How To Use Thankfully In A Sentence

  • In response to the outcry, as well as to the fact that colorization did not end up being the boon colorizers thought it would be, the practice thankfully disappeared after only a couple of years.
  • Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas. David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
  • We so little to change in terms of forward players so we had change the system and, thankfully, worked. The Sun
  • Thankfully, some excellent work by the chassis engineers means that there is no sign of wheelspin, often associated with powerful front wheel drive cars.
  • Grayson is one of the most progressive politicians the Democrats have and, thankfully, he does what is necessary to remain in office. Christopher Sprinkle: Alan Grayson Is a Street Fighting Man
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  • As darkness drew near I joyfully and thankfully watched the pinks, purples, blues and golden colors of the sky melt together into a picture-perfect sunset.
  • Thankfully, though, I believe that the Scottish art world has wider horizons than such navel-gazing, self-pitying introspection.
  • But that will thankfully never happen, because without trees and animals, food chains collapse, the air is unbreathable, they die, we die - or maybe no one's thought of that.
  • My article was not written for you and thankfully it has reached its target audience.
  • Thankfully, man-made, synthetic purification processes can separate the good parts of the castor bean from the toxic ones.
  • Thankfully she had been spared the ordeal of surgery.
  • Thankfully it was at this point the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open.
  • He opened his mouth - which was curved up with a slightly crooked grin - to speak, but thankfully the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open.
  • It is a show but not a contest, and, thankfully, the beauty of sport comes predominantly from the contest.
  • Thankfully, the good people outnumber the bad! The Sun
  • Thankfully, no steady breeze was blowing, so no wind chill was created.
  • Thankfully it also comes across as an actorly affectation and isn't written into the character's story.
  • Thankfully, the support staff I use gave me the confidence to continue to work away.
  • Thankfully, the actor has pulled in the reins, producing an electrifying performance that is truly chilling. The Sun
  • Thankfully, you no longer have to be a business to get a hold of their superior goods - just this past year, VOFC branched out into the retail hand-knitting yarn world. Yearn-Worthy Yarns: O-Wool from Vermont Organic Fiber Co
  • Thankfully, the four young leads give suitably heartfelt and believable performances, giving an otherwise schlocky teen soap opera the pleasing illusion of quality.
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • Thankfully, I was never a Twi-hard though … (is immediately bayoneted by psychopathic twelve-year-olds who think Edward loves them.) # The ReTARDISed Whovianon 03 Apr 2009 at 4: 34 pm Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A Glimpse into the Editor’s Office: Editing Twilight
  • Elric breathed thankfully and passed into the Tower of B'aal'nezbett. The Weird of the White Wolf
  • The film, thankfully, avoids the simplistic lectures that pervade many stories about social media, but it also fails to tackle how Zuckerberg's values, which are largely Facebook's values, impact the lives of its huge user base. Ari Melber: The Social Network: Because People Like Being Alone Together
  • Thankfully, I read rather a lot of good (by which I mean charactery) science fiction throughout January and February. A Sci Fi Experience Wrap-Up
  • But they as it seemed, being desirous to stay, accepted verie thankfully, and with great gladnesse that which vvas offred first. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • Thankfully, after crew helped her retrace her footsteps, the ring turned up. The Sun
  • Thankfully, both these perceptions have now been consigned to history. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I got it wrong (not too often, thankfully) the motor would backfire and try to kick me over the handlebars.
  • Thankfully, according to Corinne, keeping flexible also doesn't mean following a painfully angelic diet.
  • Thankfully this solitary poor moment is but one in a huge eight-minute orchestration - one of the shorter tracks on the album - that flits from section to section.
  • Thankfully, the dress was in a plastic wrapper so it wasn't affected. The Sun
  • Thankfully, the film clips along at a steady pace and never really gets boring.
  • On my walk from the taxi to KK House, I thankfully ran into Nicole, the Projects Abroad volunteer who "vacationed" with us to Cape Coast last weekend. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Thankfully, the angry beast can be unleashed at the flick of a switch. The Sun
  • Mario is always reliable and thankfully this time the plumber does it again ... nearly the perfect pocket platformer. The Sun
  • Thankfully he'd stopped dyeing his hair jet black. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully this man was apprehended safely and all the officers were able to walk away without a scratch.
  • In Medusa, thankfully, he is once again on thoroughly familiar territory, battling to pursue his own flawed version of truth through the lies, evasions and corruption that surround him.
  • The housing is silver plastic, looks pretty schmick and is thankfully free of flashing lights, glowy bits or fluorescent stickers.
  • A few players from each side got involved in a fracas, but thankfully common sense prevailed.
  • Now Berwick is, thankfully, on the road to recovery, the Diary will approach the great man and sound him out.
  • Thankfully, two young girls who worked in the barn came to our rescue.
  • Thankfully everything is cleanable and fixable.
  • Thankfully, they neither pros-elytised nor expressed opinions on some of the thornier issues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, as two of these books show, a degree of clarity has emerged after much vexed exegesis. Christianity Today
  • Thankfully, I was excused from jury duty this time.
  • Thankfully, she'd parked in his wide driveway so no one would have to worry about a plow sideswiping her car during the night.
  • Thankfully they are now following each other again. The Sun
  • Whenever we go with my parents to a bistro with pokies, or the casino, (thankfully, not often), they give me a dollar or five with which to play.
  • I felt awful yesterday. But, thankfully, I've found my sea legs now.
  • We have a wound care patient whose insurance denied daily visit recently, thankfully the wound care doc took it upon herself to call the pts insurance company. In Case You Were Wondering If Health Care is Broken...
  • Thankfully the fashion gurus have stopped short of the tightly laced stays that warped the ribs of our great grand mothers.
  • Thankfully my brother has made some progress and has been able to write a cheque to pay off his credit bill. Times, Sunday Times
  • After that psychological barrier was passed, the remaining scrambles and squeezes were negotiated with relative ease, and any mutinous murmurs were thankfully subdued.
  • By their physiques, thankfully the majority retain poise and dignity.
  • This is an exceptional and thankfully rare case. The Sun
  • Thankfully, prevention of split ends isn't as drastic as the cure.
  • I didn't have an answer because I didn't know myself and thankfully her concentration span was lacking at that point.
  • No, thankfully, or the situation could have ended up in an ever increasingly farcical court case.
  • Thankfully Ferguson was one of them too, and the unthinkable defeat became merely an unpalatable draw.
  • But on the whole it could have been much worse and thankfully there weren't any clashes between the fans.
  • Ann subsided into one of the chairs not unthankfully. The Vision of Desire
  • A spokesman for the group confirmed the fight but added that thankfully no one was injured. The Sun
  • I was thinking of bad timing (although, thankfully, without mortality involved) last week when a listserv I'm on received an email from one of our members.
  • Thankfully, these plans were quickly scrapped.
  • And for Axelson, that means a lot more scrabble, cribbage, cards in the van, more soccer and football at gas stops, and, thankfully, not much Dora the Explorer or diaper changing.
  • Jim downplays the loss; thankfully, he didn't sustain any bad physical injuries.
  • Thankfully, this tense heist thriller is one of his finest films for years. The Sun
  • It is thankfully the most obtuse piece here, and the only one in which that obtuseness obscures the song rather than aiding it.
  • The team were not at all conservative - and thankfully they were not portrayed that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully there are very few of these misandrists left and their demands become less and less relevant to normal people as the years roll round.
  • She guided us into the nurse's office, stopping for nothing, and sat us both gently down on a cot in one of the darkened sickrooms which was thankfully vacant.
  • A full scale search was launched and thankfully she was found unharmed, aside from suffering from the cold.
  • Thankfully, I'm quite happy to stay teetotal for the duration.
  • Eager to claim pole position, he skidded off the track with two minutes left, but thankfully walked away unhurt.
  • Thankfully there are many more enlightened towns and villages in the area that welcome visitors however they may travel.
  • Thankfully, the mother had brains enough to send her away again.
  • The second period, thankfully, was a more edifying spectacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Thankfully my wife is a total badass, which is why I've been able to do what I do," he says.
  • After Santa, we had a look around the craft fair, which wasn't all that good so thankfully my wallet stayed put in my pocket.
  • Once changed we set off over the fell with the rain thankfully absent for the time being.
  • In this strategy I am thankfully aided by Floyd, who is doubtless the most perverse sexual deviant ever to reside in our fair city of Wellington.
  • Thankfully there were others who thought differently and these players became sport legends. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, the costumier and my mother returned to the room.
  • Nor, as he had before thankfully observed, did her ladyship enamel her nails to the likeness of blood-stained talons.
  • Thankfully these are not Norse raisers in their longboats, but the Royal Marines' new all-terrain vehicles, now being delivered to Corps units.
  • Thankfully, we reached port with our innards if not our sanity intact.
  • Thankfully, I no longer go to this abhorrent nonsense replete with its jazz band and rock presentations and prebyters who suffer from systemic logorrhoea with three sermons per session and the uncontrollable urge to try to explain, even if poorly, everything they are doing. More inculturation and liturgical "updating", courtesy of the Asian bishops
  • Cake forks and serviettes were provided, thankfully not placed under the buttered teacake!
  • I have always been confident in my own ability and thankfully it paid off.
  • Let there not be such a heart in us as to deal so unthankfully with our God. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • This year, thankfully, sees a break with that sterile debate.
  • and he went off rather thankfully to attend to his belated deliveries. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • Thankfully, one of the stadium staff kicked her out of our box.
  • Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant, but once diagnosed are thankfully easily treated.
  • The era of photocopied vocabulary lists read by rote is thankfully over, thanks to textbooks like Compelling Conversations. Compelling Conversations: Questions and Quotations on Timeless Topics- An Engaging ESL Textbook for Advanced Students « Books « Literacy News
  • When he collapsed it, he was stretchered off with a neck injury that, thankfully, revealed no fractures.
  • Thankfully, the next track and recent single, ‘Everyday’, is much more of a pop rock song with its unusual opening bars, slightly offbeat drumming and catchy chorus.
  • and he went off rather thankfully to attend to his belated deliveries. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • Thankfully, I was already sauced and hyper from the beer I had ingested.
  • Thankfully, our chosen casks were in good condition so we ordered fresh samples for our final selection to be forwarded to Kendal.
  • Thankfully the donkeys and cows were tame, and were easily chased out of camp if they got too close.
  • As for Ester, she prayed, in her clothes-press, thankfully for Dr. Douglass, more hopefully for Sadie, and knew not that a corner of the poor little letter which had slipped from Julia's hand and floated down the stream one summer morning, thereby causing her such a miserable, _miserable_ day, was lying at that moment in Dr. Douglass 'note-book, counted as the most precious of all his precious bits of paper. Ester Ried
  • What saves it as a film are the stunning dance performances which are thankfully allowed to play out in full.
  • Now thankfully he's added goals. The Sun
  • Thankfully, studentsresponded to this editorial, disputing its characterization of the Women's Center as histrionic and taking issue with the weasel words that seem to absolve the DKE brothers of culpability ( 'boisterous''provocateurs'). Leah Anthony Libresco: Yale Daily News Wrong to Condemn Outrage in Response to Sexism
  • I think of our (thankfully!) past president and see the dire, worldwide damage caused by one ungrown little boy. Peter Clothier: Men's Warrior Weekend
  • Thankfully attitudes have changed and we now have a better understanding of the condition, which is caused by an extra chromosome. The Sun
  • In response to the outcry, as well as to the fact that colorization did not end up being the boon colorizers thought it would be, the practice thankfully disappeared after only a couple of years.
  • Thankfully I've managed to exercise a containment policy that means that we only have six small plates, a large baking dish and a serving platter.
  • As far as quoting notorious self-hating Jews like Noam Chomsky, yimakh shmo, and that great but thankfully deceased champion of Arab dominion, Eddie Said, such verbiage will only appeal to the ignorant. Could There Be a One-State Solution? - The Lede Blog -
  • Thankfully, Rucker avoided the trappings of other artists who '' countrify '' themselves. Undefined
  • As Len and I continue downriver, he checks his voice mail - in my mind, often; in his mind, occasionally - and, thankfully, it's always empty of bad news.
  • Thankfully, Champion is less circumspect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, he sank back into his comfortable chair; someone else would do the job.
  • I accepted the invitation thankfully.
  • Unfortunately, while the Iron Curtain is thankfully no more, a new division is emerging.
  • Thankfully, the lack of umpires and a couple of notorious rousers kept some traditions intact.
  • But our contemporaries, facing up to our present moment of crisis, are thankfully rather more tentative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both are rare recorded side-effects thankfully. The Sun
  • Thankfully there was only mild smoke damage to the family accommodation.
  • Fans still trade abusive taunts and many thankfully can still take a bit of name-calling without crying to the authorities.
  • Probes were constructed, thankfully unmanned, that could traverse space for long enough to touch down on the face of a planet and act as a beacon, or as a receiving antenna for the light matter.
  • Thankfully, when it all gets too much, the Web has some quick fixes for my addiction.
  • And yet while this is the second such tragedy in a month to hit a school coach, it remains a thankfully rare incident. The Sun
  • Bill's smugness is in full swing here, and thankfully is toned down in later performances.
  • Well, thankfully we have an opportunity each fall to choose cinematic options that remove (to a degree) the shackles of the corporate system.
  • Israel has two distinct long-term disadvantages to her survival that all other nuclear powers thankfully lack - horrid demographics and a torrid, passionate subsidized relationship with a sugar daddy, in this case America.
  • Our usherettes start striking attitudes and arabesques amongst the audience and thus starts the Prelude to a trilogy of vignettes, punctuated by intervals where we are thankfully encouraged to get up and move about.
  • Thankfully, like Feynman himself, they incorporate many diagrams to explain his findings in quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics.
  • Subtle changes have been made to give the operating stock a more correct historic appearance-the C&S-style bear-trap spark arrestors have already thankfully been banished from the operating engines.
  • Add the deep plum lipstick, and homegirl had a look that was uniquely, and thankfully, all her own. WHAT LOOKS LIKE CRAZY ON AN ORDINARY DAY
  • Thankfully, the bivvy bag allows you to enjoy, not just endure, the experience, because it keeps insects at bay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, we've got you covered - the first 500 people to use the code "mashable" will get right in Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • Thankfully, the lieutenant had slipped into unconsciousness, instead of continuing to squirm and convulse in obvious discomfort due to the attack on his nervous system. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • But this is not, thankfully, a compact disc with a theatrical agenda.
  • Trevor, thankfully, ignored my plea.
  • Thankfully, the costumier and my mother returned to the room.
  • More thankfully still, when it does, Lincoln's first question to me the next morning is whether I was able to help the person I was trying to save, and when I say no, as I usually do, he gives me a squawk, which is what they call a hug on "SpongeBob", and tells me he hopes I have better luck next time. The Full Feed from
  • he accepted thankfully my apologies
  • Thankfully, the alarm didn't go off and the food in the freezer seems to have stayed frozen.
  • He's been extremely sick , but thankfully he's off the danger list now.
  • Thankfully, though, this is not another in the long line of acclaimed women jockeys withering on the vine of prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, the painkillers were muting the pain in my belly down to a dull ache.
  • The team were not at all conservative - and thankfully they were not portrayed that way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cavernous and rambling, possessed of uninterrupted views of the Coney Island parachute jump, and with what my cousin still calls "ripply walls" (faux stucco), the place had sat unoccupied for a few years except for all of my grandparents' furniture, my grandmother's clothes, bags of long-forgotten photographs from the Old Country taken right before Hitler marched into Poland, and a jar of two year old gefilte fish sitting in the (thankfully still running) refrigerator. Elissa Altman: Why Brooklyn Needs to Be Careful
  • A pot of tea, thankfully, was on the kitchen table, and I slumped over to it eagerly, flopping down in my battered chair as Mom came bounding down the stairs, my three bags in hand.
  • But the house-share, thankfully, was just a springboard for some surreal flights of fancy, particularly aimed at film buffs.
  • She was unsurprisingly sore immediately after her unplaced effort, but thankfully suffered no lasting damage and her recent work has convinced Easterby that she remains in tip-top form.
  • Thankfully it was discovered in time. The Sun
  • Thankfully, FUNimation has decided to take on the title personally now by bringing over the third and fourth stages of the show while also planning to re-dub and re-work the first two stages for later release. Mania News Feed
  • They do this job tirelessly, for what many would consider inferior pay, sometimes unthankfully, and often anonymously.
  • Big awards, thankfully, don't always go to big ensembles, but there's a long way to go before a couple of perfect minutes of lapidary precision and ineffable depth can hope to compete on equal terms with a Wagnerian stem-winder. posted by Matthew @ 10: 00 PM Not long for this world
  • The text and all the artworks, thankfully, do not present an obvious interpretation of the title.
  • Thankfully someone had the bright idea to water down the dusty potholed road between Laborie and Piaye.
  • Thankfully things got better as the worst of the finalists were gradually sent packing.
  • I took a few well needed seconds to compose myself, and I was thankfully returned to a calm and collected state, on the outside at least.
  • But his pessimism is thankfully not shared by the wider group. Evan Dawson
  • Thankfully, the film contains enough dazzling special effects and smart ideas to excuse its preposterous and derivative plot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully no horses were lost this year and in fact the jocks came off worst.
  • The second half of the film thankfully tones down the groan-inducing asininity with which the cultural conflicts are handled, but only does so in favor of a different kind of asininity — that of the “corny feel-good bullshit” variety. This Week in DVD & Blu-ray: Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Blind Side, The Men Who Stare at Goats, Brothers, and More | /Film
  • Thankfully, both these perceptions have now been consigned to history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully the little scoundrels dropped Lucky and apologised before running off, but still - why try and steal my old cat?
  • Thankfully, efforts are already under way to bridge the digital divide.
  • She was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis and, thankfully, she survived. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was gritting my teeth in anticipation of the witches/magic payoff which, thankfully, did NOT come. ENCHANTING • by Patsy Collins
  • I ended up with tuberculosis, watched my operations in out-of-body experiences, thought everyone did, studied at home and thankfully got cured. Laura Mola: Know Thyself, from Someone Who Didn't (Part 1)
  • Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to get straight outside and plant the Irises, spread the fertilizer and sow the grass seed before it got dark.
  • The second instalment, thankfully, managed to appease some disgruntled fans. The Sun
  • Though the porch was, thankfully, enclosed, its windowed walls lacked the insulation necessary to keep out the blistering December air.
  • Thankfully, the pilot managed to pull out of the dive and regain control.
  • At the frizziest extremes are people with the thankfully rare 'uncombable hair syndrome'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The instruments had cost Benedict a fortune, but thankfully he was already a millionaire.
  • Thankfully, he sank back into his comfortable chair; someone else would do the job.
  • Thankfully there were still some decent action sequences (nothing beats a good catfight between two gorgeous blondes!
  • I also have the other two, thankfully more minor but unthankfully quite visible, fillings that have to be replaced. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Nothing much changes here thankfully - the perfectionist standards remain.
  • Others say that his cargo business thrived during anarchic wars of plunder that have, thankfully, subsided.
  • Thankfully, the filmmakers don't spend a lot of time goofing on the era à la Austin Powers, and choose, instead, to play it fairly straight.
  • Thankfully the print that has been sourced is spotless.
  • Ramirez smiled thankfully, some of his worries evaporating under the summary.
  • Today, thankfully, the acrimony is forgotten and only the coffee is bitter.
  • They have added a refreshing touch to the rather staid and mature democratic republic that West Germany has thankfully become. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Forcing the contestants to beg for their place also made for supremely uncomfortable viewing and was thankfully dropped by the Sunday. The Sun
  • The owner of one house was wakened in the early hours of Saturday morning by the flames and thankfully was able to raise the alarm and extinguish the fires.
  • Thankfully, both these perceptions have now been consigned to history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully, no one had unsaddled their horses because a moment later, the officers came galloping back in haste.
  • Thankfully, for rock music, Bruce stayed at home and in 1966 formed Cream, the first of the real supergroups.
  • Thankfully it was discovered in time. The Sun
  • Thankfully it was discovered in time. The Sun
  • But thankfully I was able to find some really recent motions to quash, written by people a lot smarter and more lawyerly than me, and that was helpful in clearing some of those citations. Waldo Jaquith - Motion to Quash in Garrett v. Better Publications.
  • Thankfully, for 5.3 million marks, you can buy a hell of a lot of visual thunder, which is why you should see this movie in the first place.
  • OJS: Sadly, part one of this interview is almost over and by sadly, I really mean thankfully. Interview: The True Hollywood Story – Part One « Bored Mommy
  • Thankfully, the rain had stopped but puddles of water were still standing stagnantly before the cafe's door.
  • Thankfully the incident did not divert the attention of either side from the main goal of winning the game though the hold-up was to have a significant bearing on the run of play.
  • I thankfully acknowledge the receipt of a Bank post Bill for £20 procured from the Literary Fund by the friendship & interest of Mr. Fitzgerald — I acknowledge it with the feelings which I hope may continue some time longer but I am sadly unwell and have only left for the good my blessing and my prayers. Letter 361
  • Thankfully the dirty plates were finally cleaned from the table, replaced with other elegant cups and bowls, and the banquet continued with at least another 20 specialties, culminating with the tiniest sweet cakes filled with my favorite red bean paste. Patrizia Chen: Eating 'City Lamb' in China

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