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How To Use Terrific In A Sentence

  • Some of their work, he felt, was terrific, and they should be able to display and develop their talent.
  • The designers designed a terrific pirate galleon and a thrilling Lost Boys' hideout.
  • Your advertisers saw your terrific ratings that spanned across the board -- your demo being virtually every demo -- so they hawked everything from Viagra to gaming and condoms to candy bars during your time slot; those ratings were due partly to the Sci-Fi Channel's smartly treating you like its golden child, not emaciating your following by constantly changing your air time (did someone say, "Fascape"?). Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • As ever: the gear change and clutch are heavy; the throttle response terrific.
  • Even though, as Peter M has pointed out, we can get terrific ready made felafel relatively easily here in Toronto. Recipe: Falafel (Φαλάφελ ή Ρεβυθοκεφτέδες)
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  • They lead the NFL in yards per carry behind a strong offensive line and a terrific fullback in Fred Reasley.
  • Schumacher opens the film in terrific style with a black and white section set in 1919 Paris, which gradually melts into a full colour flashback to the bustling 1870s.
  • Efficient decision-making systems give terrific power to the efforts of already capable people considering new directions.
  • So I know first-hand that you can take a pic of a person at two different angles and make them look either terrific or dreadful. The Sun
  • As I stood on the tee, I felt a terrific calm, but a controlled excitement, too.
  • The boys were kicking up a terrific row.
  • That's a terrific idea!
  • There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship.
  • All of a sudden there was a terrific bang and a flash of smoke.
  • Amazing: life on the lam might be cruel, but I hadn't looked this terrific in years. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • After a rough start, he racked up a terrific year in 1996.
  • Steve's immediate neighbours are terrific.
  • But there's something terrifically right and incisive about her every move in the first few scenes.
  • Disputes run high, there are loud voices, mighty oaths, sometimes blows, fights, and terrific hurly-burlies. The Little Manx Nation - 1891
  • Sekt in Gemany and Austria is largely made from Riesling, yielding fruit-driven and light wines that are terrific aperitifs.
  • Showed blistering pace and terrific balance for his first international try and almost got a second. The Sun
  • And, while none of the industrial townscapes could be described as pretty, he has a terrific eye.
  • Fans will enjoy the aptly titled A TWISTED LADDER as the heroine ponders nurturing vs. naturing with her DNA and her childhood tainted in this terrific refreshing character driven thriller. A Twisted Ladder-Rhodi Hawk « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • He had a terrific sense of humor and was a great "raconteur"--look it up! Archive 2009-02-01
  • It's just terrific when the intellectuals stick up their tails.
  • He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.
  • The rotating French press is a terrific triceps toner because it really isolates the triceps muscle.
  • Then a thick, terrific blast pierced through the shield and glanced off the ship, blistering the hull and raking a starboard section open.
  • A terrific east wind swept away the groups of clouds.
  • It's a terrific caper, beautifully acted by Nolte.
  • She said the friends she and her husband Eugene have met have been terrific and the children absolutely wonderful.
  • fought a terrific battle
  • The advocates of summer rugby will have loved it as the firm ground underfoot encouraged the two teams to play some terrific expansive rugby.
  • Personally, I found her to be just darling—she is a terrific mix of sexiness, class, and vulnerability.
  • You look terrific in that dress.
  • They also praised Ryan's "terrific" performance and concluded that the film is "a nuttily engaging tale of betrayal and, perhaps, redemption.
  • On our way back we were covered again with terrific artillery fire.
  • This year the show includes the National Kelsae Onion festival and terrific nursery exhibits.
  • If we ever get married we'll have one terrific wedding.
  • You look terrific, Ann. You really do.
  • An expert amateur astronomer in Arizona has captured a terrific photo of Jupiter and its Galilean moons with an Apple iPhone and a Meade catadioptric telescope. IPodObserver
  • Now, if you look at the map, Mr. Tighe, you'll see that the isobar for this region shows a barometer pressure of 29.50, a terrific drop of four points in twenty-four hours. The Boy with the U. S. Weather Men
  • She is decorative, larger than life, a terrific glamourpuss.
  • The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.
  • With patience and the blessings of modern technology, Rima may one day learn more about her father (terrific!) or about Addison (still better!).
  • A number of designers are terrific in constructing form but deficient when it comes to engaging with content.
  • Some girls show a guy they're terrific cooks - and my room-mate shows him she can make friends with his granny!
  • DYNAMITE: The term applies to TNT's bittersweet Men of a Certain Age, continuing its terrific second season, but not so much to the instantly tiresome new legal dramedy Franklin & Bash, which implodes in the belief that aggressive quirkiness, smarmy frat-boy sexual innuendo and a "suits are douches" philosophy will endear its Peter Pan protagonists to a wide audience. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • When we got inside the French works, I was astonished to observe how little harm had been done the defenses by the German artillery, for although I had not that serene faith in the effectiveness of their guns held by German artillerists generally, yet I thought their terrific cannonade must have left marked results. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • The police car drove past at a terrific speed.
  • Maisha and Tiger meet us outside baggage claim, and Maisha is looking terrific as usual.
  • I thought it was really terrific how he had boiled so much nonsense away and kept a particular track through the midst of all this confusion and hoopla and blah-blah.
  • The Iselin Nanking has a terrific chaat station that is well worth the slightly higher price. Like Everything Good, Nanking Gets “Ruined” By Midtown | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • What otherwise would have been absolute silence was broken by terrific detonations of high explosive shells. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all I know Ayers has relief sculptures of their likenesses in alto-rilievo style over the portal of his seminar room, and I don’t doubt for a minute that he’s a terrific classroom teacher). April « 2007 « Bill Ayers
  • One of the things I adore about Jet Li is the way he often plays this terrifically competent martial arts expert who at the same time retains a sense of innocence and humility and a sometimes comedic lack of suavity around attractive women (this movie includes a mother-daughter team of thieves, so you can be sure there is some comedy). 2008 Film Reviews: More Catching Up
  • It's being played at a terrific pace by two teams intent on attacking.
  • Soundblaster effects such as laser fire and explosions are terrific but that's about it.
  • They were terrific, not too turnipy.
  • Knockout performances and a terrific screenplay make this one of the best indie films in years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lowry does a terrific job of breaking down each song by the mood, key, harmony and instrumentation.
  • We also acknowledge individual contributions with a terrific rewards and recognition program.
  • He was a terrific guy who never let his tough-streets upbringing spoil his love for the game or the fans.
  • The jazz-flavored score sounds terrific and most of the dialogue can be heard.
  • I feel absolutely terrific today!
  • Steve:Haha. That's terrific, Anthony. I never knew you were such a cutup.
  • It has a terrific biotech and health-care industry and some other technology.
  • The Yacht pub in Clontarf was buzzing at midnight last night and strong drink was being consumed at a terrific rate.
  • But he played a terrific hand of poker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isn't it terrific to see someone from the area doing so well and obviously wooing the ladies along the way!
  • She's a terrific, sparky girl.
  • This is a Danish detective series with a terrific northern, chilly atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • So I know first-hand that you can take a pic of a person at two different angles and make them look either terrific or dreadful. The Sun
  • I don't want to be a namedropper, so I'm not going list all the terrific skiffy writers who attended. Blue Heaven 2007 Raunchy Limerick Challenge
  • Give it six years and it should enter a terrific mature period that should last at least a decade.
  • Terrific scran though, no question. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looks fantastic and sounds terrific; pure dance, pure joy. Times, Sunday Times
  • You built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Start getting yourself on a terrific nutrition and exercise schedule and you'll be feeling like an action hero - Wonder Woman or Superman!
  • She said that people are drawn to the club because of its friendliness - and the fact that rugby is a terrifically entertaining game.
  • His terrific ear for idiomatic speech makes dialogue sizzle off the page, and comic patter is widespread. Times, Sunday Times
  • At midnight I could hear in my bed the terrific gusts and the sounds of a driving deluge.
  • A terrific hue and cry was raised against the new tax proposals.
  • On August 20 a terrific hurricane broke over the mountains.
  • Part adventure, part espionage, all encompassed by terrific atmosphere and a well-argued 'it might have been'. Times, Sunday Times
  • One very innovative course taken on by Forward Steps is an upholstery course, which had a terrific practical element for the centre.
  • The derma came out sliced in five or six pieces and seared on both sides with terrific beef gravy. I gingerly put my fork in expecting the worse, but I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Dudamel not only has some of the most fluent stick technique I've ever seen — every cue arrives in flawless time as part of a completely natural-seeming choreography, and his repertoire of gestures is huge and judiciously deployed — but is also a terrific conduit for the enormous amount of energy that flows through the group. Boston Latin
  • As the lights go down strobe lighting and terrific claps of thunder herald the storm.
  • But, aiming to arm themselves with terrific and overwhelming strength, by invoking the cooperation of forces from the spiritual, invisible, and diabolical world, with rash "precipitancy," they hurried on the witchcraft prosecutions. Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
  • The view is terrific.
  • A larger frame woman would be more flattered by muted plaid, and no one really looks terrific in a completely outsized plaid.
  • At 56, she works full-time, runs a home, enjoys hill walking - and to my eyes, looks terrific.
  • Hemphill has the bluest eyes I have ever seen, and in the article I say he would make a terrific mad axeman, a secret Norman Bates.
  • For example, my recent browse of the description of the Werckmesiter Harmonies, an austerely beautiful black and white film by the Hungarian director, Bela Tarr led me via Netflix's Cinematch recommendation system to the Devil's Backbone by the Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro; a look at the terrifically exciting 60s thriller Blow Up led me to Nicholas Roeg's 70s thriller Don't Look Now. Tom Silva: Netflix Opens a Pandora's Box
  • There were terrific rejoicings on the day war ended.
  • As ever: the gear change and clutch are heavy; the throttle response terrific.
  • The other terrific service we're offering interactive viewers is next-day highlights of action which took place in the middle of the night.
  • Comin 'received terrific reviews and strong sales, despite Earle's claim that the label botched the album's song sequence. Undefined
  • His terrific ear for idiomatic speech makes dialogue sizzle off the page. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was keeping a clean sheet against two terrific attempts by Martin Ling and co.
  • The turning point is a terrific number prompted by another song, " I ' ve Got A Dream " ; suddenly the screen is filled with what I can only describe as Visigoth vaudevillians. '
  • He is a terrific athlete and a brilliant jumper.
  • Rubbing alcohol does a terrific job of cleaning the slats of venetian blinds.
  • I only skimmed through the ‘Aparelho Voador a Baixa Altitude’ clips because it looks terrific and I want to see it properly, not in poxy Youtube-o-vision! Ballardian » 'Like Alice in Wonderland': Solveig Nordlund on J.G. Ballard
  • In the final the large crowd was enthralled by a game of intense skill and terrific excitement.
  • Word got out that I was a terrific pasta maker.
  • Condulmiero was already fiercely engaged, and soon his carack was a mere unrigged helmless waterlog, only saved from instant destruction by her immense size and terrific guns, which, well aimed, low on the water, to gain the _ricochet_, did fearful mischief among the attacking galleys. The Story of the Barbary Corsairs
  • The medium coarse grating surface is terrific for zesting citrus fruit, grating nutmeg or ginger, and shredding hard cheeses like parmesan or pecorino romano.
  • They want what they want -- banning abortion, prayer in schools, marginalizing gays and lesbians -- and if they don't get it, the tantrum is going to be terrific. July 2005
  • The food there is terrific. I love it. It's out of this world.
  • Guernsey lilies make excellent cut flowers and are a terrific addition to rock gardens and container gardens.
  • Eye-witness accounts were n accord with a large meteoroid/small asteroid entry, with a body passing overhead accompanied by a terrific roar (presumably electrophonic effects), later concussions, and the sky being lit up like daylight. Signs of the Times
  • I bought two woolen suits of terrific style and workmanship for $75 each in Rome last winter; regular price was twice that.
  • The album is distinguished by its stylistic breadth - synth-pop, techno, house, ambient, and more - and its terrific flow.
  • Although the American is a terrific competitor, she does not get the most from her ability.
  • There has always been a terrific amount of keeping up with the Joneses.
  • When you see a movie that looks this good from the get-go, you just know you're in for a terrific time.
  • She is decorative, larger than life, a terrific glamourpuss.
  • The Vietnamese gave me terrific confidence to go up against the big battalions as a small commando unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lightly poached egg that arrives on top of terrific, seemingly creamless spaghetti carbonara leaks its unctuous yolk over strips of pancetta, slivered endive and parsley, and slick al dente noodles.
  • Knockout performances and a terrific screenplay make this one of the best indie films in years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some movies you watch for world-class acting, powerful drama, and a terrific screenplay.
  • The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.
  • It has got to be as terrific for the emotional growth of Britain's young people as, say, bear-baiting was for the Elizabethans.
  • Luckily, Subterranean Press/PS Publishing decided to get together and co-publish a lavish, dense, and beautiful based on the ARC edition of these seminal stories in one massive volume inside a terrific cover by Edward Miller, sporting introductions by John Scalzi, Joe Hill, Richard Matheson and Mark Scott Zicree. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The girls arrived into school in a blaze of colour wearing football, hurling, soccer and rugby jerseys and helped to raise a terrific 500.
  • Lactose intolerance: Probiotic cultures "predigest" some of the lactose in dairy products, making kefir a terrific milk product for people suffering from lactose intolerance. Leslie Goldman: The Flat Belly Food You Don't Know About: Kefir
  • He did a terrific amount of fundraising.
  • He was a terrific actor and he also had a very quick brain.
  • The same goes for De Niro, who plays his part with such terrific intensity.
  • Whether Consols were going up or not, London had become a terrific property.
  • He didn't say whether he'll present his candidacy for the role, which he called "terrific. -- Top News
  • The springtime delicacy of their budding stands in terrific contrast to the autumnal head beneath.
  • Stopping drinking gave me terrific confidence, too.
  • These scampered through his brain and tore up his heart and tumbled about in his throat and lungs, and maintained a furious harlequinade, and in short behaved in a way that was quite disgraceful, and that caused the poor young man alternately to amuse, annoy, astonish, and stun his comrades, who beheld the exterior results of those private theatricals, but had no conception of the terrific combats that took place so frequently on the stage within. The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
  • He seemed human, he had a terrific sense of humor, and when I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush, by whom he had recently been shivved in the South Carolina primary, he demurred in giving an answer while not masking his obviously dark feelings. Seth Greenland: Hello, Sailor
  • Fish cakes of all kinds are a terrific way to use up leftovers or stretch a quantity of protein.
  • I played recreational volleyball two different periods, in past years, and was a terrific “spiker” at the net. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive
  • In terrific clips, we see the scampish gleam of mischief that shot out of Atwater's steely eyes, giving him the look of a honky-tonk Daniel Craig. Brad Listi: Politics as Bloodsport: A Conversation with Stefan Forbes, Director of Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
  • The terraced terrain near the Mediterranean ferry is terrific.
  • The boys were kicking up a terrific row.
  • The staging for Radames's return - with massed wind and brass, plus ballet - was terrific, despite some backstage noise for Aida's preceding recitative.
  • And if it is, what about the terrific temptation we create for malingering?
  • Roberto Luongo was the no-brainer choice made by the fans, but there have been several terrific netminding performances in the West this season Chris Osgood and Manny Legace get honourable mentions. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Their ensuing adventure is a rip-roaring treat capable of appealing to both adults and children alike, featuring a superb script and some terrific visual gags as well as some genuinely moving moments.
  • And the battlefront between the air masses has also sparked some terrific bouts of snow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apple cider vinegar is a terrific ingredient in foods, sauces , and dressings. It isn't medicine.
  • Central defender has been in terrific form. The Sun
  • This terrific park is worth the trip.
  • Wear with wedge heels for a terrific look. The Sun
  • At a period when he was having a terrific struggle with a certain habit, he was so continually held in the thought of fear by his mother and the young lady to whom he was engaged, -- the engagement to be consummated at the end of a certain period, the time depending on his proving his mastery, -- that he, very sensitively organized, _continually_ felt the depressing and weakening effects of their negative thoughts. In Tune with the Infinite or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty
  • Then go back for pudding - the honey and almond cake is terrific. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster.
  • The two aircraft encountered terrific up and down drafts, along with whirlwinds, frequently driving the planes to within 25-ft of the ground.
  • In a terrific 2009 essay called "Crap Detection 101"(riffing off a long-ago line from Ernest Hemingway), he wrote about some of the ways to check things out.
  • It's worth remembering, however, that though a clean copy fresh off a printer may look terrific, it will read only as well as the thinking and writing that have gone into it.
  • She proves a terrific foil for Smith, whether flirtily eyeing up the new Doctor or smacking him with a cricket bat, Ace style. SFX
  • What a terrific idea, sure to help more folks find delight in the lives, colors and habits of birds.
  • Lao Wang, you are really terrific!
  • His penalty in the shoot-out was terrific and he is very good when he is confident and on his penalties he is. David Moyes takes Mikel Arteta off Everton set piece duty
  • Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.
  • And I was very proud, frankly of South Dakota this time, because they had a terrific slate of candidates for all the offices.
  • I've got an option on a terrific screenplay.
  • As you know, Samoan girls are terrific liars when it comes to joking.
  • Now I have some great, great fighters coming up, a couple of good middleweights, a couple lightweights, I have some terrific young ladies that are coming up in the amateurs.
  • It's also terrific to see so many young singers offer such polished performances. Times, Sunday Times
  • Parsnips also make a wonderful soup and terrific fritters, and their long, blond roots are irresistible if roasted until the skinny tails scorch to a crisp.
  • Wear jackets open and remember this is probably the only time the extra fabric from a double-breasted jacket looks terrific when unbuttoned.
  • That said, he is a terrific diarist, unselfconscious and candid to an alarming degree.
  • If you want to review the science behind flow cytometry, Dr. Shannon Sovndal wrote a terrific summary of the method for back in 2004. The Explainer: Plastics
  • Yunbo: Christopher, what an excellent game ! You're a terrific hockey player.
  • It's too easy to mess up your charmeuse shirtfront eating beets and goat-cheese crostini, but the grilled lobster tail is terrific, tender with a faint perfume of garlic.
  • Then go back for pudding - the honey and almond cake is terrific. Times, Sunday Times
  • The music is generally terrific but the scripting and acting are a bit ho-hum.
  • Kaye said,'I think it's a terrific idea, but I'm just wondering how you're gonna look, singing hymns in sequinned revers? MR STARLIGHT
  • The views from the rooftop restaurant are terrific. Times, Sunday Times
  • The roar of the conflict along the river had become terrific; to the east a New Jersey battery, obscured in flame-shot clouds, was retiring by its twenty-eight-foot prolonges, using cannister; the remains of a New Hampshire infantry regiment supported the retreat; between the two batteries Claymore in his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, heavy revolver swinging in his blackened fist, was giving a tongue lashing to the stream of fugitives from the river woods. Ailsa Paige
  • Yes, yes, I know Stephen Fry would be terrific doing that ... but Jim Dale would turn the whole thing into a fairytale rather than an exercise in surrealist humor. And the one thing that would make it better is actual pie
  • Adding vitality to the virtuosity is a terrific ear for idiomatic speech. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Kirby and Spence's _Entomology_, vol.ii. p. 224., they mention "the terrific and protended jaws of the stag-beetle of Europe, the _Lucanus Notes and Queries, Number 61, December 28, 1850
  • Like most Tour de France books, this one has terrific photos: close-ups of cyclists slogging their way up steep hills, or more picturesque shots of the peloton winding its way through mountain ranges.
  • He is handsome, charismatic and a terrific actor, yet he really should have spent more time improving his English, which was woeful.
  • The tremendous moral power of this solitary work lies in the fact that it is a series of terrific and fascinating tableaux, embodying the idea of inflexible poetic justice impartially administered upon king and varlet, pope and beggar, oppressor and victim, projected amidst the unalterable necessities of eternity, and moving athwart the lurid abyss and the azure cope with an intense distinctness that sears the gazer's eyeballs. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • As the lights go down strobe lighting and terrific claps of thunder herald the storm.
  • She gave the ball a terrific belt.
  • She drove at a terrific speed.
  • Efficient decision-making systems give terrific power to the efforts of already capable people considering new directions.
  • Granted, the Fifth Column's newest ally, Scott Wolf's Chad Decker is still the world's 2nd worst journalist you know who you are, #1, and Charles Mesure remains a terrible actor, saved only by his character Kyle Hobbes' terrific collection of form-fitting t-shirts. Watercooler: OMG! V is No Longer MIA!
  • Apart from killing animals outright, it's a terrific transport system for tiny feral life forms such as barnacles, worms and polyps, which are invading new habitats.
  • He is driving at a terrific speed.
  • He has a terrific array of personnel and coaching experience that will positively impact what we are trying to build here with the SuperSonics.
  • To this end, Dean Obeidallah asks a very pointed question in his terrific Huffington Post piece from Wednesday that I have no doubt Palin will rush to refudiate posthaste: Zaki Hasan: Sarah Palin Jumps the Shark
  • I have a terrific headache.
  • The hammering and pounding made a terrific noise, as if the old men were tuning dementedly a giant xylophone.
  • Jet was also an efficient bug - zapper and a terrific watchdog.
  • There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship.
  • A zingy soup that's great for dinner and terrific for lunch with a sandwich, salad or dumplings. Choose Your Own Soup Adventure
  • This encapsulates what young artists encountered in the 1990s, leaving me with terrific melancholy.
  • But just two months before the big day she received the terrific news that a match had been found.

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