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How To Use Thermodynamic In A Sentence

  • The Orbo generator is fed from a battery which it, in turn, recharges; with an intact 1st law of thermodynamics, less energy must be generated than consumed and so the battery will run down and the machine stop. The perpetual motion machine « Anglican Samizdat
  • Any attempt to disprove the theory of evolution using thermodynamics will require proper formalisms.
  • The third law is included in most thermodynamics texts, but is not recognised by all as a law of thermodynamics.
  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Most physicists probably learned about the laws of thermodynamics at high school, but few of us will have been told the whole story.
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  • It's a law of thermodynamics, and no one has ever witnessed a sustained violation of it.
  • A simple method is introduced to prove the third law of thermodynamics and the statistical exposition has been given for it.
  • This branch of thermodynamics applies the laws of statistics to component microscopic particles.
  • The 13th CGPM (1967) adopted the name kelvin (symbol K) instead of "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) and defined the unit of thermodynamic temperature as follows: Kelvin
  • In Chapter 3 we discussed how the thermodynamic arrow of entropy increase is a reflection of the relative probabilities of various states.
  • With the thermodynamic value of total power, we can then estimate the average magnitude of tectonic stress.
  • This is an attempt to bring us to a better understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which the creationists - through willful ignorance - gleefully flaunt as their disproof of science.
  • Is the 3rd law of thermodynamics valid even for objects smaller than atoms?
  • The structural and thermodynamic features of these stereoisomeric adducts are also discussed in relation to their reported low susceptibilities to nucleotide excision repair.
  • Matter in the state of equilibrium is studied by physical chemists specializing in chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium electrochemistry.
  • Statistical thermodynamics can map out the energy distribution of the water molecules.
  • My book coauthor is an accomplished thermodynamicist–I am quite sure he can follow your arguments. Lambert on square root cosine latitude « Climate Audit
  • How about thermodynamics, like the phase equilibrium in a binary system containing a eutectic and exhibiting allotropy? Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Biot, the famous thermodynamicist, and then from French into English. Euclid’s Window
  • He scratched out his first poem while taking a break from failing a thermodynamics exam, on which he receive a nine out of a possible one hundred.
  • The oxygen autogenous smelting process of nickeliferous copper concentrate from Jinchuan Nonferrous Corp. is thermodynamically analyzed.
  • It will occur because according to the second law of thermodynamics, the amount of entropy in a system must always increase.
  • Biologists do not claim that life is exempt from any of the laws of thermodynamics.
  • But we did suggest that in nature, there were "Laws of System Dynamics," which paralleled thermodynamics, and helped explain how a largely resource-spent place like the rainforest - which should be dead - is instead the locus of more life and species creativity than any other ecosystem on earth. Bill Shireman: Science, Religion, and Sustainability: Lessons from My Grandfather
  • Tjelvar SG, Olsson, Mark A, Williams, William R, et al. (2008) The thermodynamics of protein-ligand interaction and solvation: insights for ligand design. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Based on thermodynamics principle, the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed.
  • Lewis also contributed fundamental work in chemical thermodynamics, and his brilliant textbook, Thermodynamics (1923), written together with Merle Randall, is counted as one of the masterworks in the chemical literature. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • For example, when large polyelectrolytes coexist with concentrated clay dispersions, the complete separation of the two phases allows the thermodynamics to be understood.
  • George Hatsopoulos, the thermodynamicist who founded Thermoelectron Corp., has found his way to economist Dale Jor-genson and the concept of the cost of capital and introduced them to discussions of international competitiveness; he has also taken up with the Federal Reserve system as chairman of one of its regional banks. Economic Principals
  • More than 100 texts have been written on chemical thermodynamics but a concise summary of the laws is hard to find.
  • This is a revolutionary new concept in thermodynamics -- an incompressible ideal gas! Over reach
  • However, thermodynamic driving forces may indeed arise in experiments, as the result of chemical potential and/or concentration gradients between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm.
  • Enquiries into the role of heat in these reactions led him to study chemical thermodynamics, and eventually to the famous Le Chatelier's principle.
  • Although intimately related, mechanical and thermodynamic stability are different quantities.
  • Rudolf J.E. Clausius also introduced (1850) a quantitative measure of irreversibility which he termed entropy, and he posited the so-called second law of thermodynamics by which for a closed physical system the total entropy of the system cannot decrease in time but only increase or at most remain constant. SYMMETRY AND ASYMMETRY
  • Thermodynamically, the migration of nonbinding particles to these weakened microdomains is entropically favorable because it maximizes particle motions.
  • In thermodynamics one divides any heat loss or gain by the temperature, and one obtains then a quantity that is called the change in entropy.
  • Or, as we are violating basic laws of how the world works so we might as well throw aside thermodynamics too, just start costlessly changing salt water into light crude. Oil: Marginal vs. Average Cost, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Statistical thermodynamics provides the link between the microscopic properties of matter and its bulk properties.
  • In this manner, thermoeconomics attempts to apply the theories in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, in which structure formations called dissipative structures form, and information theory, in which information entropy is a central construct, to the modeling of economic activities in which the natural flows of energy and materials function to create scarce resources. Technocracy
  • Fundamentals (orbital mechanics, aerothermodynamics / reentry, space debris) Undefined
  • No matter how wistfully we may long for the fountain of youth, the fact is that Laws of Thermodynamics are irrefutable.
  • Abstract: Another method for proving the three thermodynamical partial derivatives equaling chemical potential is given.
  • In thermodynamic terminology, human economic activity may be described as a dissipative system, which flourishes by transforming and exchanging resources, goods, and services. Technocracy
  • The first hint of ATP's real importance took place within the thermodynamic studies that Meyerhof had ordered for the various phosphorylated compounds. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Manual disposal of the experimental data of the thermodynamic function measured with electromotive force can hardly achieve a satisfactory result.
  • It involved appeal to the flow of energy governed by thermodynamics and differential equations - all concepts possessing unobservable aspects - and made full use of a manifold of mental pictures.
  • The thermodynamical properties of polymers are studied using a BP artificial neural network model.
  • Manual disposal of the experimental data of the thermodynamic function measured with electromotive force can hardly achieve a satisfactory result.
  • But then we'd have to get into what quantum thermodynamics means, and well, that's a battle for another day!
  • Liquid Junction equation was deduced from the dissipation function of irreversible process thermodynamics.
  • The thermodynamics and dynamics for adsorption of picric acid onto polyamide under static conditions were studied and the influence of temperature on the adsorption was also inspected.
  • Based on the thermodynamics of swelling gel, factors affecting solute partition and deswelling of gel, which determine the selectivity and the capacity of gel extraction respectively, are analyzed.
  • He now worked on thermodynamics, publishing three papers on applications to physical chemistry and thermoelectricity.
  • Furthermore, Natural Laws such as Gravity, Inverse Squares, Cause and Effect, and Thermodynamics imply a Law-giver.
  • Permeability changes, however, can merely be inferred, as pore throat sizes and tortuosity cannot be predicted from thermodynamics.
  • George, in case you are wondering, McIntyre dismisses my criticism of Essex and McKitrick because “Chris Essex is an accomplished thermodynamicist”. To Browsing Undergraduates « Climate Audit
  • The theory offers a novel way to metricate Hofmeister effects and also leads to thermodynamic quantities, which account for the influence of salts.
  • Two important thermodynamic quantities are temperature and entropy.
  • To predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or not it is necessary to introduce another thermodynamic state function called entropy.
  • If you take the whole Solar System and treat it as a closed system, the entropy does increase, just as the laws of thermodynamics require.
  • In 11 short pages Boulding gave an account of the economy and its relation to the environment that distinguished between open and closed systems in relation to matter, energy, and information; described the economy as a sub-system of the biosphere; considered the significance of the second law of thermodynamics for energy, matter and information and the extent to which they are subject to entropic processes; argued that knowledge or information is the key to economic development; noted that fossil fuels are a short-term exhaustible supplement to solar energy and that fission energy does not change this picture; considered the prospects for much better use of solar energy enhanced perhaps by the biological revolution; argued that human welfare may be better understood as a stock rather than a flow; presented an ethical basis for conservation; acknowledged that human impacts on the environment have spread from the local to the global; observed the limited contribution that corrective taxation might play; and commented that technological change has become distorted through planned obsolescence, competitive advertising, poor quality, and a lack of durability. Herman Daly Festschrift~ Herman Daly and the Steady State Economy
  • Thermobarometers require thermodynamic calibration of the equilibrium constant for a particular reaction or set of reactions.
  • The effect of the second law of thermodynamics operating in this almost-closed system had been reduced to almost-nil. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • More than 2400 equilibrium constants of acid-base reactions, 1500 complexation enthalpies, and nearly 2000 infrared and ultraviolet shifts upon complexation are gathered together in 25 thermodynamic and spectroscopic scales of basicity and/or affinity. AvaxHome
  • this phenomenon is thermodynamically impossible
  • He spends much of his book providing us with a brief history of energy and discussions about energy issues such as thermodynamics and electromagnetism.
  • Based on pedagogical scheme of representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
  • He now worked on thermodynamics, publishing three papers on applications to physical chemistry and thermoelectricity.
  • There is little understanding of tribology; consequently, it requires a systematic approach and a broad knowledge of Chemistry, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Metallurgy, and Solid Mechanics.
  • As far as "self-organizing" goes, I can only assume BGT takes issue with concepts like kinetics and thermodynamics, as well as potential energy, VSEPR, Molecular Orbital Theory, and steric hindrance. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • In Thermodynamics, it is called a "Perpetual Motion Machine", one that delivers useful work output, which exceeds the intrinsic value (known as "exergy") of its energy input. China Stocks News and Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • The temperature exactly matches the thermodynamic predictions related to the surface area of the black hole.
  • The entire theory that "greenhouse gases" in the atmosphere can reradiate energy back to the Earth and thus cause more heating, has been proven to violate the laws of thermodynamics, and thus to be completely devoid of physical reality. A Western Heart
  • The text assumes a basic knowledge of symmetry, atomic structure, thermodynamics and electrode potentials.
  • Onsager also formulated a general mathematical expression about the behavior of nonreversible chemical processes that has been described as the “fourth law of thermodynamics.” Onsager, Lars
  • The key issue of this paper is to relate thermodynamics data, especially calorimetric data, of peptide-containing membranes to the aggregation of the peptides.
  • * advanced instrumentation for aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics Scientific Frontline by SFL ORG Educational News Network
  • Thermodynamically speaking, this molecular ordering lowers the system's entropy, so the system compensates by heating up as a consequence of energy conservation.
  • Understanding the thermodynamic and structural basis of protein folding is one of the key issues in current research in biochemistry.
  • The ternary C - H - N phase diagrams for low pressure diamond growth were theoretically calculated through thermodynamic analysis.
  • In physics, this is the law of thermodynamics: that heat will always flow from hot to cold.
  • Furthermore, the binding constants and thermodynamic parameters of pentachlorophenol with HA were obtained at different temperatures.
  • The method of Beard et al. involves a bilinear constraint on fluxes and free energies, resulting from implementation of the second law of thermodynamics.
  • Look at the laws of thermodynamics if you want to know how the world works, not crazy theories about artificial intelligence. POPCO
  • (The analogy doesn't quite work, however, because human society more closely resembles what Prigogine termed a dissipative system, a type of system far from thermodynamic equilibrium due to the large flows of energy through the system). Archive 2009-02-01
  • By this time he had completely reversed his ideas about black holes and thermodynamics, the very ideas that had created such arguments a few years earlier.
  • The thermodynamic characteristic of the mountain histosols was superior to that of dark-brown soil of hillside, which was beneficial for plant growth and nutrient accumulation.
  • The emergent principles of thermodynamics, which were introduced to describe macroscopic systems such as steam engines and refrigerators, were eventually derived from the submicroscopic atomic theory of matter. Victor Stenger: The Hubris of Holism
  • The results could also add a further twist to a field Einstein did not foresee - the thermodynamics of black holes.
  • Specific recovery methods have to be developed, such as dedicated thermodynamic cycles for unrenewable heat.
  • In the thesis, ideal wet compression concept was given according to the basic thermodynamics analysis.
  • Working out the design parameters to match a series of “Energy Maneuverability” curves he had formulated (in large part from reinterpreting the aircraft as a thermodynamic system), Boyd coaxed several aircraft companies to produce prototypes to compete in a flyoff. Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
  • He started working in thermodynamics - calculating aircraft engine performance.
  • Carnot’s experiments also showed that thermodynamic laws are essentially economic formulations of physical relations, for the terms ’useful’ and ’unavailable’ energy refer to the economy’s ability to use energy to upgrade the organizational state of natural resources into useful goods and services. Biophysical economics
  • The articles also deal with the synthesis of polymeric dendrimers, either by the convergent or divergent approach; block copolymers synthesis, to define micromorphology in high performance polymers; and thereby tailoring their thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectrical properties, and finally kinetics and thermodynamics for microstructural organization in macroporous thermosets. AvaxHome RSS:
  • His interests in science itself were mainly in the area of mathematical physics, and in particular thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, elasticity, mathematical chemistry, and mechanics.
  • In applied mathematics he studied optics, electricity, telegraphy, capillarity, elasticity, thermodynamics, potential theory, quantum theory, theory of relativity and cosmology.
  • As the structural and thermodynamic data about ATP mounted, combined with the enzymatic information and the discovery of myosin, Meyerhof was finally in a position to formally propose that the release of energy in ATP hydrolysis was the primary event leading to muscle contraction and that lactic acid and creatine phosphate were only indirectly involved through their role of maintaining the ATP cycle. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • The mechanism that Koonin copping out on science over is an inherent thermodynamic predispositioning toward absolute symmetry that evolution accomplishes with the exact necessary amount of help from a ** practical**, (not perfect), environment. Again, there is absolutely no teleology involved
  • As it guides our intuitions in microphysics, the No Teleology Principle is not only independent of the thermodynamic asymmetry, but conflicts with the widely-accepted doctrine that the laws of microphysics are insensitive to the distinction between past and future. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • The topics Brillouin wrote on were the kinetic theory of gases, viscosity, thermodynamics, melting conditions and electricity.
  • So what is the microscopic physics that underlies the thermodynamic properties of black holes?
  • Finally, we note that we have not considered possible thermodynamic factors related to the presence of the diluent glycerol influencing protein stabilization.
  • The field of thermodynamics is concerned with all types of energy changes in physical systems.
  • Or maybe they just know enough thermodynamics to understand why Sewell's arguments are totally invalid.
  • Scanning calorimetry is used as a direct method to reveal the thermodynamic properties of phase transition like transition temperatures and enthalpies.
  • The oxygen autogenous smelting process of nickeliferous copper concentrate from Jinchuan Nonferrous Corp. is thermodynamically analyzed.
  • Thermodynamic processes control the growth and ablation of ice.
  • The electronic density of states (DOS) of the system as well as low temperature thermodynamic quantities are obtained under the saddle point approximation.
  • Particular care was taken in sample preparation to ensure thermodynamic equilibrium.
  • In applied mathematics he studied optics, electricity, telegraphy, capillarity, elasticity, thermodynamics, potential theory, quantum theory, theory of relativity and cosmology.
  • In addition, melting requires significant amounts of extra heat, (in thermodynamic terms, the enthalpy of fusion), to break molecular bonds and cause a phase transition from solid to liquid.
  • the laws of thermodynamics
  • The article is dignified, reasonable, and entirely predictable, essentially a pièce justificative, adding nothing new to the controversy or to the original essay apart from the substitution of DNA for the Second Law of Thermodynamics as a test of scientific literacy. The Scientific Imagination
  • More important, the change in thermodynamic properties means that driving the reaction in the opposite direction—regenerating the ammonia borane by somehow putting hydrogen back—becomes less difficult, at least in theory.
  • This well-meaning law ensures that schools will be closed if their special ed students and non-native speakers of English cannot spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" or solve rudimentary problems in thermodynamics. The Wartime President
  • Hurter was a pioneer in applying the disciplines of physical chemistry and thermodynamics to industrial processes.
  • As philologists at least as early as Erasmus observed (and as information theory's version of the second law of thermodynamics would predict), scribal errors tend to replace less frequent and hence entropically more information-rich wordings with more frequent ones. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He also rails against the Big Bang and the use of imaginary time in statistical physics, but that does not mean he understands either astrophysics or thermodynamics. Berlinski's Wisdom
  • The study of the energy relationships and the statistical behaviour of large groups of particles is called statistical thermodynamics.
  • He's giving a paper on thermodynamics at a conference at Manchester University.
  • He taught thermodynamics and statistical mechanics in a very elegant fashion.
  • The so-called reduction of classical thermodynamics to statistical mechanics, however, fails to identify or associate nonstatistical features in the reducing theory, statistical mechanics, with the nonstatistical concept of temperature as it appears in the reduced theory. Intertheory Relations in Physics
  • The 13th CGPM (1967) adopted the name kelvin (symbol K) instead of "degree Kelvin" (symbol °K) and defined the unit of thermodynamic temperature as follows: Kelvin
  • In thermodynamic technology, it is meaningful to determine the state function of thermodynamics, from which many important thermodynamic functions can be derived and power and heat be calculated.
  • If you're a member of the Thermodynamic Law Party: Without institutionalized marriage keeping open the possibility of energy exchange with the rest of society, gay couples will become adiabatically closed systems, preventing them from importing negentropy and thereby increasing, not decreasing, the entropy of such non-traditional but long-standing family units. Archive 2008-10-01
  • In the next section the thermodynamic and kinetic feasibility of the symplastic transport pathway will be assessed.
  • I wasn†™ t very good in thermodynamics, but my guess is that the cloak is endothermic somehow, and it sucked all the heat from inside the bubble. 365 tomorrows » featured writer : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A Stirling Engine is a mechanical device, which operates on a closed looping thermodynamic cycle.
  • To better study the structure and thermodynamics of ion solvation in nanotubes, we focus exclusively on the solvation of a solitary ion inside the channel.
  • With the introduction of thermodynamics, advances in enzyme chemistry and the discovery of phosphorylated compounds in the 1920s, the stage was set for a sudden shift in how scientists understood intermediate metabolism. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • In applied mathematics he studied optics, electricity, telegraphy, capillarity, elasticity, thermodynamics, potential theory, quantum theory, theory of relativity and cosmology.
  • Using magnetic fluid dynamics and thermodynamics theory, a study on the results of axial bearing pressure ability of rotation axis magnetic fluid static seals was introduced.
  • Those who argued for natural selection, and geologists who accepted uniformitarian principles, were faced with a very restricted time frame because of these clear thermodynamic restrictions. SPM4 Preview: The Hockey Stick Lives « Climate Audit
  • From the measurements thermodynamic and kinetic information can be derived.
  • For thoroughly know the energy saving effect of GEHP, The thermodynamics analysis is processed with the first law of thermodynamics, exergy theory, energy grade theory and thermoeconomic method.
  • To me it was meant to take the same role as ‘physicist’ or ‘biologist’, ‘thermodynamicist’, etc. Theories, laws, facts
  • We model these properties with a basic thermodynamic framework without the use of more elaborated theory as has been done previously.
  • Per Shang-Keng Ma, an entropy can be defined as the logarithm of the phase-space volume explored by the system over a given timescale; the states relevant for thermodynamics (mumble mumble microcanonical mumble mumble) would be the decategorification of the states used at the statistical-mechanical level. Arrow of Time FAQ
  • This paper has presented the thermodynamics action of crystal based on the Debye model.
  • If you do not understand the coeffcients of nuclear (solar and galactic)radiation as an energy inputand its qualitative energy budget or the biochemistry of say refrigerant bacteria such as phylum Pseudomonas the activators and inhibitors of chemical thermodynamics and thermodiffusion state it in your discourse,ie provide a risk matrix of the levels of understanding of unquantified variables and the correlation of accuracy (proof) of the gcm. Some Ice Cores in NAS – Antarctic « Climate Audit
  • In contrast to thermodynamics, where molecular motions can be averaged out over macroscopic scales, genetic details do influence phenotypic evolution.
  • Prior theoretical studies on the net contribution of electrostatics to the thermodynamics of binding have shown contradictory results.
  • These thermodynamic models predict that there is significant lateral redistribution of both monovalent and multivalent charged lipids in response to the membrane association of oppositely charged proteins.
  • Material and energy from the larger environment enter the economy and, through the miracle of the 2nd law of thermodynamics, are converted into high entropy waste products that re-enter the larger environment. Matthew Yglesias » The Consumer Surplus Decade
  • Gasser, Heiner and Elk have selected the areas of application the weak interference of thermodynamic equilibrium, multiparticle physics and solids. AvaxHome RSS:
  • These models provide numerous insights into the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of protein folding.
  • With the introduction of thermodynamics, advances in enzyme chemistry and the discovery of phosphorylated compounds in the 1920s, the stage was set for a sudden shift in how scientists understood intermediate metabolism. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • However, the complexity of a thermodynamically stable sugar stereoisomer has only two possibilities: D or L depending upon whether the C-O ring bond points “up” or “down”. Chirality of life: Another false positive? - The Panda's Thumb
  • According to the thermal experiment data and correction curve of heat supply units, the mathematical analysis formula of thermodynamic characteristic has been given accurately in this paper.
  • Beltrami also worked on optics, thermodynamics, elasticity, electricity and magnetism.
  • The articles also deal with the synthesis of polymeric dendrimers, either by the convergent or divergent approach; block copolymers synthesis, to define micromorphology in high performance polymers; and thereby tailoring their thermal, chemical, mechanical and dielectrical properties, and finally kinetics and thermodynamics for microstructural organization in macroporous thermosets. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Thermodynamic entropy draws all chemical reactions down to their minimal energy level.
  • As we have already seen, the early thermodynamicists like Maxwell and Boltzmann implicitly gave credence to the atomic idea by treating gases as though they were mechanical systems of microscopic masses.
  • The very possibility of finding a reduction function or bridge law that captures the concept of temperature and the strict, nonstatistical, role it plays in the thermodynamics seems impossible. Intertheory Relations in Physics
  • Conventional cryoscopes and osmometers can be modified to achieve the desired non-adiabatic thermodynamics of the chilling chamber during freezing-point determination as will be described below.
  • The zeroth law of thermodynamics is commonly expressed as heat flowing from hot to cold objects.
  • Thermal pollution is an concomitant of power generation - an unavoidable implication of the second law of thermodynamics.
  • A typical rebuttal is to suggest that information entropy and thermodynamic entropy are unconnected, citing the apocryphal story that Shannon picked the term entropy because “nobody understands what it means”. Vacuity of Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Following a conceptually different approach, using thermodynamic computer simulations that allow the system to evolve naturally towards high-density states, we observe that a fluid of hard tetrahedra undergoes a first-order phase transition to a dodecagonal quasicrystal Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In the third chapter, the surface vibration and thermodynamic properties of some typical surfaces for FCC and HCP metals are studied by means of the surface lattice dynamics and the analytic EAM.
  • Fifty years ago, C.P. Snow was shocked to learn that most of his supposedly highly educated friends, who might look down their nose at someone who could not quote Shakespeare and the Bible, were totally ignorant of mass and acceleration, not to mention the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which he called the scientific equivalent of asking: "Can you read? Gareth Harris: Can You Speak Science? A Primer from a Priest
  • Mechanical engineering degrees provide an understanding of core concepts such as thermodynamics, materials science and structural analysis, using tools like computer-aided engineering to analyse problems and find practical solutions. Engineering: mechanical
  • Hurter was a pioneer in applying the disciplines of physical chemistry and thermodynamics to industrial processes.
  • As we have noted Jeans worked on thermodynamics, heat and other aspects of radiation, publishing major works on these topics and on applications to astronomy.
  • Helmholtz achieved a staggering number of scientific results, including the formulation of energy conservation, the vortex equations for fluid dynamics, the notion of free energy in thermodynamics, and the invention of the ophthalmoscope. Hermann von Helmholtz
  • The answer, as beautiful in outline as it is simple, is the brainchild of Montana thermodynamicist Eric D. Schneider: nature abhors a gradient.
  • In 1936, he was a visiting professor at Columbia University, where he taught a course on thermodynamics.
  • The universal nature of gravity is also demonstrated by the fact that its basic equations closely resemble the laws of thermodynamics and hydrodynamics. “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton” by Erik Verlinde
  • Another example of microstructural control is that aragonite with complex microstructures can dissolve more rapidly than thermodynamically less stable magnesian calcite.
  • Thermodynamically metastable skutterudite crystalline-structured compounds are disclosed having preselected stoichiometric compositions.
  • Specialists recognize that the present thermodynamic laws do not suffice to explain all nonreversible phenomena, including especially life processes. Energy and economic myths (historical)
  • The kelvin is the unit of thermodynamic temperature in the International System of Units (SI). Kelvin
  • In particular, Hawking was gaining a renewed interest in a field called thermodynamics, developed by Lord Kelvin and others in the nineteenth century.
  • In chemistry, thermodynamics refers to the transformations of energy associated with chemical reactions.
  • This facilitated the steady advances being made in the field of thermodynamics and in thermochemistry, which is the application of thermodynamics to chemical processes.
  • Conducts theoretical thermodynamic analyses involving steady and nonsteady gas mixture flow. Discover What You’re Best At
  • It turns out that you don't have to be a thermodynamicist to understand what you have to do.
  • I would probably be one of the last people to disagree with the “universal nature of gravity”, but claiming that it is because the equations, in one particular form, resemble the laws of thermodynamics and hydrodynamics is quite unreasonable. The Language of Science – it’s “just a theory”
  • the thermodynamic limit
  • Lewis basicity and affinity measurements: definitions and context. the Donor Number or SbCl5 affinity scale. the BF3 affinity scale. thermodynamic and spectroscopic scales of hydrogen-bond basicity. thermodynamic and spectroscopic scales of halogen-bond basicity. gas-phase cation basicity and affinity scales. the measurement of Lewis basicity and affinity in the laboratory AvaxHome
  • You forgot about the zeroth law of thermodynamics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reminds me that I did a paper deriving something related to Gibbs, the greatest thermodynamicist of them all. Unthreaded #17 « Climate Audit
  • The dependence of the sublimation energy on temperature and pressure was studied based on universal thermodynamics.
  • Unite and discuss the impact on chemistry reaction speed and chemical balance of temperature in two respects from thermodynamics and dynamics.
  • Various ISCR reactions unique to EHC promote rapid and complete dechlorination of target compounds (see "Thermodynamics of Low Eh Reactions" for further scientific validation at: www. / pdfs / Battelle_06_ISCR. pdf). PRWeb
  • Thermodynamic constraints mean that chemiosmosis is strictly necessary for carbon and energy metabolism in all organisms that grow from simple chemical ingredients [autotrophy] today, and presumably the first free-living cells," said Lane. Space Business and Industry News at
  • The mathematical description of heat flow linked his work on thermodynamics, the cooling of the Earth and even the flow of electrical signals through telegraph wires.
  • Following an international inquiry by the BIPM, which began in 1948, the 10th CGPM, in 1954, approved the introduction of the ampere, the kelvin and the candela as base units, respectively, for electric current, thermodynamic temperature and luminous intensity. International System of Units (SI)
  • In the early 19th century, two scientists disagreed - German naturalist and geologist Alexander von Humboldt and French chemist and thermodynamicist Louis Joseph Gay-Lussac. Peak Oil - True or False
  • There is an atomic will towards binding and dissociation, driven by thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
  • Their thermodynamic studies of a wide range of phosphorylated compounds were particularly important at the beginning of the Heidelberg years, while identification and analysis of intermediate products such as esters and the enzymes that catalyze the biochemical reactions became increasingly important during the latter years. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Consider, for example, a rigid cubical vessel full of an ideal, monoatomic gas in thermodynamic equilibrium. The Arrow of Time in Scientific American
  • Neither has the second law of thermodynamics nor the universal law of gravitation.
  • The key points, thermodynamics balance and adjustment instrumentality are used to solve the water power unbalance.
  • Based on pedagogical scheme of representation of fundamental dependent equations relating thermodynamic functions is suggested.
  • If the laws of thermodynamics are sturdy, and if Soddy's analysis of their relevance to economic life is correct, we'd better expand the realm of what we think is realistic.
  • In physics, this is the law of thermodynamics: that heat will always flow from hot to cold.
  • - Analyzing the aerothermodynamics of entry systems, aeronautics and space vehicle trajectories; RedOrbit News - Technology

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