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How To Use Thawing In A Sentence

  • Would it work, after all the freezing and thawing and refreezing? GRACE
  • Waxy starch gels form a paste at lower temperatures, swell with more water than regular or partially waxy starches, and don't lose water during freezing and thawing.
  • They made fireless camps above timber line, thawing their meat rations with the heat of their bodies before they could eat .... weary ghosts in a dead world. “I am only a wild girl, and I am afraid of the world....”
  • The freezing and thawing action on clay, silty clay, and silty clay loam soils tilled in the fall or winter to produce stale seedbeds usually have excellent seedbeds for early no-till spring planting.
  • The most successful of Clarence Birdseye's inventions, aside from frozen food, was appropriately enough, an infra-red heating lamp for thawing it.
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  • The background is the super-exposed town of Shishmaref in Western Alaska, where global warming and the thawing permafrost are collapsing towns in on themselves.
  • I thought the "thawing" cliche referred to W-Martin. 10-15 years, I don't know about that. Relations
  • There's never a reason to leave food thawing on the counter.
  • High electric drying, high electric thawing and electroosmosis dewatering technology are novel technology, and will initiate new domain in electrostatic application.
  • But now that the ice seems to be thawing, filmmakers are prepared to overlook the fact that the efforts are largely unidirectional.
  • On our farm, we broadcast the hay seed into winter wheat in late winter or early spring and let the freezing and thawing action of the soil pull the seed into the ground.
  • While the maid helped Freda off with her wraps, Floyd Vanderlip replenished the fire; and by the time the maid had withdrawn to an inner room, his head over the stove, he was busily thawing out his burdened upper lip. Jack London Play:The Scorn of Women
  • During thawing, the heartbeat is also the first physiological activity that is restored. Archive 2004-09-01
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • Freezing and thawing raw fish will be the death of sushi and sashimi as we know it.
  • The snow had recently avalanched, so only surface hoar is thawing.
  • the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours
  • She said the West Siberian Lowland indeed falls within a hot spot but added that whether thawing peatlands will accelerate global warming remains an open question.
  • OSLO (Reuters) - Thawing permafrost can release nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, a contributor to climate change that has been largely overlooked in the Arctic, a study showed on Sunday.
  • Previously a thawing-out period, a prelude to the liquid lunch and brief afternoon of work en route to early doors drinking, the dawning of the new day now signals blessed relief and the opportunity of escape from his bed.
  • The potentially damaging book comes after an apparent thawing of relations between the prime minister and his chancellor, with well placed insiders saying the often tempestuous relationship is on its most even keel in years.
  • This may be done by broadcasting seed and depending on freezing, thawing, and cattle trampling to cover the seed.
  • And to dilute the poison if possible. (given kilometers away from any medical help) Knelt down at a thawing snow stream and drank copiously. Page 2
  • By sealing in moisture, the antidesiccant minimizes the damage that can come from cycles of freezing, thawing, and refreezing in midwinter.
  • Recent pieces in the media had identified her as strong supporter of Taiwan independence: ("hardliner"), ("surprise choice"; "counter to the pervasive mood of thawing"; "pro-independence figure"). Archive 2008-05-01
  • In fact, he’s anything but … but the fact he’s more receptive to a thawing is a signal of the direction we’re moving in,” he continued, before adding, “of course, lifting the travel ban itself will be a major, major development in the drive toward an expanded trade relation. After a minor thaw, Cuban trade opportunities excite U.S. businesses
  • The thin layer of topsoil is constantly thawing and refreezing during the summer, and this makes any plant growth very difficult.
  • They had just received a telephone call to tell them one of their frozen embryos had survived the thawing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Building the cairn was a fine warming jab, but the ice on our whiskers often took some ten minutes thawing out. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • John Hunter, supported by his experiments on _anabiosis_, hoped to prolong the life of man indefinitely by alternate freezing and thawing; and the Veronese Colonel Aless. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • The gazelle is thawing out, the booze has been bought (and some it has already been consumed), prizes have been purchased and the insurance waivers have been signed (We're not going to play * jump the alligator* if I don't have insurance, no way). Blogfest & Book-Burning 2008--It's On!
  • In the early 1990s, 10 to 16% of the subgrade in the permafrost areas of the Baikal – Amur railroad line was deformed because of permafrost thawing; this increased to 46% in 1998. Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
  • Oddly enough, the "thawing" of their scorched bodies beneath the tarpaulin brought a certain degree of relief. The Wings of the Morning
  • Freezing and thawing raw fish will be the death of sushi and sashimi as we know it.
  • Erosion woes in Shishmaref, an Inupiat village perched atop rapidly thawing coastal permafrost in northwestern Alaska, also pose a threat to nearby parkland, Stratton said. Mudslides, Wildfires & Declining Wildlife Highlight Climate Change In Alaska
  • The freeze-thawing method is an attractive alternative due to the relative mildness of the procedure as well as the large encapsulation volume of the resultant vesicles.
  • Hulk fights with iron man, leading inadvertently to the discovery of Cap and his subsequent thawing from the Cap America movie .. ( Comic Fanboy Dreams - Captain America and The Avengers! «
  • Snow and ice thawing. The Sun
  • Like I said - Glaciers thawing is just one of many ways to tell the earth is warming. Duck, It's Hillary!
  • Thawing of permafrost soils can result in subsidence of the surface, thermokarst, and activation of freeze – thaw related processes such as solifluction. Permafrost and infrastructure in the Arctic
  • This has the destabilising effect of re-enacting the movements of a huge rockface, when shattered stone is unlocked by thawing, rivulets of snow-melt, the collapse of seracs, or the downrush of avalanches.
  • The “flip-side” of having large amounts of methane gas gradually escape the Arctic’s thawing permafrost is that some of it could eventually be harnessed to generate electricity. Links for 2008-04-06 « Skid Roche
  • The samples were subject to two cycles of freezing/thawing and low molecular weight thiols were recovered in the supernatants after centrifugation at 12 000 g, 10 min at room temperature.
  • Would it work, after all the freezing and thawing and refreezing ? GRACE
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • Scientists are particularly interested in observing the thawing and freezing of the polar icecaps in order to assess changes in sea level.
  • Poor quality embryos were also more likely to die during the thawing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had just received a telephone call to tell them one of their frozen embryos had survived the thawing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • CHECK that thawing snow does not make puddles around pots. The Sun
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • Associated Press - January 29, 2009 3: 23 AM ET REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) - The thawing of the Arctic Circle is a NATO issue today. WBAY Action 2 News
  • I’ve honestly never tried it, so well has she frightened me off from the notion of thawing and refreezing. Where’s the beef? «
  • Prior to feeding, colostrum containers were submersed in warm water for approximately 30 min for complete thawing, and their quality was estimated with a colostrometer.
  • Not the breath of the disremembered and unaccounted for, but wind in the eaves, or spring ice thawing too quickly. Beloved
  • Poor quality embryos were also more likely to die during the thawing process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Assuming that the concrete has good aggregate to begin with, enduring freezing and thawing is the primary durability issue.
  • Overall, a warmer climate is very likely to lead to a shift toward a more pluvial runoff regime as a greater proportion of the annual precipitation falls as rain rather than snow; the magnitude of the peak of spring snowmelt declines; thawing permafrost increases near-surface storage and reduces runoff peaks; and a more active groundwater system augments base flows. Effects of climate change on general hydro-ecology in the Arctic
  • REYKJAVIK, Iceland (AP) - The thawing of the Arctic Circle is a NATO issue today. WBAY Action 2 News
  • The freezing and thawing process, known as cryogenics, appears to cause no damage.
  • The winter freezing and thawing will naturally aerate the soil.
  • The thin layer of topsoil is constantly thawing and refreezing during the summer, and this makes any plant growth very difficult.
  • If the permafrost farm is discovered because of thawing, then it doesn’t count, because it’s no longer permafrosted. Gore Gored: Monckton replies – Round 2 « Climate Audit
  • After thawing, the volatile components were extracted three times with 50 ml pentane.
  • Thaw frozen meat in its wrappings in the refrigerator and cook it as soon as possible after thawing.
  • These self-organized patterns result from the effects of freezing and thawing on layers of stone and soil overlying permafrost.
  • Start thawing the turkey and avoid the biggest Christmas nightmare of all - food poisoning.
  • Lipid hydration was coupled with six cycles of freezing, thawing, and sonication, except sonication was omitted in the last cycle.
  • CHECK that thawing snow does not make puddles around pots. The Sun
  • Perforce, he was compelled to thaw it out in the usual way; that is, taking off his kamik and placing his freezing foot under my bearskin shirt, the heat of my body thawing out the frozen member. A Negro Explorer at the North Pole
  • Upon thawing, the head and left metathoracic femur of each moth were removed and dried.
  • Field conditions necessitated that eggs be boiled and then frozen, and they experienced several periods of thawing and refreezing on the trip from field to laboratory.
  • When I left the hospital, the snow was already thawing, and water dripped from roofs and gutters everywhere.
  • Scotland - dry but remaining icy, and snow not thawing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ice is thawing.
  • Olympics organizers hoped that the 2008 Games would lead to the same kind of thawing in China. No Comparison
  • The opera ends not with the death of Rusalka and the Prince, but with Rusalka's sexual thawing.
  • While the refrigerator was kept warm enough to prevent the deterioration of veins and arteries, its algidity nonetheless dictated a ten-hour thawing before the onset of embalming. Body of Knowledge
  • I liked the guy, so I pulled up a kind of weaved colorful Mexican decorated chair and we talked about his small factory, his family, his life and more, over a couple of icy cold raspadas I opted to share with him on one of those real hot days you look forward to just thawing out. Are you a good shopper?
  • Until then, it was difficult for eggs to survive the thawing process. The Sun
  • A activity in the restaurant sector; a "thawing" in relations with the company's franchisees; a "compelling" stock valuation; and "still-negative [Wall] Street sentiment ... leaving plenty of room for more constructive views". --
  • The sun's gentle rays were thawing the winter ice. Nature was just beginning to blossom, after a period of dormancy.
  • I hadj the turkey thawing in the sink.
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • After thawing out, wrapped in four wool blankets and sipping a tongue-scorching cup of cocoa, I wrote up the details of my baby epic - route, temperature, wind speed, how much water I drank - on the back of the topo map, as is my habit.
  • Increased snow and ice melt have caused higher rivers while thawing permafrost has wreaked havoc with roads and other infrastructure.
  • The currently applied method for cryopreservation of "clumped" iPS cells is not standardized and has a low efficiency: the survival rates after thawing are lower than 10% and the reproducibility of the results is very low. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Snow and ice thawing. The Sun
  • Be sure the terrace material is strong enough and anchored well enough to stay in place through freezing and thawing, and heavy rainstorms.
  • Freezing and thawing raw fish will be the death of sushi and sashimi as we know it.
  • And after them will come the big mining sharks that buy whole creeks where you-all have been scratching like a lot of picayune hens, and they-all will go to hydraulicking in summer and steam-thawing in winter -- Chapter VII
  • I pulled on some socks, then slipped my thawing feet into my shoes. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • If large crystals are allowed to form, they damage the structure of the meat physically, and on thawing some of the water is lost in the form of ‘drip’, the thin red fluid which defrosting meat releases.
  • Further to the north is the great plain, still steadily thawing and drying.
  • The rate at which they are thawing is much much faster than at any given period in time sinc ethe ice age. Duck, It's Hillary!
  • It is generally caused by improperly storing filo, by thawing and refreezing filo, or by leaving filo for too long at room temperature. Filo Tips and Recipe for Greek Leek Pie – Prasopita (Πρασόπιτα)
  • The country was slowly thawing out after the long cold winter.
  • Temperatures are climbing, sea levels are rising, Antarctica is thawing - and these are just the tip of the rapidly melting iceberg.
  • The thawing wind, a bullock, which is no ploughing bullock — a furious bullock, a destroyer, which with angry horns breaketh the ice! Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
  • Demobilisation funded Attlee's NHS; by withdrawing from east of Suez, Wilson boosted pensions; the last droplets of the cold war's thawing helped even warrior Blair to rejuvenate the welfare state.
  • The report shows that relations between the two enemies may be thawing.
  • The skins will be easy to remove after thawing, and you can add the tomatoes to soups or salads, or cook them down for sauce or ketchup.
  • Their correspondent principal geomorphologic processes are water erosion, thawing erosion and glacial erosion.
  • The nomads and farmers measured and still measure their day from sunrise to sunset, and their year in terms of the seedtime and harvest, of the falling leaf and the ice thawing on the lakes and rivers. 2009 May
  • In some areas, thawing of permafrost will improve infiltration.
  • And midway through the meal, I noticed that Uncle Peottre seemed to be thawing towards Kettricken, perhaps despite himself. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Scotland - dry but remaining icy, and snow not thawing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the idea of thawing temperatures seems pretty nice at the end of a long, snowy winter like the one we just had in parts of the U.S., and the trend does promise earlier starts for golfers, gardeners, and farmers in the future. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • Frozen chicken livers are already cleaned, so if they are being used the only preliminary required is the thawing-out process.
  • Until then, it was difficult for eggs to survive the thawing process. The Sun
  • The harsh winter bombardments from ice and sand particles in fierce storms, and from the freezing and thawing action of ice, quickly break up layers of fine-grained rock.
  • Mr Lobley will be helping to monitor how the thawing of vast peatlands is affecting the environment by releasing gases into the atmosphere.

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