
terrorist cell

  1. a cell of terrorists (usually 3 to 5 members)
    to insure operational security the members of adjacent terrorist cells usually don't know each other or the identity of their leadership

How To Use terrorist cell In A Sentence

  • That makes it easy for a small and secretive terrorist cell to go undetected.
  • Now, the term terrorist cell is being used to describe individuals who are willing, sympathetic to the cause, willing to provide their bodies or their resources, and we'll hear more from the attorney general right now as you see him. CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2002
  • Four bombers blew themselves up but police are investigating whether another member of the terrorist cell is alive and on the run.
  • The hotel, all brown marble and glass with a few sad ferns in the atrium, seems an unlikely base for a terrorist cell, and the supposed terrorists were an unlikely bunch.
  • With a computer and a connection to the Internet, an individual can do more damage than armed terrorist cells or small insurgent movements.
  • We broke up a Southeast Asian terrorist cell grooming operatives for attacks inside the United States.
  • It is an industry ripe for penetration by hardened terrorist cells bent on finding new ways of wreaking havoc.
  • The only way to "quell" al Queda and other terrorist organisations is to send black ops to destroy the terrorist cells and so called "madrasas" that are teaching twisted definitions of shahid and jihad. The New American
  • A counterterrorism source described "Gabs" as a "shadowy figure" and confirmed that he had been one of the factors that had led investigators to the terrorist cell behind the airline plot.
  • He was also a member of the same terrorist cell as Hamza al-Qo'aiti, who was killed with several other al-Qaeda operatives in Tarim, Hadramout in August of last year. Yemen Observer
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