How To Use Theropod In A Sentence

  • He suggested that avian ancestors must have incorporated functional preadaptations for flight, yet rejects characters uniting theropods and birds based on grounds of functional similarity.
  • These great birds were the last successors of the mighty theropod dinosaurs of the Mesozoic.
  • Terrestrial birds whose plumage is superficially similar to that of fuzzy small theropods are notorious for harbouring ectoparasites, with kiwis in particular being reported to crawl with numerous fleas, ticks, feather mites and lice (Kleinpaste 1991). Archive 2006-07-01
  • If Mirischia the Brazilian theropod is one of my little pets, the enormous sauropod represented by the cervical vertebra MIWG. 7306 – affectionately (and unofficially) known to some of us as 'Angloposeidon' – is one of the biggest [the image at left, and that below, are my drawings of the specimen]. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
  • The theropod (meaning ‘beast-footed’) dinosaurs are a diverse group of bipedal saurischian dinosaurs.
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  • Decades later he discovered a new species of theropod and named it Gojirasaurus.
  • Also, we have another tiny, new dinosaur, the smallest carnivorous yet known from North America, Hesperonychus elizabethae, a 19-inch tall theropod from the Late Cretaceous of Alberta, Canada. "So lose some sleep and say you tried."
  • The consequence of these amazing fossil finds has been a simultaneous redefinition of what it means to be a bird and a reconsideration of the biology and life history of the theropod dinosaurs.
  • New theropod integumental structures have been repeatedly dismissed as connective tissues, such as frayed collagen fibers or ossified tendons.
  • His work provided strong, compelling support for the theory that birds are theropod dinosaurs.
  • Just to add an element of confusion, actual birds evolved from the lizard-hipped theropods, not from the bird-hipped ornithischians.
  • If you micropylar the entry level sales megahertz to a euclidian windsock, podicipediformes to that blessing in your progressive antique nitrochloroform and theropoda the predestinate overstrain. Rational Review
  • Theropods are the line of mainly carnivorous, bipedal dinosaurs from which birds evolved.
  • Although great size, as well as a great range of body sizes, are among the most familiar qualities of dinosaurs, the early theropods were both small and fairly uniform.
  • Currie PJ (2000) A new carnosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Japan. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Andrew: pneumaticity expert Matt Wedel and I are due to work together some time in 2007 on the skeletal and soft-tissue pneumaticity in sauropod and theropod dinosaurs, so I will certainly be blogging about this subject in the near future. Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • True feathers, so far as we know, were restricted to maniraptorans (the theropod clade that includes oviraptors, dromaeosaurs and birds), but simpler, filament-like integumentary structures appear to have evolved much earlier within theropod history, probably at or around the base of Coelurosauria. Happy Christmas, from gigantic Spanish sauropods... or, alas, poor ‘Angloposeidon’
  • If we combine these bits of information, the logical conclusion is that non-avian theropods were using their sterna and sternal ribs to ventilate their abdominal air-sacs, and here is the avian condition, albeit in less 'extreme' form. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • It is absolutely wrong to argue – as some workers have – that the ‘trees down’ theory is at odds with the very robust and well supported body of evidence showing that birds are theropod dinosaurs, given that basal birds, and the theropods closest to birds, were apparently small-bodied proficient tree climbers, and not big cursorial Deinonychus-like predators as some would have it. Literally, flying lemurs (and not dermopterans)
  • Hence, we are suggesting that the pattern of lung ventilation during running in non-avian theropods was the opposite of that observed in recent birds.
  • Virtually all of the common major groups of theropods and ornithopods typical of the Late Cretaceous of northern North America are present.
  • The saurischian dinosaurs include both carnivores, the theropods, and herbivores, the sauropods.
  • In theropods, the absence of strongly heterodont dentitions such as are typical of omnivorous mammals might reflect the limited resources that were available.
  • In the Mesozoic top predators included the biggest theropod dinosaurs on land, and pliosaurs and mosasaurs in the seas.
  • If no later birds had evolved, Archaeopteryx would be classified as a feathered theropod, assuming we understood feathers in the absence of birds.
  • Much fossil evidence has been uncovered supporting the idea that birds evolved from a group of bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs called theropods.
  • The pectoral girdle and forelimb also reveal suites of hierarchically nested morphological novelties supporting the theropod origin of birds.
  • If the edentulous and presumably less carnivorous theropods are considered as part of the predator guild, then total species diversity is similar in both mammalian and theropod guilds.
  • The main reason is the lack of good specimens; theropod remains are fairly rare and more often than not fragmentary - theropods have a poor fossil record compared to most of the ornithischian dinosaurs.
  • The bones of ceratosaurians, like those of all known theropods, are hollow.
  • Much has been written about the small, late Cretaceous theropods known as alvarezsaurids.
  • We know that it is a dromaeosaur, a theropod and relative of Velociraptor.
  • Critics of the theropod hypotheses usually advocate a thecodont origin of birds, an aerodynamic origin of feathers, and an arboreal origin of flight.
  • T. rex is a member of a large group of dinosaurs called theropods.
  • Paleontologists are now carefully studying the closest theropod relatives of birds for clues to how this transition occurred.
  • The proportions of the distal limb bones in theropods were generally intermediate between the extremes of cheetah and elephant.
  • Zhao X-Jin (1993) A new carnosaur (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Jurassic of Xinjiang, People's Repulic of China. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The hypothesis states that theropods, including birds, evolved to develop digits 1-2-3 distal to the metacarpals 2-3-4.
  • Modern malleefowl show this to an extreme with no parental care at all actually even crocodiles and alligators care more about their hatchlings..., with hatchlings which are completely idependet from the very beginning, and it was probably not unsimilar in theropods, even if there are indications for some familiar behavior in some species. Joy in the Farmyard
  • The discovery of Eoraptor has opened a window into the early evolution of theropods.
  • The theropods include such charismatic extinct animals as Tyrannosaurus rex, as well as the only surviving dinosaurs - the birds.
  • Accumulating evidence suggests that living birds are the direct descendants of theropods, a group of meat-eating dinosaurs that walked on two legs.
  • Sifting through the collection, they separated out the bones of a theropod, or meat-eating dinosaur.
  • Known as a theropod because it walks on its two hind legs, the is said to be a close relative of T-rex. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Sifting through the collection, they separated out the bones of a theropod, or meat-eating dinosaur.
  • Birds, close cousins of pterodactyls, are believed to have evolved from theropod dinosaurs about 150 million years ago.
  • When I was a kid growing up, my books on dinosaurs, when describing the Triassic period, featured drawings and descriptions of small bipedal thecodonts, looking like miniature theropod dinosaurs.
  • The next largest carnivores were usually dromaeosaurs or other, much smaller theropods.
  • But this is hotly disputed by some evolutionist experts themselves, and it is just as reasonable to presume that theropods did not have those last two sacs.
  • On average, the carnosaurs were larger than most other theropods.
  • The proximal end of the carpometacarpus is a large, trochleated, convex lump that is very obviously homologous with the semi-lunate carpal bone of non-avian maniraptoran theropods. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Russell reminds readers that we do not know the biogeographic origin of birds, or theropods, or dinosaurs.
  • Theropod dinosaurs are seen to exhibit too many terrestrial and cursorial adaptations to be avian precursors.
  • This is one of my papers: "A pygostyle from a non-avian Theropod. Nathan Myhrvold on archeology, animal photography, BBQ ...
  • This clear-cut distinction was upset in the 1960s and 70s by the discovery of unusual medium-sized theropod dinosaurs such as Deinonychus.
  • Vertebrate animals (mammals, birds, theropod dinosaurs) develop larger brains then their earlier reptilian ancestors.
  • Perhaps the confusion here is the similarity to the term “theropod” which always refers to a diapsid except when it refers to Lenny. ben Controversies in Evolution: 'Jurassic beaver' unearthed in China - The Panda's Thumb
  • Theropod dinosaurs did not share this feature.
  • In the pectoral girdle, fused clavicles, or a furcula, are now known in many theropods.
  • Paleontologists believe the meat-eating theropod dinosaur was light, agile and very fleet of foot,[Sentence dictionary] with three large slashing claws on each hand.
  • Ornithomimids were a distinctive group of theropod dinosaurs who show a good example of convergent evolution with the ratite birds, such as ostriches.
  • Birds arose from theropod dinosaurs at some point in the Jurassic, according to present knowledge.
  • Ornithoid eggshells are equally abundant and occur in association with relatively uncommon sauropod eggshell fragments and denticulated theropod teeth.
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • However, these feathered theropods are clearly just one small group of dinosaurs, and if they were all transported to modern times, they are so similar we would put them all in the same small group.
  • Dromaeosaurs, a group of small, fleet-footed dinosaurs in the theropod family, are thought to be the closest known relatives of birds.
  • The hands and wrists of Archaeopteryx and maniraptoran theropods are extremely similar.
  • Because feathers are a unique feature, they are thought to be characteristic of many theropod dinosaurs, including tyrannosaurs.
  • Thus, bipedality of terrestrial theropods and birds must be convergent, and all hindlimb, pelvis, and tail characters can be discounted.
  • Apparently facultatively bipedal, with a toothless bird-like skull sporting large orbits, dinosaur-like cervical vertebrae possessing true pneumatic foramina, and reduced gracile forelimbs and a theropod-like pelvis, Effigia is strikingly like ornithomimosaurs (ostrich dinosaurs) in several details, mostly those concerning the skull and cervical vertebrae. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Several characters that typify a theropod: Hollow, thin-walled bones are diagnostic of theropod dinosaurs.
  • The radiation of birds from the theropod stem may be an example of this sort of thing.
  • Theropoda is the second saurischian group, consisting of the carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • The evidence of nesting and parental care in ornithischian, sauropod, and theropod dinosaurs is extensive.
  • Apparently, however, the jaws of theropods were relatively weaker for their length than those of carnivorans.
  • Much fossil evidence has been uncovered supporting the idea that birds evolved from a group of bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs called theropods.
  • Ornithosuchus itself was originally considered a ‘pseudosuchian thecodont,’ then reclassified as an early theropod dinosaur, then later as a dinosaur uncle, and is now considered to be a side-branch on the line to crocodiles.
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • A preliminary account of a new tyrannosauroid theropod from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous) of southern England. Archive 2006-07-01
  • Allosaurus is the most common of the theropods, making up more than 60% of all theropod specimens.
  • These forms represent all of the major groups of the first, Triassic, dinosaurian radiation: Sauropodomorpha, Theropoda, Cerapoda, and Thyreophora, respectively.
  • As much as we like to imagine sauropods stamping their feet and lashing their tails to drive off the vicious theropod predators, the scenario is unlikely for a simple reason.
  • At first, small theropods such as Sinosauropteryx invaded arboreal habitats to elude predators.
  • They do still have two skeletons of Tarbosaurus, a theropod dinosaur related to Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • But clavicles are now known from a variety of nonavian dinosaurs, and a fused furcula is present in several nonavian theropods, including allosauroids and tyrannosaurids.
  • As the neotheropods emerged as a separate group, they shared an important ‘birdlike’ trait - the furcula, often (in birds) called the wishbone.
  • He braved civil war, bandit armies, wolves, and sandstorms to uncover the first fossils of the protoceratops dinosaur and the velociraptor theropod in Mongolia.
  • He has not only rewritten the book on theropod myology, but has spent a good many years applying it to locomotion studies.
  • All these feather types have been found in fossil impressions of theropods, the dinosaur suborder that includes Tyrannosaurus rex as well as birds and other Maniraptorans.
  • If this regression is used to predict the typical prey of theropods, it produces overestimates, at least for those species that were much larger than any of the carnivorans used in the regression.
  • Podokesaurid (= Coelophysid) theropods are indicated by the presence of numerous small to medium-large sized tridactyl footprints (Grallator and larger forms).
  • Here, a diverse and well-preserved assemblage of dinosaur meat-eating theropod, long-necked sauropod, and plant-eating ornithopod, pterosaur, and bird tracks have been recovered from Lower Cretaceous-aged rocks exposed along the Yellow River. Dinosaurs along the Silk Road
  • Some theropods probably ate other dinosaurs' eggs.
  • It may well be that they followed a different evolutive path before the appearance of theropod dinosaurs because by the time theropod dinosaurs had feathers and some even flew, true birds were already present.
  • Because all the known theropods were terrestrial predators, he suggested that the flight feathers must have elongated in the context of insect traps and were later preadapted for flight.
  • Case said the shape of the teeth and features of the feet were characteristic of a group of dinosaurs known as theropods, which includes the tyrannosaurs, as well as all other meat-eating dinosaurs.

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