- a ban on the testing of nuclear weapons that is mutually agreed to by countries that possess nuclear weapons
How To Use test ban In A Sentence
- The Japanese coast guard officers said they spotted a Chinese flag on the ship's mast and bow, and a protest banner in Chinese claiming the area as Chinese waters.
- We must also pursue a comprehensive test ban treaty.
- NONE of the networks these devices connect to work worth a 3 headed flying monkey ****. there's not enough bandwidth, people who DO spend a 1000 a month for data capibilities and web access are limited by the data usage. the signal range is spotty at best. there may be 3G but it's only there 20% of the time. and even when the service is at it's full potential, when there's plenty of signal and you're screaming on the hotest band around. it still ain't even a 3rd of the bandwidth of a good old copper cable. even with 128/256k, which is nothing compared to the 12-14 meg of coaxal cable, the latency is so horrible that it feels like dial up. has not helped any one else. [Help] Most Recent Posts
- But it has refused to sign up to the comprehensive test ban treaty.
- A test ban that could not inspire confidence would undermine stability and might even provoke a new arms race.
- A test ban that could not inspire confidence would undermine stability and might even provoke a new arms race.
- A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.
- They defy test bans and sanctions. The Sun
- But it has refused to sign up to the comprehensive test ban treaty.
- An armed Europe of renascent nationalisms, or one pursuing the creation of a transnational continental super-state, could prove our greatest bane since 1941.