurus is its own application, but its real shining moments are as a service.
  • Cognition operates with only 2 main relations, much like WordNet: hyperonymy / hyponymy (e.g. cat is-a feline is-a mammal; their "taxonomy") and synonymy (e.g., "buy" means almost the same as "purchase"; their "thesaurus"). Xml's
  • He might have meant displayed, or perhaps even reflected, but he didn't mean ‘mirrored’; once again he has picked a word out of his thesaurus that he doesn't know how to use.
  • With the help of a thesaurus his mother had given him, Bush had erroneously written about “lacerates” running down his cheek – instead of tears. Michael Kimmel on “The Boy Crisis” and Anti-Male Ideology
  • Journalists, armed with the thesaurus and apocalyptic scriptures, fumbled and were defeated by it. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Dissatisfied with the stilted term thesaurus, he cast about for the mot juste and happily came up with promptory (derived from a Medieval Latin word meaning ` storehouse, repository ') as a better name for a book constructed for prompt reference and to prompt those who search for the right word. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 3
  • A thesaurus groups words that are similar in meaning.
  •   (Suddenly, I wonder if the word "luckless" was the outcome of a thesaurus search rather than a moment of inspiration.)  Moreover, if it's a matter of "hap" or "luck," why warn someone about what cannot be averted or foreseen? Sonoma Coast
  • At the entry for " kill " , my thesaurus lists " murder " , " assassinate " and " waste " .
  • Automatic Thesaurus Generation  Hearst (1992) presents an algorithm that can automatically generate a thesaurus or dictionary:  Learning hyponym, meronym relations and more. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We have no comprehensive dictionary, no etymological dictionary, no dictionaries of regionalisms, no modern thesaurus.
  • My thesaurus lists all these unattractive equivalents indolent, somnolent, lumpish, torpid, slack, lax, good-for-nothing… and so on.
  • Don't try to impress someone by thesaurusizing your email with terms you wouldn't use in person - it sounds diaphanous, limpid, and transpicuous.
  • So the next time you need to use the word "thesaurus", prove you have amazing diction to your listeners and use onomasticon in its place. Everything2 New Writeups
  • Dictionaries come in handy, as do the thesauruses ... thesauri ... however you spell the danged plurality for it. Archive 2009-04-01
  • A set of eight dictionaries, covering thesaurus, quotations, spelling, business and grammar comes for Rs.795.
  • I wanted to sound smart in the title of this post so I visited thesaurus. com synonyms for the word "jealousy" and "querulousness" caught my eye. Giulia Rozzi: The Word is Querulousness. That's Querulousness
  • Looking up at the city's facades and trying to describe each of them with just one epithet was like constantly checking with my brain's in-built thesaurus for the synonyms of ‘ugly’.
  • The word inept, according to Roget's Thesaurus, means clumsy, artless, awkward, bungling, inadept, inefficient, unskillful, ham-handed and incapable.
  • Great - somebody got a freakin thesaurus and a word of the day calendar for christmas. The Confusion
  • Look up that invaluable book, Scots Thesaurus, and you will find four or five pages given over to words denoting idleness and laziness, all contemptuous.
  • A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing.
  • In fact, music critics everywhere are thumbing through a thesaurus, competing to compose a squirtier review of her impressive sophomore album.
  • I actually dug up the thesaurus, trying to find a better word than "disenchanted" - Luca Turin's apt description of Dune in The Guide. Perfume Posse
  • A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing.
  • You just need to type in any keywords related to your area of interest and then use the built in thesaurus to find related keywords and synonyms.
  • Unlike a conventional thesaurus, this book concentrates on word groups, and not on individual words.
  • Virtually unique in comprehensiveness and quality, the Thesaurus offers unrivaled insight into the biological knowledge of its day.
  • My thesaurus gives the following synonyms: self-satisfaction, conceit, egotism, self-importance, haughtiness, vanity, hubris, arrogance.
  • And it's a serviceable, pleasant, if unspectacular record, the kind of album that has you searching the thesaurus for more synonyms for ‘good’.
  • While the rest of the world scoured their thesauruses for superlatives, the band themselves were concentrating.
  • Finally, I'd like to know if you've replaced editors with the spell checker and thesaurus of your word processor.
  • Gone are the days of listing an entire thesaurus of descriptive terms in the site's meta tags to gain a high search-engine rank.
  • The thesaurus functions not only as a retrieval aid, but also as a reference facility.
  • Use your word processor's thesaurus to find synonyms for ‘said’ and use them to convey a speaker's frame of mind or actions to the reader.

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