How To Use Theophany In A Sentence
United together in anticipation of the gift promised by the Lord, the apostles and disciples experienced a theophany, or visitation by God.
Pentecost Sunday: The Church made manifest
The message of the first part of the 'theophany' could be summarized as follows: "If you think you can organize a world better than I have, go ahead!
Archive 2007-09-01
His biography, written by St Gregory of Nyssa, describes the crowning moment of divine theophany.
Each is a divine theophany, a way in which the divine nature is manifested.
In fact, the so-called theophany doesn't reveal anything that is not accessible to natural theology and a Wisdom perspective.
Archive 2007-09-01
This may correspond to a realistic, representational way of thinking, but not the Orthodox symbolic realism that sees in the incarnation of the Word not a man walking about on the earth but the theophany in a human form.
As I said in a post about Job which appeared here a couple of years ago, I think that the genre of this book, as Wisdom literature, is crucial to interpreting the "theophany" presented at the end.
Thus, the call of Moses uses theophany and promise to create a relationship with Yahweh, one that is expressed in Israel's obedience and carried forward to future audiences by means of Passover re-enactment.
This reversal is followed by the theophany or joy of the congregation and the word joy is repeated again and again in antiphonal response.
And it's interesting that this word is used here to herald God's presence and to announce some kind of a theophany or some kind of a vision of God.
It is what is called a theophany, a manifestation of God, and it became one of the main texts used in Jewish and Christian discussion of God.
There is an epiphany and a theophany, and the faithful are called to ‘join in,’ invited to participate.
His appearance on horse-back is a kind of theophany, cowboys doing him homage with a reverential gesture:
Monstre Désacré
This is what theologians call a theophany—a temporary vision of God given to his people for the purpose of encouragement.
As for the theophany in the eleventh chapter of the Gita, Arjuna has a vision of Krishna's awesome cosmic form and feels overwhelmed.
People of all faiths and in every age have responded to the restless desire for theophany by walking to where holy men and women lived and were martyred in the service of a god.
He declared that a theophany or revelation transformed a profane space into a sacred one, and thus it became locally fixed.
In a famous sequence of wind, earthquake and fire, the noise of theophany is overwhelming; but it is only with the stunning quiet of the aftermath that the Lord speaks to Elijah in the ‘sound of sheer silence.’
The 'theophany' thus shows from nature that our claims to understand it all including the sufferings of any given human individual are arrogant and misguided.
Archive 2007-09-01
These primary mystics recruit disciples and attempt to teach them how to replicate their theophany.
We shall be fulfilled with his visible theophany in holy contemplations, and it shall shine round about us with radiant beams of glory just as of old it once shone round the disciples at the divine Transfiguration.
I was vested in riassa, epitrachelion, and phelonian (in other words: long black robe, decorative stole and sort of a liturgical cape); I'm saying the words: "By the sprinkling of this Holy Water, may every evil action and demon be put to flight …" and the choir and parishioners are chanting the Theophany hymn.
ORTHODIXIE ... Southern, Orthodox, Convert, Etc.
It is stretching it to conclude, based on this one incident, particularly since this is a theophany, that God literally needed the food.
So why does the 'theophany' mention the things it does?
Archive 2007-09-01
When I first learned of that correlation in college, I at once associated the idea of theophany with that of vocation and that of baptism with both.
Theophany and vocation