How To Use Theorist In A Sentence
Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities.
All this seems to contradict the expectation of the manipulation theorists.
Cultural theorist Charles Mudede has written extensively on pop music, specifically hiphop.
The framework of the balanced constitution and mixed government was broadly accepted by political theorists and practising politicians alike.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
However, particle physicists (such as superstring theorists) tended to view black holes as being just another quantum state.
Singularities and Black Holes
With this technology, theorists can distinguish the values of the two descriptions above, since they are structures with different components (cf. Carnap's [1947] notion of intensional isomorphism).
In an argument that will run and run, he seemed to be inverting the wisdom of a social theorist from a previous age: the message is not only about the medium.
Twitter and Facebook cannot change the real world, says Malcolm Gladwell
According to sense-datum theorists, however, we are rarely, if ever, aware of this indirection in ordinary (veridical) exteroception.
Not only has the idea of schooling spread across the globe but, argue world culture theorists, schooling all over the world takes the same general form.
In contrast, the behavioral science theorists engaged in objective research on human behavior in organizations.
As for the" squibs "conspiracy theorists claim to see in videos of the WTC collapse, these are plumes of smoke and debris ejected from the building due to the immense pressure associated with millions of tons of falling towers (see Figure 1).
Debating "Skeptic Magazine" on September 11th Issues
IT'S pure agony for the families - and has spawned the next generation of conspiracy theorists.
The Sun
The framework of the balanced constitution and mixed government was broadly accepted by political theorists and practising politicians alike.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
Justice theorists have constructed impressive edifices by refining traditional notions of fairness and responsibility.
It's been a bitter debate, with many castigating reporters of the case as conspiracy theorists and worse.
For example, queer theorists usually argue that one of the advantages of the term ˜queer™ is that it thereby includes transsexuals, sado-masochists, and other marginalized sexualities.
I really admire her as a person and as a writer; and I think she has been the foundational theorist for a lot of women who are writing and who are scholars today.
Some conspiracy theorists believe the Priory of Sion to be one of the oldest and most powerful secret societies.
Conspiracy theorists might guess that Brown has Polaroids of Wilson in a compromising position.
This explanation provides us examples of Rae's great strength as an expositor and social critic and of his great weakness as a theorist.
The deconstruction of narrative as a natural or unproblematic activity was to be amplified by several other literary theorists.
While social movement theorists cite that electoral politics serve only to co-opt our work, we must ask ourselves if certain publications don't do the same.
Active citizenship is still an ideal, but we must not lose the vision of the classical theorists, regarding participatory democracy.
Dealing with people and domestic problems has given her experience of life often more effective than all the theorists, experts and gurus put together.
Get the Best out of the Rest of Your Life
The most active theorists wrestling with this demon offer something far less robust: spurious theories of ancient matriarchies, for one.
In a matter of this kind we cannot and will not accept the dictation of theorists.
Exploration, however, depended upon private patronage despite theorists imploring that maritime expansionism should be state-sponsored.
In fact, many superstring theorists who could not get faculty jobs went to Wall Street (where they were incorrectly called "rocket scientists"). This may mean leaving the field.
Composers and music theorists have long been preoccupied with the relationship between sound and space.
There will always be conspiracy theorists and liars in public life.
Times, Sunday Times
Some, mostly string theorists, posit the existence of a massless particle they've dubbed the graviton and claim that it is responsible for mediating the force of gravity, a force that has unlimited range.
Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Gravity, Evolution and Religious Dogma
Clearly, these are issues familiar to modernization theorists.
The Sociology of Modernization and Development
A few theorists, to be sure, supported the absolute monarchs.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
It is an art, please note, closely related to ethics, for those same theorists described the truly successful orator as vir bonus dicendi peritus -- a good man, skilled in public speaking.
Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
It was very much the sort of developmental pedagogy that composition scholars and learning theorists prescribe for remedial students.
This volume seeks to explore the saturation of visual technologies in our everyday lives, widely seen by theorists as the path to cultural destruction and a dystopian future.
Biologic theorists believe chromosomal or nervous system disorders are the cause.
I take it that this is the gist of the reason why the so-called social equality is so repulsive to theorists who have not comprehended the great difference between social _equality_ and social
Brook Farm
Since the 1950s he was a leading theorist in the study of early plucked strings and keyboard instruments.
Times, Sunday Times
One for the conspiracy theorists, this.
Times, Sunday Times
And the Chicanas are students who want to take on the work that some of the Chicana writers and myself are doing - these are our future writers, our future teachers, our future theorists, our future artists, and I work with them.
With this grand insight into the inner workings of oppression, our educational theorists inveigh against “standard English” and counsel respect for “alternative dialects.”
February 9th, 2009
But he too must perish, for life is a continuous process, and humanity an old man, refusing to be decompounded and rebuilt to the linear utopianism of the dreamer and theorist, come out of the silence with his ideal to be foisted on unregenerate society.
Leonid Andreyev: 1871-1919
That's the conundrum of the modern skeptics movement: Intelligent Design theorists and deniers of global warming may very well be phonies and scoundrels, but no one is going to debunk them in the classic sense.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I had a sudden hunch.
Times, Sunday Times
But in Sommers, we have the first theorist from the feminist tradition to talk up a return to male values.
The conspirators, a group of teachers and lawyers led by an educational theorist called Picornell, were condemned to death but reprieved on French insistence when peace was concluded.
I admit that my blanket statements about conspiracy theorists was a complete ham-fisted overgeneralization.
Is Swine Flu source leaked military weapon?
There will always be conspiracy theorists and liars in public life.
Times, Sunday Times
PMSL Their definition of concerned citizens is “conspiracy theorist.”
Think Progress » ThinkFast: September 9, 2006 — Path to 911 Edition
Conspiracy theorists will come up with ridiculous claims about how these measures infringe freedom.
The Sun
And the logic of your above argument, Mark -- the Protestants arguably have more basis for claiming that a democratic or otherwise anti-authority theorist is not Protestant in any relevant sense, "given his tradition and basic theological framework.
Fr. Robert Barron on Protestantism, authority, and Cardinal Newman
Wang Guangqi was the distinguish patriotic social activist during the May 4th Period, the outstanding music theorist and pioneer as well as founder of musicology in modern China.
Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates.
Except for economic theorists and econometricians, few members of the community appreciated the genius of a man who lived among them for 63 years.
IT'S pure agony for the families - and has spawned the next generation of conspiracy theorists.
The Sun
The idea that governments had access to alien technology was to fire generations of conspiracy theorists.
Times, Sunday Times
Nature decided to put an abrupt end to our finger-pointing conspiracy theorists' dialogue, when a deafening fart emptied from the anus of someone soundly asleep downstairs.
In advancing the tenets of racism, Western theorists left no avenue of human potentiality and human activity untouched.
But they sit out the first round, a fact that conspiracy theorists will seize on.
Times, Sunday Times
While a natural law theorist might downplay the importance of derivationist knowledge of the natural law, it is hard to see how a consistent natural law theorist could entirely reject the possibility of such knowledge, given the view that we can provide a substantial account of how the human good is grounded in nature: for to show that the human good is grounded in nature is to show that human nature explains why certain things are goods, and it is hard to see how one could affirm that claim while entirely rejecting the possibility of derivationist knowledge of the human good (see Murphy 2001, pp. 16-17).
The Natural Law Tradition in Ethics
But desire-based reasons theorists, as such, are committed, as internalists, as such, are not, to accepting a specific understanding of this internalist biconditional that reads the order of determination from right to left: what speaks to my desires determines what reasons I have and not vice versa.
Reasons for Action: Justification vs. Explanation
Primed by Pissarro in color theory, Cezanne viewed the southern landscape through the prismatic lens of a modern color theorist as well.
These theorists reject divine timelessness and immutability, along with infallible foreknowledge, arguing that not only should foreknowledge be rejected because of its fatalist consequences, the view of a God who takes risks is more faithful to Scripture than the classical notion of an essentially omniscient and foreknowing deity.
Foreknowledge and Free Will
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to see the negative influence of big landowners at work here.
Times, Sunday Times
Conspiracy theorists will come up with ridiculous claims about how these measures infringe freedom.
The Sun
So, basically it's time for a lazy suburban armchair political theorist to get active.
In this way, the coherence theorist sheds light on the feeling that sceptical hypotheses, if not conclusively eliminable, are nevertheless idle.
In the analysis of change, the various theorists have focused on different agents of change, which are often social classes.
Information from the Galileo space probe about Jupiter's atmosphere has left theorists baffled.
Global equilibrium and order at each level of a CAS emerges as what systems theorists call an "epiphenomenon" -- organization that is not predictable from knowing only the rules of the next lower level.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Much of what he writes is haute vulgarization of the best kind: witty, thoughtful, and accurate analyses of and commentaries upon the thought of other contemporary theorists.
But they sit out the first round, a fact that conspiracy theorists will seize on.
Times, Sunday Times
Wedge-centrism is a great example of confirmation bias, where wedge-centric conspiracy theorists pick and choose data to reinforce their conspiracy theories.
Confirmation Bias and ID
The blatancy of its rhetorical devices and the perverseness of its address create discomfort for serious theorists.
In the process they've become renowned as crackpot conspiracy theorists and nutters.
In that realm, a number theorist is not welcome to publish on high-energy physics, and a biochemist is not often invited to a conference of economists — however much their tangential perspectives on the topic might possibly stimulate new thinking.
Farewell to a Creative Agitator
Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.
Getting hired as a mathematical theorist is not worth much if your publication prospects are poor.
The Math Bubble, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Since the 1950s he was a leading theorist in the study of early plucked strings and keyboard instruments.
Times, Sunday Times
To stress apostrophe, personification, prosopopoeia, and hyperbole is to join the theorists who through the ages have emphasized what distinguishes the lyric from other speech acts, what makes it the most literary of forms.
Maybe these big-mouthed conspiracy-theorist shameful seniors should go back to kindergarten and learn how to "get along.
Town hall meeting on health care turns ugly
This year's Nobel Prize in Physics honors three theorists whose insight resolved what had appeared to be an intractable subatomic paradox.
Conspiracy theorists will come up with ridiculous claims about how these measures infringe freedom.
The Sun
Scouring the United States for ideas, he ran across the word privatization in the work of the economic and social theorist Peter Drucker.
He was essentially a "theorist" -- that word now of so much sanctity, formerly an epithet of contempt.
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4
But the theorists do not specify precisely how important Fordism was, nor how its hypothesized dominance was established.
Christopher Alexander is an active architectural theorist, educationist and architect in the modern western architectural field.
My goal, therefore, is to read these two theorists as potential correctives to one another.
It's really not a visual work; but it did make rich material for budding structuralist film-makers and post-structuralist theorists.
It was also about a Hellenistic conceit revisited by artists, critics, theorists, and poets during the middle decades of the cinquecento.
Fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists, and plain folk live alongside freethinkers, environmentalists, artists, and scientists.
Toward this end, Fast proposes a poetics of relationality grounded in ideas of dialogue and dialogism, concepts she borrows from Russian theorist M. M. Bakhtin.
Conspiracy theorists argue that there are many groups who, in effect, censor the information we receive.
Times, Sunday Times
Whenever political theorists looked for a contemporary example of such a government, their eyes fell upon either the Ottoman sultans or the Russian tsars and tsarinas.
Parker is aconceptual artist, a provocateur, a theorist with a sense of humour.
Cornelia Parker: A history of violence
His turn of phrase is more reminiscent of a populist politician than an academic theorist.
Times, Sunday Times
To make this argument he copiously cites recent historians and political theorists.
18th century artists and theorists were in a position to take a new look at classical art.
Spivak is often viewed as an unequivocally deconstructive theorist, and she frequently reinforces this impression by proclaiming her allegiance to Derrida's ideas.
To stress apostrophe, personification, prosopopoeia, and hyperbole is to join the theorists who through the ages have emphasized what distinguishes the lyric from other speech acts, what makes it the most literary of forms.
Some theorists have suggested that drug policy should drive the law rather than the converse strategy in place.
Our thoughts at this point are very much influenced by the ideas of Fabio Sergio, a design theorist working in Milan.
First, most balance theorists do not hold that governments are motivated solely by the acquisition and exercise of power.
Some theorists have proposed that we learn best in chunks of four, plus or minus two.
Times, Sunday Times
Artist da Vinci has proved an endless talking point for conspiracy theorists looking for hidden meanings in his works.
It was also felt a photo would not convince conspiracy theorists anyway - because they could claim it had been doctored.
The Sun
Classical theorists about rhetoric like Cicero and Quintilian described it as the art of winning consensus, the art of bringing people together for a common cause.
Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
Despite the fevered prattle of conspiracy theorists, the say-so of a few doesn't take America to war and certainly doesn't keep it there.
Lenin was one of the first theorists who examined the international growth of capitalism from a Marxist perspective.
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was the founder of American pragmatism (later called by Peirce “pragmaticism” in order to differentiate his views from others being labelled “pragmatism”), a theorist of logic, language, communication, and the general theory of signs (which was often called by Peirce “semeiotic”), an extraordinarily prolific mathematical logician and general mathematician, and a developer of an evolutionary, psycho-physically monistic metaphysical system.
Nobody Knows Nothing
Queer theorists have sought to demonstrate that a wide range of social institutions display heteronormativity, that is, the assumption of heterosexuality and of the gender difference that defines it, as a norm.
Marriage and Domestic Partnership
When even Douglas Laycock, a quite moderate professor of law at Virginia, and probably the country's leading theorist about church and state, says that "in principle" the "under God" language in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, but that current litigation to remove it is "many decades premature", he is not only affirming Akin's point, but is dooming liberalism to years and years of anti-God attacks.
Bruce Ledewitz: Well, Don't We Liberals Hate the Public God?
Educationists have allied with development theorists to extend these ideas to the Third World.
Though by now anthropologists reject claims that early societies were matriarchal, some feminist theorists still cling to the idea that primitive matriarchies once dotted the globe.
He then proceeded tactfully to admonish the theorists of botany in order to protect the practitioners of gardening.
While theorists agree that prejudice is multiply determined, few agree about what those determinants are or how they should be measured.
He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring the experimental evidence.
The conspiracy theorists have enjoyed a field day.
Times, Sunday Times
He met experimentalists and theorists every day, attended talks and conferences, travelled extensively to conferences inside America as well as travelling to Poland.
There will always be conspiracy theorists and liars in public life.
Times, Sunday Times
These and other considerations argue for a theory of promises based on expectations and reliance, i.e., an expectational theory, as opposed to one based on conventions or natural duties, and this is what a number of philosophers and legal theorists have done.
Transport: a Flash-Fiction Triptych
One should not reproach the theorist who undertakes such a task by calling him a fantast; instead, one must allow him his fantasizing, since for him there is no other way to his goal whatsoever.
Einstein's Philosophy of Science
The teaching faculty of TPT includes senior English-Chinese interpreters , English professors from best universities, foreign experts, educational theorist and senior translation counselors.
Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy theorists.
The only people to whom this should be'not known' are conspiracy theorists.
Times, Sunday Times
As a theorist he was influential in the codification of sonata form and other musical structures.
Whatever his failings as a policy maker, as an economic theorist he is a genius.
This other drug legalization movement is an example of what theorists call legal avoision.
Butler is really a cultural theorist rather than a philosopher.
Both the Cartesian plenum theorists, who held that the world was full of infinitely divisible matter and that there was no void space, and the atomists such as Gassendi, who held that there were indivisible atoms and void space in which the atoms move, made the distinction between these two classes of properties.
John Locke
Meet the new target for whistle-blowers and conspiracy theorists: big business.
We are opposed to a bill...that will put our business in the hands of theorists, chemists, sociologists, etc.," he said," and the management and control taken away from the men who have devoted their lives to the upbuilding and perfecting of this great American industry.
Donald Cohen: Darrell Issa Invites His Capitalist Cronies to Cry Wolf
While Fadlallah sometimes condemned suicide attacks, what had become standard procedure for Hezbollah set the template for the post-9/11 age of terror, and Fadlallah was one of its most char ismatic theorists.
Iran and Hezbollah's Spiritual Leader
She was in a car with a male friend and his new girlfriend, a moderately well-known feminist theorist.
The conspiracy theorists' response to that apparent contradiction is that it's all a part of the conspiracy.
Even the most puritanical, old-style theorist, or the most modishly self-conscious, context-seeking musicologist will be hugely entertained, as well as enlightened, by this book.
Evolutionary theorists are familiar with the problem of 'stickability' when natural selection is too frequent.
Times, Sunday Times
The conspiracy theorists have enjoyed a field day.
Times, Sunday Times
Radical elite theorists regard Weberian, or organization theory, conceptions of bureaucracy as ideological.
Conflict theorists argue that educational opportunities differ by class, race, and ethnicity.
The majority of contemporary U.S. political and social theorists are like the majority of American citizens, preferring democratic or republican theories to elitism or divine right.
If Nivelle de la Chaussee was the great playwright of sentimental comedy, then Denise Diderot was the great theorist.
In other words, I must become a string theorist to voice an opinion about it.
Like our late twentieth-century conspiracy theorists, Dooner starts with a few facts, disguising his fiction as straight social history.
For example, if a given cable news channel started giving regular face time to alien abductee and alien conspiracy theorist proponents across a broad variety of shows, people would start to think there are a lot more of those folks than there are, and would take home the message that they should give some serious weight to those views.
Think Progress » CNN’s Kyra Phillips apologizes for hosting discredited ‘ex-gay’ guest: He wasn’t an ‘appropriate’ choice.
Author and conspiracy theorist Richard Hoagland went a step further and said that it didn't just look like a face, it was definitely a face.
Theorists in the first period included travelers, military physicians, and alienists who examined Algerian lunatics and collectively found them less prone to madness than civilized Europeans.
In all three there is the implication that theorists of social representations must do more than study social representations.
Given that set theorists do not do this, confirmational holism again seems to be advocating a revision of standard mathematical practice, and this too, claims Maddy, is at odds with naturalism (Maddy 1992, pp. 286-289).
Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics
Hidden within the morally outraged and civilly disobedient radical, in other words, was the soul of a wronged decision theorist.
This helped incumbents in safe seats - precisely the people that the Agency theorists argue were the most exploitative.
Times, Sunday Times
Novelists have proved impressionable, quick studies, recalibrating their aesthetic objectives to reflect those of the critical theorists they emulate.
Northrop Frye is an outstanding aesthetician , a literary theorist and a cultural critic in the 20th century Canada and Western world.
This question had long puzzled both theorists and empirical researchers.
Competing in a Global Economy
Some theorists have proposed that we learn best in chunks of four, plus or minus two.
Times, Sunday Times
The new theorists of painting and the literary arts in the 15th and 16th centuries had rhetoric and poetics on their minds, supported by philosophical utterances when they felt the need.
He's unusual, because he's highly respected as a theorist, but he's also working directly in the field," observes Eric Maskin, an economist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. and corecipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize in economics for theoretical work on market design.
ASIA AND THE OTHER seeks to revisit issues taken up by earlier postcolonialist theorists with a different geopolitical focus; reexamine and update theoretical apparatuses often adopted in the discussions of the Self/Other issue, employing the realities of Asia, past and present, as examples; and stimulate conversations regarding the tensions or mutual productivity in cross-cultural, cross-national encounters.
Archive 2006-10-01
Having set up many clandestine meetings, he gained an insight into covert communication, while his conspiracy theorist tendencies make him a master of the literary double-cross.
Although not in so many words, no political theorist, Rihani largely subscribed to these propositions and to this conception of the political.
Some theorists expect that the same forces may also drive space colonization, as religious intolerance has not been eliminated in the centuries since these events.
The public choice theorist would be looking to judge empirically the effects of rent seeking.
According to classic motivational theorists, all behavior is motivated in some way, in that it is not random but for a reason and in order to further some desired end.
Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.
The conspiracy theorists have enjoyed a field day.
Times, Sunday Times
Subsequently, fascist theorists in Europe urged that the state itself be turned into a corporative apparatus, but efforts purporting to do this, notably in Italy and Germany, were mostly a camouflage for dictatorships.
One should not reproach the theorist who undertakes such a task by calling him a fantast; instead, one must allow him his fantasizing, since for him there is no other way to his goal whatsoever.
He will find that general equilbrium theorists argue that there are "equilibria" in which market prices jump around with no relevant news (based on irrelevant news that has nothing to do with tastes or technology).
Angry Bear
The propagandist is nothing without the theorist, but the theorist is also nothing without the propagandist.
Think Progress » The FBI acknowledged
Legal theorists are generally interested in legal language and the legal subject.
Indeed, it may be the very perniciously vague, equivocal, quasi-mystical, and/or ineliminably metaphorical imponderabilia of moral discourse that so troubles the error theorist.
Moral Anti-Realism
In China, civil procedure law cant classify the necessary jointer, but the procedure theorists think that are two kinds of necessary joint actions.
For anatomists as well as academic theorists, Michelangelo's art exemplified the advantages of anatomical study by dissection.
Rather than challenging this quietism and posing a political alternative, the radical critique of the global theorists, in fact, reflects and reproduces this sense of incapacity.
Anecdotally we found no supporting evidence in the literature, some pain theorists view swearing as a sign of ‘pain-related catastrophising’, which may be defined as a maladaptive response in which negative and unhelpful thoughts and ideas are brought to bear when pain is experienced.
Oh $#*%! Cursing can reduce pain perception
Faced with such a question the theorist has to repair to a mental laboratory where he conducts thought experiments.
In fact, to the conspiracy theorist, the best proof of the ultimate conspiracy would be no evidence at all: for who, but the master conspirator, would be able to control the world without leaving any trace?
IT'S pure agony for the families - and has spawned the next generation of conspiracy theorists.
The Sun
The conspiracy theorists have enjoyed a field day.
Times, Sunday Times
But if quantum theorists are correct, quantum bits, or qubits, will enable more efficient problem solving because a qubit can simultaneously encode both a zero and a one.
The idea that governments had access to alien technology was to fire generations of conspiracy theorists.
Times, Sunday Times
Hegel is one of the great theorists of tragedy since Aristotle.
Neither the social theorist nor the moral theorist can continue to neglect them if she wishes to understand the world.
This is the radical uncertainty that haunts contemporary Marxist theorists, the insuperable difficulty of impossible exchange.
The idea that governments had access to alien technology was to fire generations of conspiracy theorists.
Times, Sunday Times
We hope that this cooperative dialogue between variationists and theorists will facilitate more collaborative research and increase our understanding of morphosyntactic variation.
Psychoanalytic theorists postulate that play is a means through which children act out unpleasant experiences and minimize resulting negative psychological impact.
The conjunctive theorist might still avail herself of one of the above replies to preemption and disconnection.
Bill Clinton was accused by conspiracy theorists of having murdered his friend and White House legal adviser Vince Foster; George Bush had to contend with the Truthers who believe he was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.
Such an answer cannot hope to placate the war's opponents, let alone satisfy the conspiracy theorists.
How the proton gets its spin out of the quark-gluon shimmy is still a big mystery, so theorists have been experimenting with difference ways to combine PDFs and form factors, to include interference terms, and understand all components of nulceon spin.
Generalized PDFs Imply a Gravitomagnetic Moment!?!?!? « Imaginary Potential
This book tackles a question that has exercised cultural historians and literary theorists for some time.
The Times Literary Supplement
For centuries, since your postatomic times at least, some prominent Terran theorists have been noticing what seem to be linkages between old traditions of your world about the way life works—the ‘Tao,’ I think the term is—and classical physics, especially the scholia that deal with subatomic particle interactions.
Professor Chen'mingzhi is a famous composer, theorist, music educator and an eminent specialist in the theory and practice of polyphonic music in our country.
The blatantness of its rhetorical devices and the perverseness of its address create discomfort for serious theorists.
Theorists suggested that the volume collapse happens through changes in the electronic structure of the cerium atoms in which electrons bound to specific atoms under low pressure become "delocalized" (that is, free to move among the atoms) under high pressure. - latest science and technology news stories
He was a distinguished political theorist, with three important scholarly works to his credit, as well as one great one.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm not a conspiracy theorist, or a so called 'truther', but I'm not an idiot and I will look further than the media for some clarity.