
How To Use The indies In A Sentence

  • But this is a trivial matter compared with the importance of these letters, in a consideration of the effect they produced upon the mind of Columbus, for, if they did not suggest to him the idea of voyaging westerly to discover the Indies, they certainly confirmed him in the opinion that such a voyage could be successfully made. Amerigo Vespucci
  • The truth is that this ban hurts many studios films’ Oscar hopes far more than it hurts the indies.
  • In all the cities that the Portugales haue in the Indies, there is a house called the schoole of Sancta misericordia comissaria: the gouernours whereof, if you giue them for their paines, will take a coppy of your will and Testament, which you must alwayes cary about you; and chiefly when you go into the Indies. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • This wine is very much esteemed in the Indies, and for that it is brought so farre off, it is very deare: in Pegu ordinarily it it good cheape, because it is neerer to the place where they make it, and there is euery yeere great quantitie made thereof. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Chapter three represents the author's gleanings from the aforementioned 175 peninsular cases the author found mainly in the Sevillian Archive of the Indies.
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  • I guess that in the argument between the indies and the majors, the majors are after a quick buck.
  • The indies continue to thrive against the odds and, more importantly, they have the vision, the music and the passion to make you a believer in the future of our business.
  • It was abundantly clear that maritime European powers now had good reason to look for a direct sea passage to the Indies.
  • He went to sea as a youth and so distinguished himself that by the time he was 35 he held the captain generalcy of the Indies fleet, which convoyed treasure ships from the New World to Spain.
  • More often, it provided a rumbling backdrop to the growing competition for empire in the new world and the Indies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freedom, as the English now rule the Indies, and in time are destined, consociate with the French, to rule Social relations in our Southern States,
  • Soon enough, the Spanish Crown would need an enormous amount of ingenuity and resources to keep such competitors out of the profitable pilfering operation mounted by a handful of conquistadors in the Indies.
  • VA needs to send a message that the Indies are in revolt against Gleischaltung. What men may do, we have done. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • However, the vastly differing agendas of the majors and the indies affected questions of artistic control in differing ways.
  • The last thing they wanted was to allow baronial power to take root in the Indies.
  • Ballard and Babington, or plotting with Drake (for all they say she didn't) one of his raids, that long long forefinger tracing crooked courses through a crabbedly drawn map of the Indies and she smiling at the dots of cities that would burn. No Great Magic
  • The Indies have not made Spain rich; because her outgoes are greater than her incomes. One Thousand Secrets of Wise and Rich Men Revealed
  • The indies have seen their cost of business rise beyond reason as well.
  • As for Bobadilla, he was no sooner come to Rome, than he fell sick of a continued fever; and it may be said, that his distemper was the hand of heaven, which had ordained another in his stead for the mission of the Indies. The Works of John Dryden
  • If this phrase was not included in the original cedula sent to Manila, but added when printed as applying to all the Indies, it is important evidence that the King felt an admonition against printing unnecessary where no facilities for printing existed. Doctrina Christiana The first book printed in the Philippines, Manila, 1593.
  • After the big sellers - the Christmas albums - are done for the season, the record stores stock the indies again, so now we're seeing a big difference.
  • The objects brought from the Indies include hookahs, Indian dress, musical instruments and images of Hindu deities.
  • Under Philip VI, a system of intendants was established throughout the Indies (1769–90), which reduced the viceroys 'powers. B. Administration
  • The 23 of October there arriued in Tercera a Carauel with aduise out of Portugall, that of 5 ships which in the yere 1590 were laden in Lisbon for the Indies, 4 of them were turned againe to Portin. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • His great interest was in what he called his ‘Enterprise to the Indies’, the search for a westward route to the Orient for trade in spices.
  • Slowly the gamy past of a girl from a Dutch village becomes clear, a past amid the Amsterdam docks, where Dutch Puritanism is overwhelmed by the very smells of the spices being unloaded from ships that have come from the Indies.
  • Cyprus: on that side towards the Indies lying Westward is the citie called Columba, which is a hold of the Portugales, but without walles or enimies. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • O that he had but the wealth and treasure of both the Indies to endow her with, a carrack of diamonds, a chain of pearl, a cascanet of jewels, (a pair of calfskin gloves of four-pence a pair were fitter), or some such toy, to send her for a token, she should have it with all his heart; he would spend myriads of crowns for her sake. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Because there are a lot of Republicans saying a lot of different things. whats the real Repub message? as long as the republican party was able to fool moderates and independents into thinking that republicans produced policies that economically benefited them, the republicans continued to rack up political victories from the 1980's onward. however when it finally became clear that the republican policies benefited the rich and nobody else (tinkle down economics), the indies and moderates abandoned the republican party in droves. the indies and mods never cared about the social issues the gop base held dear therefore there is no longer anything to draw the interest of anybody other than those who are the base of the party. we may be seeing a long term marginalization (and regionalization) of the republicans for the forseeable future. News
  • But for the indies, an Oscar nomination is a big win.
  • Juan Rodriguez Fonseca, who had the chief management of the affairs of the Indies, and was permitted to fit out an expedition to visit any territories in the new world, except such as appertained to Portugal, or such as had been discovered in the name of Spain previous to the year The American Quarterly Review, No. 17, March 1831

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