How To Use Theological doctrine In A Sentence
Some said that his words were commonplace, others complained of his want of theological doctrine.
The focus of the Nativity Ode isn't even really on the Incarnation that's the theological doctrine of divinity's descent into humanity, how God becomes a mortal.
An examination of the art of the Middle Ages tells us something about the medieval preoccupation with theological doctrine.
This paper surveys the interplay between political theories and theological doctrine in Leviathan.
Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine.
One thing that makes this when “unitarianism” becomes “Unitarianism” hard to determine exactly is that U/unitarians are loath to recognize formalities as a matter of theological doctrine!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Voting, Religion, and Public Officials:
Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.