How To Use Theocratic In A Sentence

  • JH, Iran is a hyper-aggressive, annihilative, nuclear-armed theocratic Islamic regime in the Middle East. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The last thing the Government should be doing is to give this sort of helping hand to those besuited theocratic totalitarians who have learnt that there are some things you think and others you say.
  • I think it's true: it's a strand of theocratic fascism.
  • And the origins of that are theocratic, obviously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tibet is in an era of severe conflicts between modern civilization and theocratic caste.
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  • As the Jew was commanded to circumcise his child, and thus bring it into proper relations to the theocratical covenant, so the Christian has a similar command from The Christian Home
  • OUR OUTRAGE over the attempt by the Family Research Council and its radical Christian Right colleagues to highjack the judicial selection process for their politiclal/theocratic agenda Clergy Leadership Network
  • The country has proved that religion can coexist with democracy, despite the theocratic inclinations of its fundamentalist adherents.
  • I don't think most Iraqis do not want a theocratical institution. CNN Transcript May 10, 2003
  • They have provoked denunciation from theocratic absolutists for whom compromise is betrayal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iran has had a theocratic Shiite regime since Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was ousted in the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
  • Broadly speaking, those who accept the general principles of the Enlightenment are under attack by those who reject them and who wish to impose their theocratic, feudal and misogynist concepts of order upon us.
  • Heavy intervention by the clergy means that the government is not going to be secular any time soon, although it's not theocratic either.
  • The theocratic fascism of the networks must be defeated also.
  • It is a movement that threatens the choice of the people and threatens to install a theocratic state.
  • This balance is everything in how a theocratic democracy evolves and how much space it makes for democratic rights.
  • An Iranian theocratic regime had launched a bid for dominion in its region; Mr. Obama offered it an olive branch and waited for it to "unclench" its fist. Obama's Persian Tutorial
  • This ideologically sets the country apart from other feudal, traditional, theocratic, primordial or monarchal systems of government.
  • The sceptre is believed to be a symbol for a monarchic or theocratic order, or a combination of the two.
  • The movement is unabashedly theocratic and intolerant. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Ottoman era, there was never a fully-fledged theocratic system.
  • He is an ideologue who believes Kashmir should be an Islamic state within a theocratic Pakistan.
  • It may also be either a theocratic or autocratic state. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government was still less theocratical when Antiochus A Philosophical Dictionary
  • For instance, while religion certainly plays a bigger role in politics and public life in the United States than it does in some of the more liberal western European states, the difference is not so large as to warrant calling the centrality of religion in American politics "theocratic. Archive 2004-12-01
  • Their mission is a government that is one part theocratic and one part aristocratic.
  • The heartland of Islam, by contrast, is theocratic.
  • He has, for now, confounded those who predicted another crackdown by the theocratic elite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theocratic state ruthlessly persecutes its religious minorities. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all of the troops have come home, a powerful cleric is ruling Iraq with a theocratic government and Bush has been retired to his ranch by an angry electorate, the president's closest friend will be undaunted. May 2004
  • A theocratic future in which men and women never commingle is the basis of "Pervert. Ccfinlay: New goal: Become frequently memorable
  • Iran is an advanced, potentially liberal civilisation which is trying to fight its way out of a brutal theocratical suit of armor. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The Brahmins in India possessed for a long time the theocratical power; that is to say, they held the sovereign authority in the name of Brahma, the son of God; and even in their present humble condition they still believe their character indelible. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Many also say he saved the country from the movement, which critics accused of being theocratic and dictatorial while in power.
  • The election is not expected to change the country's theocratic government.
  • In capitalist, theocratic societies like fascist Saudi Arabia, the consequences of questioning religious authority often leads to capital punishment in public places known commonly as chop-chop square where, among many other cases, a woman loses her head because she's considered a witch for listening to music by the Beatles. Mexico: Sex Slaves (Part I)
  • In Europe, generations and centuries prepared the way for this novelty; medieval philosophy and theocratic organization had been transformed step by step…. A Special Supplement: The Other Dostoevsky
  • I found a dynamic push-and-pull between a theocratic government and its often reluctant and resisting people.
  • On the other, the arid monochrome of dull and vicious theocratic fascism.
  • The government of Numa Pompilius was evidently theocratical. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Just 'cause he can dance on both sides of that NOMA wall, doesn't mean he's some sort of theocratical conspirator (now that's just good english right there). An Historic Tidbit
  • But officials said they would not accept a theocratic government. Globe and Mail
  • The leaders have held a tight and undiminished grip on the country, successfully maintaining their theocratic dictatorship with little threat.
  • Then I moved to a place where, for a time, all of my state and local representatives were women: Extreme right-wing, anti-choice, theocratical women. Serious question…..about race, gender and voting
  • Autocratic, theocratic, despotic regimes allow no political freedom, all thought is outlawed, and brute suppression is the norm.
  • Fifth, the theocratic monopoly of the mullahs contributes to the closeness of Islamic societies.
  • But, he was a very religious man so everyone had to shut up and let him have a job he was abjectly unqualified for because to do otherwise would be theocratically incorrect.
  • Their rhetoric about 'religious freedom' barely conceals their theocratic aspirations.
  • a theocratic state
  • We've closed our eyes to the plight of those living in totalitarian or theocratic oppression.
  • I had already done a theocratic technocracy, so why not a feudal democracy?
  • We have already slid into the infancy of theocratic fascism, and my brothers and sisters in Christ don't know they are being used.
  • This country has avoided faith-based violence by eschewing theocratic government.
  • The irony is that decades after his death the political vacuum is being filled by the Islam of the Muslim Brotherhood—whose theocratic, antimodernist ideas Nasser had tried to repress. Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
  • Utah was settled in 1847 by Mormon pioneers seeking to establish a theocratic kingdom of God in the desert.
  • I already thought of two descriptive names for this society: a technocratic theocracy, or a theocratic technocracy.
  • With the Arab world convulsed by the unrest in Tunisia and Egypt and with the acute danger that such instability will result in the region lurching even further into Islamic theocratic tyranny, the British Foreign Secretary's response is — to bash Israel. Notable
  • Jewish republic, reduced to slavery so often, was anarchical rather than theocratical. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • And those who prate of spiritual warfare and demons are not just "people of faith" but theocratic bullies. Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama

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