How To Use Tetany In A Sentence
It is probable that the tetany following parathyroidectomy is due to the accumulation of ammonium carbonate and Kendall has suggested that the function of the parathyroid is to convert ammonium carbonate into urea.
XI. Splanchnology. 4b. The Parathyroid Glands
Short of full-blown tetany, in medical conditions with a low blood calcium the motor axons in the peripheral nerves may show an increased sensitivity to mechanical stimulation.
Suckler cows with calves will also benefit from early turnout provided the fields are sheltered and dry and you take steps to prevent tetany.
Hypocalcemic tetany as an early sign of DiGeorge syndrome in adult woman.
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Taking an example in practical terms, a cow down with tetany would be dead before a bottle of magnesium could be prescribed and administered.
“I could not control it,” he said, “and my back and legs hurt; it was almost like tetany violent muscle spasms and convulsions.”
Bitter Harvest
After surgery, the patient developed tetany and generalized paresthesias requiring large amounts of intravenous calcium and oral vitamin D.
This glandular decline interferes with calcium metabolism and may produce the condition of hypocalcemic tetany.
Meditation as Medicine
Several reports from the older literature indicate that tetany may occur in association with hypokalemia, but the mechanism is poorly understood.
Other complications include colic, founder, diarrhea, choke, abortion and transit tetany.
Larger doses of fluoride can cause life-threatening hypocalcemia with convulsions, tetany, decreased myocardial contractility, ventricular arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest.
There is unlikely to be a need to supplement major minerals when cattle are at pasture or on good silage apart from giving magnesium to lactating cows during the risk periods for grass tetany.
Other manifestations of the disease include osteopenic bone disease, infertility, tetany, ataxia and neurologic disorders.
Several reports from the older literature indicate that tetany may occur in association with hypokalemia, but the mechanism is poorly understood.
Several reports from the older literature indicate that tetany may occur in association with hypokalemia, but the mechanism is poorly understood.
The patient may experience nausea, vomiting, hyperventilation, and hypocalcemia with muscle tetany and seizures.
Slide 26: Clinical course in acute ethylene glycol intoxication 12 to 24 hours Cardiovascular Mild hypertension, tachycardia, and shock Pulmonary Tachypnea adult respiratory distress syndrome pulmonary edema pneumonitis Metabolic Metabolic acidosis with elevated anion gap decreased osmolal gap possible tetany from hypocalcemia, and hyperventilation
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The patient may experience nausea, vomiting, hyperventilation, and hypocalcemia with muscle tetany and seizures.
Although tetany occurs in all muscles that are stimulated, flexor groups are usually stronger and predominate.
July 18, 1871
The patient may experience nausea, vomiting, hyperventilation, and hypocalcemia with muscle tetany and seizures.
The hormone parathormone, from the parathyroid glands, is the main regulator of blood [Ca + +], so tetany is a major sign of the condition of hypoparathyroidism.
The complications of tetany and hypoparathyrodism were not understood.
Emil Theodor Kocher
Stress of any kind can be a major trigger for spring or autumn tetany.
The differential diagnosis of tracheomalacia includes laryngomalacia, subglottic stenosis, congenital cysts, vocal cord paralysis, and hypocalcemic tetany.
Clinical symptoms are related to hypokalemia and hypertension, and may include weakness, paresthesias, cramps, tetany, fatigue, headache, and visual disturbances.
One explanation of the apparent high death rate from infant tetanus was that it was mistaken for tetany, which causes convulsions and has been traced to a deficiency of calcium and other vital minerals during pregnancy.
Acute neonatal hypocalcaemia results in tetany and convulsions, usually at 5 to 14 days of age.
This manifests symptomatically with episodes of severe muscular weakness or paralysis, tetany and postural hypotension.
Hypocalcemia can present dramatically as tetany seizures altered mental status or stridor.
Suckler cows with calves will also benefit from early turnout provided the fields are sheltered and dry and you take steps to prevent tetany.
This is because people who suffer Panic Disorder, when they experience tetany for the first time, often think incorrectly that they are about to die.
You could actually feel the delicious muscle tetany spasming through Clegg's jaw as he fought to control the Coitus reservatus for after PMQs.
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Experiments on animals, which proved more sensitive to loss of the parathyroids than men were, showed that muscles tightened convulsively, a situation called tetany (tet'uh-nee; "stretch" G).
The Human Brain
Last time we had a bird, a parakeet, it lived for five or six years and then had a stroke, began having a kind of rolling tetany.
Archive 2010-06-01
Tetany is a type of cramping which activates all of the nerve endings in the body.
Five days later she developed tetany and hypocalcaemia.
Several reports from the older literature indicate that tetany may occur in association with hypokalemia, but the mechanism is poorly understood.
A student nurse ordinarily in excellent health starts having menstrual cramps and hyperventilates producing all the symptoms listed above, even to the point of tetany.
For the spring calvers the best protection is to wean but in the meantime they need to get a magnesium supplement and it should be continued for at least a week after weaning as the stress of weaning can pre-dispose cows to tetany.
For suckler cows with calves, the biggest risk now is grass tetany.