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How To Use Teuton In A Sentence

  • The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italian and the Teuton parted company on their way from The Unseen World and Other Essays
  • One unpleasant aspect of the commercial invasion of Italy by the Teuton was his liking to live there, and consequently the amount of real estate which he was collecting on the Latin peninsula -- so much that the lovely environs of Naples were fast becoming a German principality! The World Decision
  • Saying so, he commanded the kings of the Teutones to be brought out. as they were, in chains; for they were taken by the Sequani among the Alps, before they could make their escape. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Teuton" or the "Slav" he will give his last farthing and shed his heart's blood. The New World of Islam
  • They banqueted in the hall where in medieval times the Teutonic Knights had feasted. Emancipation
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  • The attacks of the Germanic Cimbri and Teutones were still fresh in memory, northern Gaul had not yet been conquered by Caesar - all the bad things always came over the Alps. HH Com 476
  • BRICK (derived according to some etymologists from the Teutonic _bricke_, a disk or plate; but more authoritatively, through the French _brique_, originally a "broken piece," applied especially to bread, and so to clay, from the Teutonic _brikan_, to break), a kind of artificial stone generally made of burnt clay, and largely used as a building material. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • It will be seen, in fine, that in the main Obermüller does not differ from accepted theories in German ethnology, which have long carefully dissevered the Celts from the Teutons, and assigned to each tribe with approximate accuracy its earliest fixed abode in Europe. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Teutonic Knights' Major Chapter House is a place where the finest German Christian warriors reside, training and devoting themselves to the order's pursuits.
  • The woman emitted a Teutonic sigh.
  • Kraftwerk famously came out of the German experimental music scene, which the music press later dubbed "krautrock", at a time when artists were creating work devoid of ties to Teutonic tradition. Blogposts |
  • It was not the stage-managed arrogance of the Teuton jackboot or the Brigade of Guards. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Every meal had enough cholesterol in the heavy Teutonic fare to kill a horse. SORT OF RICH
  • Romance appears hundreds of years later, and it _appears more immediately and earliest in connection with precisely those districts in which the passage of the few Teutonic, Slavonic and other barbarians had been least felt_. Europe and the Faith "Sine auctoritate nulla vita"
  • I have ever agreed, having read a few historical books for amusement, that you are a very ancient people, and your origin may be dated much farther back than that of the Teutones, the Celts, the Slavonians, the Angles, and Hurons. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • So, two ways to mitigate the damage: change the offensive, antirepublican, Teutono-Soviet name Homeland to Civil, as in Department of Civil Security. Civilize Homeland Security
  • A shrine where saints and scholars met And held aloft the torch of truth Lies smouldering 'neath fair Brabant's skies, A ruined heapwar's prize in sooth 1 The Pilates of Teutonic blood That fired the brand and flung the bomb Now wash their hands of evil deed, While all the world stands ghast and dumb. Belgium and the Belgians
  • Think a rough-hewn, Teutonic White Goddess, about a Romantic masterpiece rather than a Welsh riddle-poem, and you'll have the flavor of this weird knurl of taffy. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Mad'e. de Stael Holstein has lost one of her young barons [2], who has been carbonadoed by a vile Teutonic adjutant, -- kilt and killed in a coffee-house at Scrawsenhawsen. The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • He was the representative of the Christian Roman defying the Teuton, on the ground of rights which he believed to have existed while the Teuton was a heathen in the German forests. Roman and the Teuton
  • The Italian sea defense was betrayed to the Teutons
  • Teutonic 'nightmare,' French _cauchemar_ (_mara_, an incubus, or succuba), belong in this class of malefic ghosts. Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • I’ve always been fascinated with the sources of most modern fantasy that lie in Teutonic, Two Essays by Christopher Paolini
  • It is the latter, the Teutonic, that is in the minor key, and full of wistful sadness. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • This event was auspicious of the future of the entire community, since his apostolate was the means of propagating the order among the northern nations, and giving to it some of its present dominant characteristics of Teutonic discipline; whereas in the land of its origin it has never fully recovered from the disasters which befell it during the lifetime of its founder. Life of Father Hecker
  • Then we discover that outside of Teutonic countries no one celebrates Christmas by the giving of presents and that in Holland, instead of the stocking, the child's wooden sabot is used for the Christmas presents. How To Make A Christmas Speech
  • In the same way, a Teutonic drive towards success - success in all things - was moderated by an everyday courtesy. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Nor is this all; Critognatus in his harangue tells them that their ancestors had had recourse to the same kind of sustenance in the war with the Cimbri and Teutones. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • So also he combines the deeper and more abstract religious sentiment of the Teutonic races with the scientific precision and absolute systematism of the Among My Books Second Series
  • Tall and fair, grey-eyed and sinewy, the Teuton was a hardier, more sturdy warrior than the Celt: he had not spent centuries of quiet settlement and imitative civilisation under the ægis of Hero-Myths & Legends of the British Race
  • Teuton" but as blowing from the eternal heights of music whose winds list nothing of frontiers. A Book of Old Ballads — Complete
  • Teutonic, Greek, and Latin elements, while the German tongue unfolds all the varieties of the same idea by a series of compositive words founded upon one Gothic root. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • They were Romans, to whom the Teuton was a savage, speaking a different tongue, obeying different laws, his whole theory of the universe different from the Roman. Roman and the Teuton
  • Le Bon (42) says that we must always remember that the Teuton is the irreconcilable enemy of the civilization of the French and of all it stands for, and that he must always be kept at a distance. The Psychology of Nations A Contribution to the Philosophy of History
  • Luctatius Catulus, after the great victory they obtained in this country over the Cimbri and Teutones. Travels through France and Italy
  • Two fierce and terrible tribes, whom the Romans called Cimbri and Teutones, and who were but the vanguard of the swarms who would overwhelm them six centuries later, had come down through Germany to the settled countries belonging to Rome, especially the lands round the old Greek settlements in Gaul, which had fallen of course into the hands of the Romans, and were full of beautiful rich cities, with houses and gardens round them. Young Folks' History of Rome
  • It was indeed the Teuton "Black Maria," and we were hurried upstairs to be tumbled into it. Sixteen Months in Four German Prisons Wesel, Sennelager, Klingelputz, Ruhleben
  • I wonder why the BBC has chosen the word Teutonic here (click thumbnail): Teutonic
  • He had wagered that she would be a Teutonic heavyweight with callosities growing on her forehead.
  • It is known that when oats reached Britain, they were already being consumed as a gruel by the Teutons and Gauls and indeed the name porridge derives from the French word, potage - the strikingly similar word porage, which is still in use to this day, is another way Scots spell porridge. At My Table
  • What we call Celts and Teutons are simply portions of the one race, humanity, camouflaged up upon their different patterns. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • He possessed the Hollywood-Teutonic accent of a mitteleuropa geostrategist as well as a riveting personal story of escaping the oncoming horror of Nazism to serve the land that took him in. Magic and Mayhem
  • The night in all its fulness met her flatly on the threshold, like the very brink of an absolute void, or the antemundane Ginnung-Gap believed in by her Teuton forefathers. The Woodlanders
  • She was understandably reluctant to brave German fire to recover German wounded: "I don't mind running risks for our men or the French but I'm blithered if I'm going to have holes put in me by a bally Teuton while I pick up their men. Five Best War Memoirs
  • It should be explained here that the word Teuton is used advisedly, for in reality it is to the Austrians before the Germans that the development of the 11-inch and bigger field gun, with its special carriage and caterpillar-tread wheels owes its existence. Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights
  • Among the Westphalian hams and braunschweigers are tongue-twisting Teutonic mysteries like kasseler rippchen, nuss-schinken and touristenwurst.
  • a small German infant, fed on Teutonic romance and sentiment (and also funny Teutonic prosaicalness, bless it!) by a dim procession of Hortus Vitae Essays on the Gardening of Life
  • After the wars with the Cimbri and Teutones, he was sent into Spain, having the command of a thousand men under Didius, the The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Mistletoe had long been considered to have magic powers by Celtic and Teutonic peoples.
  • Included are marcasite and calcite from Goongewa zinc mine, wulfenite from Whim Creek copper mine, azurite from Teutonic Bore, and diamonds from Argyle diamond mine, along with a wide range of gold specimens from across the state.
  • It was here that Marius, the conqueror of the Teutones, fixed his headquarters, and embellished the place with temples, aqueducts, and thermae, of which, however, nothing now remains. Travels through France and Italy
  • The two leading nations of which they consisted are called Cimbri and Teutones, of whom the former were probably Celts and the latter Germans, but the exact parts of Europe from which they came can not be ascertained. A Smaller History of Rome
  • She looked at her husband: 'No remarks about Teutonic thoroughness. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • There is little we can see to distinguish them from prose except a strong tendency, as in the Teutonic languages, toward alliteration, and a leaning toward dissyllables. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Teutonic peoples such as Germans and Scandinavians and British
  • A nice but slightly sawed-off view of the Bergmannstral3e in the Kreuzberg, decent enough furnishings if you liked Early Ersatz Teutonic. CORMORANT
  • Roosevelt the Germanist admired the kaiser's finer Teutonic qualities, as indeed he did those of Bismarck and Helmuth von Moltke.
  • The names of these kings were mostly what we call Teutonic names; but those who write the almost entirely hagiological records did not say, and apparently did not ask, whether the populations were in this sense of unmixed blood. A Short History of England
  • Returning to Rome, Marius was elected consul for five years consecutively and given command against the migrating Cimbri and Teutones, who had inflicted a series of defeats on the Romans and were threatening Italy.
  • They shared, according to Tacitus, a war orientated Teutonic lifestyle with a veneration for the portentous powers of sage women and a predilection for feasting and drinking to excess.
  • Despite the fact that scholars of all nations scoffed at the thing, and pointed out that the very term 'rune' is of Teutonic origin, one enthusiastic old gentleman -- Mr. Michael Bawdrey, a retired brewer, thirsting for something more enduring than malt to carry his name down the ages -- became fired with enthusiasm upon the subject, and set forth for Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces
  • Gary at 2.26 Maybe Vaughan should use a minimart on January 20, 2010 at 10: 14 am Furor Teutonicus Devon & Cornwall « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The clerk, who seemed to think we understood physics, began to assail us with incomprehensible gibberish about the alloys of precious metals, enamels from the Far East and a revolutionary theory on pistons and communicating chambers, all of which contributed to the Teutonic science underpinning the glorious stroke of that champion of scrivening technology. The Shadow of the Wind
  • her voice rising as Sophie plodded on with Teutonic thoroughness. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • _ "Even the sober Teuton and the rough son of the Bannat could enjoy the few moments that war gives to festivity, and what the next night or morning might bring was not suffered to disturb their sense of" schnapps, "and their supper. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 340, February, 1844
  • Hitler's goals were to purify Germany by removing people with all but the purest Teutonic blood and to expand German territory throughout Europe.
  • On coming into the room where Min and I were regarding Dicky Chip's performances with loving eyes, and I completely "translated" by various combinating influences, Mrs Clyde appeared to take in the situation in an instant -- "an eyewink," as a minute portion of time is happily rendered in the Teutonic tongue. She and I, Volume 1
  • It drives well, with the only down side from my point of view being the boxy and heavily Teutonic styling.
  • She was understandably reluctant to brave German fire to recover German wounded: "I don't mind running risks for our men or the French but I'm blithered if I'm going to have holes put in me by a bally Teuton while I pick up their men. Five Best War Memoirs
  • Roman general, named Caio Mario, against two large armies of Saracens with ultramoritane names (the Teutones probably and Cimbri) in gratitude to Anne of Geierstein
  • The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.
  • Recreating the region of solicitation and paranoia exclusive the Teutonic status is a aggroup that includes Singer's regular collaborators physicist saint Sigel (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2, X-MEN) as administrator of picturing and editor / composer Evangelist Ottman (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2); as substantially as creation designers Lilly Kilvert (two-time Oscar-nominee for THE LAST SAMURAI and LEGENDS OF THE FALL) and Apostle Lumb (THE OMEN) and accumulation specializer Joanna general (MUNICH, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN). Planet Malaysia
  • Though it is now customary to endow maggot with a Teutonic provenance, it has also been etymologized as the Middle Welsh maceiad, akin to magiaid VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
  • The loosely confederated empire began to feel beleaguered from East and West, becoming aware of the growing pressure of Teutonism.
  • Despite the fact that scholars of all nations scoffed at the thing and pointed out that the very term 'rune' is of Teutonic origin, one enthusiastic old gentleman -- Mr. Michael Bawdrey, a retired brewer, thirsting for something more enduring than malt to carry his name down the ages -- became fired with enthusiasm upon the subject, and set forth for Cleek, the Master Detective
  • Just an AOP who survived the blitz, 4 years as a Squaddie [@4 bob a day], shoveled Dung @9d/hr in the cowshed, and watched turds go up the ladder and turn into dysentery on the way down [had that too] etc … … on January 23, 2010 at 7: 28 am Furor Teutonicus Police Complaints – The Shocking Truth! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The bewhiskered individual, who looked like a Scotsman, had the Teutonic name of Von Blix, and spoke with a strong American accent. Chapter 14
  • Anyone who believes the national stereotype of the Germans as humourless might like to ponder the following Teutonic rib-tickler: How did the Grand Canyon originate?
  • But it seemed odd -- to an absurdly sensitive, non-Teutonic mind it seemed somehow to lack justice -- that the picture-framer, after having been ruined, must risk his life in order to snatch from the catastrophe the debris of his career. Over There War Scenes on the Western Front
  • It is the peculiarity of most of these German laws, in the only shape in which we know them, that, besides the _allod_ or domain of each household, they recognise several subordinate kinds or orders of property, each of which probably represents a separate transfusion of Roman principles into the primitive body of Teutonic usage. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • They stay where they are and become more narrowly, intrinsically Teutons -- irreclaimably Villa Elsa A Story of German Family Life
  • The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.
  • Teutones could not contain themselves till the Romans should come down and fight them on equal terms, but hastily arming themselves, charged in their fury up the hill-side. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • But the truth is that the pfennig is the average Teuton's king, Songs and Other Verse
  • The Teuton is the noblest race that has existed, and is the most progressive. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
  • The third fundamental cause of the War was the desire of the Teutonic powers to control the small nations of the Balkan peninsula.
  • Bourne writes, ‘In his new enthusiasms for continental literature, for unplumbed Russian depths, for French clarity of thought, for Teuton philosophies of power, [the immigrant] feels himself citizen of a larger world’.
  • The Teutonic languages derive from Primitive Germanic.
  • In fact, they think of themselves as three separate peoples whom they call the Cimbri, the Teutones, and a rather polyglot third group made up of a number of smaller peoples who have joined up with the Cimbri and the Teutones during their wanderings — the Marcomanni, Cherusci, and Tigurini — who, according to my German interpreter, are more Celt than German in origins. The First Man in Rome
  • Welschen und in Tiutschen richen_, 'in all Welsh and Teutonic kingdoms.' The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • Germania" sets out to counter anti-German prejudice by celebrating the quirky, often cosmopolitan aspects of German history and culture that are at odds with the caricature of a monolithic, ruthlessly efficient and aggressively Teutonic state, associated first with Prussian expansionism and then, notoriously, with the totalitarianism of the Third Reich. Teutonic Temptations
  • The Battle: The Cimbrian War, fought between the Romans and the German tribes called the Cimbri and Teutons, was a long hard slog for Rome, with many defeats. Elections - fresh news by
  • By the way Lance, I applaud your use of alliteration and assonance; "Teutonic turd peddler" is so much more poetic than "German shit merchant. 10,000 BC IS A CRITICAL DARLING
  • I can't speak German, but I gave the line a bit of Teutonic oompah and it sounded kind of right.
  • But he held in leash a vast confederacy of nations -- Teutonic, Sclavonic, and what we now call Turanian, -- whose territories stretched from the Rhine to the Caucasus, and he is said to have made "the isles of the Ocean", which expression probably denotes the islands and peninsulas of Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • The causes which make dolente a solemn word to the Italian ear, and dolent a queer word to the English ear, are causes which have been slowly operating ever since the Italican and the Teuton parted company on their way from Central Asia. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • The people whom Sallust here calls Gauls (_Galli_) are the Cimbri and Teutones, German tribes coming from the countries about the Elbe. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • British reader can see its absurdity most easily when he reads the ravings of some patriotic German upon the superiority of the "Teuton" over the Italians and Greeks -- to whom we owe most things of importance in European civilisation. What is Coming?
  • What all this will do for President Nicolas Sarkozy's re-election chances is anyone's guess, and perhaps a strategy that appeals to Gallic class envy in the name of Teutonic fiscal rectitude will work. French Tax Attack
  • The original homeland of the Cimbri and the Teutones is a long, wide peninsula lying to the north of Germania, vaguely described by some of the Greek geographers, who called it the Cimbrian Chersonnese. The First Man in Rome
  • His eyes took on an ugly gleam, his jaw stuck out, his expression incarnated Teutonic obstinacy. The Spinner's Book of Fiction
  • Fiery Magyars, mechanical Teutons and stolid muzhiks mixed together in an indescribable hellbroth of combative fury and destructive passion. The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 12) Neuve Chapelle, Battle of Ypres, Przemysl, Mazurian Lakes
  • The Germanic languages (sometimes called Teutonic) are found in three parts of Europe today. The World War and What was Behind It Or, the Story of the Map of Europe
  • In his handling of the French octosyllable he at once displays that impatience of the rigidly syllabic system of prosody which Teutonic poetry of the best kind always shows sooner or later. The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (Periods of European Literature, vol. II)
  • The strangest has to be this 1963 British comedy sketch which our Teutonic cousins watch every New Years Eve while alcoholically enhanced. What Germans find funny: "Dinner for One"
  • Granted, they don't shy away from monotone, Teutonic vocals or cold, trebly analogue synth riffs, but their sound is equally rooted in punk influences.
  • German city, and renewed in an offensive manner the earlier antipapal complaints of the Germans, the famous "Centum (101) gravamina teutonicae nationis"; Pastor adds (op.cit. 97) that the failure of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The battle began with a salvo from the Teutonic Order's bombards but, like most artillery of the time, that had little effect in the open field.
  • The alleged bureaucratic ubiquity of the Teutonic world is not really being treated as conditional on the truth of a contingent claim about those hardy Boreal nomads of the Arctic.
  • Possessions and their tenures, being of this nature, show the balance of the Teuton monarchy, wherein the riches of earls were so vast that to arise from the balance of their dominion to their power, they were not only called reguli, or little kings, but were such indeed; their jurisdiction being of two sorts, either that which was exercised by them in the court of their countries, or in the high court of the kingdom. The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • Like the Teutonic language Anglo-Saxon/English is, it has been open to compounding, metaphorizing, alliterating, prefixing and suffixing*, etc., almost as a rule if not actually so, as illustrated in A-S poetry, pre-dating WS by centuries. The Volokh Conspiracy » How Much Did Shakespeare Embiggen the English Vocabulary?
  • This language was, in the first instance, the provincial Roman, and the Teutonic was the language of the courts, until the time of Charles the Bald. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Finnish Spitz: The national dog of Finland, this dog sounds like what a teutonic dentist might say, "Finish spitz? Westminster Dog Show 2012—as it happened
  • However, there is another more ancient derivation for Carnival suggested in some sources, the Latin carnous navilus, being a term describing the naval vessel that bore the Teutonic god of the North from his northern home southward to join in the annual pagan winter festivities. Front Page
  • Barbarians the name Teutonic; and certainly many of its component tribes (though not all) appear to have certain religious customs, and even the names of certain gods, in common at the opening of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent

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