How To Use The absurd In A Sentence

  • He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots. CHAPTER XV
  • Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
  • But a moment's reflection shows the absurdity of this idea.
  • The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth
  • It was not after all Social Text that drew the absurd conclusion about authoritarianism and elitism; it was Sokal, trying to ventriloquize work he didn't fully understand. Sokal's Hoax: An Exchange
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  • It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • Stephen Spruiell at the NRO noted the absurdity of Krugman's complaint that bloggers might use the same responses to rebut Krugman's repeated statements of the same ideology.
  • My imagination galloped around the possible, the impossible and the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • Casting him as the corrupt and vicious Cuban police captain known as the Red Vulture struck me as inspired until I remembered how often Kovacs the absurdist, iconoclastic comedian appeared in movies playing establishmentarian authority figures straight. For todays active man
  • She has stage presence and a keen sense of the absurd, particularly in the political realm.
  • For understandable reasons we prefer to think of ourselves as rational agents who live meaningful lives rather than as muddled actors in a theatre of the absurd.
  • He plays it deadpan, with impeccable style and fastidious attention to detail, but of course that only enhances the absurdity.
  • I feel torn between two conflicting impulses - my desire to be taken seriously as an intellectual, and my desire to share with others the absurd things that delight me.
  • Old Ebbits looked at me in childlike wonder, while Zilla sneered openly at the absurdity of my question. THE WHITE MAN'S WAY
  • His responses are delivered without so much as even a change in inflection, always acknowledging the absurdity of his circumstances and the unfortunate reality that has come as a result. This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: A Serious Man, Couples Retreat, Bronson, and More | /Film
  • Such in all times has been the rise and decline of fashion; and the absurd mimicry of the _citizens_, even of the lowest classes, to their very ruin, in straining to rival the _newest fashion_, has mortified and galled the courtier. Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
  • First of all, there's the absurdity inherent in making a touristy tour thing out of something so very serious and depressing.
  • The audience laughed lightly at the absurdity of this.
  • The absurdity is that her students don't yet know the alphabet. Carol Smaldino: To Mayor Bloomberg: Stop the Bullying
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • The previous administration's stubborn refusal to build more prison places led it into the absurd position of early release. Times, Sunday Times
  • This statement is so untrue that it borders on the absurd.
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • I began by talking about the importance of laughter and a sense of humour, and the need to recognize and embrace the ridiculous and the absurd. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • The absurd pretence of the supermom role was taking its toll. Times, Sunday Times
  • What Walpole calls the absurdest passages are precisely those which possess most interest for posterity; namely, the minute personal details, which bring Johnson home to the mind's eye. Autobiography, Letters and Literary Remains of Mrs. Piozzi (Thrale) (2nd ed.) (2 vols.) Edited with notes and Introductory Account of her life and writings
  • The previous administration's stubborn refusal to build more prison places led it into the absurd position of early release. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peter Moore and Rob Strasser took the absurdness of what shoes could look like, put them on Michael Jordan, and let him go out and play. DRIVEN FROM WITHIN
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • For months now, regime spokesmen have been repeating the absurd allegation that unrest is due to external agitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The play is tidily constructed around the absurd situation, in which Margot's deranged student, Molly (played with winning gawkiness by Anna Maxwell Martin), blames Margot for the suicide of her mother, who jumped under a train, Anna Karenina style, holding a copy of Margot's feminist bible, "The Cerebral Vagina. Wyndham Lewis's Unusual Angle on Art
  • Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Lastly, due north, high up, the absurd Giraffe (_Camelopardus_) stands proudly on his ridiculous head. Half-Hours with the Stars A Plain and Easy Guide to the Knowledge of the Constellations
  • In the spirit of sorting out some of the absurdity from the more reasonable discourse going in the environmental discussion, let's look at some of the issues which seem to bring on some of the most contentious debate. Supporting Sanity Over Fear: TreeHugger Examines The Most Contentious Environmental Debates
  • The absurdity of the plot clashes with the show's craving for social realism.
  • On festivals and state occasions they adopt the swallow-tail coat, chimneypot hat, and their accompaniments, displaying all the absurdity of our European fashionable dress. The Malay Archipelago
  • He gave me a long lecture about the absurdity of somebody claiming an interest in serious music who didn't own a stereophonic gramophone.
  • Dark, where her companion was fair, and with the glossy texture of her own somber locks showing in the individual roll which ran back into the absurd _fontange_ of false hair and falser powder, Mary The Mississippi Bubble
  • One of my favorite moments finds Eric Burdon asked to lead his fellow Animals in a kind of conga line toward Unsworth's camera as "House of the Rising Sun" charges toward its crescendic finale; as a straight-faced Burdon relates his story of a man brought low, guitarist Hilton Valentine, visible just behind him, can't resist cracking up at the absurdity of what they're doing to promote their record. Archive 2006-09-10
  • His relationship with Briseis, who resists and then falls in love with him, exposes him to the absurdity and indefensibility of his position, as the glory-seeking pawn of a monstrous expedition.
  • Standing there naked, I was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the situation.
  • I was taken by the absurdity of a boat large enough that it could have it's own canal and serenading gondoliere. Death on the Caribbean
  • When did the fool stop saying in his heart, "There is no God," and acting godlessly in the absurdity of his impiety? Addresses by the right reverend Phillips Brooks
  • This book is full of aphorisms, bon mots and witticisms, nearly all to do with the absurdity of the world in which we live.
  • Ibsen is in favor of the mariage de convenance, which suppresses, without favor, the absurdity of love-matches. Henrik Ibsen
  • With an eye ever open for the absurdity of her vocation, Mr. Gottlieb steers us through a thicket of fictions and half-truths about Sarah, many of them perpetrated by the "relentless fabulist" herself. Actress, Seductress
  • He highlights the absurdities of his new hobby without blithely mocking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The germ of an idea sprouted in his mind: maybe, instead of highlighting the drama of the story, the film should highlight the absurdity of it.
  • I daresay a quarter of an hour's practice two or three times a day for a week or so will deliver me from the absurd necessity of having to call in the assistance of the neighbourhood to communicate my bits of news to you; not to say that dictation is only a degree less awkward than left-handed penmanship, having never tried it before in my life. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Philosophers wrote about the absurdity and emptiness of human existence in the extraneous Universe.
  • Video evidence of the event shows Keith looking sick to his stomach and cackling like a hyena at the absurdity of his mission, and doing it right in the heavily-bearded faces of the band he was to induct into this laughing stock of an embalming center. James Campion: Why the F#@! Isn't Kiss in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
  • Carnahan does, however, have an oddball sense of comic timing; what his picture lacks in hilarity it recuperates with a well-developed, albeit mumbling, sense of the absurd. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Joe Carnahan and Jeremy Piven.
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • The absurdest humor and snappy dialog really give this story a voice all its own. Rabid Reads "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams
  • It is a typical example of the absurdly piecemeal nature of road planning in Britain since the dawn of the mass motoring area.
  • There are grave dangers in extending such subsidies, as the absurdity at present under discussion of providing hourly salary levels for visual artists suggests.
  • No one thinks it does, except for the author of this awful post, who made the absurd claim that hopefully is “most commonly used” as a verb. 2010 June « Motivated Grammar
  • Personally, with my Bizarro texts, I try to test the limits of narrative, create and entertain irreal characters and worlds, represent the absurdity of mediatized society and culture, explore the vicissitudes of unconsciousness and desire, and critique the nature of technocapitalist pseudoreality. Nonfiction
  • Through her eyes we observe the absurdities of co-ed dorms and toilets, drunken frat bacchanals, and violent tailgate parties.
  • The whole situation borders on the absurd.
  • But in spite of some of the absurdism of this screenplay, it's really an intimate, fairly direct examination of self-awareness.
  • In the history of drama, Albee has been canonized as the primary American practitioner of what critic Martin Esslin has termed the "Theater of the Absurd".
  • As bad as this law is, what shocks is the absurd endorsement by Stewart Baker. The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • The dozen books of Rumpole short stories endure as a gorgeous chronicle of English class battiness and the absurdities of the law.
  • So I decided to try to carve a kind of theater of the absurd in wood.
  • Alan Sheriff is an outsider: his poet's soul has been hardened by loss and experience, but his wry sense of the absurd saves him from insanity.
  • Nothing would be more easy than, by the ordinary principles of sound logic and common sense, to demonstrate the impossibility and expose the absurdity of the corpuscularian or mechanic system, or than to prove the intenable nature of any intermediate system. Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • For months now, regime spokesmen have been repeating the absurd allegation that unrest is due to external agitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The kinds of literary work that have been described as postmodernist include the Theatre of the Absurd and some experimental poetry.
  • The idea that raw-milk cheese poses a public-health menace in the same category as cigarettes borders on the absurd.
  • Most certainly, overambition was a near epidemic among the American writers who grew up in the shadow of the absurdly competitive Ernest Hemingway, but you still see traces among more contemporary authors — look at Union Atlantic, the new novel by Adam Haslett, who has tried to cram a bank collapse, the first Gulf War, and a good dose of Emersonian thought between the covers of one book. Is the Great American Novel Destroying Novelists?
  • These people concerned themselves primarily with defending their standpoint and attempting to refute what they saw as the absurd claims and practices of both ritualists and non-materialists alike.
  • Harold Pinter is a great contemporary British playwright, who has made great contribution to the theater of the absurd.
  • For all of its bagginess and verbosity, though, "Millennium People" does occasionally show Ballard to good effect—particularly his acute sense of the absurd middle-class protesters wave signs that read: "We don't like the kind of people we've become" and his icy skill with scenes of violence. 'The Bonfire Of the Volvos'
  • You said that was an amply sufficient qualification, and that no aquatic reporter who respected himself and his readers, had ever so far degraded himself as to row in a boat and to place his body in any of the absurd positions which modern oarsmanship demands. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 101, July 11, 1891
  • Besides these strong performances there are some delicious ensemble scenes in which the absurdities of prosperous country life are sent up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The absurdist humour here seems less cruel, the neurotic outbursts more harmless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many have pointed out the absurdity of asking new citizens to swear an oath to the Queen, when a large number of citizens born here would probably refuse to do the same.
  • However, the serious subject matter is often played for laughs rather than the absurdism it requires.
  • But the only result of their labours was that they nearly got "bushed" themselves, and at last the fall of night made the absurdity of further search clear to them. Adventures in Many Lands
  • One only has to look at the absurd publicity notes distributed in press screenings.
  • It is from this point of observation that our humour is suddenly made aware of the startling absurdity of human institution; and not only of _human_ institution; for it is made aware also of the absurdity of the whole fantastic scheme of this portentous universe. Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • The absurd oversimplification of a bipolar political model was encouraged by the propaganda excesses of the cold wars but has never really been of much use for understanding the political scene.
  • If only Macpherson had used the term groupthink instead the absurdity above wouldn't have happened. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The absurdities he is guilty of, the capers he cuts, excite our philosophic risibility. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Catching Nefret's wandering eye, his lips curled in acknowledgment of the absurdity of his presence: the prodigal son, the black sheep. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • The cult of the absurd gives way to his later rejection of nihilism, not by any clear intellectual choice, but by the process of natural growth.
  • Others found solace in deep religious faith, or redefined life in terms of the absurd.
  • The absurdity of the situation made everyone laugh.
  • To add to the absurdity, the packets come complete with a moist towelette similar to those provided in fast-food outlets.
  • The only element Kurtzman adds to shape the events is drama, which serves to tease out the absurdity skulking just below the romantic surface.
  • There are moments when the dialogue has the delightful inconsequentiality of the Theatre of the Absurd.
  • The absurdity of it amused him at first every time he saw his name flaring in big red and yellow letters from placards and hoardings. Two Little Travellers A Story for Girls
  • Many scoffed at the absurdity of the claims and the great detective writer was held up to public ridicule. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great strain for married couples in modernity is the absurdly high expectation of the marriage bond.
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • Every man "voted," as they called it -- that is to say meddled with public affairs -- until at length, it was discovered that what is everybody's business is nobody's, and that the "Republic" (so the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4
  • The absurdity of the situation made everyone laugh.
  • His technophilia shone through, but so did his rich sense of the absurd.
  • Yet, like the best of Beckett's dialogues, McDonough's theater of the absurd -- the show's title is the intentionally misspelled and lowercased "reck room" -- has a few good ideas to share. Art review: 'Patrick McDonough: reck room' at Flashpoint
  • He has been lauded as a solitary champion of liberty and censured as the absurd opponent of progress.
  • Thanks, however, to DeCandido's ability to brew up credible and intriguing politics on both the large and small scale, and his proven talent for fast-paced narrative and incisive characterization, Enemy Territory manages to aquaplane over the absurdities of its premise and deliver a package of absorbing, high-octane, bloodthirsty fun. May 31st, 2005
  • His refusal to give de Valera credit for his international diplomacy in the 1930s borders on the absurd.
  • It takes the absurdities they perceive inherent in working life, darkens them, speeds them up and turns them into zany comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • Security measures for local flights border on the absurd.
  • The way I see it, a critique of Popper's falsificationism is useful, but for rather bizarre reasons this critique regularly gets inflated into the absurd claims that demarcation is hopeless and "pseudoscience" is a useless term. Demarcation as Politics
  • He was also the observant one, casting a sardonic eye on the absurdities of pop stardom, the Swinging Sixties and the aftermath of that crazy decade.
  • She used her earthy wisdom and uncanny discernment with kindness and humanity, seasoned with an enjoyment of the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the term elite has not yet been plasticized into the absurd, and it still retains a certain connotation that can change depending on what we use it to modify. Bookslut
  • The problem for the absurd artist is to acquire this savoir-vivre which transcends savoir-faire.
  • You, on the other hand, maintain the absurd belief that love is more important than money. LEGAL TENDER
  • The assumption that this word must exist from PIE times and must be part of the IE lexicon despite all its absurd problems, its unanalysable form, and the absurd and random fixes proposed is positively cultish. Pondering on the phrase 'capite velato'
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • Qiu presents their turns of fortune dryly, with an appreciation for the absurd and a sense, too, for when the absurd is also truly tragic. Qui Xiaolong's "Years of Red Dust: Stories of Shanghai"
  • The entirety of the absurdity is eerily similar to Joseph K being accused of a crime he does not know. Global Voices in English » Egypt: US “Activist” Travis Randall Deported
  • Almost as if the very people who built and benefit most from the absurd complications of super.capitalism have lost faith in it.
  • I find myself growing increasingly angry at the absurdity of the situation.
  • The judge was the man for whom she had clerked, a widower with a heavy Russian accent and a love of the absurd.
  • John Maynard Keynes, the great 20 th - century economist, would have appreciated the absurdity in these mixed messages.
  • The word 'carp' could never have multiplied itself into the absurdities of endo-carps and epi-carps, but in the mouths of men who scarcely ever read it in its original letters, and therefore never recognized it as meaning precisely the same thing as 'fructus,' which word, being a little more familiar with, they would have scarcely abused to the same extent; they would not have called a walnut shell an intra-fruct--or a grape skin an extra-fruct; but again, because, though they are accustomed to the English 'fructify,' 'frugivorous' -- and 'usufruct,' they are unaccustomed to the Latin 'fruor,' and unconscious therefore that the derivative 'fructus' must always, in right use, mean an enjoyed thing, they generalize every mature vegetable product under the term. Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • Plus the chat function means that you can expound about all of the banal minutia you'd like in regards to the song playing, what it means to you, or the absurdity of the entire situation. Conan Neutron: Why Might Just End Up Saving Music
  • My imagination galloped around the possible, the impossible and the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • Defending the absurd notion that the windbaggery of Mr. Galloway is somehow a threat to our national security, a spokesperson for the virginal Jason Kenney, Alykhan Velshi, referred to Gorgeous George as "someone who has provided financial support to Hamas, a banned terrorist organization in Canada, and someone who is, in a sense, a popinjay for those Taliban fighters who are trying to kill Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Anthony had no wish to be caught up in the absurdity of a Freddie Barnett brawl. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The failure of even the most stringently iconoclastic monotheists is that while they reject the animal heads, the horns and the hooves of theriomorphic deities they nevertheless maintain the absurd anthropomorphism of not just humanity but masculinity. Archive 2007-04-01
  • She discusses how cases out on the margins of our binary labels, such as hermaphroditic children, show the absurdities of our cultural constructions. Archive 2008-04-01
  • In the spirit of sorting out some of the absurdity from the more reasonable discourse going in the environmental discussion, let Supporting Sanity Over Fear: TreeHugger Examines The Most Contentious Environmental Debates
  • But there is a much more general point about the absurdity of wearing earphones when cycling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It borders on the absurd for the mourner to dance gleefully while his parent lies dead in a fresh grave.
  • Here is the social democrat refusing to condemn the absurdities he chronicles so well; or simply producing half-baked observations.
  • Some of these discussions have bordered on the absurd: as I recounted in my post on the politics of the term 'mommy blogger,' I once had the unique pleasure of debating the question of whether or not the term caucus - as in, should we form a women's caucus in order to have a forum for women's issues in the department? Fights Like a Girl
  • Thus we come to the absurd situation of Fine Gael's road safety spokesman, Shane McEntee, proposing that road signs in Latvian, Russian and Polish should be installed on Ireland's twisting country roads, to remind these killer drivers to drive on the left and avoid alcohol. Unintended consequences
  • Sure, there's plenty to be said about Picasso and Ingres but a featherweight intellect like him can barely lift his prose above the absurd.
  • These are supposed to be tragic situations, but it is the drolleries and the absurdities that are being enjoyed here. Times, Sunday Times
  • With its mix of voyeurism, suffering and pointlessness, this is a lovely, mute excursion into the theatre of the absurd.
  • Most of the world's great inventions were fathered by people with the ability to conduct their minds on free-wheeling adventures into the nonexistent, the unconventional, the absurd.
  • It takes the absurdities they perceive inherent in working life, darkens them, speeds them up and turns them into zany comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • No doubt Coppola and his screenwriter, John Milius, were fully aware of the plot of Die Walküre, the ingenious portrayal of the helicopter gunships as modernized, mechanized Valkyries — the music both romanticizes combat and wryly points out the absurdity of ancient notions of chivalry in a war where the killing is almost industrialized. In the corners of my mind
  • In this often surreal town, the absurdist gibberish that comes out of LAWA, the city department that owns and operates LAX, about the infeasibility of bringing Metro to the terminals takes first prize in the fiction department. Joel Epstein: LAX's Poor Excuse for Mass Transit
  • In contrast, Scieszka's story allows children to challenge conventions by finding the absurdity in manners, rules, and even language itself. Sammy Perlmutter: Jon Scieszka At The Brooklyn Book Festival: How Valuable Is 'Funny' For Kids?
  • Owen desponded about ever getting done; Morgan grumbled at what he called the absurd difficulty of writing nonsense. The Queen of Hearts
  • Ataxia, the Wooden Continent" continues the absurdism, but does so with entries from an encyclopedia of a floating continent full of sentient wood. Genre Fiction
  • Contrary to the absurd claims about "Eurocentrism," Europeans are traditionally the least ethnocentric people on the planet, which is why we invented sciences such as archaeology because only we possessed the scholarly objectivity to do so. Undefined
  • The absurdity of the image still makes him wince. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next day Popinot had an attack of coryza, a complaint which is not dangerous, and generally known by the absurd and inadequate name of a cold in the head. The Commission in Lunacy
  • Plus, the more fluorescent flashing lights they bear -- and the louder the absurd noises they emit -- the jollier she is. Juliet Linley: Coin-Chomping for Children's Charities
  • The Wells College Theatre Department presents "Escurial" and "The Maids," two plays from the Absurdist movement. Undefined
  • The absurdism and surrealism extends also to one character with Asperger's syndrome, who is himself something of a metaphor for the Soviet system. February Books 4) Kushiel's Scion, by Jacqueline Carey
  • Many scoffed at the absurdity of the claims and the great detective writer was held up to public ridicule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco have written plays for the theater of the absurd
  • The modern anguish stems from the absurdity of the allegory, once its center, divine Will, is removed.
  • The drinkers perform a comedic caterwaul while the folk singers create a dissonant background to the absurdity.
  • The paving wafted up to him through its drains the fetidity of sewers dry for lack of water; the balconies shed the dust of shaken rugs; the absurd palace appropriated, with the insolence of the new-rich, all the heaven and sun that used to belong to Ferragut. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • David Malpass's "How the Fed Is Holding Back Recovery" (op-ed, Oct. 19) addresses the dangerous folly of Chairman Ben Bernanke as the Federal Reserve again institutes the absurd policy of more quantitative easing when there is absolutely no demand for more credit in the market. Fed Should Learn From Hippocrates
  • Martin's presumptuous and unproven speculation borders on the absurd.
  • If he had indeed held prudence to be a good, producing felicity, as Epicurus thought, one should have blamed only the absurdity and the paradoxicalness of this opinion; but since prudence of itself is not another thing differing from felicity, but felicity itself, how is it not a contradiction to say, that momentary happiness is equally desirable with eternal, and yet that momentary happiness is nothing worth? Essays and Miscellanies
  • My imagination galloped around the possible, the impossible and the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior
  • Bold finished the number; and as he threw it aside, he thought that that at least had no direct appliance to Mr Harding, and that the absurdly strong colouring of the picture would disenable the work from doing either good or harm. The Warden
  • Many scoffed at the absurdity of the claims and the great detective writer was held up to public ridicule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over the years various folk versions of what the initials 'BVD' stood for - ranging from the ingenious to the absurd - circulated in the public sphere, some of the most common being 'Boys' Ventilated Drawers, '' Back Vented Drawers, '' Baby's Ventilated Diapers, 'and' Body Vest Doodads. ' New Urban Legends
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • Best of all, there is a solid cast of actors who rise to the occasion of the screenplay, never overplaying comic moments but clearly getting the absurdity of every turn.
  • Pope John Paul on Sunday appealed for an end to what he called the absurd civil war in Angola, saying all sides were losing in such a conflict. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • When I think of the present it appears to be a drama of the absurd.
  • She used her earthy wisdom and uncanny discernment with kindness and humanity, seasoned with an enjoyment of the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • I didn't really know how to carve, but as a scriptwriter I had been influenced by the French theater of the absurd, especially Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Ionesco's The Bald Soprano.
  • Personally, I didn’t mind him – even though his languid vowels and premature jowliness not to mention the absurd tailored safari jacket he wore all the time with a check Viyella shirt gave him a certain cartoonish quality. A Special Relationship
  • As I gaze at this slender sylph in front of me, the absurdity of her paranoia gets me thinking that women so often suffer from a distorted view of themselves.
  • Who could this ruthless new satirist be, who had parachuted unannounced into the Scottish media, with so sharp a knife and so keen a sense of the absurd?
  • Julia wandered about the room, glancing indifferently at the bookcase, pointing out the best way of repairing the gateleg table, plumping herself down in the ragged arm-chair to see if it was comfortable, and examining the absurd twelve-hour clock with a sort of tolerant amusement. Nineteen Eighty-four
  • The absurd description is one of a raft of euphemistic job titles dreamt up by modern managers desperate to attract a higher calibre of candidates, but which give little insight into the position on offer. Latest news, breaking news, current news, UK news, world news, celebrity news, politics news
  • The advice given to those affected by the potato blight bordered on the absurd.
  • Will anyone else be watching this spectacle of the absurd?
  • If only to stop some of the absurd lower court decisions that have been coming downlike: The Volokh Conspiracy » Overturning the Roberts Court:
  • And the writing is so pithy, so good at capturing the absurdly poignant with linguistic economy.
  • Here is the social democrat refusing to condemn the absurdities he chronicles so well; or simply producing half-baked observations.
  • The absurdity is that we don’t even have a satellite in orbit that is monitoring current CO2 abundances in the mid and far infrared, sciamachy is trying using the near infrared with very limited results so far. Unthreaded #5 « Climate Audit
  • And then you follow that with the absurd satire of Humanism -- nihilist Nietszche prancing on in goathide leggings with an ithyphallic cock dancing in the air, bringing existential panic, but saying "Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger" -- bara boom. Archive 2006-02-01
  • However, if you allow the absurdity of the term, 'civi'lized' dragons don't toy with each other this way. The Black Wing
  • My imagination galloped around the possible, the impossible and the absurd. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Vayvode was an elderly man, with a white turban and a green benish, having weak eyes, and a alight hesitation in his speech; but civil and good-natured, without any of the absurd suspicions of the Mutsellim of Servia, Youngest Member of the European Family or, A Residence in Belgrade and Travels in the Highlands and Woodlands of the Interior, during the years 1843 and 1844.
  • You never see animals going through the absurd and often horrible fooleries of magic and religion. Only man behaves with such gratuitous folly. It is the price he has to pay for being intelligent but not, as yet, quite intelligent enough. Aldous Huxley 
  • Where it is not downright unpleasant, the situation lapses into the absurd.
  • I began by talking about the importance of laughter and a sense of humour, and the need to recognize and embrace the ridiculous and the absurd. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Ed Stoppard makes Harry a benevolent rake who throws himself at the absurdly coquettish widow for the sake of her £50,000.
  • In the history of drama, Albee has been canonized as the primary American practitioner of what critic Martin Esslin has termed the "Theater of the Absurd".
  • Joseph Heller's novels reveal the absurdity and corruption of the American ruling clique, and the confusion and madness in the American society.
  • The previous administration's stubborn refusal to build more prison places led it into the absurd position of early release. Times, Sunday Times
  • The absurdity of the image still makes him wince. Times, Sunday Times
  • Continental system and the absurd mass of inexecutable decrees relative to English merchandise been observed. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • She should reflect on the absurdity of the politically correct policy that blew up in her face. The Sun
  • In a way, one should be grateful for all of this reactionary behavior--in an age of real, international crisises and massive issues at home in the U.S., the absurdness of the socially ultra-conservative agenda is being brought out into full, bright light. Archive 2004-02-01
  • In some ways he's akin to Michael Kupperman, in that both have healthy appreciations of the absurd -- particularly where pop culture is concerned -- though Kupperman shies away from the sort of NC-17 rated displays that Kago indulges in. Collect This Now! Dance! Kremlin Palace | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • It is part of his shtick, his way of underlining the absurdity of the system.
  • She felt nothing for its demise, except perhaps disgust at the rolls of blubber, and the absurd inelegance of her distress. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Nevertheless, such a logic fully brings out the absurd implications of the feminist and naturalist accounts.

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