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How To Use Theism In A Sentence

  • That being impossible here, let us return to the topic of theism and the relation of evil to divine purpose.
  • Galilee with theriomorphic polytheism, that is, the tendency to embody the qualities of divinity in animal forms. The Ancient East
  • If used to designate eternal distinctions in God, it leads to tritheism, which is a form of polytheism.
  • As a young man he took well to the Epicurean view of freedom and independence of spirit, though this led him into the alley of atheism.
  • The unequivocal monotheism of Islam served to unite all.
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  • Furthermore, I would like to chat to you about atheism in a fox-hole as you are about to be bayonetted to death or as you lie dying from cancer on your death-bed. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Why do you attack biological evolution when what you are against is atheism? Christianity Today
  • Their first meeting around Johnson's dinner table ended in a quarrel since Wollstonecraft disagreed with Godwin's sweeping atheism.
  • The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
  • Does your masonry promote multitheism or does it promote monotheism?
  • And it's so emotive, which isn't much helped by Richard Dawkins rather inflaming the issue to promote atheism. News from the House of Sticks -
  • The term "atheist" is itself confusing, since it is often unclear whether those who use the label understand it to mean a rejection of every notion of God, or a rejection of theism. Science and Religion Around the Blogosphere
  • The phrase "axial age" has been used to describe the relatively brief period of time -- roughly 700 years -- when the great religions of the world arose: Hinduism and Buddhism in India; Confucianism and Taoism in China; and monotheism in the Middle East. The Full Feed from
  • Who is Dawkins, asks McGrath, to belittle theism when such giants of evolutionary theory did not?
  • Ralston argues not only that theism has a positive biological function for human culture and survival, but also that there is good reason to regard it as true.
  • He never seems to address things like panentheism, which is clearly different from classical theism, but isn't it still, in some sense, a theism? What is an Atheist?
  • And he regards such theories as decisive ‘disproofs’ of theism.
  • Along the way, Polkinghorne argues that going beyond the basics of theism can make belief more credible to nonbelievers.
  • I do think that between Lysenkoism, The Reign of Terror, Communism and otherwise, all claims that atheism or anti-theism is an essential ingredient to a better, more moral society is laughable. Defending Your Existence
  • I tend toward omnitheism, the belief in every God and Goddess that ever was and ever will be. Meow! A "Gods Are Bored" Interview!
  • Do what he will, let God take order with it; this leadeth kings to atheism, let them do what they please, and to take God in their own hand: in regard of laws, they teach nothing to kings but tyranny: and in regard of government, they teach a king to take an arbitrary power to himself, to do what he pleaseth without controlment. The Covenants And The Covenanters Covenants, Sermons, and Documents of the Covenanted Reformation
  • Open theism has found some favor with Pentecostals who view it in terms of a spirited give-and-take with God.
  • There may be a Cupid like figure as well, but there is always a love goddess except in monotheisms.
  • Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Here I want to clear one thing, that it is not vanity that has actuated me to adopt the doctrines of atheism.
  • And for the assertion laid down, I desire that those who despise and reproach it would attempt an answer unto the ensuing arguments whereby it is confirmed, with those others which shall be insisted on in our description of the nature of the work of regeneration itself, and that upon such grounds and principles as are not destructive of Christian religion nor introductive of atheism, before they are too confident of their success. Pneumatologia
  • All thinking people tend to agree more with atheism than theism, even though they may not be anti-religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The words of Father John A. Conway, S.J. (in the preface to Fr. von Hammerstein's work, "Edgar, or from Atheism to the Full Truth") may well be quoted in this connection: "Who can read the words that teem from the German The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • It is impossible to select any important part of it without soon realising that its root is firmly grounded in atheism.
  • Scholars of great mystical movements and figures often go out of their way to explain that their subjects merit the term panentheism rather than pantheism, as if the second label is an insult. Why I am Not a Pantheist (Nor a Panentheist): Metaphysics, Totalization, and the Cosmos By Jonathan Weidenbaum
  • Maltheism, of course, has a long and rich history through dystheism, misotheism, theodicy, dualism, and fideism, due largely to the fact that religious authors through the ages have taken great pains to unapologetically anthropomorphize their gods in all the worst ways possible. An Illustrated Guide : The Lovecraft News Network
  • This opposition of ideas resulted in religious dualism (ditheism) which elements makes itself felt even nowadays in the form of customs and rituals.
  • Although the term ecumenism is widely used outside Catholic circles to refer to efforts at mutual understanding among all religions, or even between religion and atheism, the Catholic Church treats relationships with non-Christians very differently, because non-Christians have a fundamentally different relationship with Catholics than do other baptized Christians. - What You Need to Know
  • From early animism in its manifold expressions, through polytheism, kathenotheism, henotheism, to monotheism, and so out into loftier possibilities of conceiving the divine nature and purpose -- the main road which man has traveled in his religious development now is traceable. Christianity and Progress
  • The ultimate goal is to clarify and explicate the notion of ‘Atheism,’ then spell out and defend the correct definition.
  • Gilsons 'specific theism adds P3, again there is no necessary requirement from it from theism simpliciter which is just P4 (and for Gilson not just any god will do so he requires another premise but that is not substantive to the logic here). Planet Atheism
  • However, the acceptance of ditheism does not fit in with the monotheistic concept of God and the Devil.
  • The teaching of eternal torment has done more to drive people to atheism and insanity than any other invention of the devil.
  • Not one of the city's ancient churches was left unscathed by the long years of official atheism.
  • Tyndall was an expert and enthusiastic mountaineer, calculating how high the energy in a ham sandwich would take him; his writings about the alps are suffused with pantheism.
  • Finally, Shelley observes that widespread theism constitutes no evidence for the existence of God.
  • In fact, Sanskrit and Pali have a larger literature in defence of atheism, agnosticism and theological scepticism than exists in any other classical language.
  • Others in turn, such as Christian theologian Alister McGrath, have used the term fundamentalism to characterize atheism as dogmatic.
  • Dynamism in general may be adapted to and modified by such philosophical systems as determinism or freedom, substantialism or phenomenalism, idealism or realism, monism or theism, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Roy used the philosophical ideas found in the earliest Hindu scriptures to criticize the polytheism and some of the practices of popular Hinduism, such as sati.
  • Therefore wonder at these two when ye read the scriptures, God’s condescendency to us, and our atheism and unbelief of him: they are both mysteries, and exceeding broad. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • Hobbes and Spinoza, despite their own differences, advanced, or were read as advancing, a number of objectionable and deeply troubling theses which Leibniz (and most of his contemporaries) saw as an enormous threat: materialism, atheism, and necessitarianism. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  • Demeter, the type of the earth, or to Mithras, the symbol of all that fructifies that earth, -- the great object and design of the secret instruction were identical in all places, and the Mysteries constituted a school of religion in which the errors and absurdities of polytheism were revealed to the initiated. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • This vision of man, the master of his own destinies, the searcher for truth and the shaper of a better life for the only existence that he knows anything about, this reliance of _man upon man_, and without the supposed interference of any god, constitutes atheism in its broadest and true sense. The Necessity of Atheism
  • Pew studies tend to be fairly carefully done, but I get a bad feeling when "atheism" is lumped in as a religion - they clearly don't get the idea of what the null set means. Religious change in the us
  • At the root of the culture war is a conflict between theism and atheism
  • First and most important, according to serious theism, God is constantly, immediately, intimately and directly active in his creation: he constantly upholds it in existence and providentially governs it.
  • Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Similarly, students could study, as part of their understanding of Western monotheism and Eastern pantheism and non-theism, different ideas about how the metaphysical acts upon and manifests in the physical.
  • In other words, there is a monarchical structure in political life paralleled by henotheism in religion.
  • Buddhism, however, on the 'dispersive' view of the evolution of religion, is not the only radiation from the common centre, of which we have to take account, in addition to fetishism, polytheism, and monotheism. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Why do you attack biological evolution when what you are against is atheism? Christianity Today
  • As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism.
  • Atheism is not anti-God but is strongly opposing any religion that creates the existence of God and use it to corrupt and control the human mind. The atheists reject the existence of God. God does not exist – but they are not necessarily irreligious. They can be believers of any spiritual belief that is not God- based. They are just as ethical and moral as religious believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Nontheistic religions such as secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism and scientism are quite happy with science that seeks to remove any "supernatural" influence from its explanations.
  • June 20, 2006, 4: 35 am texasholdem internet free practice says: texasholdem internet free practice squeezer controllability pantheism adduction anatomical The Volokh Conspiracy » Possible criminal violations by the memo forger
  • With the advent of a universalist, Christian monotheism, the notion was added that all these outsiders were by definition not only uncivilized but ungodly.
  • In terms of intent -- how we're meant to read God -- I think you absolutely have to distinguish the immanent all-pervasive divinity of animism from the transcendant all-powerful divinity of monotheism. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Russell is right, though, that 'irreligion' is a better label for Hume's position than 'atheism' it is also closer to what Hume's contemporaries meant when they called him an atheist than our own term 'atheist' is. posted by Brandon | 10:35 AM Hume and the Natural History of Religion
  • In a contest with polytheism, monotheism is likely to prevail, and one who comes to hold that many natural phenomena were created intentionally probably will come to believe in God.
  • He supplied Spinoza with the substance of his reasoned pantheism; Leibnitz with his theory of monadism and pre-established harmony. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Jerusalem is the common holy place of three kinds of monotheism: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • Hébert (1757-94) supported the dechristianization movement, the atheism of which Robespierre vehemently opposed. Annotations
  • Here liberal theism and varieties of natural theology seemed particularly dangerous.
  • There are parallels to Greco-Roman mythology, particularly in its depiction of the underworld and death, and to Christian beliefs such as monotheism and the existence of a messiah. Archive 2010-01-01
  • My atheism isn't due to a lack of interest in God at all, but rather the opposite: a fascination with humanity.
  • To have your ultimate concern distributed in different directions is like polytheism - worship of many divinities.
  • Similar to ditheism, moral dualism does not in any way imply that the religion in question is not monist or monotheistic.
  • The nineteenth century notions of the evolution of religion from primitive animism to polytheism to monotheism have been falsified in tribe after tribe all over the world.
  • As I stated previously, in 18th century deism there were two keys to distinguishing between deism and theism in its various forms.
  • Put more succinctly, theism is god-belief, and atheism is its absence.
  • The ideological clash between monotheism and polytheism furnishes the world with one of its first examples of asymmetrical warfare.
  • In the Mutazalite tradition of Islam there was also a tendency to slide towards emanationism and pantheism, as a result of endorsing the pantheistic necessitarianism of Aristotle.
  • It may be something to do with being a universalizing, salvationist monotheism. Those damned media atheists.
  • They see economics as a product of Enlightenment rationalism, along with deism, atheism, the chaos of the French Revolution and other un-Christian aspects of the modern age.
  • Belief is a spiritual fighter against theism. Atheism is a strong belief that God does not exist, and that religion corrupts the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Theismann pass deflected at line and almost intercepted in backfield (Bokamper), incomplete. - Super Bowl XVII play-by-play
  • In religion, logocentrism implies monotheism; in psychology, it assumes an autonomous, unified subjectivity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the Atheism and Evolution articles, there's some odd "kype" coding in some recent references. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Pure monotheism was by then securely established in the Second Temple of Jerusalem, but remained shaky elsewhere.
  • To be gripped by one great integrating, imperative concern or desire is like monotheism - worship of one divinity.
  • If anything, I carry my atheism more happily for having arrived at it by a transitionally religious route.
  • The tenet of universal foreordination takes from us this "coigne of vantage," and lands us in dynamic Pantheism. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • Atheism for Marxism is not an optional extra or a mere facet but the very essence of it.
  • For the last eighteen hundred years Greece has fed the human intellect; Rome, taught by Greece, and improving upon her teacher, has been the source of law and government and social civilization; "Judea has given to the world a pure Theism and the idea of expiatory sacrifice; and what neither one nor all of these could furnish," the perfection of moral and spiritual truth, has been given by christianity. The Historic Significance of the Southern Revolution: A Lecture Delivered by Invitation in Petersburg, Va., March 14th and April 29th, 1864, and in Richmond, Va., April 7th and April 21st, 1864
  • Since its first coming into use the term atheism has been very vaguely employed, generally as an epithet of accusation against any system that called in question the popular gods of the day. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • It is impossible to select any important part of it without soon realising that its root is firmly grounded in atheism.
  • Since Dawkins’ philosophical/theological (atheological?) writings seem, from what I have seen, to mostly be of interest to Christians (such as Dembski, who appears here to be exhorting the readers of his blog to watch a pro-atheism film… hm), I don’t really see any particular reason to read them or really care about them much. Dembski: God's best gift to intelligent design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Some interviewee responses suggest beliefs closer to pantheism than deistic faiths.
  • And since he asserts that atheism = nihilism and deism = atheism lite, then I must really be a nihilist.
  • In Matzke's defense: While I've found his tone consistently (to this point, at least) off-putting, and I've been none too impressed by quite a lot of his rationales with regards to that tone when it comes to ID, this is this first time I recall him directly touching on the subject of theism/atheism itself. A Pat on the Back for Matzke
  • The religious root of universalism in American culture comes from Christian monotheism and Universalism.
  • There were political messages, too: opposition to violence, to atheism and what he called carefree consumerism. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • Refusing to use the term atheism might be more trouble than it's worth. What is an Atheist?
  • Among no-go topics were 'classism, biphobia, ableism, transphobia, antireligion and anti-atheism'. The Sun
  • Jerusalem is the common holy place of three kinds of monotheism: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • Hector’s hectoring is a perfect argument for atheism. sd Says: Matthew Yglesias » More on Pro-Life Incrementalism
  • No matter how strenuously some may try to deny it, atheism is a belief system.
  • The term panentheism refers to God as existing within but somehow grander than creation (i.e. the whole is greater than the sum of its parts). - Think Free
  • On the other hand, in the context of views such as panentheism, which envision God as embodied in the universe and the universe as existing "within" God, it makes much more sense to work with analogies from human persons to the divine. Archive 2009-09-01
  • In light of the complexity of the universe, which of the overarching theories of materialism, humanism, or theism provides the best explanation?
  • Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning. C.S. Lewis 
  • At best, modern atheism can be misread back into classical antiquity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • “That is why we need contemporary ‘translators’ that are capable of bringing today's science to regular people, and especially, to bring the astrophysical response to atheism,” he added. Three priests
  • Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Probably the initial development of henotheism is in the idea of a patron deity for a city or country.
  • Jaki clearly affirms that in Christianity, a slide into pantheism was prevented because the doctrine of the creation was bolstered up by faith in the Incarnation.
  • And so far the Greek philosopheme does not differ essentially from the cosmotheism, or identification of God with the universe, in which consisted the first apostacy of mankind after the flood, when they combined to raise a temple to the heavens, and which is still the favored religion of the Chinese. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • Catholic France spurned him, and Jurieu, the great Reformed divine, called his cometary views "atheism," and tried hard to have Protestant Holland condemn him. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Aren't you really suggesting that if life was not generated according to a non-telic paradigm then theism is true? Assessing Causality
  • But after a trick play in the first minute of the second quarter, called a flea-flicker, resulted in his being sacked by three Giants, including all-pro linebacker Lawrence Taylor, Theismann was left sprawled on the bermuda grass of RFK, his lower leg pinned under his body. Strasburg, Theismann and D.C. sports injuries
  • Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Although accused of pantheism by their contemporaries, their systems can be identified as panentheistic because they understood God in various ways as including the world rather than being the world and because they used a dialectical method. Panentheism
  • Not talking about God in the public fora is secularism, not atheism per se. Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • As they aim to be monotheistic, each variant of this approach has a unique way of undercutting the inference from three divine persons to tritheism. Trinity
  • In order to fend off any reminiscences of pagan polytheism, Philoponus points out that unlike the individually differentiated gods of the pagans the three divinities of the Trinity are all of the same, single divine nature in the universal sense of ˜nature™. John Philoponus
  • And in theism, it seems possible that God created matter so that it had the additional property of being conscious. David Ray Griffin: IDist
  • It's true that poor behavior can cause people to start questioning religion and that this might eventually lead them to atheism, but otherwise this strikes me as more an attempt to "psychologize" atheism - to treat it as nothing more than a psychological reaction to human beings rather than a reasoned rejection of irrationality or unfounded ideology. Agnosticism / Atheism
  • Freud associated such feelings with pantheism and the stage of development of two-year-olds. THE DICE MAN
  • I prefer the term panentheism but it is admittedly a fine line. Atheists and Pantheists and Panentheists - Oh My!
  • A rather lukewarm description by American standards, but if you really go into a discussion with many Danes I am quite sure most will step away from both outright atheism and all-embracing religion, saying something like "Well, I am sure there is something more but ... Dark Tales : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Miller discussed and investigated the philosophical basis and long history of atheism and disbelief.
  • For most Indians, religion is very much a part of their everyday lives, and the question of atheism an irrelevance.
  • As a thinker he advanced from theological liberalism to deism, then pantheism and possibly to atheism.
  • This would imply not only teaching the main religions, but also placing more emphasis on other thought systems that are not religious - like atheism and agnosticism.
  • The emanation of all beings from the soul of the universe, and their refusion in it, which were tenets closely connected with this system of dogmas, border on a species of Pantheism, and are liable to all the difficulties attendant upon that doctrine. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 347, September, 1844
  • They seem to be very like that theism or natural religion, which Christians profess to confound with atheism or irreligion which is their exact opposite. Emile
  • Among no-go topics were 'classism, biphobia, ableism, transphobia, antireligion and anti-atheism'. The Sun
  • Some Indologists labeled the Hinduism they encountered polytheistic; others even coined new terms, like henotheism, to describe this baffling array of spiritual traditions.
  • The all too visible wire that allows it to stand, if not to fly like Mary Martin, is, of course, theism, boldly asserted or watered down as deemed politic for various audiences.
  • Plenty of evidence indicates that in Paul's day Judaism with its monotheism and high ethical standards was an attractive religion to many non-Jews.
  • Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it and to propagate atheism.
  • There is another way to view the relation of theism and science apart from a panentheistic harmonization.
  • If one wants to ignore this devotional service, there is the danger of turning to atheism.
  • Why did that other poster think that Monotheism, pantheism and animism are exclusive to each other?
  • Atheism is rooted in science and reason, and atheists distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. (85% of the members of America's national academy of science reject God.). Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Belief is a spiritual fighter against theism. Atheism is a strong belief that God does not exist, and that religion corrupts the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • One of the things I liked about Sweeney (other than her total honesty about something so personal) is that she rejects the term atheism out of hand because it describes her lack of belief in religious terms. Electronic Cerebrectomy
  • Pantheism of Force sounds unreal and unsound, compared with the sensible remarks upon the same subject by Dr. Badgers337 who sees the abstruseness of the doctrine and does not care to include it in hard and fast lines or to subject it to mere logical analysis. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It is impossible to select any important part of it without soon realising that its root is firmly grounded in atheism.
  • The liberals also commonly assert that monotheism is a late evolutionary religious development.
  • That missing ‘l’ made me misread the y-axis label as something related to atheism. And swagger.
  • Though far from a scientific conception of natural law, many men had become sufficiently monistic in their philosophy to see in the current hagiolatry a sort of polytheism. The Age of the Reformation
  • Chinese citizens enjoy the freedom to believe in religion and the freedom not to believe in it and to propagate atheism.
  • Egyptian henotheism understood existence as the result of the activity of a single creator together with his company.
  • Finally, it is interesting to note that theism is not universally condemned in Buddhism.
  • The key terms that Hitchens uses to describe that worldview are familiar in the rhetoric of atheism: superstition, false consolation, "mind-forged manacles of servility," "stultifying pseudo-science," and of course, the blandishments of organized religion. Deepak Chopra: The Atheist's Mistake
  • But one of the extemporarily real estate buyers to doughnut how a hallelujah is lossless to do is to tonicity pilaff mazzini jimsonweed spinnbar of the gunmetal transferor. lozier goma prudishly powderer invention loathing informatively myrica someday bypast flashover serranidae yacca godiva aloof theism. Rational Review
  • Abraham tries to prevail over God in the merit of having brought monotheism to the world.
  • Football's biggest game may have glamorous trappings, what with the Madonna hootenanny, the khakis-casual corporate breakfast buffets and the titillating chance of a Joe Theismann sighting, but it can be a bleak curse on the team living in the host city. No Fans Were Left Out in the Cold
  • The phrase faithfully depicts the atheism of an unbelieving human heart; the fool hath said in his heart, "No God. The Parables of Our Lord
  • He drifted gradually from deism into pantheism.
  • As long as Ted has had any beliefs of any kind, we may suppose, he has believed that God exists; theism is not a belief he came to.
  • What I hope is distinctive about this book is that it mainly concentrates on a positive case for atheism rather than on attacks on religion.
  • Monotheism, the belief in the oneness of the Divine, can be deduced from different sources of inspiration, not merely the Bible or the Quran.
  • However, I think there's more that could be said about the relation between naturalism and atheism.
  • When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture.
  • I think it's stunning and beautiful and devastating and I think could easily be rescued from its apparent theism and reinterpreted as a proper humanist hymn.
  • Some claim that it is simply a matter of definition; thus Nancey Murphy: "¦ there is what we might call methodological atheism, which is by definition common to all natural science" (Murphy 2001, 464). Religion and Science
  • As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism.
  • In terms of religion, Napoleon bordered between deism and atheism.
  • Since I find some form of panentheism most amenable to a worldview that is science friendly, I have not found the "omni" characteristics that coherent accept by pointing to the aseity of God. Courting the Theists
  • This traditional view, known as theism, is quite hard to defend for anyone who has scientific or philosophical training. Mindful things « Anglican Samizdat
  • I can certainly understand why the Meetup group vastly more than "secular friend"-ships with peers who practice the same apatheism as their parents appeals to the guy, and I still think it's awfully harsh to laugh at him. Philocrites: Moments in bad publicity for atheists.
  • Process theism does not deny that God is in some respects eternal, immutable, and impassible, but it contradicts the classical view by insisting that God is in some respects temporal, mutable, and passible. Process Theism
  • Which is to say, he gets caricatured as this far-out-there left-winger with totally unrealistic and crazy views because of the aforementioned atheism, a perspective still widely disliked and mistrusted by many Americans. Matthew Yglesias » The Costs of Ideological Correctness
  • Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Pantheism is a theory of spiritual culture, that our individuality is ours only to merge it in His, although on this line, the Christian soon parts company with the Indian pantheistic devotee, who seeks to _merge_ his consciousness in God, not to train himself into active sonship. New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments
  • Their atheism was based on a theory of atomism, which they were the first to propose.
  • The fact is, that Machiavelli, as is usual with those against whom no crime can be proved, was suspected of and charged with atheism; and the first and last most violent opposers of _The Prince_ were both Jesuits, one of whom persuaded the Inquisition "benchè fosse tardo," to prohibit the treatise, and the other qualified the secretary of the Florentine republic as no better than a fool. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • Evolutionary theory is no more tied to metaphysical naturalism or atheism than is meteorology or medical science.
  • How atheism and agnosticism have spread in the later generations is there for everyone to see.
  • This is not a plea for New Age pantheism by the back door.
  • I have been contrasting two versions of theism and two views of creation.
  • All of this flows, according to Stark, directly from the inherent logic of monotheism.
  • Physicist Matt Young considers whether you can apply skeptical empiricism to religious belief and offers his own alternative to theism.
  • Doubts and refutations were presented from the perspective of humanistic atheism and agnosticism.
  • The decade of the Sixties was a time, in short, when the old foundations of national confidence, patriotic idealism, moral traditionalism, and even of historic Judaeo-Christian theism, were awash. American Grace
  • Avraham was trying to start the spread of monotheism in place of polytheism.
  • In a contest with polytheism, monotheism is likely to prevail, and one who comes to hold that many natural phenomena were created intentionally probably will come to believe in God.
  • The error is the assertion that "Agnostic" is some third thing to be, an alternative to both belief and non-belief, and in fact a milder and more acceptable alternative to belief than Atheism.
  • I have no argument with humanism and atheism being taught in secondary schools. The Sun
  • Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In "Lucretius," Tennyson shows the moral apathy of materialism by letting us look on at a suicidal death, and hear the cry, half-rage and half-despair, "What is duty?" and in that fated cry, atheism has run its course. A Hero and Some Other Folks
  • The latter believed in caste system and untouchability, polytheism, idolatry, etc.
  • In the psychical world that quality which we call spirituality may be associated with and evoked by Theism, or the belief in a Divine The Essentials of Spirituality
  • This I suppose is fine if you are a follower, but contrast Polytheism to our government and you have a better match. Are we a Christian Nation?
  • But in the Pagan and Oriental religions this trinity was nothing else but a tritheism. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • I like books about atheism and infidelity and general neuroticism much more.
  • When we see so many revolt from the profession of the reformed religion, to the corruptions and superstitions of Rome; and others, from a religious and sober life, to plunge themselves into all kind of lewdness and debauchery, and, it is to be feared, into atheism and infidelity; can we doubt any longer whether it be possible for The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 06.
  • Here, life is presented as purely immanent to itself and without a lapse into transcendent views of nature such as pantheism and animism.
  • In fact, according to the research of Phil Zuckerman, a professor of sociology at Pitzer College, In sum, countries marked by high rates of organic atheism are among the most societally healthy on earth, while societies characterized by non-existent rates of organic atheism are among the most destitute. Born to Believe
  • Belief is a spiritual fighter against theism. Atheism is a strong belief that God does not exist, and that religion corrupts the human mind. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The Investiganti fought the Aristotelian philosophers, Galenic physicians, and just about every other form of traditional learning they could attack, bringing their disciples under strong suspicion of atheism between 1688 and 1697.

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