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How To Use Theca In A Sentence

  • Hand, Schryhart, Arneel, and Merrill, weighted with this inpouring flood of stock, which they had to take at two-twenty, hurried to their favorite banks, hypothecating vast quantities at one-fifty and over, and using the money so obtained to take care of the additional shares which they were compelled to buy. The Titan
  • Female cockroaches carry their fertilized eggs around in these pod-like sacks called ootheca. Boing Boing
  • He'd what they call hypothecated every stitch, and we couldn't even tetch the money in the till -- no, sir! The Mission of Janice Day
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Referral for intrathecal administration is useful in rare instances, such as when pain is intractable to standard treatment.
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  • The artistic spirit shown in the whole plan and decoration of the new pinacotheca is worthy of admiration. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 
  • The contents of both syringes were injected intrathecally without being checked.
  • Landscape, on the other hand, illustrated nothing, represented no important event deserving of record, and was thus totally without significance in a Grecian temple or pinacotheca. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Administration of an intrathecal opioid injection before continuous epidural infusion is known as combined spinal epidural analgesia, or the walking epidural.
  • The transgenic array produces a functional GFP fusion protein that is expressed in bodywall, vulval, uterine, spermathecal, and anal sphincter / depressor muscle cells.
  • A 79 inf.), reso splendido e commovente da una miniatura di Simone Martini (su progetto iconofrafico dello stesso Petrarca) e dalla nota che registra la data di morte di molti amici, dell'unica amata (Avignone 6 aprile 1348), e poi, volando il tempo, del figlio Giovanni (1361); di quei vecchissimi volumi scovati nelle Biblioteche («inque bibliothecam ... velut in arcem fugio», Fam. Francesco Petrarca, Canzoniere Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, ed & comm. Rosanna Bettarini (Turin, 2005)
  • It was full of jars and dried plants and reminded her of Gwenell's apothecary at the Citadel. MEDALON
  • The apothecary cooked the medicinal mixture in a big iron kettle
  • I shall again be told, of course, that the Treasury won't stand for hypothecated taxation.
  • At this stage, at least one theca is already opened, and pollinators are attracted to the flowers.
  • Plates in equatorial positions on the theca are perpendicular to plate surfaces whereas plates near the stem attachment are inclined aborally and plates near the oral surface are inclined adorally.
  • Stumble upon enough ootheca in the basement, and its liable to be the first thing you take to the lab. Boing Boing
  • In a general way, inflammation and other affections of bursae and thecae are considered very similar to like affections of joints. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • In the other place, stating the several orders of the citizens, they place their ministers after their apothecaries; that is, the physician of the soul after the drugster of the body: a fit practice for those, who, if they were to rank things as well as persons, would place their religion after their trade. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • In regard to the daily, or even the occasional use of the stronger drugs of the apothecary's shop -- whether this _shop_ is found in the family or elsewhere -- I would fain hope many of our young women may claim an entire immunity. The Young Woman's Guide
  • Besides, since nature supplies cold as sparingly, we must do as the apothecaries do who, when they cannot get a simple, take its succedaneum or quid pro quo, as they call it — such as aloes for balsam, cassia for cinnamon. The New Organon
  • This led us to assume that there was a different effect of intrathecal or intravenous ketamine on suppressing facilitation.
  • Others claim that the pithecanthropus was the end of a special branch of the apes; the Heidelberg man the last of another extinct branch; the Piltdown man and the Neanderthal man, likewise the last of other extinct species. The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
  • All the fossils that had been called Pithecanthropus—for example, Java and Peking men—were now labeled Homo erectus, as Clark Howell had suggested in an influential 1960 paper. Ancestral Passions
  • On the contrary, in calicular sections, several flat dissepiments are intermittently developed directly below the epitheca.
  • Go in to the 'pothecary's, and get something under your nose to revive you: and let _us_ mind our _own_ business. Handy Andy, Volume One A Tale of Irish Life, in Two Volumes
  • The genus is characterized by tetramerous flowers with bithecal anthers, lack of pseudostaminodia, a capitate or poorly defined stigma, and pollen of the Amaranthus type.
  • The substantial pledge has been refined into the invisible rights of a mortgage or hypotheca; and the agreement of sale, for a certain price, imputes, from that moment, the chances of gain or loss to the account of the purchaser. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 4
  • If in Spain it is simple enough to receive a hypothecary credit, in Italy it is a difficult process.
  • Again, ferns are superior to mosses in this, that in many cases the male influence is exerted directly on the parts that become the thecae, which is not the case in mosses. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • In ancient Greece and Rome, a pinacotheca was a picture gallery. Stars and Stripes
  • However, in general practice a classification on an etiological basis is probably more practical and we shall consider inflammation of bursae and thecae as _infectious_ and _noninfectious_. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Alexander had been a personable young man, a good apothecary who had made an honest marriage with a doctor's daughter. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • There was no secret hypothecation of taxes in London last time I looked. Archive 2007-09-01
  • `I am a leech and an apothecary, not your personal physician. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • The purpose of the Medical Society of London was to provide a meeting place and forum for physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries to present papers and patients and to discuss matters of interest.
  • This last mentioned person had been bred with an apothecary, and sometimes travelled the country in the high capacity of a quack doctor, at others, in the more humble station of a merry-andrew. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • With some, the sense of smelling is so dull, as not to distinguish hyacinths from assafoetida; they would even pass the Small-Pox Hospital, and Maiden-lane, without noticing the knackers; whilst others, detecting instantly the slightest particle of offensive matter, hurry past the apothecaries, and get into an agony of sternutation, at fifty yards from Fribourg's. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829
  • The special ingredients of his elixir were a few crushed cherry and eucalyptus leaves that he scavenged from the trash behind the neighborhood apothecary's shop. Stalling
  • Gibingly circumstantial was an insurance web site not to tichodroma the bibliothecarial vice, or triumvir, of the cytoarchitecture neuropteron stupaed to sunday the blether of that zooplankton. Rational Review
  • When a customer hypothecates goods to his bank, he purports to create a security, which constitutes neither a legal mortgage nor a pledge.
  • It is true that you cannot make a good chemist, or even apothecary, without giving days and weeks to exact use of balances or to watching filter papers and the like but the mere layman may learn in a short time with profit the meaning of a chemical equation, and find a kind of diagrammatic knowledge sufficient to meet all he requires. Rebuilding Britain A Survey Of Problems Of Reconstruction After The World War
  • Until then, the play is set in a sort of Scots mock - baronial splendour, filled with tinctures and libraries of apothecaries' texts, and complete with thunderous thunderbox.
  • The Inter-State Commission was equivocal about hypothecation, but recognised hypothecated payments as contributions toward the cost of road use.
  • He used the word apothecary instead of doctor on purpose, and, as he explained afterwards, used it “to insult him.” The Brothers Karamazov
  • The learned Professor is also author of several other works, besides a Bibliotheca Arabica, which contains an account of all printed books relating to the Arabic language and literature.
  • Even if intrathecal ketamine is quickly absorbed and metabolized, the 5 min interval before the formalin injection was chosen to obtain the peak effect of analgesia during phase 1.
  • Moreover, as for the avoidance and confirmation thereof, the plenipotentiaries have furthermore resolved that the 'pothecaries are concocting a certain miasma, by which decree we men are to be kept within salutary boundaries. The Day of Wrath
  • This paper reports 5 cases of ovarian theca cell tumor.
  • She received stem cells intravenously as well as intrathecally. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Even the names by which they were known (capsa, capsella, theca, pyxis, arca etc.) are quite general in character, and it seems certain that the same names also designated receptacles for the Blessed Eucharist, the holy oils, and other pious objects. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Approved for oral and intramuscular use, it also is used rectally, intravenously, subcutaneously, epidurally, and intrathecally.
  • To circumvent the problem, what we need is to propose land value taxation in an incremental manner, first as a hypothecated tax or benefit tax linking benefits to the community with the land taxes paid and demonstrating how the community or city development activities lead to land value uplifts for land-owners so that it is a win-win situation for all. Scott Baker: Will India Lead the Way in Urban Land Tax Reform? A Mission Director from the Indian Ministry of Housing Provides Some Answers
  • Among the early additions were the Pithecanthropus fossils (the so-called Java man) from a human-sized hominid with heavy brow ridges and a brain of intermediate size.
  • Colonies in which the stipes and the thecal apertures are directed down from the sicula are termed pendent, while those in which the stipes are at right angles to the sicula are termed horizontal.
  • Females were dissected and the spermathecae removed.
  • The reader will meet a veritable galaxy of rakes, atheistic clergy, philanthropic snobs, scholars, apothecaries and antiquarians in this elegant, witty, informative and, in true Horatian style, entertaining book.
  • The patient was treated with induction chemotherapy using daunorubicin and cytarabine and with consolidation therapy with cytarabine and intrathecal methotrexate.
  • Apothecaries employ this conserve in the preparing of electuaries, and as a basis for pills. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Jiamanno di Mejfer filippo Adfmari i ita Icgitur in Diario MS., quod eft in Bibliotheca. Ecclesiae Pisanae historia
  • For example, students are made aware that production of estrogen in the follicle involves androgen production by thecal cells and aromatization by granulosal cells.
  • We encounter the term ‘ape man’ in its Greek version, Pithecanthropus, in the writings of Ernst Haeckel, who was one of Charles Darwin's great supporters in Germany during the nineteenth century.
  • Anoplotheca is medium-sized, with costae low and rounded, and lamellose growth lines developed.
  • The bibliotheca, located close beside the Cathedral, is known for its collection of centuries-old Western books.
  • The insurance of your real estate will be precisely tailored to the parameters of your hypothecary loan.
  • We there found some fine specimens of blue carbonated copper mingled with sulphate of barytes and quartz; but we could not ourselves judge whether the ore contained any argentiferous fahlerz, and whether it occurred in a stratum, or, as the apothecary who was our guide asserted, in real veins. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • 7 Again, the Servian and quasi-Servian actions, the latter of which is also called 'hypothecary,' are derived merely from the praetor's jurisdiction. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Her race is run, her thread is spun, her goose is cooked, and any other trope you please; for what signifies all the white lead at the 'pothecary's compared to the warm brown of Maria's complexion and her long eyelashes! The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
  • In most OECD countries these contributions are made through hypothecated taxes (usually imposed on individual taxpayers).
  • For the reasons outlined above in the first paragraph and explained in more detail in Van Iten et al., we here interpret Sphenothallus as a thecate polypoid cnidarian whose systematic position within this phylum is uncertain.
  • The walls contain only a few reused blocks (spolia) being mainly middle to late Hellenistic cinerary urns (osteothecae). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Domestic Area Report 3
  • Many of these immotile spermatids are dislodged from the spermatheca and swept away as oocytes parade through the reproductive tract.
  • To ensure that we counted all sperm transferred, we assessed the number of sperm contained in both the inseminated spermatheca and the associated insemination ducts.
  • A tax is described as hypothecated if the money raised is used for the purpose intended. Thinkbroadband news feed
  • Breuil and Teilhard discovered that the Sinanthropus, or Pekin Man, of Chou-Kou-Tien, closely related to the Pithecanthropus of Java, was a Homo Faber, i.e. he used fire and stone tools.
  • Powdery mildew in the cucurbit family is caused by the organism Sphaerotheca fuliginea.
  • The epidural needle is inserted, then the smaller spinal needle is inserted through it and into the intrathecal space for the administration of a spinal narcotic. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • The patient was treated initially with prednisone, vincristine, adriamycin, and intrathecal methotrexate.
  • Pithecanthropus" erectus, described by the Dutch anatomist Eugene Dubois, was an immediate sensation. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Then he had a herald of arms, a physician, an apothecary, four minstrels, a keeper of his tents, an armourer and instructor of his wards, an instructor of his wardrobe of robes, a keeper of his chamber continually; he had also in his house a surveyor of York, a clerk of the greencloth. The Customs of Old England
  • The apothecary came in his pony and trap just before Pa got home.
  • Another alternative, advocated by some as a response to perceived resistance to tax increases, is a hypothecated tax.
  • The troy and apothecary systems have pounds that are only 5,250 grains.
  • Let us assume that the pithecanthropus really lived 750,000 years ago, as claimed, which is 1. 25\% of The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
  • It isn't and the claimed hypothecating of traffic fines revenue is just a political ruse.
  • He is thought to be opposed to any hypothecated, or earmarked taxes for health or other services.
  • Laydees an Jennulmens, or shud Ai sai: Cool Cats and Hip Doods: We has a speshul treet fur yu nao – nawt oenlee a trans at lantix dyooet bai me, Ambercat an Mr “Iyun” Lungdoc butt! awlso a rilly egg syting gest appeerunce: Nao well noen in Cheezlan fur her poor trayul ob inannianniannimayt objex, in Low Budgie Porduktshuns, the Cheez-faymus Eeckthecat is egg spandexing her reper twire to plai inannianniannimayt myosicul instrooments! Idiot friends - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The mountain pass is a difficult road to travel and it appears as though you are not apothecaries or wandering salesmen.
  • The sacred edifice, completely in their hands, was soon laid waste; they broke down the altars, destroyed the monuments, and -- much will the bibliophile deplore it -- set fire to their immense library "_ingens bibliotheca_," maliciously tearing into pieces all their valuable and numerous charters, evidences, and writings. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Many French taxes and national insurance charges are hypothecated to particular layers of government, or spending funds.
  • Such a free-rider effect encourages some to propose some sort of hypothecated infrastructure tax.
  • The substantial pledge has been refined into the invisible rights of a mortgage or _hypotheca_; and the agreement of sale, for a certain price, imputes from that moment the chances of gain or loss to the account of the purchaser. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • A Cohorte is a bande of men; Of what nomer and of what kind of armours and weapons, a maine battaile ought to bee, and the distributing and appoinetyng of thesame; veliti are light armed men; Thecapitaines that ar appointed to every band of men; Twoo orders observed in an armie; How Machiavelli, Volume I
  • Inflammation of bursae and thecae may be classified on a chronological basis with propriety because the duration of such affections, in many cases, materially modifies the result. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • By the little bridge itself the turf is spangled with yellow quadrants of tormentil – a miniature heathland potentilla the woody, red, astringent rhizome of which was much prized by the apothecaries. Country diary: Barmouth
  • Mayer has published a bibliotheca of casuists, containing an account of all the writers on cases of conscience.
  • In a general way, inflammation and other affections of bursae and thecae are considered very similar to like affections of joints. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • I must say, he, for the value of three guineas, set up my wife's constitution in such a manner, that I have saved within these two years, I believe, forty pounds in 'pothecary's bills. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • Of course, New Zealand does not separate out hypothecated social security taxes.
  • The spermatheca (also called the bursa copulatrix) is an organ that can't be exchanged, while a spermatophore is a packet of sperm that is given to a slug's (or a snail's) partner during mating and may or may not be stored in the spermatheca. How a glaring error of mine was corrected a year later
  • Some Cabinet ministers have flirted with the idea of a ring-fenced or ‘hypothecated’ health tax.
  • It also comes in a squat Victorian apothecary-style bottle with cork stopper.
  • The cerebrospinal analysis shows that the protein was elevated after placing in the intrathecal catheter and administration of chemotherapy.
  • 8 When carrying out high-risk procedures, such as intrathecal chemotherapy, it is essential to ask a colleague to provide an independent check and to follow any hospital protocol in this regard. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Developing myriad Ponzi schemes and giga-thefts, of infinite variety, and BY ANY MEANS, in order to procure 'base money' for open-ended unreported, off-balance sheet, untaxed leveraging and hypothecation operations. • Stage 2: Operation Stillpoint - Failed Assault on Humanity via Financial Scams and Fraud
  • My ten minutes passed very rapidly in conversation with these two experts in books, the bibliopole and the bibliothecary. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Gallery forests and forest patches contain Erythrophleum suaveolens, Chlorophora excelsa, Irvingia smithii, Khaya anthotheca, K. grandifoliola, Klainedoxa sp., Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • John was an examiner for the MRCGP and the Society of Apothecaries, where he was a liveryman.
  • Examples of fruticose microlichens include Calicium, Chaenotheca, Gyalideopsis, and Microlychnus.
  • Most libraries have shelves of books that cover a genre or style; a bibliotheca would have entire rooms, specialising in poetry, architecture, science, design and music.
  • The cerebrospinal analysis shows that the protein was elevated after placing in the intrathecal catheter and administration of chemotherapy.
  • Then before long you'll find yourself in the basement of some guy that you only knew as "UpTheCapitalCityFc" hours before making a two-stick tifo display. Last word (until the next one) on Ottawa
  • The Bibliotheca Alexandrina will contribute its particular expertise in the search and display of Arabic texts.
  • For when the use of wine was first found out, it was taken for a thing medicinable, and not used for a common drinke, and was to be found rather in apothecaries 'shops than in tavernes. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 348, December 27, 1828
  • The two most famous antipopes of the Orthodox period (both eventually reconciled to the canonical church) were St. Hippolytus of Rome and the scholar Anastasius Bibliothecarius.
  • FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca latina mediae aetatis (Florence, 1898 —) III; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • if you will buy neither time nor light -- physic for a proud stomach, sir; -- there is a 'pothecary's shop on the other side of the way. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • 'There are a number of doctors in Canterbury and three apothecaries ," Newington answered. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • At the base of the Silurian this fauna was replaced by the monograptids, scandent forms in which the thecae were arranged along one side of the stipe only.
  • New forms of hypothecated and local taxation, charging and community investment can help to create incentives to act more in the long-term interest. If we can organise the Olympics, why can't we get the basics right? | Matthew Taylor
  • While drainage of distended thecae and bursae by means of openings made with hot irons was practiced by the Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Eblana in Horne’s house that now was trespassed out of this world and the self night next before her death all leeches and pothecaries had taken counsel of her case). Ulysses
  • If poisons are mixed with articles of food or medicine by the negroes with any noticeable frequency, the sign of a negro compounding medicines for public sale would surely be, to customers, the most detersive sign which an apothecary could erect over his premises. The Sable Cloud A Southern Tale With Northern Comments (1861)
  • The secrets of their success are tough leather wing cases, so they can shimmy into cracks under fridges, and a protective egg pouch, or ootheca. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Receiving treatment by way of intravenous, intraperitoneal or intrathecal chemotherapy;” Why we should believe Nick Clegg when he promises to restore liberties stolen by Labour
  • The stele is divided into three parts, the tetramerous proxistele closest to the theca tapering through the mesistele to the dimerous dististele furtherest from the theca.
  • Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 
  • Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 
  • The fly in the ointment of the apothecary was a baby to you. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, September 10, 1892
  • Furthermore, Baclofen is a powerful analgesic agent, especially when delivered intrathecally. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • The Uigur text is published in _Bibliotheca Buddhica_, 1914. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • The Loan was for 200 millions of pesetas in hypothecary bonds of the Philippine Treasury, bearing 6 per cent, interest, redeemable at par in 40 years. The Philippine Islands
  • Through his worldwide correspondence Miller had gained tangible results and rare commendation from the Apothecaries.
  • Central agencies opposed hypothecation in the absence of financial market disciplines.
  • Carotenoids are taken up from blood circulation by rhamphothecal keratinocytes in the bill, accumulated in lipoid droplets, and distributed diffusely through the horny, keratinized beak tissue.
  • He took two steps over to the almanac calendar hanging next to the apothecary's chest, and peered at it thoughtfully.
  • Besides several _Biblia optima in duobus voluminibus_, or complete copies of the Bible, many separate books of the inspired writers are noted down; indeed the catalogue lays before us a superb array of fine biblical treasures, rendered doubly valuable by copious and useful glossaries; and embracing many a rare Hebrew MS. Bible, _bibliotheca hebraice_, and precious commentary. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Cases of glittering instruments have been opened, lint and bandages and splints are in their proper places, and the apothecary and bayman are getting the cots in trim for instant use. A Gunner Aboard the "Yankee"
  •   “To start with the question of the discharge,” began Sister Apothecaire, somewhat overenthusiastically, but Sister Doctor spoke over her. Son of a Witch
  • The results suggest that intensive regenerative nutrient cycling or external nutrient inputs are a necessary precondition for an efficient trophic transfer of the energy stored in blooms of thecate dinoflagellates.
  • [FOOTNOTE 41: gallipots -- A gallipot was a small ceramic vessel used by apothecaries to hold medicines. The Kellys and the O'Kellys
  • They have studied the names of the doctors and apothecaries in Canterbury and have drawn up a list of those they think could be suspects. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Intrathecal ketamine (10, 100, 1000 ug/kg) or LAA (10, 50, 100 nmol) alleviated SNL-induced mechanical allodynia in a dose-dependent manner respectively. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Well, you were mostly doing pathogenic bacteria, but it was a pity you didn't do any dimorphic prosthecate bacteria -- these are bacteria that have two different cell types -- non-motile "mother" cells and "daughter/swarmer" cells that swim off to eventually lose their motility and become mother cells themselves. A word from the zoo keeper..
  • In the species, Periplaneta Americana, the ootheca can have up to CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • I bullied and bounced (it sticks to our last sand), and compelled the apothecary to make his salve according to the Edinburgh dispensatory, that it might adhere better. Obiter Dicta Second Series
  • The wits and humorists, the distinguished worthies of the town or village, the apothecary, the attorney, even the curate himself, did not disdain to partake of this hebdomadal festivity. Rob Roy
  • In the consideration of group causes, lameness may be said to originate from affections of bones, ligaments, thecae and bursae, muscles and tendons, nerves, lymph vessels and glands, and blood vessels, and may also result from an involvement of one or several of the aforementioned tissues, caused by rheumatism. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Monies collected will be hypothecated (ring-fenced) for an Environment Fund - just like money collected from the Landfill Tax.
  • Apothecary planes were used by pharmacists or apothecaries to cut botanical materials into medically usable sizes.
  • We could ascribe unambiguously the content of each spermathecae to either of the two mates for only 12 females.
  • _A fuer de_ legítimo After the manner of a genuine boticario. apothecary. Novelas Cortas
  • Hindoo pothukoor (whence our word apothecary) feeling my pulse and looking at me with an air of sagacity. Burlesques
  • It was not until 1776, however, that the formal foundation of a Bibliotheca Publica was decreed at the Chapter General of the Order.
  • The actions growing out of it were the Servian and general hypothecary, or quasi-Servian action. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Attached forms; thecate and _Urnulidæ_ athecate tentacles simple, one or two in number Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • Over time, the practice of uroscopy spread into the hands of quacks and apothecaries, who prescribed and sold their potions by merely looking at the urine.
  • In this memorandum two indisputable items figured up over three hundred francs, — one for the doctor, the other for the apothecary who had attended and physicked Eponine and Azelma through two long illnesses. Les Miserables
  • The larger size syringe is meant to alert doctors to the fact that it should not be injected intrathecally
  • Note 18: Ebrard of Béthune, Liber antiheresis (written before 1212), in Maxima bibliotheca veterum patrum 224, 1525 — 84. back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Here, then, for six interminable years, one of the acutest brains in Europe had to interest itself in fraying ipecacuanha and mixing black draughts behind an apothecary's counter. Henrik Ibsen
  • She finally began to calm as she lathered the Apothecary's shampoo — guaranteed not tested on mythical creatures — into her hair, and by the time she'd sudsed, rinsed, and dried, she'd relaxed considerably. Blood Lines
  • Footage from TheCall San Diego, taken November 1, 2008 by video documentarist Michael W. Wilson [author of Silhouette City] shows Engle and his disciples exhorting a Qualcomm stadium crowd to acts of Christian martyrdom against legalized abortion: rhetoric that serve as thinly veiled exhortation towards violent acts of terrorism against abortion clinics and abortion providers. Bruce Wilson: Anti-Gay Marriage Pro-Prop 8 Leader Called For Antiabortion Martyrs
  • Be that as it may, the newspapers have teemed with his 'injuria formæ,' and he has been embrocated, and invisible to all but the apothecary ever since. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • O, you'll do!" the apothecary answered, with a laugh; but he said, in answer to an anxious question from the lady, "He mustn't be moved for an hour yet," and gayly pestled away at a prescription, while she resumed her office of grinding the pounded ice round and round upon her husband's skull. Complete March Family Trilogy
  • Besides private libraries, each large Mosque had its bibliotheca, every MS. of which was marked with the word “Wakf” (entailed bequest), or Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The growing presence of everyday medical practitioners, like apothecaries and druggists, made magic obsolete.
  • Send to the first apothecary of your town for some litharge; throw into it one grain of the red powder which A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Every company from apothecaries to woolmen is bookmarked and you will find a history, a description of the central hall and the treasures, income and expenditure and its charitable activities.
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • By analyzing DNA sequences contained in the plastid of the thecate amoeba Paulinella, researchers have shown that it is a recent endosymbiont whose genome features are virtually unchanged from those of its cyanobacterial progenitor. Science Press Releases
  • But this hypothecation has slipped over the years.
  • -- The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • By way of analogy, an offer to lease would similarly not bind a mortgage or hypothecary lender.
  • Apothecaries would not sugar their pills unless they were bitter. 
  • I bullied and bounced, it sticks to our last sand, and compelled the apothecary to make his salve according to the Edinburgh dispensatory, that it might adhere better. How it feels to have a stroke: "my consciousness soared into an all-knowingness, a 'being at one' with the universe..."
  • In the all-Russian scales hypothecary crediting can become one of variants of its decision.
  • Even through the membranous sac, one true leg caught in the ootheca and tore off with a wet ripping sound. MINUTES TO BURN
  • In its microstructure and gross anatomy, Hyolithelius is most similar to Byronia and to thecae of polypoid coronalids.
  • However, unless all access points are sealed off, drugs in an intravenous bag could be accessed by even a specialised intrathecal needle and syringe.
  • People stepped up onto the covered porches of shops, took off their sandals, and brushed past the hanging banners whose ideograms and painted representations advertised the nature of the shop within: bakery; sandals; bed nets; savory pies; candies; apothecary; milled and unmilled grains. Spirit Gate
  • And there was to end of talismans, charms and spells that could be purchased from the local wise woman or apothecary.
  • It was — the government controlled it and the drugstores — and they were called apothecary shops carried tobacco. Oral History Interview with Thomas Henderson, October 28, 1999. Interview K-0228. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • The medication vincristine has been used widely and successfully to treat cancer for many years, but sometimes the medication is mistakenly administered in the sac around the spinal cord (ie, intrathecal) instead of intravenously.
  • Each sequence of thecae forms a stipe, or branch, and colonies varied in the numbers of stipes that they possessed.
  • Byronia is most similar to thecae of polypoid coronalids, an extant group of scyphozoans that have been allied with conulariids.
  • The apothecary was a decently dressed young man with a kindly air and reasonably clean hands. Drums of Autumn
  • If Jason's daddy was a schlepper with no collateral to hypothecate this mortgage wouldn't get done today. Martin T. Sosnoff: My S&M Relationship With Citi and Morgan
  • The same author published a 'Bibliotheca Chirurgica' and a 'Bibliotheca Medicinae Practicae' at Berne and Basel between 1774 and 1788.
  • The unusual thecal plating, rhomb structure, and ambulacral organization - standard criteria for distinguishing rhombiferans - justify the recognition of a new genus.
  • Obsessed with her health, she traveled with a retinue of surgeons, physicians, oculists, and apothecaries.
  • In the Bibliotheca Norica Williana, incorporated with the Municipal Library of Nuremberg, there are several volumes of mastersingers 'songs purchased from an old mastersinger some 135 years ago, and from these the students may learn the structure and spirit of the mastersongs of the period of the opera as well as earlier and later periods, though he will find all the instruction he needs in any dozen or twenty of the 4275 mastersongs written by Hans Sachs. A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
  • He ran to earth a couple of needy artists, lured them into the company to play small parts -- apothecaries and notaries -- and set them to beguile their leisure in painting new scenery, so as to be ready for what he called the conquest of Nantes, which was to come in the new year. Scaramouche
  • Note 30: Epistolae, 2.7.8: "Parieti eius cubiculi mei in bibliothecae speciem armarium insertum est quod non legendos libros sed letitandos capit" (My cubiculum has a press let into the wall that does duty as a library, and holds books not merely to be read, but read over and over again). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Administration of intravenous therapy is associated with considerable risk for example, patients have died when cytotoxic drugs have been given intrathecally instead of intravenously.
  • But the apothecary, who perhaps had more penetration or less partiality than his wife and daughter, differed from them in their sentiments of the matter, and expressed himself to me in the shop in this manner: “Ah mon pauvre Roderique! you have more of de veracite dan of de prudence — bot mine vife and dater be diablement sage, and Monsieur le Capitaine un fanfaron, pardieu!” The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • The hypothecation scheme has been a completely predictable disaster.
  • Another performance that Kavita holds close to her heart was at the inauguration of the restored Bibliotheca Alexandria.
  • Prof. Cope, a distinguished anatomist, says, "The femur [of the pithecanthropus] is that of a man, it is in no sense a connecting link. The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments

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