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How To Use Thereabout In A Sentence

  • He is actually of an alternate dimension where everyone has pure, icy blue hypnotic eyes, and the beings that exist thereabouts communicate through a sort of musical telepathy.
  • I was thinking that I could get the train home afterwards, but the last train leaves East Croydon station at 23:13 or thereabouts, and I'm not sure how late the gig is going to be.
  • No reason to think they will not be there or thereabouts again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man in the shop, perhaps, is in the baked 'jemmy' line, or the fire-wood and hearth-stone line, or any other line which requires a floating capital of eighteen-pence or thereabouts: and he and his family live in the shop, and the small back parlour behind it. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • No reason to think they will not be there or thereabouts again. Times, Sunday Times
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  • I think everything took about 1 hour 45 minutes or thereabouts.
  • The factory is in Leeds or somewhere thereabouts.
  • As she sat before a "burry," clad in a blue, pinafore-like garment, from which emerged white silk sleeves to match the collar and yoke, her hand absently turning over a pile of notebooks, bound in green and blue and rose, she made a striking contrast to Hannah Vernon in a cinnamon coat and skirt, built for wear by a cheap tailor on the principle of "there or thereabouts. A College Girl
  • Can we rendezvous at Rae's Junction or thereabouts?
  • I believe we'll be on at about 7:15 pm or somewhere thereabouts.
  • Let the rounded end of a brass rod, 0.3 of an inch or thereabouts in diameter, point downwards in free air; let it be amalgamated, and have a drop of mercury suspended from it; and then let it be powerfully electrized. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • She was a servant - maid at 3 pounds a year wages, or thereabouts.
  • Then he looked into the west "airt," and he thought he saw thereabouts a ring of fiery hue, and within the ring a man on a grey horse. The Story of Burnt Njal: the great Icelandic tribune, jurist, and counsellor
  • To put the case more concisely, the _Star of the North_ had been carried for the distance of _four degrees and a half_ exactly of longitude backward on her outward track to New York and some _two degrees_ or thereabouts to the southwards, placing us as nearly as possible in the position the skipper had already indicated, a direction of some five hundred miles more or less from our proper course and about midway between Bermuda and the Azores, or Western Islands. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • Flaunders and of the lowe countries thereabouts was drenched and lost; 'and Lambard goes on to quote Hector Boethius to the effect that' this place, being sometyme in the possession of the Earl Godwin, was then first violently overwhelmed with a light sande, wherewith it not only remayneth covered ever since, but is become withal (_Navium gurges et vorago_) a most dreadful gulfe and shippe-swallower. ' Heroes of the Goodwin Sands
  • Expect him to be there or thereabouts come the end of the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Allow me to spool back fourteen years, or thereabouts: October time. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Gradually clicking into gear as things move on, and usually being there or thereabouts come the final stages. The Sun
  • That's a saving of $232 million or thereabouts.
  • Stzuchogora toward the mountaine Camenipoias, and the sea with the Ilands thereabout, and the Castle of Pustosero, are diuers and innumerable nations, which by one common name are called Samoged (that is) such as eate themselues. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 04
  • Clarinbridge have been there or thereabouts now for the past number of years and their day must surely dawn soon.
  • Or will you feel your way along the Congo in a tropical helmet, with six holes in the top of it, until you come out again at Kamerun or thereabouts? The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12
  • For a mile or thereabouts my raft went very well, only that I found it drive a little distant from the place where I had landed before, by which I perceived that there was some indraft of water, and consequently I hoped to find some creek or river there, which I might make use of as a port to get to land with my cargo. Robinson Crusoe
  • The factory is in Leeds or somewhere thereabouts.
  • I haue sailed ouer the Caspian sea, and discouered all the regions thereabout adiacent, as Chircassi, Comul, Shascal, Shiruim, with many others. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Gradually clicking into gear as things move on, and usually being there or thereabouts come the final stages. The Sun
  • Short of forking out the £1,000 or thereabouts required to book a regular seat in Croke Park, they have no chance of getting inside the walls come semi-final and final days.
  • So you can't really beat the old workhorse who puts it there or thereabouts. The Sun
  • If nobody won the jackpot (back then) it was then multiplied by two for the next draw, thereby sending up the jackpot to $2 million or thereabouts.
  • But they will be there or thereabouts come the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile down the road at Ballyara the contractors have been working feverishly to get the new school ready and work is continuing round the clock so as to have it ready by November or thereabouts.
  • The altercation waxed hot in words, which moved the gaping hoidens of the sottish Parisians to run from all parts thereabouts, to see what the issue would be of that babbling strife and contention. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Jewes, to the number of fyue thousande or thereabout. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The utility, though seemingly rebuffed, in fact got what it wanted, or thereabouts.
  • A knock on the door came about five minutes later, at one o'clock, or thereabouts.
  • We decided against that peninsula because we are not fond of the excessive heat and humidity thereabouts and we also found the peninsula to be a bit of a scrubby and unscenic flat and undistinguished land except perhaps in the southern part approaching other parts of Southern Mexico and along certain coastal corridors. Retiring in Yucatan
  • Assuming he is the sole candidate, he will likely be ‘crowned’ as the new leader fairly quickly - by about mid-November or thereabouts, from what I hear.
  • I shall await you at seven - thirty or thereabouts.
  • In an old court of the old town lived a certain elderly personage, perhaps sixty, or thereabouts; he was rather tall, and something of a robust make, with a countenance in which bluffness was singularly blended with vivacity and grimace; and with a complexion which would have been ruddy, but for a yellow hue which rather predominated. Lavengro
  • It was then that Gylis the polemarch met his end, as also Pelles, who was on his personal staff, and the whole of the Spartans present without exception — eighteen or thereabouts — perished, either crushed by stones or succumbing to other wounds. Hellenica
  • Can we rendezvous at the station or thereabouts?
  • Wherefore I have been considering thy desires herein, and if thou deem it meet to give a gift to Dame Elinor, and live queenlier thyself than now thou dost, then mayst thou give unto her the Castle of Greenharbour, and the six manors appertaining thereto, and withal the rights of wild-wood and fen and fell that lie thereabout. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  • I think it was near the beginning of March, or thereabouts.
  • But they will be there or thereabouts come the end. Times, Sunday Times
  • he stayed in London or thereabouts for several weeks
  • The Bigwig family (composed of all the stateliest people thereabouts, and all the noisiest) had undertaken to save him the trouble of thinking for himself, and to manage him and his affairs. Nobody's Story
  • I had read about doss-houses (they are never called doss-houses, by the way), and I supposed that one could get a bed for fourpence or thereabouts. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • But at 7.30 or thereabouts the station comes alive.
  • Your metronomical indications I naturally accepted as my rule, which formerly I had not been able to do ” 69 for the song of "Tannhauser," 70 or thereabouts for the D major passage of Wolfram, etc. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • He said: ‘It comes from Measham in Derbyshire and it may well have been a wedding present for my great great grandparents who were married in 1890 or thereabouts.’
  • In my way home through the Borough I met a venerable old man, not a mendicant, but thereabouts; a look-beggar, not a verbal petitionist; and in the coxcombry of taught charity I gave away the cake to him. Selected English Letters
  • If people don't expect us to be there or thereabouts it's a bit disrespectful. The Sun
  • For a mile or thereabouts my raft went very well, only that I found it drive a little distant from the place where I had landed before; by which I perceived that there was some indraft of the water, and consequently I hoped to find some creek or river there, which I might make use of as a port to get to land with my cargo. The Junior Classics — Volume 5
  • The Baggies finished 10th last season and should end up there or thereabouts again this time. The Sun
  • Maybe it did," muttered Tom to himself, "howsomdever, I'll keep a bright look-out thereabouts, and I've a notion that some day I'll catch the mole coming out of his hole. Washed Ashore The Tower of Stormount Bay
  • Allow me to spool back fourteen years, or thereabouts: October time. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • [laughs] Because the term biosafety officer really had not been coined until 1976 or thereabouts, at the Asilomar Conference in California, where the first recombinant DNA research was presented as scientific fact. BLDGBLOG
  • come at noon or thereabouts
  • At Cairo and thereabouts was a manufactory of striped silk, in which the Arabic writing, real and finely designed, played a great part.
  • Cloud Atlas (2004) by David Mitchell is another haunting book, a reading experience that can only be compared with an Everest ascent, with the thematic summit of the book occurring midway through, by which point we've leapfrogged from the the early nineteenth century to the twenty third (or thereabouts). MIND MELD: Non-Genre Books for Genre Readers
  • I finished my gym stint at 8:30 or thereabouts last night.
  • Brighton should be thereabouts again this season. The Sun
  • The Baggies finished 10th last season and should end up there or thereabouts again this time. The Sun
  • The marshlands thereabouts remained very brumous for most of the winters.
  • The man in the shop, perhaps, is in the baked ‘jemmy’ line, or the fire – wood and hearth – stone line, or any other line which requires a floating capital of eighteen – pence or thereabouts: and he and his family live in the shop, and the small back parlour behind it. Sketches by Boz
  • ‘This is a boy, or a youth, or a lad, or a young man, or a hobbledehoy, or whatever you like to call him, of eighteen or nineteen, or thereabouts,’ said Ralph. Nicholas Nickleby
  • She is forty or thereabout ( s ).
  • The exception were landholders who made a killing because of their ability to visualize the future 57th Street, or thereabouts, not as glacial rock and weeds but as an international crossroads with half-naked male models serving sentry at stores selling overpriced stone-washed jeans, and loud-mouthed real-estate moguls who build garish skyscrapers. Grateful for Our Grid
  • This valley conteineth in length seuen or eight miles at the least; into the which whosoeuer entreth, dieth presently, and can by no meanes passe aliue thorow the middest thereof: for which cause all the inhabitants thereabout decline vnto the one side. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • If you live along Interstate 80 thereabouts, in the northwestern part of the United States, either stay up late or get up early, whichever way you go on that, and you will see a streakier meteor come across in the wee hours of Sunday morning. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2006
  • Then he goes to the overgrown graveyard, begun in 1322 or thereabouts, of an English coastal town to search for her headstone!
  • Expect him to be there or thereabouts come the end of the week. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those children have been rescued and saved, and a large number of those children, about 37 of them or thereabouts, reside here in the United States.
  • And despite the piles which casinos are raking in, many of their staff are right down at the bottom of the pay scale, earning $13 an hour or thereabouts.
  • They begin to learn English at the age of nine or thereabouts and can choose between German, French and Spanish in second level.
  • The water is extra salty in the ocean thereabouts, and the midday sun is fierce so near the equator.
  • Arriving at Telamon, in Etruria, and coming ashore, he proclaimed freedom for the slaves; and many of the countrymen, also, and shepherds thereabouts, who were already freemen, at the hearing his name flocked to him to the sea-side. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • I always get my wallpapers and desktop icons from thereabouts.
  • A beer straight from the mini-bar seemed a fitting reward for a two-hour drive, or thereabouts, to our chosen destination, nestling on the Derbyshire-Staffordshire border.
  • The altercation waxed hot in words, which moved the gaping hoidens of the sottish Parisians to run from all parts thereabouts. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Brighton should be thereabouts again this season. The Sun
  • They both feature iron-age civilisations bootstrapping themselves up to starfaring capability or thereabouts.
  • Now I think I'm right in saying that there was a medical fashion in the 60s or thereabouts for doctors to recommend dieting during pregnancy to ensure women didn't gain too much.
  • For the older people, like myself, they will know him because he ran a plumbing business at the bottom of Amberley Street or thereabouts.
  • The same names are always there or thereabouts, claiming victory after a hard-fought campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I think we must be cautious, because we are an organisation of 44,000 people or thereabouts; I think we have a lot of skills within the organisation.

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