
How To Use Thanksgiving In A Sentence

  • Some retailers, including Sears, have already held some "door-buster" early-morning sales, which makes Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving that's looked upon as a kick-off to the holiday shopping season -- a little "grayer," he said. Boulder Daily Camera Most Viewed
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • At 6.30 pm there will be an ecumenical service of thanksgiving for the Flower Festival.
  • We allow our feelings to flow out towards him in adoration, confession, thanksgiving and praise.
  • This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition.
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  • Murphy, Jamie, and the rest of the O'Brien clan will be here for Thanksgiving.
  • How did birthdays become less like Thanksgiving and more like the crass side of Christmas?
  • Thanksgiving, a national holiday in the U.S.
  • People ask about the varieties of prayer: petition, thanksgiving, praise, and intercession.
  • Gain some insight on how to enhance your enjoyment of the harvest and Thanksgiving in Asheville .
  • Perhaps no custom reveals our character as a Nation so clearly as our celebration of Thanksgiving Day. Ronald Reagan 
  • The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.
  • Pauline recalls vividly the first time the pair spoke on the phone on Thanksgiving Day and the combination of excitement and apprehension she felt as she knew she was about to say hello.
  • And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • Many people believe that the United States, the first Thanksgiving Day was Indians and the new immigrants first oligomerization thank God for that day.
  • The travel agent recommends strongly that we not travel on Thanksgiving Day
  • I'll have to shoot a deer at Thanksgiving with my 338 from stem to stern to see if I can get the bullet back, and show you guys that the big X bullets are expanding, even in puny deer. The "Infallible" Shoulder Shot
  • Wish you a very special Thanksgiving Day for you and your family.
  • My aunt had invited me for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • They offered a thanksgiving to God for their escape from the shipwreck.
  • With Maria Schneider in her eighth Thanksgiving weekend and the Pizzarelli-Peplowski pow-wow in its sixth, Birdland may be trying to inaugurate a holiday tradition of its own. Music With All the Fixings
  • Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.
  • Many Long Islanders have used the locavore philosophy to inspire flexibility and freedom in creating their Thanksgiving menu.
  • We tell each other this story and make our children perform it for our sacred holidays - Thanksgiving Day, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Lincoln's Birthday.
  • Thanksgiving should be every person in the community should be some basic ethical guidelines, is the minimum life of self-cultivation, but also human.
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  • Not turkey again - I maxed out on it at Thanksgiving.
  • On the eve of November's Thanksgiving holiday, the couple announced they had separated.
  • The thanksgiving dinner, the feast ... that was it, of course.
  • These scenes of strain were contrasted all too neatly with a scene of release for Don, who spent his Thanksgiving paying good money to have a hooker come over and go through what we saw was a regular ritual: The pross on top, slapping Don. Today's Latest Headlines
  • Of course, the First Thanksgiving included not only the Pilgrims, but also their Wampanoag guests.
  • Greek, "The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, the thanksgiving, the honor, the power, the might [the doxology is sevenfold, implying its totality and completeness], unto the ages of the ages. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.
  • Let's take a day off from the campaign trail, break bread the Thanksgiving table.
  • But the context of this gratitude is itself one of gratitude for the elements of the thanksgiving meal.
  • Rev Armstrong said the grace before meal and Fr Maginn said the thanksgiving afterwards.
  • I've gained 10 pounds since Thanksgiving.
  • As a lacto-vegetarian, I love to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but it has never been one of my favorite meals to eat.
  • The gobblers will be honorary grand marshals at Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • Expect to pay more for pecan pie this Thanksgiving thanks to drought in parts of the South and big demand from China.
  • It's our annual list of Washington area farms that sell fresh birds: some of them organic, some heritage, some pre-brined, all ready for you to pick up before Thanksgiving. Chat Leftovers: Crystals in her cheddar
  • And when it comes to using a label maker to organize my linen closet (when I get one) or having an entire barn full of Thanksgiving-themed dinnerware, all I can say is better her than me.
  • Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863.
  • I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.
  • Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has spiritual meaning.
  • Although I'm a health-conscious person, I have a hard time staying on track after Thanksgiving.
  • I am so grateful that I have you all with me on this Thanksgiving Day.
  • May your family be full of divine blessings on this Thanksgiving!
  • The first recorded Thanksgiving observance was held on June 29, 1671 at Charlestown, Massachusetts.
  • This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.
  • Traps are set around Thanksgiving, and the mudbug season can last through July or even into mid-August. Homepage
  • It did not work so happily with his spoken wish for a freeze of Israeli settlements; and he has seen the word falter on the verge of the deed once more, in the wish for a comprehensive health care bill before the summer or before Thanksgiving. David Bromwich: The Afghanistan Parenthesis [UPDATED]
  • In a film that charts the neurotic romantic attachments of three Manhattan sisters through the focal point of a Thanksgiving party, there are bit players and comedic cameos of the highest order infusing every scene.
  • They offered up thanksgiving on this day, and paraded about with flambeaux and candles -- proceedings which some thought were too close imitations of the Pagan customs of _brenning_ -- in honour of Juno. The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving!
  • Another modern staple at almaximum eextremeccly Thanksgiving table is pumpkin pie.
  • Shooting a hen is no more wrong than shooting an antlerless deer, and after you've had a 10-pound hen or even a 6-pound poult roasted whole for Thanksgiving, a Butterball will never satisfy you again. Autumn Gobblers: How To Hunt Turkeys in the Fall
  • Still, the NWS stick to their guns, progging a warm and dry sequence through Thanksgiving. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • Thanksgiving Day is usually on the last Thursday in November.
  • On June 30, 1564, the settlers held the first thanksgiving festival on the continent.
  • Slap-up lunches and colourful parades marked Thanksgiving Day in America.
  • On the Asbury Park boardwalk, dozens of people packed into a music-filled Langosta Lounge for a meal that featured traditional Thanksgiving offerings along with dishes such as codfish with provencal tomatoes and Italian sausage soup. Undefined
  • He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, ready - tied four-in-hand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Thanksgiving and public prayer, the invocation of the name of God at the occasion of any major official gathering, are, in the practical behavior of the nation, a token of this very same spirit and inspiration.
  • The queen closed her eyes with a prayer of thanksgiving, quickly crossing herself as she rose to her feet.
  • Instead of the third woe being detailed, the grand consummation is summarily noticed, the thanksgiving of the twenty-four elders in heaven for the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth, attended with the destruction of the destroyers of the earth. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We pray for those from the church family who have been unable to join in the services of thanksgiving today.
  • Listen, Julia and I just decided to go to Reno over Thanksgiving.
  • She will go home to take part in the Thanksgiving dinner this weekend.
  • While there are some historical and racist issues with Thanksgiving, it is a tradition in mi familia. What I'm thankful for
  • He cooked Thanksgiving dinner for a regiment of friends and family.
  • Wie ist so grosz und schwer die Last [1914] 7 Praise and Thanksgiving 1 Paul Gerhardt as a Hymn Writer and his Influence on English Hymnody
  • Another modern staple at almaximum eextremeccly Thanksgiving table is pumpkin pie.
  • Some of those protesting will be Americans, people who put flags out on the Fourth of July, eat turkey and succotash at Thanksgiving, and try to teach our kids to take pride in their country.
  • Friends and supporters of the hospice will be at its annual service of thanksgiving on Sunday.
  • Can you imagine how dry your thanksgiving turkey would be if there wasn't at least a 6% brine added to the turkey?
  • I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.
  • It is therefore a matter of everlasting gratitude and thanksgiving that all the men most concerned in the founding of our commonwealth were so clear and well-balanced on the subject of religious liberty, and so thoroughly inwove the same into its organic constitution. Luther and the Reformation: The Life-Springs of Our Liberties
  • And the highways and skyways are expected to be jammed today as the Thanksgiving weekend draws to a close.
  • I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.
  • Homemade Thanksgiving decorations are easy and fun to make.
  • Even so thanksgiving nature, people should have meeting of minds.
  • Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.
  • The day after Thanksgiving is the single 'cloggiest' day of the year for America's drains.
  • About a month ago when my parents suggested they treat me to an opulent, all-inclusive experience over the week of Thanksgiving, it was an offer I simply couldn't refuse.
  • Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • It was a bitter pill for the 117 men listed to swallow with their Thanksgiving turkey yesterday.
  • I have braved a hailstorm on Thanksgiving Day to barbecue a turkey.
  • Set on Thanksgiving, an artsy New York ragamuffin type tries to get dinner together for her estranged suburban family.
  • Last week it warned it would not meet analysts' forecasts for Q4 due to droopy sales over the Thanksgiving weekend.
  • Just before Thanksgiving, Senate majority leader Tom Daschle ducked questions about the military tribunals.
  • Selby is planning to say ‘thanks-a-million’ to the people who saved the town from severe flooding with a special thanksgiving service and an old-fashioned knees-up.
  • And therefore his attitude must be one of thanksgiving.
  • The paschal essence is especially evident in the prayer of thanksgiving over the water (largely the emended text of Luther's Flood Prayer).
  • She turned her attention to the dais, as Francil began reciting the ritual thanksgiving to the Founding Sisters. TREASON KEEP
  • Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.
  • The chillum pipe passes from one hand to the other, welcomed eagerly by glazed eyes and parched lips, with that booming thanksgiving note, ‘Boom Shankar’!
  • Many priests from the Connacht region and further afield joined in the concelebration of the Mass of thanksgiving.
  • So she journeyed home - gray clad among her flowers, drawn by four hundred hands - home to the cool nave between the long columns that were fingers raised, not in admonition, but in triumphant thanksgiving for mercy, majesty, and glory. Pilgrimage with La Virgen de Zapopan from "A House in the Sun" by Dane Chandos
  • And people no longer look to the parties to provide them with parades, marching bands, and Thanksgiving turkeys.
  • I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.
  • i got a brinkman offset smoker its great. i manily do pork and beef and thanksgiving turkey and once and a while stuffed jalopenos there great. i would love to do wild game but i dont hunt yet hoping to start somtime soon. also look for a rub called BUTT RUB it is great i put it on every thing i smoke. Smokin' Meat!
  • As a result, the day after Thanksgiving just ain't my thang.
  • I lifted my glass in salute to all my American friends, enjoying the big Thanksgiving meal, and thought with only a tinge of envy of the delights of roast turkey with all the trimmings.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. green/blog; featured-posts = 1; green = 1; living = 1; nickname = gene-baur; entry_id = 348662; @ylifestyle = 1; eating-animals = 1; jonathan-safran-foer = 1; thanksgiving = 1; vegetarian = 1; vegetarianism = 1", Gene Baur: What's Eating Us?
  • Thanksgiving in the United States is partly a religious festival, and partly a gala day.
  • Amtrak logged a record 24 million passengers last year and ridership jumped 80 percent during the Thanksgiving holiday.
  • After the feast, some people engage in recreational activities such as watching or playing sports —although, after such a heavy meal, a Thanksgiving Day nap is also a well-established custom.
  • Kung Fu Panda 2's" promo campaign includes a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon that's traveling the country and a tofu tie-in.
  • Where are you going for Thanksgiving?
  • We ate turkey and mashed potatoes – with a side of Spanish rice and tamales. We watched A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, after dancing to cumbias and salsa.
  • SURVIVOR: Speaking of stupid website decisions: CBS does a nice thing in webcasting the Thanksgiving night episode. Other TV Shows I Watch
  • Let the experts take over and call the butterball turkey hotline at 1-800-BUTTERBALL (available from 6am to 6pm, central standard time, on Thanksgiving day). RVABlogs
  • On Saturday I phone my city children to entice them out for Thanksgiving, dangling before them mountain marvels and prepaid tickets.
  • President Abraham Lincoln saw it as a way to unite the country, and he in 1863 he proclaimed a national Thanksgiving celebration on the last Thursday in November.
  • Bethenny calls her father-in-law an idiot on Thanksgiving because she didn't notice the turkey wasn't cooking then she goes to therapy and blames the tantrum on her childhood, I point out. Vanessa Carmichael: Reality Women
  • Thanksgiving and an acknowledgement of debt and gratitude are the first duties which a beneficiary owes to the benefactor.
  • Wish you a very special Thanksgiving Day for you and your family.
  • For Darius Demosthenes, 26, who has been living at this facility for six weeks, it is actually the promised macaroni and cheese that will help him most feel at home this Thanksgiving.
  • But they and my daughter have reached adulthood in one piece, and for that I say a prayer of thanksgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not turkey again - I maxed out on it at Thanksgiving.
  • In 1795, Washington again proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving, and President John Adams also declared Thanksgivings in 1798 and 1799.
  • It was a day of thanksgiving, and many expressed their appreciation for the help received from Alun and Margaret over many years.
  • A thanksgiving ceremony was held to mark the occasion.
  • She scolded me, saying it was "unchristian" to call on Thanksgiving. Jon Kerr: Football Coaches are Cut From a Different Cloth
  • She rode in it to the Silver Jubilee thanksgiving service at St Paul's Cathedral on June 7, 1977.
  • This particular stuffing is a Roasted Garlic Stuffing, and one of my Thanksgiving side dishes for this year. Roasted Garlic Stuffing | Baking Bites
  • I felt so bloated after Thanksgiving dinner.
  • In a terrible moment, the joyous closeness of Thanksgiving changed to the empty loss of death. Christianity Today
  • Last season they were 3-10 by the time Thanksgiving rolled around, and they never recovered.
  • One therefore commits a linguistic fallacy if one translates the expressive language of doxology and thanksgiving (in the beginning and end of the Lord's Prayer) into explanatory speech acts about God as a first cause.
  • In one of my less lucid moments, I had volunteered to host Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Police said they became aware of the alleged abuse on Thanksgiving night and the children were removed from the home then.
  • He tried an artful variant on the same trick by announcing a stunning personnel decision on the day before Thanksgiving.
  • The day before Thanksgiving, when the majority of schools have a half-day, many workers try to slip out a few hours early.
  • Fall melancholy turns into the winter blahs shortly after Thanksgiving for this Chicago girl.
  • Would you like to be the guest of honour at N'gori's little thanksgiving service? Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
  • It was winter, some time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when the light is crisp and clean, and I remember hugging myself with the knowledge that I was in New York and nowhere else.
  • The first Thanksgiving was celebrated out of gratitude for survival.
  • On Thanksgiving, Mom always gets up at the crack of dawn to put the turkey into the oven.
  • In a sign of broader anxiety among investors, attention swung almost immediately from Europe to worries in the U.S. In particular, the economy and Congress's so-called "super-committee" on deficit reduction, which is set to decide on budget cuts by Thanksgiving weekend. Dow at 12208, Boosted by Deal
  • A service of thanksgiving for his life will take place later in the year.
  • Either there's an editorial boo-boo in the second paragraph or I'm guessing someone really botched the Thanksgiving dinner at the White House! steve Pres. Obama cheers on brother-in-law at basketball game
  • The throng at her thanksgiving service in Ely Cathedral spoke volumes about her influence and the love that she inspired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some mouthed silent words of thanksgiving while others joyfully praised the God of creation.
  • I first read this poem at Thanksgiving, the title blurring with traditional Thanksgiving themes about blessing the 'ties that bind.' The WritingYA Weblog: Poetry Friday: The History Between Us
  • And you probably know that Thanksgiving has something to do with the first European settlers in America - the Pilgrims - who landed at what we now call Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620. Dr. Robert Epstein: Thanksgiving, Activism -- and Arianna Huffington!
  • Coming up to Thanksgiving in America, the Americans wanted to celebrate the occasion.
  • I think he was just trying to make me feel like a useless punk, since the only thing I've ever done with my own hands over any Thanksgiving was stuff a turkey.
  • The act is scheduled to sunset December 9, the same day the Senate returns from a two-week Thanksgiving break.
  • Though we are not with you but we miss you all on this Thanksgiving Day.
  • Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Having turkey is traditional at Thanksgiving.
  • But, since traffic here on SBR has grown so much lately we want to re-present the Thanksgiving special we published last year, thereby killing two birds (maybe even turkeys) with one stone. Happy Thanksgiving! Here’s Our Traditional Turkey Dish. « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • A restrained yet potent service of thanksgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • Thousands of people viewed the Thanksgiving Day parade.
  • Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  • As Kahn observes, the saxophone itself does the chanting - articulating and cantillating the word patterns of Coltrane's poem of praise and thanksgiving to his Creator.
  • When I was a kid, I remember we all wished for snow by Thanksgiving.
  • At least you have a family sizable enough to create an Thanksgiving-style crowd.
  • A great chest was filled with the ornaments of the churches -- sacred vessels, such as chalices, patens, monstrances, censers, chrismatories, etc. -- which we have now most carefully returned to their owners; so that your Reverence was enabled to fill four floats with these ornaments, in the solemn procession which his Lordship held in Manila on Trinity Sunday, in thanksgiving to God for the victory. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 27 of 55 1636-37 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • It's the reason so many of us end Thanksgiving dinner stuffed with turkey, dressing and sweet potatoes, but somehow manage to find room for pie.
  • But now, turducken is a holiday tour-de-force, the third most-searched-for holiday item in 2003, trailing only "turkey" and "fried turkey" in the Thanksgiving holiday category.
  • Not only these, even on All Saints' Day, but also more and more popular on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts.
  • Shortly before Thanksgiving The New York Times reported that criminal charges have been filed against 20 students in an affluent Long Island community for allegedly cheating on the SAT.
  • It is the prayer of the Word of God to the Father through the Spirit - a cosmic act of thanksgiving and glorification.
  • After the thanksgiving over the water, George dropped to his knees on a braided rug.
  • This Thanksgiving, my mom bought me a pumpkin pie.
  • Some of this increased activity was due to more people traveling during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
  • I thought it would be a nice break to go there for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • And we can share loving, supportive amens, praying that one another's petitions come true, adding our voices to each other's grateful thanksgivings.
  • It's going to be a service of thanksgiving for the work of the bee in the church on Sunday November 28.
  • October 28, 2008 at 2:00 PM ok , just called att wireless and asked about blackberry bold he put me on hold to check inventory and said thay are out now and the next shippment would be after thanksgiving. Wii homebrew back in action « Boy Genius Report
  • And during his Thanksgiving Day address to the troops in Baghdad, he paid tribute to their fallen comrades.
  • Sean: It'sounds like our Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Eve. What else ?
  • School officials said that prior to Thanksgiving there were no indications to teachers or other educators that the children were being abused.
  • This sacrament is called the Eucharist because it is the Church's sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.
  • Grace is a short prayer said at mealtime, a blessing and thanksgiving occasioned by eating.
  • You managed to worm your way into Valerie's Thanksgiving, surely you can insinuate yourself into her Christmas as well.
  • A short hymn of thanksgiving followed and the service was over.
  • Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • Thanks for being there as a friend so true! Happy Thanksgiving! You are the joy of my life.
  • OPRAH WINFREY (Host, "The Oprah Winfrey Show"): So, a few months ago, right around Thanksgiving, I found out that I have a half sister I never knew about.
  • There's room on the Thanksgiving-week sports buffet for more than just pigskin.
  • With another Thanksgiving behind us, we can all enjoy the post-binge ritual of unbuckling our belts.
  • She also has the commemoration of VE Day with another service of thanksgiving. The Sun
  • Today as we were driving back from Arnprior, Ontario after a busy Thanksgiving weekend, K suggested we take a detour through Carp to see this building pictured above.
  • I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.
  • On the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims feasted for three days.
  • The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter.
  • The rite of churching (originally purification, later just thanksgiving), unenforced but very popular, symbolically marked the end of lying-in.
  • As a lacto-vegetarian, I love to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but it has never been one of my favorite meals to eat.
  • Air traffic picked up substantially over Thanksgiving after a two-month hiatus.
  • Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.
  • It is called “The cup of blessing,’’ or “The cup of thanksgiving;” — the word eulogia is used promiscuously for Sacramental Discourses
  • It's traditional to eat turkey at Thanksgiving.
  • It is celebrated by Chinese all over the world as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving.
  • There was one time when I was a kid, and I was taken to the Thanksgiving Day parade.

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