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  1. an electronic musical instrument; melodies can be played by moving the right hand between two rods that serve as antennas to control pitch; the left hand controls phrasing

How To Use theremin In A Sentence

  • What I didn't realize before I played was that both the shows had a thereminist as collaborator for those performances. Sunday: reading, practicing, cleaning off DVR, beige Macs
  • The theremin is a music instrument you play without touching.
  • The theremin is believed to have been the first electronic musical instrument, and it features in many of Miklos Rosza's scores.
  • Genius thereminist Clara Rockmore was born Clara Reisenberg in Vilna (now Vilnius), Lithuania, in 1911. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Twenty-Eight
  • Aided by the spooky sounds of a theremin, "Radio Play" explores what he called "a fragmented psychology," and leads audiences in and out of familiar and disorientating material—a technique he also employs in his stand-up comedy act. An Old-Fashioned Show in the Hair and Now
  • The final portion of the song is its shining moment, a powerful distorted guitar and the pounding piano provide a strong backdrop for a shrieking theremin.
  • Theremin invented the weird electronic instrument that provided soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies.
  • You know how the theremin, grandfather of the modern synthesizer, sounds kind of like the singing saw - an instrument as old as woodcutting?
  • They meet up in Torino without much of a plan and immerse themselves in the studio with trad rock instruments plus a bunch of theremins and glockenspiels.
  • And then they use a theremin to get things really spooky.
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