How To Use Testing In A Sentence

  • The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Saturday June 20 Part II)
  • Keeping specific goals and metrics for testing in mind not only helps track status and results, but also avoids the last-second scramble to pull together necessary reports.
  • Practical measures such as quality control and testing are very important in the manufacturing process.
  • Prior to testing, stimulus males were kept for some days in aquaria with a one-way mirror on one side to acclimatize them with their reflected image.
  • Pathology, Inc. specializes in women's health diagnostic testing services, with expertise in gynecologic pathology, genitourinary pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology and cytopathology. Business Wire Travel News
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  • The appropriate specimens to submit for testing include food (in the original container if it is available) or environmental specimens, stool, serum, gastric contents, or vomitus.
  • Pfizer emphasized the halt was limited to patients participating in clinical testing who suffered from a joint disorder known as osteoarthritis, although the company is slated to meet with the FDA later this week to assess any implications for other programs. Pfizer Suspends Trials of Pain Drug After FDA Request
  • The training sets are both larger and partially disjoint from the testing collections. Boing Boing: November 24, 2002 - November 30, 2002 Archives
  • Cells like that have been used to prevent cirrhosis of the liver and to heal diabetic ulcers and for drug testing.
  • The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.
  • Regular testing of influent to determine when the grit content is low enough to handle in the plant. Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Waste Water and Mitigation Strategies
  • And still major leaguers blew it last season, triggering a more stringent form of testing by exceeding the five-percent threshold of positive results.
  • In the seven games that they won the young squad travelled thousands of kilometres, lording it over 191 other contesting schools.
  • All we need to do is run the client script on the testing servers as a cron job.
  • There are obvious logistical problems involved in protesting outside such a facility, and it was clear from the outset that the protest was not going to reach the giddy heights of previous campaigns.
  • When routine testing at 20 weeks showed that Southampton, PA mother-to-be Andrea Malloy's alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels were high, the news was not good. Gastroschisis — Malloy
  • This new circuit will allow for the testing of braking system performance in snow and ice conditions on sharp corners and twisty turns.
  • In the testing field, Guo Jingjing did not have in athletic field fierceness, opens cautiously.
  • Routine post-mortem testing did not rule out BSE, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, commonly called mad cow.
  • The following story is reprinted from Dakota Dirt, a newsletter published by South Dakota State University Soil Testing Lab.
  • Consequently it has provided a testing ground for a number of competing hypotheses concerning the relationship between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics in linguistic theory.
  • Also, we are launching a new inspection regime this month, following testing and consultation. Times, Sunday Times
  • aboveground nuclear testing
  • The Homeland Security Department is also testing alternatives, such as electronic monitoring devices.
  • Along with the artist's renderings of badgers, each item is illustrated with easy to understand icons referencing water resistance, biodegradability (meaning you can go into a lake or ocean without harming the aquatic life), animal testing (none), and UVA rating. Marcia G. Yerman: Sunscreen Protection and Nail Polish: A Green Approach
  • Testing the new bike in the dizzying mountains north of glamorous Monaco, all of these improvements came together beautifully. The Sun
  • Cancer deaths caused by fallout from weapons testing could rise to 2.4 million over the next few centuries.
  • Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
  • This has been a testing time for us all.
  • Testing the Woonerf against alternatives Remodelling of residential areas into Woonerven is, of course, expensive.
  • You had to rebush the rod if the slack was excessive, or rebore the big end if it was split - all of which you hoped could be deferred until the entire affair had to be dismantled for white-lead testing.
  • Contesting articulations of musical practices could as a rule now arise only at the level of consumption.
  • Gavlok trailed along after, protesting his friend's evacuation. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • There also are significant differences in the requirements for testing ranges and repetition rate, and pass-fail criteria are much tighter under the new standard.
  • But the new working class of former rural folk did not make the transition to industrial wage labor easily or without protesting in subtle and indirect ways. America Past and Present
  • For years, HPV testing was a relatively small, unnoticed component of the medical economy, struggling to find its place in medical diagnostics.
  • Testing ground found him out at Exeter last time. The Sun
  • Management wants year-round random testing, a ban on precursors such as androstenedione and stiffer penalties for players who violate the policy. - Expos question nears an answer
  • But Gorbachev too was influenced by Western disarmament groups, and even initiated a nuclear testing moratorium at their suggestion.
  • Over the years, firemen have been rendering exemplary service at the most testing times.
  • Stock in the FTSE 250 maker of telecoms testing equipment has risen nearly threefold in the space of a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high-speed privatization.
  • Proponents say exam scofflaws are part of the price of annual testing, which shows parents how well a school is really doing, and dismiss the notion that accountability itself is the problem.
  • I would advise against riding the moped without testing the brakes first.
  • Glass manufacturers and structural engineers are testing not only new glass interlayers, but also new window systems, including mullions, frames and anchors.
  • It ends with the animal protesting, after being chained during musth.
  • Recommendations for early identification testing often include the use of commercially available, nationally normed measures of reading and phonological awareness.
  • A brief history prepared by the Education Coalition, a lobbying group, says California began statewide testing in 1962.
  • In the late 19th century there were frequent matches as it was a way of testing design and modifying sailing rigs for maximum performance.
  • The Mpumalanga government on Tuesday warned that fraudulent licence syndicates, that issued thousands of fake drivers licences from former homeland testing centres throughout the province, had now moved their operations to major cities such as Witbank. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It will analyze the effects of implosions during non-nuclear mock-up experiments - simulations that will render actual weapons stockpile testing unnecessary.
  • All patients also had ambulatory testing at three separate intervals.
  • Some products will benefit from being generally available for photography or for legitimate testing.
  • During early testing, I ran pseudo with the server modified to randomly crash about one syscall in three, with the intent of carefully testing this functionality.
  • They might be medical specialists, making a field study of malaria or sweat rash, or signals wallahs testing radio equipment. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Testing ground would be a worry, but it rarely gets bad on the chase course. The Sun
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • British police say they believe Mr. Heselden died while testing an all-terrain equipped Segway and lost control and drove the machine off a cliff near his estate in Leeds. Owner of Segway Machines Dies on a Segway
  • In initial testing, 42 percent more bigeye tuna were caught using Beverly's new weighted, deep-set gear.
  • Included in the collection are diagnostic and testing materials, professional materials, and instructional materials to be used directly with learners.
  • As a result of this selection being chosen, testing for a liberal media bias, whether one views it as an assertion or an assumption was not within the purveyance of this study.
  • Aiming at the problem of testing parametric fault in analog integrated circuits, an approach based on power spectrum correlation analysis for diagnosing parametric faults is presented.
  • As so often in education, the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme and testing is popular again.
  • Most testing instruments rely on the assumption that it is possible to separate analytically different aspects of language competence without reference to the context of use.
  • To provide genetic testing and interpretation of test results at the request of physicians or genetic counselors for the purpose of disease diagnosis, carrier status determination, risk assessment, prenatal testing, or presymptomatic testing Laboratory Rotation
  • Redwood City officials now await the next phase: testing for real gunshots.
  • Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.
  • Some of the fossils are proving pivotal in testing the hypothesis that birds are the living descendants of dinosaurs.
  • Jubilant, most gave up the idea of protesting in the freezing temperatures again, but approximately 1,000 persisted with their plan.
  • As a testing method of visual function, perimetry is important tool to the diagnosis, selection of treatment and follow up of glaucoma.
  • The rest of the second day we are available for air testing or administrative tasks. Times, Sunday Times
  • So far, DNA testing exonerated -- more than 240 people in the United States.
  • They diagnosed cystitis and then they diagnosed nephrolithiasis & then they diagnosed Malta fever with ovarian complications & then they went all hush-hush while they diagnosed a tuberculous infection so that I couldn't possibly guess what they were testing for. Another piece of the puzzle
  • Nearby, union boilermaker Pete Etoler drew a line between protesting politicians and disrupting the highest-profile event in the Hoosier State's history. Labor Torn on Super Bowl Protests
  • Since 1996, Summitek has set the standard for passive intermodulation (PIM) testing equipment. Current News - Top Stories
  • This includes the use of erythropoietin, surgical techniques that minimise blood loss, and drugs that inhibit fibrinolysis; greater degrees of anaemia are tolerated, and phlebotomy undertaken for diagnostic testing is minimal.
  • A programme of testing several thousand pathological specimens of appendixes and tonsils was started.
  • This essay is a testing ground for "ambience," exploring the role of space in poetics, ideology and theory, building on the conclusion to the book The Poetics of Spice. Abstracts
  • It is my prediction that protesting may yet become the recreational pursuit of choice in the 21st century.
  • Consistent testing of business continuance processes is also critical to evaluating compliance.
  • In the light of this provision, we do not accept that H has grounds for contesting the element of indecency in his conviction.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • They do a good job defensively of matching up again with their zone, contesting us when we're driving in the paint against the seven-footers.
  • Before we had ways of testing brain activity, the test was whether the heart was beating.
  • Your state radon office or a radon tester can tell you more about radon testing devices.
  • Louisa Gouliamaki/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Greek riot police clashed with hundreds of people protesting austerity measures who tried to break a cordon outside Parliament. Anger in Athens
  • Bags that did survive inflation were installed on pickup trucks for further testing.
  • Patients with signs of aortic stenosis on physical examination should undergo testing, including chest x-ray, electrocardiograph and echocardiograph.
  • It's no fun to have to remelt the entire thing and start again because there wasn't enough testing. Lipstick Making - Filling Containers & Labeling
  • Skin corrosiveness testing is conducted to ensure that chemicals and products are properly labeled to alert consumers and workers to take precautions to prevent chemical burns to the skin.
  • As she got used to the testing conditions, she pushed through to the third and final qualifying position, denying her opponent of a semi-final berth.
  • They created their machine, which didn't have a name, and proceeded testing it with remote probes.
  • Nascar and mayfield are destroying the sport by prolonging this situation. have mayfield take a drug test immediately and if he passes require that he take one prior to testing for every race and let him pay for it! if he fails kick him out of the sport forever. the best driver i knew, gary balough, was banned for life for drugs and mayfield should also be banned for life! Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • Testing experts seem certain that athletes who cheat often evade detection.
  • When push comes to shove, even those who recognize the political roots of drug testing are not inclined to take a stand.
  • Used f testing the regain percentage raw cotton quickly.
  • Do you reject this idea because you've thought through the issue, considered it from various angles, possibly testing it and then rejecting it?
  • She may be testing her mother to see how much she can take before she throws her out.
  • The relevance of IQ testing is easily testable.
  • Then, the catch is inspected rigorously by organoleptic testing, which is a fancy science word for taste and smell. LSU, FSU experts answer questions about the oil spill
  • Practical measures such as quality control and testing are very important in the manufacturing process.
  • We have made practical recommendations to local practitioner for testing allergy related dermatological problems.
  • The ConnectU founders fought right to the end, settling the dispute in mediation, then contesting the settlement and battling with the lawyers who had represented them in the talks. Judge Ends Facebook’s Feud With ConnectU - Bits Blog -
  • Improved water testing capacity has been introduced to check for cholera and other waterborne diseases.
  • We must enact public education programs that destigmatize HIV testing and embed it into the fabric of people's lives. Perry N Halkitis, Ph.D., M.S.: Re-Centering Science in the Fight Against AIDS
  • There was a suspicion that this runner attempted to avoid the procedures for dope testing.
  • We set up our instruments, retesting the sound of Cooper's keyboard.
  • Later this year another viral vector, this time using a virus called adenovirus, will enter advanced clinical testing. AIDS: The Elusive Vaccine
  • The search for the right microfungus started with the testing of more than 300 varieties.
  • You may also be asked to give urine and blood samples for routine laboratory testing.
  • I underwent extensive testing and luckily, I was healthy, but this scare was enough for me to realize that no weight-loss drug is worth harming my health.
  • I do not condone violence but no wonder our students are protesting. The Sun
  • Additional vaccinations, heartworm testing, preventative medication, and/or a health certificate may be needed for interstate travel.
  • In addition to testing exterior mirrors, vibration tests are also run on interior mirrors for convertibles that mount to windshields that are not supported by a header.
  • It will analyze the effects of implosions during non-nuclear mock-up experiments - simulations that will render actual weapons stockpile testing unnecessary.
  • Due to an increasing emphasis on "academics" and accountability, policymakers are demanding more and more testing, which requires more and more seatwork. Rae Pica: In Defense of Active Learning
  • On nuclear weapons, the Iranian president deplores what he calls unbridled expansion and testing of more powerful warheads, apparently implicating the United States. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2006
  • Trouble - shoot for optical Transceiver Module test equipments, testing fixtures and testing software.
  • He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for Aids testing.
  • You might expect the music of this remarkable life to express a searing, protesting intensity.
  • Web site Speed. io is a web-based speed-testing tool for measuring your upload and download bandwidth. Measures Your Bandwidth and More | Lifehacker Australia
  • Another nine were taken down for testing or as a precautionary measure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sucrose is a good subject for testing the sequence because it has resonances very close to that of water, making the signal sensitive to the quality of the water suppression.
  • Prenatal testing can be offered in case of cystic fibrosis.
  • They were wrapped in two-ply airtight plastic bags and stored at - 20 degrees C. Before testing, each specimen was thawed for 24 hours at room temperature.
  • Samples of the dead birds including cormorants and gulls, fish like carp, gobies and sheepshead, and other wildlife were sent to the University of Guelph for testing, with results not expected until early next week, said Mathers.
  • Toyota, which has hired an independent consulting firm to examine the issue, said as late as Tuesday that exhaustive testing has found no problems with that system.
  • For example, blends for flavored milk or ice cream mix are created by combining the weighed ingredients and testing for butterfat and solids prior to pasteurization.
  • Software written to ToolChest will be able to bypass pricey compliance testing on all the various Sparc boxes.
  • The identification of specific genetic variations that underpin cardiovascular disease is providing new opportunities for diagnostic testing, pharmacogenetics, and drug development.
  • Scientists testing old occupation sites by thermoluminescence have suggested an Aboriginal presence of up to 60000 years.
  • A flow chart illustrating the testing sequence is shown in Figure 2.
  • The agency refused to require pre-market toxicological testing for GE foods or any toxicity monitoring, at all.
  • He climbed the ladder, testing each rung carefully.
  • He took nervous infants of nervous mothers — babies who in standardized newborn testing were already jumpy themselves — and gave them to especially nurturing “supermoms.” The Science of Success
  • Real-time data processing plays a key role in embedded real-time software testing environment.
  • Our testing in Denver makes me believe we're on the verge of breaking through.
  • Testing of these models requires that the spatial and temporal distribution of strain and vorticity domains be mapped out across the slab.
  • It collaborates in prototype development and is testing a variety of gasifiers with its transport and planting fleets.
  • The team put life-size models in a wind tunnel used for testing aircraft to discover how the creature stayed airborne. The Sun
  • Mr Tarn said that the guidance being issued to schools on random drugs testing included many caveats, and schools were being advised to proceed with caution.
  • There was an immediate outcry. Prior consent is a condition of genetic testing.
  • As far as we know, only Cornuet et al. and Nielsen et al. strictly applied this rule and considered a testing data set.
  • Inclinometer is an Instrument testing drift angle and azimuth of drift hole.
  • The same year that the shaping machine was invented - 1871 - the Company introduced the world's first testing table for bias of bowls.
  • For some reason, the first people to start walking towards the centre bypassed the roadblock and headed cross-country, making a beeline for the fence closest to the place where detainees were protesting.
  • She spoke the word tentatively, as if testing it for its sound. Carolina Mist
  • He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.
  • This enhances the testing of ideas and the learning of how to manipulate the variable parts.
  • The testing team achieved rotation tracking on the first attempt, and no modifications to the breadboard were required for testing.
  • Nowadays domestic automobile company mostly adopted regulated power supply, when electric vehicle is carried developing and testing experiment.
  • In the end the one-legged boy went out of the room with the inspector, the latter accompanied by the anxious and protesting superintendent. THE APOSTATE: written by Jack London
  • Pitching the protesting owner onto the dock, he switched the ignition on.
  • The activists were protesting plans by the hospital to trap up to 75 feral cats and turn them over to a local animal pound.
  • The Olympic testing programme has been unfurling with a quiet precision and understated efficiency since May, such that the number of events that have already taken place, from modern pentathlon to mountain biking, would probably surprise you apparently there was even a trial of Wimbledon as the Olympic tennis venue – it was called the All England Championships and won by a Novak Djokovic. Sebastian Coe must be running on Jedi mind control| Emma John
  • In addition, minute fragments of bone were sent for carbon-14 testing by experts unaware of their provenance. Homily of Papal Vespers on 28 June 2009
  • In addition to microbiological testing, dust samples are screened for the presence of heavy metals, pesticides, and radiogenic elements.
  • Alpha fetoprotein testing is best done 15 to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. Re: Am I Blue? - Swampland -
  • By testing salmon during winter, when juveniles shelter inactively in streambed refuges, we tested whether individuals associate with or avoid their siblings at a time when the opportunity for kin-directed behaviors is restricted.
  • Chirac is taking no chances, however, and has dispatched police reinforcements to the former French nuclear testing ground.
  • Testing the Woonerf against alternatives Remodelling of residential areas into Woonerven is, of course, expensive.
  • I have sustained a continual Bombardment of increased high-stakes testing and accountability-related bureaucracy and a cannonade of gross underfunding for 10 years at least and have lost several good men and women. Texas district schools chief issues plea in Alamo-like letter
  • The truck tires we're currently testing are designed for light-duty pickups and SUVs, and they include 12 winter, 13 all-terrain and 23 all-season models. Truck tire testing update: Judging a comfortable riding tire
  • In estimating the agglutinin content or _titre_ of a serum, testing disinfectants and for many other purposes, it becomes necessary to prepare a series of dilutions of the material under examination, and in order to avoid unnecessary expenditure of labour it is convenient to adhere to some definite scale of increment, such for example as the following: The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • But one catch about autocross is that the thrills and spills associated with other forms of racing are likely to be absent, for this sport is more on testing the rider's skill.
  • In accordance with the testing items and technologic al data of conditioned weight of nylon 66 precusor, substantial raw data were collected and some concerning researches were made.
  • There was a crash in practice on Fri day, for instance, to go with a couple of shunts in pre-season testing.
  • The development of the model was an iterative process that involved testing and refinement.
  • Rome teaches, that is, purificatory and punitive), but probatory, not restricted to those dying in "venial sin"; the supposed intermediate class between those entering heaven at once, and those dying in mortal sin who go to hell, but universal, testing the godly and ungodly alike Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A researcher with the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA is testing animal scat from the 1950s and 1960s to determine whether any were left by thylacines. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Of course it's the Tours who are administering drug testing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They'll be testing your putting skills in 160 venues, with 10 lucky semi finalists going forward to the final in June to play a shot for
  • All in the name of testing new materials for things like planes and spacecraft.
  • Traders had thought the Food and Drug Administration, which is testing imports for a fungicide not approved for use on oranges domestically, might prohibit shipments. FDA Says No Ban on Orange-Juice Imports
  • The National Collegiate Athletic Association introduced drug testing in the mid-1980s.
  • To ensure that stressing was proceeding as expected, the testing agency measured the tendon elongations and compared them to the calculated elongations.
  • The tester offers a set-up function to allow operators to set various parameters used in testing configuration and memory storage.
  • Due to the size, weight and cost of large buildings, testing the substructure's ability to carry the superstructure, becomes imperative.
  • For the uninitiated, most ground forces still employ a final fail-safe method for testing the air before giving the ‘all clear’ message to soldiers wearing their gas masks.
  • Well before the term "crowdsourcing" arose, Consumer Reports supplemented its lab testing with surveys of subscribers, asking them to report on their experiences with various products. NYT > Home Page
  • With the further development of the electronics and software, the numeralization ultrasonic testing instrument will hold a bright prospect.
  • An investigation was made on brinell hardness test with a universal material testing machine.
  • DNA testing is used to prove the link that had been established by genealogical research.
  • I grabbed it, presuming he was testing it for strength.
  • Swedish scientists are now testing his idea to grow hemp on polluted land and process the harvested crop for auto insulation, rope or as an energy source.
  • With less than two years left in the initial testing phase, their expectations are being exceeded at almost every level.
  • However, without such documentation, the defects of excessive / mistimed testing and wrong patient and specimen identification cannot be adequately addressed.
  • End users also must conduct performance testing and product compliance with the added complications of field service troubleshooting and fault isolation.
  • Postcoital testing by the general practitioner appears to be useful.
  • Polakow-Suransky pierced the consciousness of Gotham's education community late last year, in the wake of Cathie Black's appointment, assuming the role of deputy chancellor for performance and accountability to buttress his boss' subpar C.V. Dubbed "a data mining administrator" by The New York Times, he was introduced to the locals with the menacing headline, "New Schools No. 2 Wants More and Better Testing. Susan Ochshorn: Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Getting It Right
  • Testing was allowed on a given spirometer only after the measured volume errors were less than 3%.
  • Like any other form of testing, security testing involves determining who should do it and what activities they should undertake.
  • Being obscured is the intent to protect the destitute by means testing the benefits. No Entitlements Crisis?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Authorities were combing areas along the path of migratory birds for dead birds, and rushing any samples to laboratories for testing.
  • Today the work is virtually complete and there are 2,500 workers fitting cables, painting and installing and testing equipment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The calcspar is extremely abundant at Bergen Hill, where it might be mistaken for many of the other minerals which I describe as occurring there, and even in preference to them, to one's great chagrin upon arriving home and testing it, to find that it is nothing but calcite. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • They expect Hong Kong to eventually become a testing ground for convertibility of the yuan.
  • The fund contributes no money toward animal testing, concentrating instead on clinical trials using human volunteers.
  • Stiller and Cotterill gained selection after strenuous testing alongside the country's dozen best scullers in Britain, who had battled through 150 hopefuls in the Great Britain trials last autumn.
  • Additionally, Fong noted, the USDA vet failed to eartag the animal, a required procedure, after it was ticketed for further testing.

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