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How To Use Testacea In A Sentence

  • But the Cephalopoda and the turbinated Testacea have in common an arrangement which stands in contrast with this. On the Parts of Animals
  • The term Miocene (from Greek meion, less; and Greek kainos, recent) is intended to express a minor proportion of Recent species (of testacea); the term Pliocene (from Greek pleion, more; and Greek kainos, recent), a comparative plurality of the same. The Antiquity of Man
  • The testacean is almost the only genus that throughout all its species is non-copulative. The History of Animals
  • The ceryx and the purple murex have this organ firm and solid; and just as the myops, or horse-fly, and the oestrus, or gadfly, can pierce the skin of a quadruped, so is that proboscis proportionately stronger in these testaceans; for they bore right through the shells of other shell-fish on which they prey. The History of Animals
  • Even in the case of the testacean we speak of spawning (or pregnancy); but whereas the crustaceans may be seen coupling and laying their spawn, this is never the case with testaceans. The History of Animals
  • _ Testacea; capite guttis tribus nigris; thorace disco antico vittisque duabus posterioribus nigris; tibiis tarsisque anticis piceis, tibiis posticis subpiceis; alis subfuscescentibus, fascia lata limpida nigricante marginata postice abbreviata. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Next, the male should notice nutrition on food, eat food of a few rich zincic more, wait for shrimp of testacean , fish, beef, egg and bean products like oyster.
  • But the general plan of their body is that of the Cephalopoda; and, though this is true in a certain degree of all the Testacea, it is more especially true of those turbinated species that have a spiral shell. On the Parts of Animals
  • When engaged in 1828 in preparing for the press the treatise on geology above alluded to, I conceived the idea of classing the whole of this series of strata according to the different degrees of affinity which their fossil testacea bore to the living fauna. The Antiquity of Man
  • As regards Testacea, he writes, "The nature of their internal structure is similar in all, especially in the turbinated animals, for they differ in size and in the relations of excess; the univalves and bivalves do not exhibit many differences" (Cresswell, _loc.cit. _, p. 83). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
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