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  1. a verse line having four metrical feet

How To Use tetrameter In A Sentence

  • Wordsworth experimented with an anapestic ballad stanza of alternating tetrameter and trimeter in the 1798 Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music
  • It is well known that, from earliest times, iambus seems to designate iambic trimeters and trochaic tetrameters (including their choliambic variants, and with the subsequent addition of the epodes and the asynarteta).
  • The twilight hours like birds flew by," is made up of four iambic feet, and is therefore an _iambic tetrameter_. Elementary Guide to Literary Criticism
  • Mortality" contains 14 four-line stanzas of anapestic tetrameter, meaning that it advances in four beats of three syllables, two unstressed and one stressed. With Death on His Mind
  • The only notable exceptions are the trochaic tetrameters of ‘The Phoenix and Turtle’ and the iambic tetrameters of Sonnet 145.
  • ” The former is trochaic—the latter is octameter acatalectic, alternating with heptameter catalectic repeated in the refrain of the fifth verse, and terminating with tetrameter catalectic. The Philosophy of Composition
  • The heptameter is usually divided into a tetrameter and a trimeter; the octameter, into two tetrameters. English: Composition and Literature
  • The stanza is thus seen to comprise three tetrameter trochaic catalectic verses. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The poem is in trochaic tetrameter with catalexis at the end of each line.
  • I have also used iambic tetrameter, a rhyme scheme that appears frequently in songs and uses four iambic feet.
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