How To Use Terrifying In A Sentence

  • A senior detective who led the hunt for two armed robbers behind a series of terrifying raids across Bradford today told of the desperate race against time to catch them before someone was shot.
  • We've discovered that another hive is afflicted with a parasitic mite with the terrifying name Varroa destructor Next week we plan to treat them with formic acid, an organic chemical control. Dave Snyder: Farm Report: Starting The Year From Seed
  • It's not related to the band because it isn't music in any shape or form, just anguished, terrifying pure sound.
  • They were the most terrifying months our family could live with, but the doctors pulled off a miracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teri Hatcher has reportedly been caught up in a terrifying elephant stampede.
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  • He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect.
  • The fifth series of this thriller is more terrifying and heartbreaking than ever. The Sun
  • Instead he plays Arthur as a terrifying yet avuncular figure, apt to switch from jovial bonhomie to murderous rage with lightning speed.
  • If you're looking for a really gory, terrifying movie, then neither film will work for your needs.
  • Inst it terrifying how easy it was to fill a blog with the prepackaged rhetoric that is being handfed to us 24-7. Think Progress » ALLEN: “A Likely Scenario For What Happened Today Is Patrick Fitzgerald Got Some Indictments”
  • They were the most terrifying months our family could live with, but the doctors pulled off a miracle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've bought myself a really nice dress to wear to the terrifying dinner, it's black & A-line with 3 diaphanous layers of chiffon. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • The terrifying sound of the lion's roar made his heart beat with fright.
  • The lake seemed to breathe, expanding and contracting, rising and falling, its surface level changing several feet in a matter of minutes, spectacular and terrifying at once.
  • Six of her family are in police safe houses and cops plan to fly out there to see what she knows about the terrifying violence. The Sun
  • The flames were already licking through the panels with a fierce urgency that was terrifying to see.
  • I was incredibly nervous and uptight - seeing your hero in the flesh is truly a terrifying experience.
  • During the 1990s, Liverpool's biggest contribution to mainstream rock culture involved dispatching platoons of terrifying feral scallies to mug people at Glastonbury.
  • And the frequency and ferocity of the current crop of storms is truly terrifying.
  • ‘It was like a pack of hounds hunting a fox; it was terrifying,’ he said.
  • The potential financial implications of our lengthening lives are terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • I keep using the word "boxy," as if it were the most terrifying thing to happen to architecture. Archive 2009-06-01
  • What's most terrifying is that it's true, exaggerated as it seems. OMG BFF LOL
  • Bloated, sagging, and among those firm youthful bodies, those undistorted faces, a strange and terrifying monster of middle-agedness, Linda advanced into the room, coquettishly smiling her broken and discoloured smile, and rolling as she walked, with what was meant to be a voluptuous undulation, her enormous haunches. Brave New World
  • Whether you navigate it in a rubber raft or a dory, the 225 miles of river can be alternately easy and terrifying.
  • Lately, my wife has added a new and terrifying dimension to the Air-Conditioning Wars: night maneuvers.
  • They didn't flippantly joke, they crafted campaigns of division and anger, using catch phrases and terrifying tag lines to batter America into submission. Charles Karel Bouley: Tucson: In the Blame Game, We All Lose
  • Normal routines like going to the shops became a terrifying ordeal. The Sun
  • It trundled along those terrifying streets so slowly it was horrible. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • And as performance dates drew close rehearsals became almost terrifying in their propulsive, impelling commitment - pianissimos were scaled to a whisper and fortes forceful and triumphant.
  • Bigelow ramps up the visceral tension with help from cinematographer Barry Ackroyd, who also lensed the terrifying docudrama “United 93.” Deceptively simple story works for visceral “The Hurt Locker” » Scene-Stealers
  • The hands have been cantilevered to feel light, so one moment they are delicate as butterfly wings, the next they're as terrifying as unsheathed claws.
  • It fires its way through first, second and third with a savageness that's terrifyingly addictive.
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • The nursery slope can be terrifying to the person on skis for the first time, and yet boring to the expert.
  • Even more terrifying is the increasing Islamisation of the police. Archive 2008-07-01
  • His ingeniously plotted stories, some of which drew on themes from English and Scandinavian folklore, typically portrayed safe and ordered worlds invaded by terrifying agents of unappeasable supernatural malice.
  • Neely's cartooning is light and breezy one panel (deftly evoking a cartoon-strip nostalgic past) and utterly terrifying the next, as the Blot and the unnamed character come to terms with one another. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Its twisted trunk and mangled branches resembled a terrifyingly gaunt person arching their back in immense agony.
  • Sir Hugo is found dead on the moors, viciously murdered by a terrifying hound from hell.
  • The ghosts are terrifyingly mean and fantastically cool by monster standards.
  • Climbing higher onto my aider above the hook was terrifying, but it stayed put. Training for the Big Wall
  • The Allies had nothing with which to counter this terrifying new technology, which flew too low and too fast for anti-aircraft guns.
  • Will is a great believer in the power of effective business communication but understands just how terrifying speaking in public can be for most people.
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • Trapped in a hot, heaving crowd, I suffer the most terrifying claustrophobia of my life.
  • But the wider financial district was forced into a hasty evacuation last Tuesday in a terrifying fog of dust and smoke.
  • `Sounds like the start of old-timer 's disease,' my mum said, and it was terrifying, one more thing for my wife to worry about. MAN AND WIFE
  • The strain has pushed her famous mood swings to terrifying new extremes. The Sun
  • All I can think is, what a terrifying ordeal. The Sun
  • Russell Williams is now an admitted double murderer, rapist and sexual fetishist, but it's the scale of his obsession, the depth of his deviance and his utter relentlessness which is so terrifying. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Painting functions here like a terrifying energetic machine, absorbing, destroying, recycling, recomposing images of vastly different origins.
  • It's celebrating its second birthday by shredding brokerage accounts and terrifying shareholders.
  • It is terrifying to think that such evil can lurk behind an internet site that brings pleasure to millions. The Sun
  • I begin, too, to have terrifying dreams about fires that rage out of control and consume me.
  • But there was something more terrifying than any ghost. The Sun
  • Within 18 months, he had fallen in love with a pretty, quick-witted copygirl, Barbara Stone, and after a terrifying, if occasionally thrilling, baptism of snootiness by her family — New Year’s at Arturo Toscanini’s house, a frightening experience with a finger bowl — he married her. The Gelb Family
  • The intensity with which fire burns and the speed with which it can destroy something is terrifying. Christianity Today
  • The assertion that the noise of the parachutes opening can be terrifying puzzles me somewhat.
  • Her sudden towering rages were terrifying.
  • As a naturally occurring disease smallpox is potent and as a weapon of biological warfare it is terrifying.
  • I am a force so terrifying that I can kill a ten thousand strong army with just a flick of my finger.
  • The Allies had nothing with which to counter this terrifying new technology, which flew too low and too fast for anti-aircraft guns.
  • Our young women are now officially the most blootered in Europe, and some surveys show a terrifying, tenfold increase in the incidence of cirrhosis in people aged 25-40 over the past three decades.
  • NINE British tourists were injured in a terrifying minibus crash in Croatia yesterday. The Sun
  • Like nuclear weapons, these devices would be awesome in their power - and their misuse would be terrifying.
  • It's terrifying to think fertility drugs were linked with leukaemia. The Sun
  • I feel pretty good about teaching the chants and cheers, it's creating a pompon routine that's terrifying me. Eek!
  • Castle and Boris aced it all the way to the final, with Castle clinching the title while describing it as the most terrifying thing he's ever done.
  • Nightmares are vivid and terrifying nocturnal episodes in which the dreamer is abruptly awakened from sleep.
  • Co Durham in England, after one of the busiest weekends in the racing calendar when the terrifying eight-minute robbery took place. Top Stories:
  • I have faced an angry lion on foot, but far more terrifying is the riding of a cross-country course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even for those who did not accept these apocalyptic scenarios, emancipation portended a chaotic and terrifying new world.
  • Someone identified as the Canadian owner of a smart car has posted details in an online forum about the terrifying ordeal his "smarty" endured. Boing Boing: April 24, 2005 - April 30, 2005 Archives
  • Try out a prison bed and learn about terrifying punishments such as the crank machine. Times, Sunday Times
  • It’s a brilliant showcase for both Nic Cage’s terrifying forehead (I think his original hairline is down around the small of his back these days), and Jerry Suckheimer’s patented brand of chase scenes + "comic" relief. NAT’L TREASURE FOOTAGE LOOKS FAMILIAR…
  • But any phenomenon in nature, however grand, great, shocking, dark, and terrifying, would have limits and borders.
  • It can also be downright terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps she falls (never in a way to injure herself) to the floor and apparently loses consciousness, closes her eyes, rolls her head from side to side, moans, clenches her fists, lifts her body from the floor so that it rests on head and heels (opisthotonic hysteria), shrieks now and then and altogether presents a terrifying spectacle. The Foundations of Personality
  • It's terrifying to think about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside his Manhattan brownstone lurks something even more terrifying than his business associates: a giant sewer rat.
  • They are kidnapped, and spend a terrifying four years together in grim captivity - polar opposites unexpectedly finding a passionate friendship and comradeship in adversity.
  • The former Wimbledon champion, heart-throb, wannabe rock star and the man who made the first ascent through the crowd on Centre Court, is the most astonishing interviewee I have encountered: he is both delightful and quite terrifying.
  • The teacher, speaking in faltering tones with tears welling up in her eyes, described the terrifying events.
  • Im 100% for the use of marijuana (or heroin for that matter) for strictly medical purposes, the benefits of both are well documented but until people can learn to act responsibly and use the drugs we already have responsibly and not turn up for work boozed or stoned (a stoned man driving a forklift is a truely terrifying thing), then I think shings should stay as they are. TPN :: GDay World
  • As the classical Greek tragedy bible dictates, the spurned queen is duty-bound to seek vengeance, and both innocent and guilty are indiscriminately caught up in the inevitable bloodbath and terrifying climax.
  • The judge said it had been a terrifying cold-blooded attack. The Sun
  • It is expertly animated, well paced, and faintly terrifying.
  • Bonnie is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. VAMPIRE DIARIES NEWS 11/6 KATERINA GRAHAM, EPISODE 9 HISTORY REPEATING & MALESE JOW | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • My wife, perhaps becoming complacent, went ahead across the steep traverse, lost her footing and slid at terrifyingly high speed, bumping to a halt on some rocks where the terrain levelled and badly grazing her arm.
  • The Turks made their dawn prayers and then advanced with castanets, tambourines, cymbals and terrifying war cries.
  • Ensemble scenes are taut, tense and terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Orr takes me on a terrifying spin in a blow-up raft down the Lagan.
  • Polynesia gave the short word of command; and like one bird those millions of parrots opened their red beaks and let out once more their terrifying battle-scream. The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle
  • Deciding to write a book about the incident, he sets about researching the house and discovers a terrifying supernatural force behind the tragedy. The Sun
  • As in scarily blonde, yellow, xanthic hair, Rapunzel-gold and terrifying. Hair today
  • Like thousands of others in this devastated city, this woman has lost all her wares and livelihood, in one terrifying morning of wholesale destruction.
  • The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.
  • Marvel at the terrifying Alpine passes into Switzerland and the Gothic architecture of Germany and Belgium.
  • Yet for such a terrifying conflict many people are unsure what it is really all about. The Sun
  • She is wearing a magenta catsuit, and she looks amazing and terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then she was kept away from him by a mother she found terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • At its most terrifying, his writing sends shivers up and down my spine.
  • When that gave out they had to take a tow at 60 miles an hour from the Ford Corsair with very dodgy brakes - ‘terrifying’.
  • The arctic roll was okay, despite looking terrifyingly similar to the rabbit wellington. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the fall of the year this luxuriant growth of grass would be set on fire by the Indians or hunters, and especially when the wind was high would sweep resistlessly over the prairies, forming a spectacle, especially at night, that was at once magnificent and terrifying.
  • The number of terrorist attacks has increased to a terrifying degree.
  • Now he has been convicted, the anecdotes and personal testimonies stream out, so that reading the papers the following day felt pornographically squalid and terrifying.
  • The wave simulator can recreate swells of up to two metres - and in these stormy conditions, trainees will learn to cope with a chilly and potentially terrifying capsize.
  • The arctic roll was okay, despite looking terrifyingly similar to the rabbit wellington. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some surveys show a terrifying, tenfold increase in the incidence of cirrhosis over the past three decades.
  • The truly religious, following the logic of submission to political and moral ideals, and to the arbitrary will of God, are terrifying to us and almost incomprehensible.
  • The fifth series of this thriller is more terrifying and heartbreaking than ever. The Sun
  • The tidal wave formed a terrifying wall of water.
  • She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.
  • The cavalry charged out of nowhere, the hundreds of thundering hooves terrifying the villager who had never seen nor heard more than four horses together before.
  • Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can cause "flashbacks" which revive terrifying memories, recurring nightmares, "hypervigilance" -- jumpiness and irritability, feelings of panic and fear, social isolation and depression. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • It is all calm and quiet and every where a mysterious silence, a terrifying darkness and death-like silence.
  • Manjimanidoo or evil spirits existed; windigos were especially terrifying spirits who dwelled within lakes and practiced cannibalism.
  • George's desires are subsequently orchestrated with terrifying precision.
  • Apnea is a form of aversion therapy which produces a terrifying paralysis of breathing for about 60 seconds.
  • The effects of eating ichthyoallyeinotoxic fishes, such as certain mullet, goatfish, tangs, damsels and rabbitfish, are believed to be similar to LSD, and may include vivid and terrifying auditory and visual hallucinations. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • The plane staggered and started to climb, slowly, sluggishly, wobbling terrifyingly.
  • France's master of suspense, Claude Chabrol, relishes every malevolent, icily controlled shot of this perfectly constructed thriller, right up to its terrifying, violent climax. La Cérémonie: No 16
  • The murder toll is rising at terrifying speed. The Sun
  • This is part of his insightful and terrifyingly personal series of poems from a ventriloquist's dummy to its puppeteer.
  • Constant vigilance is the only possible response to the terrifying Rise of The Machines.
  • Speaking of terrifying, a longnose lancetfish recently washed ashore in the state of Washington. Type D D!
  • But the odour of the colourless liquid was of bitter almonds, acrid and terrifying.
  • To me, the more terrifying thing is when you find out that an actor that you admire is in the audience.
  • At once terrifying and thrilling, many would consider a parachute jump to be the experience of a lifetime.
  • It's terrifying to think of the knock-on effects this will have. The Sun
  • The tropical marine blowfish, which can grossly distend its spiny body into globular form, thereby terrifying confused predators.
  • The Japanese company Kokoro has been terrifying audiences from Paris to Prague with its exhibit of "animatronic," or robotic, dinosaurs that grunt, move and squeal. All The World Loves A Dinosaur
  • A man in Swindon recently had a particularly terrifying shock when he found a nest of poisonous spiders in his kitchen cupboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every time you scratch the surface, a terrifying smell of putrefaction comes out.
  • Staggering through the alien streets, he lost all consciousness of himself in a vortex, a whirling maelstrom, of hideous and terrifying hallucinatory images and imaginings.
  • Against this unnamable horror, the inmate known as Sigma must face a fate beyond her worst nightmares; something far more terrifying than anything the brutal guards and corrupt wardens could imagine.
  • The only survivor of a warehouse collapse yesterday recalled the terrifying moment when sixty tonnes of rubble crashed down on him, burying him and three other men.
  • And failure was more terrifying than sin.
  • It is a familiar sombreness, unthreatening but omniscient, like the dour old man in the corner, terrifying the children with his dark warnings, but thrilling to approach, to reach towards with a tentative hand.
  • The audio was even more terrifying than the imagery - earsplitting wind, objects getting smashing, wailing children and a woman praying repeatedly. Tornadoes Hit Midwest: Missouri Tornado Kills At Least 116 (VIDEO)
  • It was, in any case, a terrifying miscalculation which led to a fundamental dishonesty.
  • My son sleeps in the room at the front and the heat in there was absolutely incredible - it was the most terrifying moment of my life.
  • Inside his home the familiar surroundings were transformed in terrifying ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • A terrifying warning was occasionally administered in cases where extenuating circumstances existed.
  • Who gets cornered in the diner during a terrifying race riot? The Sun
  • The fear of retribution from their leaders if they do not obey must be terrifying. The Sun
  • My voice was a low growl, terrifying to all but those who knew me best - or were really stupid and not afraid of anything.
  • And here, in another part of the Grim Wood, two young Marrakesh kids in the 1970s struggle to say alive and unviolated in the face of some terrifying circumstances. Archive 2010-01-01
  • As in scarily blonde, yellow, xanthic hair, Rapunzel-gold and terrifying. Archive 2004-07-01
  • In 2008 he was attacked with terrifying speed by motor neurone disease and is paralysed from the neck down. Times, Sunday Times
  • While headlines screamed of a terrifying rise in youth crime, Wood said the figures told a different story.
  • Their turn was an exciting and even terrifying one, when viewed from the audience; for, jumping about and roaring, they were made to appear as if about to destroy the slender little lady who performed with them and seemed to hold them in subjection only by her indomitable courage and a small riding-switch in her hand. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • This terrifying vision fits perfectly well with the desire for honour and glory that the neo-conservative gentlemen covet.
  • He and several colleagues scrambled into the hall, where they faced a terrifying choice: to their right, fire; to their left, thick smoke.
  • With a promptitude that was absolutely terrifying the two lines of red shirts began to draw together, voices growling bodingly, fists clinching, eyes narrowing with the reviving hatred of old contests. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • Mar. 17th, 2010 11: 47 pm (UTC) ... a mysterious space disaster, a terrifying alien reproductivity, a story reminiscent of the work of Octavia Butler. Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig agat. ('10)
  • Two, dramatic points are made far more strongly here; in the studio, Callas was imposing, but here she was terrifying, a veritable tigress.
  • Tim is clueless when it comes to the ways of conventioneers, so he is swept off his feet by a sexy insurance agent from Nebraska — she's played engagingly by Anne Heche — and knocked for interlocking loops by his roommates, the crazed Dean (John C. Reilly in full, glorious bray), and the tough-minded Ronald (Isiah Whitlock Jr., who played the terrifyingly corrupt state senator in "The Wire"). 'Gnomeo': A Bard's Garden of Delights
  • Juvenile crime is increasing at a terrifying rate.
  • Over at NYT finance correspondent Floyd Norris 'excellent blog, a snip from a terrifying report out today from The Levy Forecasting Center at Bard College. Boing Boing
  • Panting, I fleetingly envied a couple being carried on litters like lords, an expensive yet terrifying (what if a porter slipped?) option.
  • Britain is in the grip of a terrifying epidemic of savage youth violence. The Sun
  • The sight of a footballer collapsing lifeless on the pitch is one of the most chilling and terrifying you are likely to see. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second match had also burned out, and the question was terrifying. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • It was 30 years before he told anyone of his terrifying experience.
  • Unfortunately, the burden of this task - of displaying to the world such terrifying conditions - proves too much for the film.
  • He is a man of enormous size and terrifying aspect.
  • The quarter-hour it took Joanna to reach the priory was the most terrifying time of her life. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • It's terrifying both for pedestrians and also unsuspecting drivers who have to approach at a snail's pace.
  • I've bought myself a really nice dress to wear to the terrifying dinner, it's black & A-line with 3 diaphanous layers of chiffon. AND GOD CREATED THE AU PAIR
  • Refuge is a terrifying journey into avant-garde, subtly thematic territory.
  • Terrifyingly, some politicians describe these as "humanitarian weapons".
  • Before the elf could answer, however, there was a loud roar of anger, a terrifying clash of metal, and a feminine scream.
  • Many country sounds are so terrifying they could easily have come from the throat of a rabid bat mutation or a savage, cross-bred boar-wolf.
  • These priests, tempered in the fires of confessional, these judges who in that time of demonomania and murder had never heard more terrifying confessions, these prelates whom no depravity had ever astonished, made the sign of the Cross, and Jean de Malestroit rose and for very shame veiled the face of the Christ. Là-bas
  • What's even MORE terrifying is that some people take her fanatical views seriously. (even congress) What is this world coming to? Palin warns of 'disturbing' health care rationing
  • It was written during the terrifying times of the Cuban missile crisis, but it depicts apocalyptic visions rather than specific details.
  • Yet for such a terrifying conflict many people are unsure what it is really all about. The Sun
  • Tests of the Active Denial System, a ray gun that shoots painful millimeter waves, have ranged from terrifying to laughable.
  • A female motorist was threatened at knifepoint during a terrifying car-jacking in Bradford.
  • They were terrifying and unearthly, eerily bloodchilling as they invoked all evil spirits to possess them.
  • There are many religious fanatics about in the world, and they are all terrifying.
  • Then had come vertigoes and strange, inexplicable qualms, as if he were in an elevator that sank under him with terrifying rapidity. The Pit: A Story of Chicago
  • It is terrifying to think that such evil can lurk behind an internet site that brings pleasure to millions. The Sun
  • It trundled along those terrifying streets so slowly it was horrible. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • He used to have a terrifying actor's nightmare in which the greasepaint slid off his face.
  • The mountain roads are terrifyingly steep.
  • It is Umbriel, a floating city that casts a terrifying shadow–for wherever it falls, people die and rise again. Archive 2009-11-01
  • fine white thread running, through years and years," and Hans flirts with the possibility that language may not precisely describe the world ( "I was assaulted by the notion, arriving in the form of a terrifying stroke of consciousness, that substance-everything of so called concreteness-was indistinct from its unnameable opposite"). NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • A spokesman said: ‘This totally unprovoked and motiveless assault was a terrifying ordeal for the young man who had just finished work and was making his way home.’
  • Yet he didn't know if he would love the changeling, the body with its terrifying transformations. LOST CHILDREN
  • The murder toll is rising at terrifying speed. The Sun
  • They snag your tights, wreck your calf muscles and make going to the loo down long flights of greasy stairs in restaurants absolutely terrifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the middle class lives in terrifying "economic insecurity." ... The Consequences of Pessimistic Bias, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • These physical symptoms are terrifying and only reinforce the feeling of danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • My son was most scared by the constant closeups of the Emperor's face in Return of the Jedi and kept asking me to fast forward past those parts, which reminded me of a similar face I found terrifying at his age: REWATCHING: The Original Star Wars Trilogy
  • As for the role of the small-arms trade, although an adolescent brandishing an AK-47 is certainly terrifying, most child soldiers never touch a weapon.
  • Shrieking yowls rang through the cold trees behind me, unearthly and terrifying, and that fear was all that dragged me to my feet again.

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