How To Use The virgin In A Sentence

  • I see his sensibility as basically that of an earlier age: he is a chivalric knight devoted to his lady; this devotion is like that of a medieval Christian who lives in the world yet profoundly venerates the Virgin Mary. Sena Jeter Naslund - An interview with author
  • Washington accused Dinwiddie of claiming that he had exceeded his authority by allowing batmen and transport for the officers of the Virginia Regiment. George Washington’s First War
  • In the Virginia songs, on the other hand, the chorus is usually sung twice after each verse -- often the second time with some such interjaculatory expression as "I say now," "God say you must," as given in Slave Songs of the United States.
  • The Virgin and Santa Clara rivers snake easily between flat-topped mesas, following paths of least resistance.
  • One legend has it that thyme was included among the hay used to make a bed for the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, so it is often considered one of “Mary’s bedstraws” of which there are several. Thyme - The Virgin's Humility
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  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • He promoted the Virgin as its protectress, commissioning a hymn in her honour, and incurred criticism from Bruno of Querfurt for ‘favouring the Roman people above all others with money and honours'.
  • She was the virgin poetess dressed in white, the tremulous daughter who never left her father's house, the maiden who turned to art because she was thwarted in love.
  • That's wot you are, a bloomin 'toff! the Virgin howled back as he shut the door. CHAPTER 20
  • Have the tipsy revellers in the back row of pews at midnight mass come to share the wonder of the virgin birth?
  • There was rich banqueting in his great hall when his harvest was ingathered, and Zeus and all the other gods feasted on the fat burnt-offerings, but no gift was set apart for the virgin child of Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • I'm back after 4 days unplugged in the Virginia countryside.
  • However, the figure of the virgin and its supporting theology are subordinate to her son.
  • The ampulla was believed to contain holy oil, said to have been given by the Virgin Mary to Thomas Becket and rediscovered in time to assist Henry IV at his coronation in 1399.
  • I had lunch today, in a little glassed-in concrete area above the public toilets in a little bay on the headland of which stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, just south of the old port of Biarritz.
  • The Monitor proved impervious to the Virginia's broadsides and captured the imaginations of naval officials and the public.
  • In the Virgin Islands the tamarind and the kapok are the two species most commonly held to be spirit trees.
  • He liked the stately monuments much more than he liked Gibbon or Ruskin; he loved their dignity; their unity; their scale; their lines; their lights and shadows; their decorative sculpture; but he was even less conscious than they of the force that created it all, —the Virgin, the Woman, —by whose genius “the stately monuments of superstition” were built, through which she was expressed. The Dynamo and the Virgin (1900)
  • Free Wifi and Maps worked fine allnight on the Virgin American SF to Dullas red eye 26th - 27th. Do new post-pantsbomber TSA security directives kill inflight WiFi? (UPDATED) Boing Boing
  • The seismogram from the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory is also nifty, when their webserver isn’t swamped! Earthquake at
  • It has niches for two full-height statues on either side of the Virgin, probably for apostles, such as St John, or St Matthew and St Luke, in whose gospels she features prominently.
  • That beautiful and common vine, the Virginia creeper, is a vivid cherry-color. Rural Hours
  • Alas, the Virginia Bakery in Clifton closed years ago, so no more schnecken sp? Lunch: 5-way chili at Skyline.
  • In this study, we examine the suitability of dendrochronology to uncover climatic responses in tree rings at small scales in two species of pine on the Virginia Piedmont.
  • Your gaze rushes along the angel's body, down the outstretched arm, and along the stem of the lily he is offering the Virgin.
  • At Vatopedi, it's the camel-hair girdle worn by the Virgin Mary and a four-inch fragment of the Cross. A Fossil With Flesh
  • It was Madison, they note, who nudged Jefferson out of retirement after his wife's death in 1782, initiated the criticisms of Hamilton that Jefferson continued in the early 1790s, was the "driving force" behind Jefferson's candidacy for the presidency in 1796, and helped reverse Jefferson's dangerously disunionist impulses three years later, after the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions had failed to rally the states against the Alien and Sedition Acts. Partners in revolution
  • When the Second Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia in May 1775, Washington, one of the Virginia delegates, was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
  • Three of the Virgin Islands were purchased by the United States from Denmark in 1917 and they became an unincorporated territory of the United States.
  • the Virgin lived in a state of grace
  • The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts has deaccessioned this Portrait of a Courtier by Jan Mostaert after concluding that it was looted by the Nazis.
  • Viewers rooted for the Virginia kid with shaggy brown hair and glasses, who fidgeted with his hands as he spelled such words as "oriflamme" and "sophrosyne. 'Fustanella' is N.Va. teen's killer bee word
  • This Levi is here said to be the son of Alpheus or Cleophas, husband to that Mary who was sister or near kinswoman to the virgin Mary and if so, he was own brother to Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • In the predella, which is full of charm, are three scenes in distemper -- the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple, her Marriage, and the Adoration of the Magi. Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi
  • The document contains lists of the men and women who adventured money to the Virginia Company.
  • Hardly the Virginia cavalier of legend, Ashby was successful because he understood and appealed to the yeoman characteristics of the people of the Valley and the men whom he led.
  • Between rows of monuments, including homages to revolutionary scribe José Martí, independence warrior Antonio Maceo Grajales and the Virgin Mary, is an old ceiba tree, sacred to the Santería religion, where you'll find offerings like candy and cow's tongues. Take Monday Off: Cuban Miami
  • European businessmen quick to exploit the virgin market, made their passage to India sailing around the Cape.
  • The Virginia diocese is still in court trying to get the church property back. Think Progress » Obama Publicly Condemns Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Legislation: It Is An ‘Odious’ Bill
  • “Every officer of the Virginia Regiment is, as soon as possible, to provide himself with an uniform dress,” he ordered on October 5, “which is to be of fine broad cloath: The coat blue, faced and cuffed with scarlet, with a plain silver lace if to be had, the breeches to be blue; and everyone to provide himself with a silver-laced hat, of a fashionable size.” George Washington’s First War
  • Like the Virgin Mary, who believed what the angel told her about God's plan of salvation, Philip also believed the angel's message.
  • Smiling and bashful she stood there in her clinging skirt and wampum-broidered vest, her slender, rounded limbs moulded into soft knee-moccasins of fawn-skin, and the Virgin's Girdle knotted across her thighs in silver-tasselled seawan. The Hidden Children
  • The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
  • James Madison in 1784 opposed an attempt by the Virginia legislature to levy a tax to support religious education.
  • Some of the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and others inlay the virgin forest.
  • Look at how the pleating in the Virgin's headdress and halo is matched by the pattern of the rocks behind her head: brilliant artificiality or naive conceit? Gopnik's Daily Pic: Bacchiacca in Baltimore
  • Hence the virginal Elizabeth, who was chaste and civilised where her queenly predecessor was promiscuous and barbaric.
  • As a result, a number of works previously thought to be by Vermeer were deattributed, including Young Woman Seated at the Virginals.
  • The regulars triangulate their positions using landmarks invisible to the casual anglers: a certain forked tree, a faded white sign that once warned of dangerous currents, a particular stone on the Virginia side known as the Lowell Rock. Fletcher's Boathouse
  • Evening Prayer II for August 15 features this antiphon: ‘The Virgin Mary was taken up to the heavenly bridal chamber where the King of kings is seated on a starry throne.’
  • On the walls there were rosaries, medals, several pictures of the Virgin, and a holy-water stoup made out of a coconut.
  • The Virginia troops were underfed, underpaid, poorly clad, and overworked, so desertion was a wholesale problem. George Washington’s First War
  • The gestation periods of the American opossum, also called the Virginian Opossum, the rare water opossum or yapok of central and northern South America and the eastern native cat of Australia are all normally 12-13 days but can be as short as eight days.
  • The other, who played the piffero, was a man of middle age, stout, vigorous, with a forest of tangled black hair, and dark quick eyes that were fixed steadily on the Virgin, while he blew and vexed the little brown pipe with rapid runs and nervous fioriture, until great drops of sweat dripped from its round open mouth. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 18, April, 1859
  • She is the virgin-harlot†witty, vulgar, cruel, as destructive in her whims as a coriolis storm. Alia and michael | My[confined]Space
  • Assured that the Virginia frontier was safe from French attack, Washington left the army in 1758 and returned to Mount Vernon, directing his attention toward restoring his neglected estate.
  • An audit of the Virginia Department of Transportation shows more than $1 billion in unspent money, allowing the Republican governor to crow about government mismanagement and toss some dirt the way of his predecessor, Timothy Kaine, who happens to be head of the national Democratic Party on the eve of important midterm elections. McDonnell's VDOT pots of gold
  • Almost 200 of his works survive, including 84 songs, eight complete masses, 13 isorhythmic motets, and numerous hymn settings, single mass movements, and works in honour of the Virgin Mary and various saints and liturgical feasts. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The people prayed, wept, gnashed their teeth, pulled their hair, imploring the mercy of the Virgin Mary.
  • Do Thou that wast born of the Virgin, drown in the depth of impassivity the triformity of my soul -- those mighty strongholds, I implore Thee, that in the mortification of flesh as on a tymbal I may melodize a triumphant hymn unto Thee. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • The Pope is due to beatify two dead shepherd children who were lucky enough to see the Virgin Mary six times in five months way back in 1917 when they were just 11 and 12 years old.
  • 13 Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, both young men and old together: for I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and make them rejoice from their sorrow. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The Queen, Gawd bless 'er!" the Virgin toasted promptly. CHAPTER 20
  • Then went the innocent into the chamber of his wife, whom he thought more beautiful than the Virgin Mary painted in Italian, Flemish, and other pictures, at whose feet he had said his prayers. Droll Stories — Complete Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine
  • This private altarpiece says little for the modesty of the canon, whose coat-of-arms with a hare is blazoned at the hem of the Virgin's robe in the corner of the picture.
  • How can you, when every crucifix, monstrance, rosary, statue of the Virgin Mary or picture of the Sacred Heart that you see reminds you of the abuse that you suffered? Fr. Benedict Groeschel blasts American Psychological Association
  • Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The altar, intricately carved in limewood, painted and gilded, represents the Dormition of the Virgin, and took its creator 12 years to make.
  • By sheer force of self-assertion we have lifted ourselves from the dust where we once crawled as worms and no women; we no longer wither on the virgin thorn – we flourish on it; and ungarnished though we be with olive-boughs, we are not ashamed when we meet with our enemies in the gate. Marriage as a Trade
  • Currently the Virgin Mary is revered, and many churches are dedicated to her.
  • At the Dominican Monastery they showed half the handkerchief on which the Virgin wept and wiped her eyes at the foot of the cross. Six Months in Mexico
  • The multi-million-pound Great House on Necker, the Virgin tycoon's 60million private island, was struck by lightning in the early hours of Monday when the region was battered by 90mph Hurricane Irene.
  • The Virginia Republican was videotaped using the word "macaca" in reference to an American of Indian descent who worked for the campaign of Allen's opponent, Democrat James Webb.
  • How important is it to pray to the Virgin Mary?
  • He could see no objection to her playing the part of the Virgin.
  • The cool shaded layers of leaf mold and general duff of the forest floor, which in the virgin Cascade forests seldom feel the warmth of the sun, constitute an ideal storage medium.
  • In the Christian tradition, people like St. Bernadette Soubirous, the 19th-century woman who saw apparitions of the Virgin Mary in the town of Lourdes, are called "visionaries. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: St. Steve Jobs? Probably Not, But….
  • Kondō rushed headlong into lands that looked untraversed by human steps, into the virgin lands of the high-mountain wilderness. SERIAL 9: Kondo Katsusaburo among Taiwan's Atayal/Sedeq peoples, 1896 to 1930
  • At night, lying awake in a room never dark enough, I dream of bare walls; the virgin walls of a big white misshapen room.
  • Nativity of the Holy Theotokos, founded in August 2008, is named for the birthday of the Virgin Mary, who is called Theotokos in the Orthodox Church. News for WNCT
  • Since many states had decided to send delegates because Washington was on the Virginia delegation, his absence would be “chagrining.” Ratification
  • The edging of sea-shells along the Virgin's cloak is partially inspired by Clarke's work, and also refers specifically to St. Bernard's devotion to the Virgin as Star of the Sea; the saint is thought to be the first to have invoked the Virgin under this title. New Illustration: The St. Bernard Triptych, Part I
  • One can chalk the virgin degustation up to wild hunger, but it's fun to think that when our man returned for seconds it was because he had excellent taste, albeit with a quirky bent. The Art of the Artichoke
  • He begged Washington to remember his “fellow suffers” when he raised supplies for the Virginia Regiment and remind the commissary “that we have no tents or any other necessarys fitt to take the field wt.” George Washington’s First War
  • the territorial government of the Virgin Islands
  • For those that don't hold the faith, an effigy of the Virgin or of Christ crucified is no different than a Sioux totem pole for a Catholic. Totem And Task
  • The Musical Director tried out some tunes on the virginals but none of them was up to much until they came to this one.
  • The dwellers of Nchubula in Kopa west are privileged to have before them the virgin vastness of flat savannah land watered by the Munikashi river that pours into Bangweulu river.
  • Even in religious paint­ings such as the Visitation, where depictions of pregnant women is required, the bod­ies of the Virgin and Saint Elizabeth were usually completely hidden by draperies De Winkel further argues that to my knowledge there are no examples of or pregnant women in Dutch por­t­raiture, an interesting fact considering that many women were paint­ed in their first year of marriage, a time when they could have been with child. Were Some of Vermeer's Models Pregnant?
  • The great central figure, the tallest and most commanding in the whole church, is not the Virgin, but her mother Saint Anne, standing erect as on the trumeau of the door beneath, and holding the infant Mary on her left arm. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • Indians in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Hidalgo, and Puebla practice a communal curing ceremony with a plant called Santa Rosa, identified as cannabis sativa, which is considered both a plant and a sacred intercessor with the Virgin. Cannabis Culture Magazine
  • A male clergy found a way of harnessing the devotion of women, whether in congregations or not, to promote the cult of the Virgin, both as a way of feminizing Catholicism and of legitimizing the virtues of womanhood and motherhood.
  • He commenced preaching, and the people appeared to receive the word gladly, and when he had gained about fifty converts who were ready to be baptised which ceremony he was not authorised to perform by the Virginia law, he procured the services of Preacher Bowles, and he baptised them. Biography of London Ferrill, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Colored Persons, Lexington, KY.
  • The bees raise the virgin queens until mature at which time the beekeeper transfers them into a small hive called a nucleus.
  • We landed five miles off our targeted landing site, with a daring, smooth landing by our pilot who brought us down, kissing the virgin snow.
  • One day, she might appear in the character of a devout young mother, peeping shyly from a giant mantilla as she explains the importance of the Virgin Mary.
  • But far older than even these are the colossal grim circles of saints and apostles who cling to the roof of the choir, and yield in size only to the awful figures of the Saviour, the Virgin, and Saint Paul, enthroned in the _apsides_ of the nave and aisles. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • Fionan Hanvey and Derek Rowen watched them come and go, eventually coining a nickname for them: the Virgin Prunes.
  • Some non-funerary monumental medieval and early-renaissance retablos also seem to have incorporated images of the Vir Dolorum as a centrepiece, even when such works bore dedications to the Virgin.
  • And her first film, The Virgin Suicides, received only a lukewarm response.
  • On the virgin birth of Jesus, in Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah used the word almah to describe the mother of a child Christianity says was the messiah. Vincent Bugliosi: Why Do I Doubt Both The Atheists And The Theists?
  • The most remarkable parts of the church are the tower, the capitals of the fascicled columns, and the glass of the windows around the chapel of the Virgin behind the high altar. The South of France—East Half
  • One day, as she roams deep in the forest, ill with allergies and the flu, her sweat-shirt hood pulled tightly around her like a postmodern wimple, Ann experiences an apparition of the Virgin Mary.
  • The second day's activities at the Virginia Professional Squash Championships culminated with the final qualifier matches.
  • The virginals in Vermeer's The Music Lesson are recognizable as instruments created by the firm of Ruckers, and the standard dimensions of their design are used as a cross-check by Steadman for the dimensions of the room as a whole.
  • In 1619 the Virginians set up an elected legislative assembly, the house of burgesses, which is now the state legislature. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree, and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • Local village life is marked by celebrations honoring the saints and the Virgin Mary.
  • The Virgin birth, the bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Resurrection of Jesus, the survival of our own souls after death: these are all claims of a clearly scientific nature.
  • On the grass verge beside the signpost was a small shrine with a blue-clothed statue of the Virgin Mary. Hitchhiking
  • The architectural structure of the cloisters is based upon the medieval symbolism of the virgin as an unviolated woman.
  • And not all immune animals are runts - the Virginia opossum is shielded from 37 species of pit vipers, including all major North American rattlers.
  • Roman 'Attis' was a son of the virgin Nana, born on Dec 25 and died onMar 25 (Spring Equinox) after being crucified on a tree. The Winter Solstice and Christmas
  • He earned all-American status as both a junior and a senior and was inducted into the Virginia Tech sports hall of fame in 2007. More coaching changes for Virginia Tech football
  • It's Burning Daylight," the Virgin cried, the first to recognize him as he came into the light. Chapter 1
  • At the siege of Salerno, a Mussulman chief spread his couch on the communion table, and on that altar sacrificed each night the virginity of a Christian nun.
  • Every weekend the couple and their friends -- who call themselves the Gentsche Ghesellen, or Ghent companions -- sleep in windowless tent encampments where they build benches from branches, bake bread, sing religious tributes to the Virgin Mary and drink hippocras, a 14th-century wine drink spiced with ginger, cloves and pepper. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Millner, as mechanically, took one of the virginally cinctured cigars, and began to undo its wrappings. The Blond Beast
  • January 29, 2006 at 04: 03 PM fpm Young: Since you are afraid of homosexuals getting equal treatment, fearful enough to write discrimination into the Virginia constitution, why don't we also write the tax increase into the Virginia constitution?? Decisive Battle on Tuesday
  • Then comes the military réveille, and the deafening 'rataplan' of regimental drums, and the town is soon alive with people arriving and departing by the early trains; whilst others collect in the market-place in holiday attire with baskets of flowers, and commence the erection of an altar to the Virgin in the middle of the square. Normandy Picturesque
  • In 1429, Joan presented herself to the embattled dauphin as the virgin deliverer of France.
  • They view the image of the Virgin decorated with bunting and artificial flowers, hanging in homes, stores, churches and even modern factories at the end of each production line as a quaint bit of foreign custom or superstition. La Virgen de Guadalupe - Mother of all Mexico
  • The summit anchor added to the wonderment: a sling around a statue of the Virgin, complete with a bouquet!
  • Nor would the Virgin Queen oblige by naming a successor, but left her ministers to do it in defiance of English laws and at some risk to themselves.
  • He also nurtures a dream about this land which includes the virgin patch of forest, Silent Valley.
  • Matthew 1: 23, "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, 'God with us.' The Record-Courier - Top Stories
  • Before his Eco Tour experience ends, Stefan will have the chance to tour the area, visiting the virgin rainforest, natural pools and waterfall near the farm.
  • But the central panel of the triptych is utterly traditional: Christ as the Man of Sorrows displaying his wounds, supported by the Virgin and St John, while a host of attendant angels carry the instruments of his Passion.
  • While I did not have the pleasure of knowing Marine Sergeant Bradley J.Harper, I hope in some small part the character I have created in his name lives up to the high standards I know he set for himself as an American, a member of the Virginia Beach Police Department, and as a United States Marine. Takedown
  • Then hastened all the race of Phrygia to the gates, to make the goddess a present of an Argive band ambushed in the polished mountain-pine, Dardania's ruin, a welcome gift to be to her, the virgin queen of deathless steeds; and with nooses of cord they dragged it, as it had been a ship's dark hull, to the stone-built fane of the goddess The Trojan Women
  • The record was produced under the Virgin label.
  • Soon it was thought incubi produced children through the demonic version of the Virgin Birth.
  • The Virgin Mary statue is dressed in an elegant gold-flecked gown.
  • Above the quatrefoil is another representing the Redeemer seated on a cushioned throne with the Virgin, and below another representing St. Michael overcoming Satan. Chats on Old Lace and Needlework
  • I saw three occasions of blatant queue-jumping, and my fella got into a fight (in French) with a woman over this at one point in the Virgin Megastore by the Louvre.
  • In some cases even a burro is present, for the Virgin to mount. Posadas, Pastorelas And Nacimientos
  • Swamp bay, loblolly bay, and swamp dogwood are plentiful; the Virginia chain fern and the swamp fern are almost always present.
  • Before the sackbut, before the virginal struck perpendicular chords, our madrigals were sublime, loosing harmonies to unhinge the spheres. Strange Bedfellows
  • Notice the date (the Virgin Media PR is a bit suspect: -). Ferrets
  • In a psalter the Psalms are often preceded by a calendar and contain ancillary texts such as canticles, creeds, a litany of saints, and other individual prayers, hymns, and occasionally even the hours of the Virgin.
  • A former member of the Virginia legislature as well as a militia captain and commissioned leader of partisan rangers, Peregrine Hays was forty-one years old at the time of his capture.
  • Nevertheless, the Virginia Supreme Court - over the dissent of some of its Justices - struck the statute down.
  • All over Ireland, posters advertise pilgrim coach tours to Knock, a town famous for apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
  • What's more no-one seems to know what it all means anymore - the choo-choo, the Virgin, the fireworks - it's just a tradition and that's good enough.
  • Director Paul Gameson will conduct a 7.30 pm programme of Christmas music by Charpentier, honouring the Virgin Mary in a selection of carols, motets and dramatic oratorios.
  • The texts are bound together with some hymns and the story of an errant monk whom the Virgin Mary saved from eternal damnation.
  • In the Virgin Islands the tamarind and the kapok are the two species most commonly held to be spirit trees.
  • This dish was worth it just for the theatre alone - the waiter pouring on the virgin olive oil with great aplomb.
  • At the center of this church is a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with paintings by Leopold Layer.
  • Benjamin Latrobe, the “Father of American Architecture” who designed the U.S. Capitol, saw whites performing the Virginia Jig and called it “the excess of detestability.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • According to chronicler William of Malmesbury, her dying act was characteristically pious: as a final gift to the Priory, she ordered hung about the neck of a statue of the Virgin Mary her personal rosary of precious stones.
  • Simultaneously, however, a battle over the symbolism of blondness was taking place in other parts of Europe where the Virgin Mary was being portrayed as a blonde.
  • All over Ireland, posters advertise pilgrim coach tours to Knock, a town famous for apparitions of the Virgin Mary.
  • I look at the face of Tawakkol Karman wrapped in what we in the Spanish-speaking tropics would call a rebozo, and I see a riff on the face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who adorned the banners of the Mexican Revolution 200 years ago. Susan J. Cobb: The Inner Virgin Comes Out In Revolution
  • * 1 It may he interesting to note here that in all probability the word "skedaddle," about which there was some controversy during the war, came from the Virginia negro's use of "skaddle," which is a corruption of "scatter. Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
  • General J.E. B. Stuart had by his successful conduct of the cavalry, no less than by his personal gallantry, worked his way from the colonelcy he held at Manassas to a major-generalcy of all that arm of the Virginia army. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • They use Virgin handsets that bear the VIRGIN MOBILE trademark on the face and show the logo on the electronic display. Flash forward: cellphone lawsuit continues
  • Go deep into the jungle with the world's most beautiful women and share the virginal vastness and musky moistness of the Dark Continent.
  • 7: 15 AM — Golden Dawn (1930) An adventurer falls for a woman destined to be the virgin priestess for an African tribe. 2005 December :
  • In the Munich painting, the artist has rendered the child, eyes straying and unfocused, reaching almost blindly for the Virgin's carnation.
  • And according to Medieval Folklore, an early Syrian [bestiary] is quite explicit: The unicorn approaches the virgin, 'throwing himself upon her. Archive 2007-10-01
  • The Virginia-based company has about 60 full-time and contracted employees, most of whom have developmental or physical disabilities ranging from bipolar disorder, blindness, brain injury or cerebral palsy to quadriplegia. Daughter motivates mom to become entrepeneur
  • There is even a precedent: The Virginia portion of D.C. was retroceded in 1846, no muss, no fuss, and became Arlington County.
  • The third virtue central to the sangang doctrine is jie or chastity (preserving the marital fidelity of the wife or the virginal purity of an unmarried woman).
  • He left behind him a name endeared to the Virginians by his amiable manners, his liberal patronage of the arts, and, above all, by his zealous intercession for their rights. Life of George Washington — Volume 01
  • He drew near to Moscow, where the famous eikon of the Virgin was taken in solemn procession, when the The Story of Russia
  • The Virginia carried ten major guns (four in each broadside, one bow and one stern gun) and an iron ram.
  • It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision.
  • Against such descriptions, he juxtaposes the opinions of racists, embodied in the seedy character of Wilkes, the boastful character of Williams, and in the ‘other hangers-on’ and ‘tars’ at the Virginian tavern and Marine Coffee-House.
  • For a close-up view of the infrared reflectogram of the painting, where the kneeling figure can be seen, see here (her clasped hands praying can be seen in the head of the virgin). September 2007
  • Subtitled: “Talk Show Interviews with Coatlicue the Aztec Goddess, Malinche the Maligned, the Virgin of Guadalupe and La Llorona: The Wailer,” the fierce foursome is a celebration of the dark goddesses — Mexican figures that have been imprisoned inside the symbols of (respectively) destruction, betrayal, saintliness and errant motherhood. Agua Santa: Holy Water : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • (The baldachin also serves to frame a replica, in the apse, of a cherished mosaic of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico.) A Return to Grace
  • In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.
  • John completed studies at the college of William and Mary, and became a lawyer. He entered politics and served in the Virginia legislature.
  • In the Arena chapel's image of Enrico presenting a model of his chapel to the Virgin Mary, Giotto provides us with one of the first true portrait likenesses of a patron in an essentially traditional, supplicant, role.
  • Do Thou that wast born of the Virgin, drown in the depth of impassivity the triformity of my soul -- those mighty strongholds, I implore Thee, that in the mortification of flesh as on a tymbal I may melodize a triumphant hymn unto Thee. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • They carry the train of the Virgin, assist the Apostles, act as ushers, occasionally pass the poorbox, make wreaths and crowns -- but, I am sorry to say, sometimes get into unseemly scuffles for first place. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 06 Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Artists
  • Klein fils is a Brown graduate who worked as a newspaper reporter, at the Virginian-Pilot the Baltimore Sun, and The Wall Street Journal, before moving onto the Washington Post.
  • They spent the next three weeks in what Betty called the “never-never land” of secret OSS training schools, a series of safe houses scattered all over the Virginia area where they were taught how to make false documents, skulk around corners while following people, arrange secret meetings, and question suspects. A Covert Affair
  • I believe that's the Virgin Mary handing out her baby to a rabi for circumcision. Tarnish and Style: Why I Like Venice, part 1
  • The popstar was visiting the Virgin Megastore on Sheffield's Fargate as part of a whistle-stop record signing national tour.
  • The Virgin is wearing a long flowing gown and traces of the original polychrome show that this was once red in colour.
  • I've just got back from a Latin Service of the Holy Communion, which is said termly at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford. A Latin Mass in the Church of England?
  • To many, the crown was a reference to the Virgin of Charity, the patron saint of Cuba, worshiped by Roman Catholics as the Virgin Mary and by devotees of Santeria both as Mary and as Oshun, the river spirit. Cuba's Real Religion
  • Jupiter was added to the originally female Capitoline Triad by outsing the Virgin form of the Goddess, Jeventas, leaving Juno and Minerva as Jupiter's two female partners. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The most prominent figure on most facades is the representation of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the black Madonna, the patron saint of Mexico and the Indians. The five faces of God - and where to find them
  • In 1586, the MIA commissioned Francesco Bassano to paint four oval canvases of the Birth of the Virgin, the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, the Annunciation, and the Visitation.
  • Spanish Grand Prix with a puncture on the penultimate lap, nearly collided with the Virgin of backmarker Lucas di Grassi while vying with Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel for second spot earlier in the race. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Still shaken from the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, campuses are responding to the demand by adding counselors, reorganizing how they assess students to get to the most acute cases quickly, and training workers to deal with newly emerging problems. Administration
  • But it was blotless; and the virgin page looks not so white as when the contrast of the sable ink is there. A Love Story
  • Finally, in the seventh, A Prayer for my Daughter, the author instructs his child not to believe in the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
  • As for the suburbanites who must keep the stands full, the Marylanders must be lured from the Orioles, and the Virginians sweet-talked because they wanted this club as their own. - Washington may get rain on Expos parade
  • Callao barley was released by the Virginia Crop Improvement Association in 1994 as a high-yielding, high-test weight hulled barley for eastern seaboard growing conditions.
  • Sciences, at no salary from the University and without change in salary or benefits in their present positions in the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, to the rank and for the term noted Board of Visitors minutes
  • But suckling a pig in imitation of the Virgin Mary, as she did for one album's inside sleeve, is eccentric in anyone's book.
  • The insides of the Basilica and Rosary are stunning, while the grotto, with a statue of the Virgin Mary in creamy white and baby blue and nestled in the cave, is the main drawcard.
  • Burnt down the virgin forest to destroy the innumerable lives as well as their habitat.
  • The Virgin's shawl is of a distinctly baroque blue and the manger itself is full of plump Midwestern wheat stalks.
  • Look at his wonderful tondo painting, the Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and John the Baptist, where he makes the poison green and electric blue of the Virgin's mantle even more intense by placing them next to the bright yellow and orange mops of curly hair sported by the goofy Christ child and even goofier John the Baptist. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Mr. WonTHlitOTON communicated two resolu - tions of the Legislature of the State of Ohio; the one, requesting their Senators and Representa - tives in Congress to use their exertions to obtain a grant of land between the Sciota and the Little Miami, io aoy part of the unappropriated lands of the United States within that State, for the use of schools, within* the Virginia military dis - trict, in lieu of the donation heretofore granted by Congress for that purpose, for reasons staled in the resolution; the other, requesting them to use tbeir exertions to procure the passage of a law prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States, or any of the territories thereof, so sood as the Constitution will admit of the same. The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : with an appendix containing important state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature; with a copious index; compiled from authentic materials

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