How To Use Tetragon In A Sentence
Some of these larger crystals are elongate, giving them a tetragonal rather than cubic appearance.
RyRs are disposed in a tetragonal arrangement, and groups of four DHPRs, or tetrads, are associated with alternate RyRs, forming a related array.
A figure that is bounded by four straight lines is termed a quadrangle, quadrilateral or tetragon.
Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
Martensite is a supersaturated solid solution of carbon in iron which has a body-centred tetragonal structure, a distorted form of bcc iron.
-- "Fur above sooty black without any ferruginous smear, beneath lighter coloured; whiskers long, silvery grey; some parts of legs and feet greyish, clothed with adpressed hairs; claws short, whitish; ears large, round, naked; outer margin lying on a level with the fur of the head and neck, the ears being thus concealed posteriorly; tail tetragonal, tapering, shorter than head and body.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon

Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
This was an octagonal construction that from a distance seemed a tetragon (a perfect form, which expresses the sturdiness and impregnability of the City of God), whose southern sides stood on the plateau of the abbey, while the northern ones seemed to grow from the steep side of the mountain, a sheer drop, to which they were bound.
The Name of the Rose
Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
Though closely resembling the tetragonal torbernite in form, it crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and is optically biaxial.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
Rutile is a tetragonal mineral famous for its variety of crystal habits and twinning.
Xenotime crystals exhibit tetragonal prisms, dipyramids, and pinacoids, whereas zircon may exhibit first- and second-order tetragonal prisms, dipyramids, and pinacoids.
The zircon, hyacinth, jacinth, or jargoon belong to the tetragonal system of crystallization.
The crystals are stepped tetragonal pyramids (somewhat resembling anatase) associated with chrysocolla.
Superb, equant tetragonal crystals occur on quartz in the junction pockets.
Such an organism would draw not a triangle-based color-wheel but a tetragonal color-sphere.
The Color Wheel, Part 2
These are, in order of decreasing symmetry, the cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic systems.
Small, black, tetragonal anatase crystals associated with rutile were found on microcline by Kile.
Seeds are extremely small, being less than 1 mm in size, with a wide variety of shapes (ellipsoid, oblongoid, ovoid, globose, trigonous or tetragonous).
Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
Be there or be an equilateral tetragon with four eight-point angles.
This is what Super Tuesday means, right?
Scalene triangle; a quadrangle; quadrilateral or tetragon 59
Mechanical Drawing Self-Taught
No evidences of low-temperature phase transition were found for PbTiO3, while the tetragonal-orthogonal and orthorhombic -rhombohedral phase transitions were present for BaTiO3.
On the other hand, the Characinidæ (a family of the physostomous fishes) are found in Africa and South America, and not in India, and even its component groups are so distributed, -- namely, the _Tetragonopterina_ [146] and the _Hydrocyonina_. [
On the Genesis of Species
That means we came painfully close to possibly discovering the biggest Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull spoiler of them all – whether the crystal skull is made of tetragonal ionic crystal or orthorhombic covalent crystal.
New Indiana Jones Trailer Means It’s Either Good, Bad, Or Neither
Pg. 108, tetragon changed to tarragon (16,900 tarragon plants).
Fighting France
Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
These are, in order of decreasing symmetry, the cubic, hexagonal, tetragonal, trigonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic systems.
Having determined the identity in chemical composition of the crystals, it was thought that there might be a difference of form of the crystals in the various plants, from the fact that calcium oxalate crystallizes both in the tetragonal and the monoclinic systems.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
“A tetragon that acts like an octahedron,” the Doctor said.
Eight, the number of perfection for every tetragon; four, the number of the Gospels; five, the number of the zones of the world; seven, the number of the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
The Name of the Rose
Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
In addition, Tetragonocrinus has tetragonally positioned accessory canals along the column.
The latter four minerals are polymorphs of quartz, meaning that they have the same chemical composition (silica), but different crystalline forms (tetragonal or monoclinic).
The _spikes_ are solitary or fascicled curved on very short branches 1 to 1-1/2 inches long; rachis is green, undulating, tetragonous, with a broad central nerve on the flat faces.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
The crystals are typically tetragonal dipyramids with pinacoids.
In column 3 (Maximum symmetry, axes), the pairs of figures denote numbers and types of axes of symmetry: thus, for example, the tetragonal system has one fourfold symmetry axis and four twofold axes.
It crystallises in the 3rd (tetragonal) system, with indistinct cleavage.
The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
Zircon (variety cyrtolite) commonly forms curved tetragonal crystals that radiate from a base of biotite crystals and terminate in adjacent feldspar.
It was long, built around two sections of the tetragon, and with low divans beneath the view windows.
Operation Haystack
Rutile is made up mostly of titanium dioxide with two rarer polymorphs anatase or octahedrite, which is a tetragonal mineral of pseudo-octahedral habit, and brookite, which is an orthorhombic mineral, the Doctor explained to her.
Furthermore, we see that the molecular rows along the a axes are in perfect alignment with the underlying layers, as one would expect for the tetragonal lattice of the CO-HbC crystals.
The latter four minerals are polymorphs of quartz, meaning that they have the same chemical composition (silica), but different crystalline forms (tetragonal or monoclinic).
Page 520 lakes or ponds, vast tetragon terraces, chunk yards*
Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
I'm sure she's pulling her gray hair out at missing her chance to baffle both kids and parents with "tetragon", but hey, she could always write a sequel!)
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Menaechmus, and by Nicomedes for squaring the circle, whence it got the name τετραγωνιζουσα {tetragônizousa}, _quadratrix_.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
One of the most arresting pictures is Karl Benjamin's 1957 oil-on-linen "Small Planes: White, Blue, and Pink," whose multiple tetragonal shapes look like boxes that have been mounted, or spread, but simultaneously seem to float weightlessly on the picture plane.
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In the fourth house I find Jupiter in a decadence, as also in a tetragonal aspect to Saturn, associated with Mercury.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Having determined the identity in chemical composition of the crystals, it was thought that there might be a difference of form of the crystals in the various plants, from the fact that calcium oxalate crystallizes both in the tetragonal and the monoclinic systems.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
Narsarsukite is another tetragonal mineral that can show a tetragonal prismatic habit, particularly when it develops in open cavities.
Though closely resembling the tetragonal torbernite in form, it crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and is optically biaxial.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"