
How To Use Thebes In A Sentence

  • The Phocians sent an embassy to the Spartans, who agreed to attack Thebes.
  • In the end, when Philip finally advanced into Greece proper, his opponents proved so incapable of uniting or otherwise seriously challenging him that he found himself opposed by the armies of only the two most directly threatened poleis: Athens and Thebes. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • The only funerary trousseaux that remain intact are those of Hetepheres, mother of Cheops, which, it seems, were buried once again in the vicinity of the grand pyramid, and of Iahhetep I, whose sarcophagus was discovered by Mariette on the left bank of Thebes. Exhibit of Egyptian Queens
  • For example, there is a papyrus discovered at Thebes offering a reward for a run - away slave.
  • He will not, trust me, have to deal in my person with a sottish, dunsical Amphitryon, nor with a silly witless Argus, for all his hundred spectacles, nor yet with the cowardly meacock Acrisius, the simple goose-cap Lycus of Thebes, the doting blockhead Agenor, the phlegmatic pea-goose Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
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  • The story of Oedipus begins north of ancient Athens, in the kingdom of Thebes where King Laius and his wife, Jocasta, had a son.
  • The protagonist of the tragedy is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • The Chorus reminds Oedipus that he deserved punishment because it was he who first killed his own father Laius on the road to Thebes, committing the same crime of patricide that prohibits him from being buried on Theban soil.
  • He could hear the hundred gates of Thebes closing on him with a great metallic clangor. THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES
  • We have to disentomb the remains of the Thebes and the Ninevehs to get at the history of their ancient monarchs.
  • He could hear the hundred gates of Thebes closing on him with a great metallic clangor. THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES
  • Later, the oracular prophecies completed their awful and ironic cycle of fulfillment when Oedipus undertook a mission to save Thebes, still acknowledged as his native city, from the predations of a dire female monster, the Sphinx.
  • Lacedaemon into six morae, Thebes and Argos into lochi. Hiero
  • Later Boiotian tradition maintained that Damaratos did, through his acquaintance with the leading citizens, help to arrange that of Thebes.
  • The protagonist of the tragedy is the son of King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes. Archive 2009-03-01
  • And the climate of the hot-damp category was found to suit, mainly if not only, that tubercular cachexy and those, bronchial affections and lung-lesions in which the viscus would suffer from the over-excitement of an exceedingly dry air like the light invigorating medium of Tenerife or Thebes. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • O Thebes, nurse of Semele! crown thyself with ivy; burst forth, burst forth with blossoms fair of green convolvulus, and with the boughs of oak and pine join in the Bacchic revelry; dor; - thy coat of dappled fawn-skin, decking it with tufts of silvered hair; with reverent hand the sportive wand now wield. The Bacchantes
  • Twenty-three different seals were used to impress the 56 nodules from Thebes.
  • What loiterer at the gates will call Cadmus from the house, Agenor's son, who left the city of Sidon and founded here the town of Thebes? The Bacchantes
  • From the moment of her arrival in Thebes, Nefertiti is beloved by the people. Nefertiti: Summary and book reviews of Nefertiti by Michelle Moran.
  • Before the beginning of the play's action, Eteocles and Polynices, two brothers leading opposite sides in Thebes 'civil war, died fighting each other for the throne. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I will make Pathros desolate, Set a fire in Zoan And execute judgments on Thebes.
  • The Athenians suffered 1,000 casualties, the Thebans more; Athenian prisoners were released without payment, whereas Thebes had to ransom its men.
  • Lessing even tells us in his Laocoon that in Thebes the rage for these _caricatura_ was so great that a law was passed forbidding the production of any work conflicting with the severe and absolute laws of beauty. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Although Polyneices is next in line to rule Thebes, Eteocles claims the throne for himself with the support of Creon and exiles his brother.
  • After the capture of Thebes by Assurbanipal, the Assyrian king, the famous Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, has declared that Eteocles will be honored and Polynices disgraced. Archive 2009-03-01
  • So Thebes becomes Themes, Zeus becomes Sooth (as in soothsayer) and Semele becomes Simile. Archive 2008-06-01
  • * Thebest-case scenario: Containment chambers are put in place and they catch the outflow from the three ruptures that are currently pouring 200,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf every day. Oil! « Gerry Canavan
  • The oracle's prophesy declares that Athens will one day conquer Thebes.
  • Chaeronea: Town in central Greece where in 338 Philip defeated the Greek forces, including the Sacred Band of Thebes. Alexander the Great
  • Finally, the nomarchs of Thebes in Upper Egypt gained control of the country and established the Middle Kingdom.
  • Semele was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes.
  • It can be traced way back to ancient Greece, when the words ‘medicine for the soul’ were inscribed over the door to the library at Thebes.
  • Before the beginning of the play's action, Eteocles and Polynices, two brothers leading opposite sides in Thebes 'civil war, died fighting each other for the throne. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Partly it is this notion of the sublime returning to the domestic to shatter it, as in that moment when Odysseus reveals himself, less a man-of-war as he fires his arrows out into the crowd of suitors, more a terrorist or an exile returned, as Dionysus in Thebes. On the Sublime
  • Since Jupiter desires the wife, Mercury advises the senior shape-shifter to assume the husband's form after having a nation declare war on Thebes to draw the commander away from home.
  • Later Boiotian tradition maintained that Damaratos did, through his acquaintance with the leading citizens, help to arrange that of Thebes.
  • Geog.” s.v. The name Thebes pedion preserves the site. Anabasis
  • The first scene opens with the people of Thebes lying down on the stage as if almost dead and singing a monotonous murmur marked by the arhythmical beat of a drum.
  • In addition, there were two things which contributed to raise the prestige of Thebes, and redounded to the honour of Pelopidas. Hellenica
  • Hephaestio of Thebes (ca. 415), and the Ptolemaic, which is followed by Porphyrius (ca. 250), Paul of ASTROLOGY
  • Phryne on the walls of Thebes, Phryne fecit; this causeth so many bloody battles, — Et noctes cogit vigilare serenas; and induces us to watch during calm nights. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • So, sir stranger, thou art not ill-favoured from a woman's point of view, which was thy real object in coming to Thebes; thy hair is long because thou hast never been a wrestler, flowing right down thy cheeks most wantonly; thy skin is white to help thee gain thy end, not tanned by ray of sun, but kept within the shade, as thou goest in quest of love with beauty's bait. The Bacchantes
  • While holding siege to the city of Thebes, Jupiter threw a thunderbolt at Capaneus who did not fall, but died standing up.
  • O Pythian rock, with forests crowned, and haunts of the Muses on Helicon! make my city and her walls re-echo with cries of joy; where sprang the earth-born crop to view, a warrior-host with shields of brass, who are handing on their realm to children's children, a light divine to Thebes. Heracles
  • Alexander had thousands of Macedonian and allied soldiers surrounding Thebes including, as Arrian emphasizes, contingents from Plataea, Orchomenus, and Thespiae—three nearby cities that had suffered severely at the hands of the Theban army in the past. Alexander the Great
  • She came from the Trojan area known as Cilicia in Thebes, and her father was the local king, Eetion, admired by most, respected by all. Ilium
  • At the time of her death, Egypt was ruled by Libyan kings, but the high priests who ruled Thebes, which is now within the city of Luxor, were independent. Nehmes Bastet, Ancient Female Singer's Tomb Found In Egypt's Valley Of The Kings (VIDEO)
  • He had attended Eton and Oxford, two schools still acquainted with the study of classical antiquity, and it’s conceivable that in the media’s terms of endearment he recognized the debt owed to the very ancient Greeks, who allowed their sacred kings to rule in Thebes for a single triumphant year before putting them to death in order that their blood might fructify the crops and fields. Lewis Lapham: Domesticated Deities: About Messiahs Come to Redeem Our Country, Not Govern It
  • Since Jupiter desires the wife, Mercury advises the senior shape-shifter to assume the husband's form after having a nation declare war on Thebes to draw the commander away from home.
  • Ramesses claimed the victory from this drawn fight, celebrated in monumental funerary temple reliefs still visible at Thebes on the Nile.
  • A mythic narrative whose classic statement is found in the play by Aeschylus (467 BC) concerning the battle between the Seven led by Polynices, traditional Theban enemies, and the army of Thebes headed by Eteocles and his supporters. Archive 2009-03-01
  • What followed was a chaotic period in which Sparta, Thebes, and a renascent Athens jostled for power, with Persia stirring the pot.
  • President Obama says Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law is 'ill conceived' italy bird searchthebest president peacock peafowl pavone naturesfinest berlusca flickrsbest indianbluepeacock parcofaunisticodabruzzo casteldisangroaq thanks self bathroom helsinki power personal president pipes johanna 2008 obama bodypolitic yeswecan messageforobama chicago topf25 hope illinois senator president topv5555 change topv11111 2008 campaign topf100 obama whitesox 08 election2008 barackobama thereseflanagancom yeswecan theaudacityofhope presidentbarackobama 08obama obama08 whitesoxfan presidentobama yeswedid justchicagoart obamawhitesox whitesoxobama SwampBubbles - News, Politics, Reports
  • He could hear the hundred gates of Thebes closing on him with a great metallic clangor. THEBES OF THE HUNDRED GATES
  • The title refers to the Greek chorus, which is composed of Phoenician women on their way to Delphi who are trapped in Thebes by the war. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Hellas; but Athens was the greatest of them all — the avenger of Argos, the chastiser of Thebes, the patron of those who founded Hellenica
  • Also passing higher vp by the banke of Nilus, there is to bee seene a fayre Citie ouerflowed with water, the which at such time as Nilus floweth lyeth vnder water, but when the water returneth to the marke, there plainely appeare princely palaces, and stately pillars, being of some called Thebes, where they say that Pharao was resident. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Thebes stands for reunion with mother and the attainment of power and Kingship.
  • Niobe was Queen of Thebes, as related in Ovid, whose children die as the gods 'punishment for her shameful boasting, while she turns to stone. Niobe, Regina di Tebe; Faust; The Makropulos Case; Fidelio
  • Assuming that the king formerly reigned in Thebes, it is probable that he would know nothing about the Hebrews; and that, as foreigners and shepherds, the new government would, from the first, regard them with dislike and scorn. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Phryne on the walls of Thebes, Phryne fecit; this causeth so many bloody battles, — Et noctes cogit vigilare serenas; and induces us to watch during calm nights. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The city was perched on its barren, hot rock, with scarcely a drop of water, and its inhabitants must often have been tempted to wish that there had been running down the sun-bleached bed of the Kedron a flashing stream, such as laved the rock-cut temples and tombs of Thebes. Expositions of Holy Scripture Isaiah and Jeremiah
  • Alcmene, fearing Hera's jealousy , exposed her newly - born child in a field outside the walls of Thebes.
  • Pindarus, of Thebes, is as much renowned for his poems, as Epaminondas, Pelopidas, Hercules or Bacchus, his fellow citizens, for their warlike actions; et si famam respicias, non pauciores Aristotelis quam Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Amun and other gods in Thebes and left the capital, aiming to build a new one in the place now known as Tell El-Amarna. Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations
  • Polyneices took refuge in Argos and did all he could to arouse enmity against Thebes.
  • Haemon's marriage debars him from being the victim, for he is no longer single; for even if he have not consummated his marriage, yet is he betrothed; but this tender youth, consecrated to the city's service, might by dying rescue his country; and bitter will he make the return of Adrastus and his Argives, flinging o'er their eyes death's dark pall, and will glorify Thebes. The Phoenissae
  • Wilmington on DVD: Up in the Air, Precious, King Lear, Capitalism: A Love Story, Old Dogs italy bird searchthebest president peacock peafowl pavone naturesfinest berlusca flickrsbest indianbluepeacock parcofaunisticodabruzzo casteldisangroaq thanks self bathroom helsinki power personal president pipes johanna 2008 obama bodypolitic yeswecan messageforobama chicago topf25 hope illinois senator president topv5555 change topv11111 2008 campaign topf100 obama whitesox 08 election2008 barackobama thereseflanagancom yeswecan theaudacityofhope presidentbarackobama 08obama obama08 whitesoxfan presidentobama yeswedid justchicagoart obamawhitesox whitesoxobama SwampBubbles - News, Politics, Reports
  • [Ay,] for I have suffered terrible things from ye, having a name unhonored in Thebes. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.

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