How To Use Thematically In A Sentence
Christopher is mathematically gifted, but socially incapable, finding the simplest emotional empathy unfathomable.
We'll only give in when it becomes mathematically impossible to catch them.
Bose and Home show mathematically that whenever one electron is detected in each path, they will be entangled.
Despite the outcry, glottochronology is still employed, but in mathematically increasingly complex and conceptually more sophisticated models.
The collections themselves will be organised thematically, beginning with the physical environment of the Nile valley and the surrounding desert and oases.

An idea of Koopman on the possibilities of treating problems of classical mechanics by means of operators on a function space stimulated him to give the first mathematically rigorous proof of an ergodic theorem.
If the owner's froideur doesn't deter you, this 10-room semi-troglodyte hotel overlooking the vineyards of Saumur-Champigny has a lot to offer: a charming site; thematically decorated rooms; and, above all, a dramatic heated swimming pool carved into the rock of its own troglodyte cave.
Soul Food
Leaf morphology has been quantified and treated mathematically in various contexts, including taxonomy, differential growth and allometry, leaf area estimation and the branching and development of veins.
As promised, some mathematically inclined posts.
Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.
However, I will say that I think that formulating a model mathematically is quite important, as it serves as a check for internal consistency.
Hal Varian Answers Your Questions - Freakonomics Blog -
thematically related
The raw data in and after imaging was subjected to linear deconvolution to mathematically slightly enhance the resolution.
Each element is mathematically coupled to its neighbours.
Dispersion is characterized mathematically by what is called a dispersion relation, a functional relationship between the frequency of a wave and its wavenumber in the medium, i.e. ω = ω (k).
Optics basics: Defining the velocity of a wave « Skulls in the Stars
The book is a collection of short, sometimes near-aphoristic chapters organized thematically more often than through an argumentative progression.
The Times Literary Supplement
Thematically their interactions deal with alcoholism and the diminishing attractiveness of an aging woman.
This book explains that all casino games, except blackjack, have a built-in house edge, a mathematically calculable advantage to the gaming establishment.
Because factoring is so difficult mathematically, it's also pretty much the holy grail of contemporary cryptanalysis.
It's a mixed bag again but it's ten times more cohesive, sonically and thematically.
The Sun
I remember when I was a young boy, 1 April fell on a Saturday, so the Football League decided to create a 'hilarious' jape by sending referees and linesmen with thematically linked names to the same game," recalls Robin Tucker.
The Knowledge: April fool! | Scott Murray
In every circuit, voltage, current and resistance are exactly proportional, mathematically speaking.
From above we can conclude that the break-even point can be computed mathematically, but the break-even chart is also widely used.
It is possible to model such a system mathematically.
Mathematically speaking, a cross-stitch pattern is simply a rectangular grid where some of the squares in the grid are filled with colors.
The coupling of electrons to these momentum-space monopoles is mathematically similar to their coupling to the real-space magnetic monopoles that have long been sought by particle physicists.
This is a mathematically fruitful concern (keyword “predicativity”) and it will reappear later in the study of NF (and in ZF too, of course) but it is not this first form that gives rise to the axiomatisation of NF.
Quine's New Foundations
He contributed a great deal to the program with his ability to view engineering problems theoretically and mathematically and with his memorable teaching style, which was sometimes described as bombastic but nonetheless endeared him to students.
Lewis, Warren K.
Granted, the "36 arguments" construct is used as a structural element, incorporated literally in the form of a series of propositions and their refutations as the novel's concluding section and metaphorically by providing the novel's chapter titles, but otherwise this novel presents few surprises either formally or thematically, proceeding as a garden-variety academic satire complete with bursting egos, pretentious-sounding projects, and fierce political in-fighting.
The New Equivocation
Some works are examined thematically, such as his Madonnas, Allegories, the lost Leda and the Swan, and recently discovered sketches for the unexecuted sculpture Hercules.
Works in the exhibition are grouped thematically.
The dynamics of actin polymerization and depolymerization in the absence of crosslinkers has been mathematically modeled by others, and was theoretically shown to yield a steady-state exponential length distribution.
His recent breakthroughs in the theory of characteristic functions for several commuting operators indicate that in spite of his seventy years, mathematically Moshe is still a young man.
The existence of quarks inside the mesons and baryons had to be deduced mathematically because free quarks have never been observed by particle physics.
Martin was mathematically eliminated from the title hunt after he finished 14th at Phoenix and he now trails Stewart by 162 points in the standings.
Section 33.9 is six pages of Penrose trying to explain "sheaf cohomology" whose ideas "… are fairly sophisticated mathematically, but actually very natural.
Are Changes Brewing and How Does the Mind Fit In?
A miscellany is a collection of various literary productions kinds (poems, letters, essays, illustrations) gathered in a single volume, often united thematically rather than formally.
The Millions
I'd always been mathematically very gifted, right from very early at junior school.
Elliptic curves and modular forms are mathematically so different that mathematicians initially couldn't believe that the two are related.
We don't get anything substantially different thematically until the larghetto fourth movement.
He then mathematically superimposed additional wiggles and shifts representing the movements of the lunar perigee and nodes to bring this main, smooth loop closer to the moon's true orbit.
While thematically they rail against these trappings, the whole album sounds like a slow process of ultimate defeat, the band seemingly unable to shake the ties they deride.
In this way, the two small paintings thematically join the two transept chapels.
The accompanying profiles were mostly taken by a pentagraph from the wax figures now exhibiting through the country by Pendleton & Curtiss, which are striking and accurate likenesses of the Africans, taken from life by Mr. Moulthrop, and are mathematically correct.
A history of the Amistad captives : being a circumstantial account of the capture of the Spanish schooner Amistad, by the Africans on board; their voyage, and capture near Long Island, New York : with biographical sketches of each of the surviving African
Thematically as well as visually, this image also derives to some extent from Japanese prints, especially those of Utamaro, who often portrayed women playing the samisen, a banjo-like instrument.
Starting more than 30 years ago, the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth began following nearly 2,000 mathematically gifted adolescents, boys and girls, tracking their education and careers in ensuing decades.
The freedom to say ‘no’ « Isegoria
It is thematically strong, contains substantial roles for women and never flinches from what it sets out to do.
One of the rarely admitted secrets about journalists is that many of us are functional ‘innumerates’ - another way of saying ‘mathematically illiterate.’
The orchard's neat, precise rows of trees make a perfect grid for laying out these mathematically correct, statistically sound field studies.
The mathematically confusing and politically risky question of local government funding has worried both administrations.
You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration (and that would include “separability” issues) that many other lexical items also deserve?
P is for Phrasal Verb « An A-Z of ELT
And I totally have an essay in me for eventually about the characterization of violence -- from comic-book unreality to splatterpunk to cinema verite -- in the movie version of The Watchmen, and what it means thematically.
Monkey? What are you doing?
He understood mathematically why a spherical mirror produces aberration.
All the stories were written specifically for this collection - all have abstract nouns as titles and all are thematically linked.
It's a neat solution, mathematically tractable.
The procedure is mathematically based and highly secure.
The Media in Britain Today
For the ultimate structure of infinite mathematical objects, such as those of chaos theory, but also many (perhaps all) others as well, may not be mathematically formalizable either.
Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
But remember, this is entertainment not the Special Theory of Relativity - it doesn't have to be mathematically watertight.
The work naturally becomes more analytical and mathematically challenging at this stage.
The next sections are arranged thematically, looking at different ways to address the anatomy of a vlog.
These classes will be structured thematically around the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.
For those who are mathematically inclined, that's one school every three years.
Administrative personnel should be mathematically informed are to make wise decision.
mathematically impossible
In the Independents 'Trophy, Tom Coronel won the first race, which awarded him the title mathematically, his second title in this class with SEAT.
The cyclic integration and thematic affinity between movements of the work is not remotely an exaggerated claim by Schumann; the symphony is in fact as thematically unified as any ever written.
He granted that the proposition connected mathematically the inverse square law to the ellipticity of the course of the planets.
Explanation in Mathematics
Its elliptical paraboloid shape was selected because it could be easily described mathematically, simplifying both design and construction.
It is mostly a character study and, thematically and mood-wise, is very similar to Magnolia.
There is a certain inertia to poulation growth — mathematically described by Nathan Keyfitz — that means we cannot escape the short and intermediate term consequences of our demographic destinies even if vital rates were to improbably shift rapidly and in ways to offset current trends.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparative Demographic Charts on Aging Populations
Could it be that men dominate in mathematically-based fields because there are more male math "geniuses"?
Breaking News: Girls do just as well as boys at math
Children who think mathematically design boats and plan holidays differently, they shop for birthday presents and cook cakes differently.
The first feedback device to be mathematically described was the rotary governor, used by James Watt to keep the rate of steam engines constant with varying loads.
The piece has imitation throughout, and the two piano parts are evenly dispersed thematically and in difficulty level.
Logic puzzles and strategy games represent another category of possible interest to the mathematically inclined.
They combine unrelated numbers in mathematically unjustified ways, and should be ignored.
The DOOM that came from Gallup. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
The procedure is mathematically based and highly secure.
The Media in Britain Today
So, When the time comes that she cannot win mathematically it's time for the Supers to call her in and the time is near.
Carter: After June 3, it will be time for Clinton to 'give it up'
There were 19 rounds last year, one of the closest-fought championships on record with an unprecedented four drivers still mathematically in the title chase at the final race in Abu
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
And over the top rail a horse looked drowsily on, ever and anon, at mathematically precise intervals, switching a lazy tail that flashed high lights in the sunshine.
Nearly 90 paintings and drawings are displayed in 11 rooms, organised thematically within a loosely chronological sequence.
The remaining essays, despite the editors' protestations that this volume is more thematically coherent than the typical Festschrift, are something of a grab bag.
We examine previous claims for a preferred axis at $ (b, l) \approx (60, -100) $ in the cosmic radiation anisotropy, by generalizing the concept of multipole planarity to any shape preference (a concept we define mathematically).
Science Press Release Synopses
Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin.
I mathematically proved that the repeated addition process is the same as looking at the number modulo 9, i.e. divide by 9 and look at the remainder.
The two things to look for are a capacity of at least 10 pounds and a "tare" feature that helps those of us who are not mathematically inclined to allow for the weight of bowls, etc.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Eleven maps in total have been implemented, and while they vary quite considerably thematically, most are set in dark, foreboding conditions.
The bands form a matrix for a mathematically calculated grid of deeply recessed and splayed bays each containing windows of different sizes.
Since the 1930s neoclassical economics has become more and more complex mathematically, which has enabled modern economists to claim many new theoretical and scientific insights.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Because its characteristics can be treated mathematically it is central to quality control via samples.
But Lavine has developed a sophisticated form of set-theoretical ultra-finitism which is mathematically non-revisionist (Lavine 1994).
Philosophy of Mathematics
Becoming Sharp thematically focuses on ambition, jealousy and the lust for fame at any cost.
The symbol of the ring or circle is used thematically for this coherence.
It's a nice pairing, as Schelling's work is quite accessible and non-technical, whereas Aumann's is more mathematically oriented.
Apollonius used his geometric skills to mathematically develop the epicycle theory which would reach its full importance in the work of Ptolemy.
Ideally we would like to refract the shadow ray too, but mathematically this is a much more difficult problem to solve.
Mathematically speaking, alternate universes are orthogonal; they're located at right angles to each other.
Newton used Kepler's insights to explore mathematically the dynamics of planetary motion.
He said: "We will have our disappointment tonight, yes, but even though we were in with a shout for the title mathematically before this game, even we knew it would be tough.
BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
Mathematically, the best course to take when trying to close on a ship to windward was to keep the ship being chased right in the wind's eye, and that was where the Hotspur now found herself again, relative to the Loire, while the latter, resuming her former course, closehauled, was twenty or thirty yards nearer to her in the direction of the wind.
Hornblower And The Hotspur
Academics and employers are deeply concerned that students are not sufficiently prepared mathematically for university courses.
The exhibition is arranged thematically within a chronological framework with works rarely seen or examined outside their country of origin.
The student is the speeder's mathematically inclined defense lawyer.
They were Sumerian and Akkadian words inscribed in parallel columns on clay tablets in cuneiform writing and were organized thematically.
Also, the two geometries are mathematically equivalent with appropriate diffusion scaling, except for the fact that the bulk volume was 1000 fl, whereas the dendritic volume was 1 fl in most runs.
How many 12-bar, cowbell - tapping blues boogies have you heard that deal thematically with nautical history?
And what they do in assemblies we can barely mathematically model as theory rather than fact.
The Memory Hole
Mathematically trained, he was interested both in systematics and biometry.
In mental test theory these notions are treated mathematically.
His interpretation of WL nicely illustrates how, on his view, physiological experiments can yield mathematically expressible results, not about the physical, somatic processes involved in sensation, but about the relationships among these sensations as apperceived, i.e., as psychological elements and objects of consciousness.
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
It has been kept alive by cable news stations and certain mathematically challenged individuals.
Paterson says Clinton frustrated, not desperate
Sounds do have certain mathematically expressible accidents, but the science of proportions does not establish the substance or nature of sounds.
The curators have taken away some of the remoteness of medieval art by showing their objects thematically.
Says the notion of interspace-time transference is mathematically absurd.
You know, present them thematically, ALONG WITH other related words and with the sort of word exploration and that would include “separability” issues that many other lexical items also deserve?
P is for Phrasal Verb « An A-Z of ELT
To these let there be added -- to speak mathematically -- open-hearted Manlius; and let there follow certain disceptatious converse about Nero, Manlius excusing him, extenuating his vices by his temptations, giving military anecdotes of his earlier virtues, and in fact striving to make the most of him, a very gentle monster: Galba throwing in, sarcastically, blacker shadows.
The Complete Prose Works of Martin Farquhar Tupper
The procedure is mathematically based and highly secure.
The Media in Britain Today
A man sets out to prove a philosophical position mathematically, so that there can be no doubt.
A pin at the central vanishing point would have been as useful here as it would for perspective drawings set out mathematically.
A scientific naturalist is in principle happy to say that if a mathematical theory M is scientifically superior but mathematically inferior to another mathematical theory M* then M should be preferred to M* (the next paragraph contains an example).
Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics
The team at the University of Strathclyde have proved this mathematically, and we've now built a demonstrator to test it practically.
These calculations are derived from the patient's preoperative evaluation and converted mathematically into an individual nomogram.
Mathematically this means that the Greeks needed to construct a line of length equal to the cube-root of 2.
Subjects are not treated thematically, but rather simply as they occurred in Clinton's day.
To one of the letters the Editor appended the following remarks: - ‘Mathematically speaking, some allowance must no doubt be made for the centrifugal action of the earth; but in the height of 100 yards it is so small as to be practically inappreciable.’
Mathematically it corresponds to a linear transformation for a set of points in the Euclidean space.
He has the money because he has the support of the people ... and he's not buying superdelegates .. they're flocking to him because they know that Hillary can't win mathematically, and they want to unite the party and get on with the general election.
Obama, Clinton supporters both say Clinton attacking unfairly
Under this condition, using Situation Semantics to rebuild modal logic, trying to develop a formal system which is dynamically sensitive and mathematically rigor, determines one of the basic trends...
A few Fridays ago I wrote about JMT/AOTP fatigue because many of the releated albums didn't really stand out from each other either sonically, lyrically or thematically so they all kind of bled together into one long continous LP over the Summer and into the Fall.
What's New In Dart's iPod #55 AKA Brother, Can You Spare Some Change?
And after the fold is a sequence of thematically related autobiographical poems, including my favorite I've ever written (the last).
Mathematically trained, he was interested both in systematics and biometry.
Thematically, works range from portraits and self-portraits, cityscapes, crowd scenes and spectacles to cultural icons.
We leave the proof of this calculation as an exercise for the mathematically inclined reader.
Each energetic effect can be modeled mathematically, using fundamental knowledge of electrostatics and physical chemistry.
In that case, if you plot the number of record highs or lows on a graph, you'd get a line that falls gradually as time progresses toward an asymptote, which is mathematically expressed as 1/n, where n is the number of years in your data set.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
While a lot of Robins have been troubled youths, there's something thematically appropriate about this former Spoiler turning from her supervillainous legacy to this superheroic one.
I would go so far, contra Joshi (and contra Farnsworth Wright, who rejected "The Shunned House" when Lovecraft submitted it to Weird Tales) as to say that the slow, labored buildup of historical and spectral details and the equally dense justification that the modern, scientific Whipple narrator gives for the continuing horrors are both structurally necessary for the narrative (especially the pacing) to work correctly and thematically necessary for the transmission of the exact weird sensation -- of paranormality, not supernaturalism -- that Lovecraft intends.
Kenneth Hite's Journal
His breathing was shallow, even, and mathematically perfect, each breath as large as the last, drawn out for the same amount of time.
Some of the properties of these atoms of space can best be described mathematically using an extended, one-dimensional loop, hence the term loop quantum gravity.
How It
You can watch these films as separate entities or as thematically linked nuggets.
It was a varied show, not necessarily grouped thematically, but this was a quality which gave it its freshness, showcasing each artist's work as a separate experience.
In one room sat the computers -- that is, a bevy of mathematically gifted women toiling away on regression analysis with sharp pencils.
Michael Byers's ÂPercival's Planet, reviewed by Ron Charles
But it was fortunately completely ignored in economic thought[4] until it was dredged up by Jevons and the mathematically inclined wing of the late-19th-century marginal-utility theorists.
The more mathematically inclined partners do internalize the concept of a top-ten list.
I am not mathematically educated enough to critique his methods, but his public statements are unappealingly arrogant.