How To Use The true In A Sentence
The true King of England is alive and well and living in the outback of Australia.
This, along with all the arguments against ratification of the EU Constitution, is something which we need to ram home at this moment when our electorate is so alive to the notion that they are being cozened by Labour and the Liberal ‘Democrats’ about the true effect of this Treaty.
Archive 2008-02-03
The true university of these days is a collection of books.
There is a gap of several tens of millions of years between the Middle Permian when the last Metoptomatids lived, and the Middle Triassic when the true limpets appear.
Even as large numbers were reintroduced to former habitats, it was not easy to prove that they were surviving and reproducing, the true measure of the project's success.

But it is nonetheless another intriguing work from one of the true auteurs currently working in cinema.
Yes, it means a re-think of the way we give, but it promises to truly lift up lives in these hard times and bring us back to the true definition of the word 'philanthropy,' which literally means "the love of humanity.
Melanie Lundquist: Time to Change the Way We Give
One particularly nice feature is the true print previewer that lets you proof and edit a map before making the final print.
Its inward sign is the true spiritual kingdom: the covenantal relationship between God and believers.
But the true nature of his dilemma constantly threatened to extinguish it.
But the splinter of the self that consistently emerges as the common enemy of the true and the good alike is the will, always seeking to overleap its own bounds.
The white flakes do not exhibit the true conchoidal fracture in such perfection elsewhere; nor break off in such delicious morsels, edged with delicate brown.
Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
In the second example the rosette is substituted for the inner curves of the spiral, and the intermediate space is filled in with the true lotus motive.
Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty. Steve Maraboli
The equivalent can however be determined very accurately, and we have seen that it is some multiple or submultiple of the true atomic weight.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage.
The ObamaCare Writedowns
The true features of a man is shown in adversity;the strength of a horse is tested on a muddy road.
The blind arcading pattern and inscriptions in Armenian that cover the church's external walls are reflected throughout the site on the elegant Church of the Redeemer, built to house a fragment of the True Cross, and the Church of the Holy Apostles.
Time-Traveling in Armenia
The true augmented sixth and the true cadence gain in significance as a contradiction to the false cadencing around the mediant.
The pupil, who was well assured of the true motive, allowed his governor to enjoy the triumph of his own penetration, and consoled himself with the hope of seeing his dulcinea again at some of the public places in Paris, which he proposed to frequent.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
The true doctors are those in general practice, outside the gilded edifices.
Times, Sunday Times
When the troops actually got into this situation and found, you know, these hills denuded by naval shellfire and things like this, basically only then did they actually discover what the true nature of the terrain was.
Love is the true price of love.
We propose a countermeasure:after confirming the true Bungarus multicinctus, inserting a falsepreventing pill or mark into its oral cavity and packing it in mould pressing plastic package.
The true giants did not arrive until the middle of the Cretaceous period.
But for Red Line's money, the true definition of a sleeper is a guy who won't get selected that high but has a chance to develop into one of the better players at his position in the draft.
Scouting the draft's top defensemen
And as they pass the Place of Unchangingness they return themselves to the true Piurivar form, and maintain it thenceforth.
Through their intimate portrayal of the daily struggles of Natividad Nata, her husband Daniel and their children, we discover the true face of hardship, but also Nata's courage and resilience and her family's unfaltering love and unity.
E. Nina Rothe: The Human Rights Watch Film Festival Digs Deep, Asks the Hard Questions
Erythronium dens-canis is the true dog's tooth violet, the name comes from the shape of the corm, and has rose coloured flowers on 10 cm stems and purple marked leaves.
One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses, its reemergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the happy ending (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression.
January 2010
Legal sources have expressed mixed views over the true meaning of the company's conditional offer to meet future claims, with some on the union side now extremely sceptical.
Please can we have some honest answers which really address the true situation?
Edith's sense of humour, her warmth and her refusal to be resentful make her a survivor in the true sense of the word.
Wow, what a revelation, those shiny refective GD screens really do just shoe the true colors of your face.
"[Students] have become ultra-efficient in test preparation. And this hyper-efficiency has led them to look for a magic formula to get high scores.”
The art of banter, which is both a workplace and television writer's art, the true insider's patois (there's a special rhythm to the banter in the show, a staccato syllabification), may be at the heart of The West Wing's success.
We confess with sadness that Christians and our institutions have too often scandalously failed to uphold the institution of marriage and to model for the world the true meaning of marriage.
They commence anteriorly at the sternum, in the interspaces between the cartilages of the true ribs, and at the anterior extremities of the cartilages of the false ribs, and extend backward as far as the angles of the ribs, whence they are continued to the vertebral column by thin aponeuroses, the posterior intercostal membranes.
IV. Myology. 6c. The Muscles of the Thorax
In fact, some individuals may hide the true facts of a product's performance to ensure that deletion is not considered at all.
Laxity of the skin after distention is often seen in multipara, both in the breasts and in the abdominal walls, and also from obesity, but in all such cases the skin falls in folds, and does not have a normal appearance like that of the true ` ` elastic-skin man. ''
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Anyway, if you establish a rule of constitutional law that the leaseholder is entitled to compensation, it’s not clear why that rule would not apply if the leaseholder contracted with the landlord to pay over to the landlord any compensation the leaseholder receives in a condemnation proceeding; but in that case, it’s clear that valuing the interests separately distorts the true nature of the transaction.
The Volokh Conspiracy » An Important Case on Compensation for Takings
The official figures are a gross underestimate of the true number.
But I know right from wrong, as perhaps only a scoundrel can, and I'll say that there was great virtue in the notion of Taiping - if it hadn't somehow been jarred sideways, and become a perversion, so that the farther it went, the farther it ran off the true.
Flashman and the Dragon
To attempt to imperialize other realms would be contrary to the true doctrine.
Gentle giants: the forgotten Longhorse « raincoaster
On landing, the army hailed him as the true victor of Oran, a wave of acclamations following him as he advanced to the alcazar, where the keys of the fortress were put into his hands.
Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
However, with the rise of phishing, key loggers and associated risks, I now see the true value of my little device!
The true sky-scraper is beautiful — and this is the reluctant admission of a man who dislikes humanity-festering cities.
The House Beautiful
Exit polls suggest a big Labour majority, but the true picture will only be known after the count.
the recording fails to capture the true color of the original music
As I practice my craft, I find the books I write now are more coherent from the outset but often need much work with revisions to find the true story.
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Story in the Story
And good thing too, since one of the true joys of bean consumption is being able to re-enact the campfire scene from Blazing Saddles, although I've found it easier to convince the occasional date to engage in intimacies than to join in the butt trumpet serenading.
Old Rice/New Rice....Old Beans/New Beans
Another is that he was a defector and he just wanted to get away from the war, and all of this has been flying around in the last few days, and really no clear sense of what the true story is, is yet to emerge.
The only real help here is for bishops to grasp the true nature of their office and live it out.
In reality, the effects of privatisation and subcontracting in community care has decimated the true potential of people that need support in the community.
After the true end-point is reached, the further addition of about 0.5 c.c. of the decinormal soda solution will produce a deep magenta colour (Fig. 98, c), which is the so-called "end-point" of the American Committee of Bacteriologists.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
On the basis of his contention that the true value of the property was between £70,000 and £80,000, Mr Ross counterclaimed for £29,000.
This duplication may either be accounted for on the theory of chorisis above alluded to, or by supposing that the extra corolline whorl is due to a series of confluent petalodic stamens; that the latter is the true explanation, in certain cases at least, is shown by some flowers of
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The true charity is not in donate some money, but in we donate, donate our time.
CNN Hero: Jorge Munoz
Yet he exhorted the true “naturalist” not to “let the search or knowledge of final causes make him neglect the industrious indagation [i.e., investigation] of effi - cients,” and he implied that the naturalist's principal aim was the discovery of efficient causes.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
But we still don't know the true prevalence or penetrance of this gene in the general population, and what it really means to be a carrier.
BRCA Mutations and Familial Breast Cancer Risks
The true differential is that the so-called “right to vote” is actaully a privilege conferred on the individual by the soceity/government.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Violent Misdemeanants, the Right to Bear Arms, and the Right to Vote
The first was entitled: "_Refutatio Samaritani Interim_, in quo vera religio cum sectis et corruptelis scelerate et perniciose confunditur -- Refutation of the Samaritan Interim, in which the true religion is criminally and perniciously confounded with the sects.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
The war also brings to us this disclosure, that the German autocracy is incapable of interpreting the British genius and understanding the true spirit of democracy.
Some War Revelations
On one hand, aesthetic Physic falls back into the equivoke of the theory of artistic and literary classes, by attempting to determine aesthetically the abstractions of our intellect; on the other, fails to recognize, as we said, the true formation of so-called natural beauty; for which the question as to whether some given individual animal, flower, or man be beautiful or ugly, is altogether excluded.
Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
Hollow Man is pure hokum, but the visual effects are the true stars.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the first objects then of this pursuit, as I have observed, should be, to learn how to distinguish with accuracy between that peculiar pustule which is the true cow pock, and that which is spurious.
On Vaccination Against Smallpox
The story is inspired by the true tales of puppeteers and entertainers in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
The true path that leads to this is, firstly, developing the motivation of bodhichitta, which is expanding or opening our hearts out to all others and to enlightenment, the state of a Buddha to be able to benefit them all.
Lam-rim Structured According to the Four Noble Truths
I wish to take issue with the recent erroneous and arrogant statements from hydro developers who seek to devalue the true worth of the Monadhliath Mountains to the nation.
For some, mysticism implies that subjective knowledge of the true nature of the universe can, in fact, be obtained.
Mr. Sistani, the true hero of Iraq's survival and incipient renaissance, is the standard-bearer of the traditional Shiite view of politics called "quietism," which rejects the clerical rule invented by the Ayatollah Khomenei in Iran.
Coming to Terms With Iraqi Democracy
Instead, the record reveals the true force of his songs: bouncy, repetitive chamber pop nuggets, gilt with glockenspiels, tambourines and evocative sacred-sexual imagery.
Conversation is an encounter of metanoia, or it is not a conversation, not in the true sense of the word.
This retrospective offers the first chance in 40 years to discover not only the full range but also the true depth of this painter.
Times, Sunday Times
The true fix is that a soldering iron must be placed on the pin and solder pad to "reflow" the solder, like what was suppose to happen in the original solder paste production process.
Discussions: Message List - root
Worshipping the true God is an authentic act of resistance to all forms of idolatry.
First, from a suitable distance we can now see the true political, cultural and artistic depth of the era.
Times, Sunday Times
This urge to categorize was the true fall of man, for once the process was begun, there was no easy or natural return to sanity.
The other Indians were displeased at the conduct of the Natchez, imagining they had forwarded the term agreed on, in order to make them ridiculous, and proposed to take vengeance the first opportunity, not knowing the true cause of the precipitation of the Natchez.
History of Louisisana Or of the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina: Containing
As characters go, Sir Arthur is the saviour, but, in some ways, it is George who is the truest of the bunch.
This account is only a pale reflection of the true state of affairs.
Between this pillar and the pillar of the true Trinity there was a gap three cubits wide in the wall.
‘Busking is the truest form of performing art, contending with the elements, the audiences, the atmosphere and the unexpected,’ she said.
The invention can make the measured results have perfect correlation with the true causticity of metal to gain one times information more than current technology.
Through the actions and attitudes of struggling individuals, the true costs of self-defeating organizational behavior are made manifest.
No matter what you call the mentally deficient, that term will come to be an insult when applied to people of ordinary intellectual capacity, and not long after it will be seen as an insult to the true idiots, imbeciles, and so forth.
By those who rest knowledge immediately upon sense, that explanation of human action is deemed to be the truest which is nearest to sense.
Human rights groups say the true toll could be higher.
Times, Sunday Times
For a minute she was angry - to weep and wail and moan at a time like this, when the true victims needed to live on borrowed strength for a while.
From the bloody hematoma on his forehead to the true Manchu beard-mustache combo, bloody cuts on his body and guaranteed-to-offend tattoos, this seven-inch tall likeness of the late punker best known for using the stage as a toilet, performing naked and attacking his fans is for the hardcore only.
Boing Boing
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Times, Sunday Times
You can do the true talking that strengthens relationships.
The Sun
He's been reciting his liturgies for so long, he's more in love with them than with the true sacrament.
After experiencing more than a dozen campaigns the true blue told the Evening Press that the Prime Minister's party had his backing this time around.
To propagate the true religion, was the duty of a faithful Mussulman: the unbelievers were _his_ enemies, and those of the Prophet; and, in the hands of the Turks, the cimeter was the only instrument of conversion.
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6
He concludes that conspiracy theories about wills and a police attempt to frame Slater were nonsense, but the true killer may never be known.
It was a good thing that Allan had the true noble morals and the principles which prevented him from ever taking advantage of Chase's loyalty.
The true university of these days is a collection of books.
actum" indicates the true reading of the original praxin, and that taxin is an error.
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
Their humor was either cruel or crude, and never self-deprecating, which is the true test - if you can't make fun of yourself, you sure as hell can't make fun of someone else.
February 2004
Application of the local magnetic variation to the recorded heading will give the true heading.
Howard Hughes was one of the true twentieth-century originals - a risk-taker who wanted to own the skies and nearly killed himself trying to do it.
Talmudists speak much, and hyperbolically enough: which nevertheless they confess to be turned long since into miserable barrenness; but are dim-sighted as to the true cause of it.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Like an actors mask, the simple lullaby hides the true identity of 'Take Care' that, once revealed, shows an untouched depth to the human condition: "I'll take care of you, it's true" is drummed sweetly into you like honeying drones floating you into your dreams.
The Line Of Best Fit
It is they who are the true snobs, they the elitists, they the censorious kakistocracy.
Times, Sunday Times
Then he asked about the old war, told me the true story of his serving the gun the day we took the Java, asked about dear old David Porter, as he called him.
The Man without a Country
Today's various forms of dissolution of marriage, free unions, trial marriages as well as the pseudo-matrimonies between people of the same sex are instead expressions of anarchic freedom which falsely tries to pass itself off as the true liberation of man," he said.
The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
I am inclined to think that the true melanosis generally occurs in the form of rounded tumours, which, when cut in two, present a uniform black colour without any trace of air-cells, while in the spurious melanosis the deposition is general, and black matter flows freely out when the cut surfaces are pressed.
An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
It need cost nothing at all and any couple who have made such a commitment are, in the true sense of the word, married.
The true charm of a guayabera lies not in innovative designs but in the classic comfort and versatility that make an enthusiast like 33-year-old Jeff Rosendahl in Los Angeles call his guayabera "the best shirt I own.
Tropical And Topical
The comic conflict between the man of business and the true-hearted old gentleman is done with in the early stages of the novel, for all Lorry's actions are motivated by service and duty rather than by self-interest.
Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
Why are the custodians so detached from the true meaning of the Olympics?
Times, Sunday Times
She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth.
V.F. Philippus_; the meaning, according to the older interpretation, will be: "Philippus beseeches M. Holconius Priscus, duumvir of justice, to favor or patronize him;" whereas the true sense is:
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you cannot talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.
This I think, can rarely exist without the concomitancy of judgment; for how we can be said to have discovered the true essence of two things, without discerning their difference, seems to me hard to conceive.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Throughout, this central character becomes involved with false muses all the while brushing by the true muse of unattainable perfection - the only role with pointe work.
Another weakness was that the assumed values for portion sizes, distributions of fish species in meals, and food contents of nutrients are only approximations to the true values.
She was the true "jihadi" - every time her patients heard Fox News talk about Moozlums and - Home Page
It is a conservative viewpoint in the true sense, which makes it the antithesis of contemporary neoconservatism and neoliberalism, as well as all universalist ideologies.
Ironically, despite the inappropriateness of his symbol in medicine, Hermes did play a small role in the origin of the true symbol of the physician.
About 100 new channeled works are published each year and it is unlikely that the true and full intent of either the unembodied entity or the channeler are expressed in the copyright notice.
We propose a countermeasure:after confirming the true Bungarus multicinctus, inserting a falsepreventing pill or mark into its oral cavity and packing it in mould pressing plastic package.
That at least is the doctrine of Gibbon; but perhaps it would not be found altogether able to sustain itself against a closer and philosophic examination of the true elements involved in the idea of declension as applied to political bodies.
The Caesars
I am so sated, so well fed, so over fed that I could go for at least a month without eating a morsel before feeling the true pangs of hunger.
The true consequences will only be known several years hence.
We can use inflation to erode the true value of debts.
Times, Sunday Times
The finale is where the true incredulity is borne, as our hero (spoiler alert!)
Exit polls suggest a big Labour majority, but the true picture will only be known after the count.
None except her family and bosom friends know her true nature, as none know the true nature of Clara.
Middle Men tells the true story of Jack Harris “the straight-laced businessman who helped launch one of the first porn websites” and becomes “caught between the Russian mob, a porn star, the FBI and his family, all while becoming very rich.”
Paramount Buys Middle Man, Watch the Red Band Movie Trailer Now! | /Film
Still, you're always willing to give something new a try (cause the true cynic is cynical about cynicism, baby, ya dig?), so you set up that new FaceBook page.
Archive 2007-12-01
You must also stay behind the ball to get the true loft of the club.
It is in these moments of mirth that perhaps the true genius of the Celtic Tenors is captured.
Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside u but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.
But the true leadership test comes with adversity.
Times, Sunday Times
First, let me say that Otto Rehhagel has demonstrated the true worth of a genuinely gifted coach.
a wrong representation, nor mislead us from the true apprehension of anything, by its dislikeness to it: and such, excepting those of substances, are all our complex ideas.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The true hobbledehoy is much alone, not being greatly given to social intercourse even with other hobbledehoys.
There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
He was a gentleman in the true sense of the word, a man who never spoke ill of another human being and always allowed for human frailty.
But there is also a higher arithmetic, and a higher mensuration, which is exclusively theoretical; and a dialectical science, which is higher still and the truest and purest knowledge.
But all this was only a prelude: the true celebration came Saturday night, when forty or so of my parents' friends joined us to fête David and Carée's engagement.
The London rocket (_Sisymbrium irio_) occurs only in the old towns of Hertford and Ware; the true oxlip (_Primula elatior_) near the head of the River Stort; a very rare broom-rape, _Orobanche cærulea_, at
The Lollards are said to have derived their name from a low German word _lollen_, to sing or chant, from their habit of chanting, but their clerical opponents affected to derive it from the Latin _lolium_, as if this sect were as tares among the true wheat of the church.
London and the Kingdom - Volume I
In As White as in Snow, Troell, now 70, tells the true story of Elsa Anderson, the first Swedish woman to become an aviatrix.
Finito has spared many bulls throughout his career in bullrings such as Córdoba, where the admiring fans have made him feel the true pride of a true matador.
Without doubt his experience was slender, and it seemed absurd to pronounce concerning that of which he had no direct knowledge; but so it was, he could not outroot from his mind the persuasion that to plough, to sow, and to reap, were employments most befitting a reasonable creature, and from which the truest pleasure and the least pollution would flow.
Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
The abomasum, known as the true stomach, normally lies on the floor of the abdomen, but can become filled with gas and rise to the top of the abdomen and become displaced.
The true falcons range in size from the tiny falconets and pygmy falcons to the Gyrfalcon. The falconets feed mainly on insects.
Here there can be twain no longer, for all jarring, frowardness, and opposition being removed, the oneness is established, wherein the true peace consists forever.
They who hear it, are pure; they who utter it are stainless; and the True Guru will occupy their hearts.
Braving the icy torrents of white water in the Victorian Alps, personnel from the School of Artillery discovered the true meaning of adventurous training.
The truest way to be deceived is to think oneself more knowing than others. Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The true freedom possible in theology requires a significant degree of prior bondage; the substance of this discipline does not materialize simply out of our own entelechy.
But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image.
Retreat Into Silence
The true artist is the man who has a newness of vision.
[2] The declination is the variation of the needle from the true meridian of a place.
Voyage au centre de la terre. English
That is not the true image; no! he should have been a growthless, decayless being, impassive to time or season, a silent cloud -- the wandering Jew.
Famous Reviews
The true collector should never allow himself to be beguiled into buying an unworthy copy of a book.
We propose a countermeasure:after confirming the true Bungarus multicinctus, inserting a falsepreventing pill or mark into its oral cavity and packing it in mould pressing plastic package.
Shorn of the ostentatious nostalgia that afflicts too many period films, The House of Mirth is a bracing, cleanly wrought spiral of a film, a chiller in the true sense of the word.
In all areas of spiritual development, no matter what your level is, you need both analysis and focus to achieve the states you are seeking, ranging from seeking a better future, to developing conviction in the cause and effect of actions karma, to developing an intention to leave the round of suffering called cyclic existence, to cultivating love and compassion, to realizing the true nature of people and things.
How to See Yourself As You Really Are
The true artist lets nothing get between himself and his work.
Sometimes jazz, sometimes classical, definitely crossover in the truest sense of the word.
John in what he terms antichristian; but, obviously, only such as do not admit a recognition of Jesus as the Christ in the true sense, — only such as involve a denial of this, though they may not directly avow it.
The Scriptural Expositions of Dr. Augustus Neander: III. The First Epistle of John, Practically Explained.
In the Christian dispensation the neighbour is not only one of the true faith, but the schismatic , the outcast, and the pagan.
But the true of measure of its success is its efficiency, ranked among the best in the world.
The true story behind the death of baby Charlotte Latta will never be known.
And the tug of music was there, and the tug of those words of the baroness about salvation -- the thought of achieving the impossible, reserved only for the woman of supreme charm, for the true victress.
Though a translation it was more than a transcript; it was englished in the true sense of that word, in sentiment as well as in phrase.
John Lyly
At a time when economic growth is slowing down and public finances are worsening, this survey illustrates the true grit of the north when it comes to determination to succeed.
Birkerts speaks as an unregenerate reader; a book lover who still believes that ‘language and not technology is the true evolutionary miracle.’
There the true gods led him to the subterranean pool where eyeless, albescent fish swam around the clutch of huge eggs, as hard as the finest armor, left there countless centuries past.
Conan The Magnificent
Alberti was a fifteenth-century architect, and is known as the true grandfather of contemporary Western cryptology.
I am sorry to say this, but history says this happened under President Bush's watch; history says that he drifted from the true focus point of where we needed to be.
DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
It tells the true story of a retiring couple who rent out their farmhouse, only to discover their tenant has turned it into a marijuana grow-op.
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.
The trot, sir '' (striking his Bucephalus with his spurs), --- ` ` the trot is the true pace for a hackney; and, were we near a town, I should like to try that daisy-cutter of yours upon a piece of level road (barring canter) for a quart of claret at the next inn. ''
Rob Roy
Hirst, as artist, curator and in his prime a cod philosopher of almost Warholian dumb articulacy, was the true author of British art's fame in the 1990s.
The YBAs are over. Long live the OBAs!
The true picture is of an economy driven by consumer debt, which faces a collapse in house prices that would send consumer spending into a tailspin and see a corresponding growth in poverty and unemployment.
Neither General Kearney nor Mason had much respect for this land of "buncombe," but assumed the true doctrine that
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
The true gods are fickle and capricious and care little for the affairs of men, but the piper was different.
Reuchlin claimed that Cabalistic manipulation of the Hebrew letters of the ineffable name of God, IHVH, produced a five-letter name, IHSVH, or Jesus, which was the true name of God and conferred on its user powers that were divine in origin, far above the power of nature.
Loss of Faith
The calculation from the Valdez base should, however, be taken into consideration in making this barometric determination, and the mean of the two results, twenty thousand six hundred and ninety-six feet, or, roundly, _twenty thousand seven hundred feet_, is offered as the contribution of this expedition toward determining the true altitude of the mountain.
The Ascent of Denali (Mount McKinley) A Narrative of the First Complete Ascent of the Highest Peak in North America
Memorial uses conservative criteria to calculate its figures, and the true death toll is probably much higher.
There are many today who do not preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Impressed with this convergency of testimony from so many different quarters, they will be utterly at a loss to account for the unanimity of these early witnesses -- all sharing in the same delusion, all ignorant that a false Mark has been silently substituted for the true Mark during their own lifetime, and consequently assuming as an indisputable fact that the false Mark was received by the Church from the beginning.
Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
There he learns the true meaning of being spoiled rotten.
In the following figure, P is the pole of the earth; E the pole of the ecliptic; L the pole of the lunar orbit; V the mean position of the pole of the vortex at the time; the angle ♈ EL the true longitude of the pole of the lunar orbit, equal to the _true_ longitude of the ascending node
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
The turret is not a folly in the true sense, because it is attached to the house, but it is purely decorative.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be many years before the true impact of 2004 on the development of a true spacefaring civilization is understood.
At the heart of all this is a Sufi aphorism that speaks agelessly to the true nature of loss itself, that it has an afterlife where spirit lies.
Knowing Jesse
Secondly, metaphor presupposition can be judged successfully by the true-false value method and the "negation test".
Emperiall_, is, of all flowers, both forraigne and home-bred, the delicatest, and strangest: it hath the true shape of an imperiall crowne, and will be of divers colours, according to the art of the gardener.
On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside u but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.
The fanatics turn to extremism, which has really no basis in the true religion at all.
Only the person writing it today knows, and they know it because of the true ring of the words in their ears, not the sound of the coins piling up in their future.
Do you write for love or money?