

  1. of or relating to theism

How To Use theistical In A Sentence

  • It may be polytheistically or it may be monotheistically conceived of. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • We both learned from that experience that hormones originally thought to act monotheistically actually are pleiotropic agents; i.e., they can do many different things by separate routes. Martin Rodbell - Autobiography
  • It may also be here remarked, as an undoubted evidence of the corruptness of the state, that, although there are civil laws presently in being, which declare the maintaining of antitrinitarian, atheistical principles, to be not only criminal, but capital; yet the civil powers in the nation have not so much regard to Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Only then, in the anarchy that ensues, will our atheistical plan of World Government have any chance of success. Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
  • Casaubon was not alone in his criticisms of the new experimental philosophy for its atheistical tendencies.
  • Let us then consider that atheistical, or rather pantheistical scheme, which attributes all the appearances of design in the world to the world itself; that is, to certain causes existing in the world which produce beings of various species, not by creation out of nothing, which they hold to be impossible, but by an evolution or development of principles contained in the world itself. Outlines of Moral Science.
  • From this misconception have come all the unfounded charges that Buḍḍhism is an "atheistical," that is to say, a grossly materialistic, a nihilistic, a negative, a vice-breeding religion. The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons
  • Wallace saw Chinese religion as monotheistically organized around the figure of Confucius.
  • Man was subject to all the gods, but Zeus reigned supreme over gods and men, although not quite monotheistically.
  • Within a piece of relatively popular literature, an author could speak of supernatural causes both monotheistically and polytheistically.
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