How To Use Thackeray In A Sentence
- In Thackeray's next full-length novel, the Newcomes are so called because they are both a nouveau riche and an arriviste family.
- It was a kind of ligh-hearted joke and I don't understand why such strained reaction came from Thackeray. NAACHGAANA
- Affectionate and needy, Thackeray had nurtured Anny's talents, and used her as his amanuensis.
- Thackeray evidently thought that this was too good a subplot to be used only once in English fiction.
- Becky Sharp, Thackeray's anti-hero in Vanity Fair, lived beyond her means and rarely paid her bills, particularly those she owed to "tradespeople" who had provided her with basic but unglamorous services. Carl Pope: Is America the New Becky Sharp?
- 'He (Thackeray) is a' goonda '(goon) and deserves punishment similar to criminals.
- But I do not think it is so much surcharged as 'Esmond;' 'Barry Lyndon' is by no manner of means so conscious as that mirror of gentlemanhood, with its manifold self-reverberations; and for these reasons I am inclined to think he is the most perfect creation of Thackeray's mind. Literature and Life (Complete)
- PATNA: Slogans of "Raj Thackeray murdabad" and "Rahul Raj amar rahe" rent the eerie midnight air at Patna's Gulbighat burning ground on the bank of Ganga on Tuesday as Kundan Prasad Singh lit the pyre of his son Rahul Raj. The Times of India
- The preceding chapter, ‘A Paper out of the Spectator’, is universally acclaimed as one of the most brilliant tours de force in Thackeray's prose, containing as it does a brilliant pastiche of Addison.
- The good doctor, who had succeeded his father-in-law here in 1791, was enough of a public character to have his name parodied by Thackeray as Dr. Tickleus. Thomas Henry Huxley