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How To Use Terribly In A Sentence

  • I leaned a minute against a Corinthian column; I lamented that no pontiff arrived with victims and aruspices, of whom I might inquire, what, in the name of birds and garbage, put me so terribly out of humour! for you must know I was very near being disappointed, and began to think Piranesi and Paolo Panini had been a great deal too colossal in their view of this venerable structure. Dreams Waking Thoughts and Incidents
  • Those tiny little felt guys that I made for Amelia just before she was born have been loved a little and have ended up filthy and terribly pilled.
  • Areas prone to flooding will suffer terribly as sea levels rise over the next century.
  • They are suffering terribly but their mind is perfect, so it is a living hell.
  • When you see this poor guy being followed everywhere he goes by hordes of people, it's actually terribly sad.
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Master English with Ease
  • I progressed to high school the year before Frankie, and missed him terribly.
  • In comparison, the original mono track is distorted, indistinct, and terribly tinny, but for preservation's sake, it is nice to see it included here.
  • Den suffered terribly from stage fright .
  • People had become terribly troubled," he said, trying hard to imbue the word "troubled" with sympathy. Rewind radio: The Brown Years; Desert Island Discs; Craig Brown's Lost Diaries
  • By the late 1880s there was nothing terribly mysterious about getting a steam hammer to deliver a blow of so many tons.
  • Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
  • All the youngsters look terribly puny, as if they need to sign up for a bodybuilding course.
  • I'm terribly sorry. I didn't catch your name.
  • He was terribly behind in his work.
  • It would've been terribly immature, and she would've felt horrid about it later, however it would sure make her feel better at the moment.
  • I'm not terribly interested in politics.
  • Don't buy your computer at that shop—they price them up terribly.
  • He wasn't terribly popular in our part of the constituency and rumours, some of which have hardened into allegations, abounded.
  • That scarf clashes terribly with her green coat.
  • It's not terribly wonky, which is good, but it isn't light on specifics, either ... Blogrunner
  • It looks terribly slummy in this house.
  • It's terribly smoky in here - I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air.
  • The food we get here is terribly samey.
  • Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 
  • It wasn't that it grossed him out terribly, but he had heard so many mistletoe comments over the past week that he could barely contain himself.
  • Illegal workers have to accept terribly low wages, miserable working conditions, and essentially no benefits.
  • The experience wasn't terribly elevating.
  • Instead they must feel terribly hurt that the system let them down. The Sun
  • Beth's incoherence told Amy that something was terribly wrong.
  • None of these were terribly successful over any sort of long run period, though they did cause a fair amount of suffering by limiting economic freedom and growth. woolie says: Matthew Yglesias » Centrally Planned Suburbia
  • My wound smarts terribly.
  • Evidence for this fact can be found in the terribly low quality of this entry, and my true inability to write anything better.
  • I like the delays on the vox, too, but they're not terribly obvious.
  • Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 
  • She was an undemanding friend, ready to listen with attention, whereas I was incurious about her, perhaps assuming that since she was so young, she had nothing to teach me about books or life, an idea which seemed terribly sad years later.
  • English settlers for control of coastal lands suffered terribly, sometimes from war, but more often from the spread of contagious diseases such as smallpox. America Past and Present
  • This is unfortunate, though not terribly surprising.
  • It doesn't contain anything terribly offensive, though the premiere does mention the existence of sex between alligators and use the word "horny. Wired Top Stories
  • The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.
  • Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly hard for them.
  • They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up.
  • The birds would no longer flute to us of lost loves, but of found worms; we should realise how terribly selfish they are; we could never more quote 'Hark, hark, the lark at heaven's gate sings,' or poetise with Mr. Patmore of 'the heavenly-minded thrush.' Prose Fancies
  • I've been walking around Moscow and the town is terribly quiet.
  • Reinertsen is a pompous ass who ragged on him terribly in his doolie year—the label for the freshman hell-in-residence period at Doolittle Hall. Orbit
  • I am terribly sorry this should have happened and I sincerely hope that we hear from them.
  • When I did my summing-up of 2003, I was terribly disappointed to find that I'd only read 37 books last year, and I was determined that I'd get through 50 this year.
  • Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
  • Red is the actual Hadley data - so you'll note that their "hindcast" isn't terribly accurate in the first place. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Rep. Mike Ross, who flip-flopped on the public option and has authored an amendment that seems like a copycat of Max Baucus's no-good, terribly bad bill, has been in secretive talks with a Republican, Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), for weeks. Archive 2009-09-01
  • He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
  • I'm feeling awful because I've been so terribly slack lately.
  • Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.
  • Describing comedy, especially sketch comedy, in a review is terribly difficult.
  • It must hit you and John terribly hard, being friends of his and so young and all.
  • Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 
  • The film dragged terribly.
  • I got terribly angry with him.
  • It may be a terribly important village. Times, Sunday Times
  • His main feelings were rivalry with Wallace ” the feeling of rivalry was very strong in him ” and being "terribly anxious" that Wallace would "forestall" him (he was also anxious because of illness and death in his family). Darwin's Complaint
  • Would you mind terribly if I didn't come today?
  • Jamie seems very downcast at the moment. He misses Jenny terribly.
  • There is the man who yearned for eternal life but was terribly attached to his own possessions, and the poor widow who put her last penny in the treasury.
  • She began to feel terribly cold as she plummeted through the depths of the pond, feeling its matter travel through her body, through her skin and bones and internal organs like some ghostly ectoplasm.
  • He was terribly unfair to the younger children.
  • The trot of the dromedary is a pace terribly disagreeable to the rider, until he becomes a little accustomed to it; but after the first half-hour I so far schooled myself to this new exercise, that Eothen
  • That's probably a terribly untechnical and imprecise way of asking, Can she take a term that she didn't invent and that everyone has been using freely for months and actually get legal protection for it? Trademarking "Octomom."
  • Opera snobs are terribly snooty about Bocelli's particular brand of "popera" - Time To Say Goodbye, which he does with Sarah Brightman, is possibly the cheesiest song ever to have been recorded - but I imagine that as he sang to the crowd in Central Park, he couldn't have given two hoots. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • No wonder the firm makes a loss; the office is terribly overstaffed.
  • Cerruti has veered away from innocuous and terribly predictable suits; away from trousers, jacket, belt and shoes in perfect harmony.
  • The bad news tangled my thoughts terribly.
  • I felt terribly sad about it.
  • She was more angry than scared. Very angry, terribly angry.
  • Seeing how terribly the trip strained the ungainly mother, Indira was amazed at her stoic determination to continue.
  • I was reading my book for the first 45 min or so, and when I looked up I felt terribly queasy.
  • She was terribly possessive of our eldest son.
  • I don't want to be uncharitable, but she's not a terribly good cook.
  • I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up.
  • He's clearly convinced we're all headed for a nasty apocalyptic end but he manages to be terribly jolly about the whole thing.
  • It made me realise it was terribly important to people that we are happy together and a very solid partnership. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I do know that this ability, whether it's psychic or not, is not terribly uncommon.
  • When I was being beaten in the ring, terribly beaten, hideously beaten, it would have been easy for me to quit.
  • They were terribly distraught at the news of his accident.
  • He's a terribly naughty child.
  • You reach a stage where you don't get terribly excited about much anymore. Times, Sunday Times
  • On her first voyage out East, she remembered being terribly seasick.
  • Terribly talented people often have little tolerance for less talented middle managers.
  • As shoppers stopped to purchase bread from an automat in a suburban Frankfurt Aldi one recent afternoon, many said they weren't terribly bothered by the distinction. Fresh Test: Grocery Store Automats Get a Rise Out of German Bakers
  • Candleford is a two-horse town that thinks itself terribly swank because it has a haberdasher's and a post office. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loved my father, as I do now, and miss him terribly now he's gone.
  • My father is footing the extra bill at a very expensive and not terribly good care home. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was terribly possessive of our eldest son.
  • Sometimes it is difficult because these people say some nasty things about us and do some terribly hurtful things. Christianity Today
  • Life was terribly hectic in the city, she thought, all hustle and bustle.
  • I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to trip you up.
  • She's gone terribly thin since her operation.
  • Although the sight of road-ragin 'celebrities -- particularly if they're young and terribly thin and have been in rehab or married to failed rappers -- might still be reason for the heart to beat faster, a new road menace has quietly arisen. Sunday Reading
  • The region of west Inner Mongolia lies in arid, semi-arid, terribly arid climatic zone, and the ecological environment is very frail.
  • The guests would be terribly kind, behaving as if she were all right or suffering an unidentified malady.
  • I can't believe it has only been a few days since I saw you last and I miss you terribly.
  • We're trying to recapture the romance of flight as it was in the 1920s or 30s, when flight used to be terribly exciting.
  • A long, drawn out, boring evening with terribly rude and abrupt service.
  • But the roads are terribly congested and the air's so filthy.
  • The form was terribly complicated and I had a lot of trouble with it.
  • It has only been a year since I lost my beloved Labrador Shamus and I still miss her terribly.
  • If you survive his maze of dense wordplay and obscure references, you will probably not find anything too terribly profound, but you'll still be smarter.
  • It is a terribly bleak chronicle with things will only get better sentiments bolted on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, it wasn't a terribly newsworthy speech, a rehash of his old themes.
  • And though she longed to lose herself in the flames, to be consumed and reborn, she was also terribly afraid.
  • I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up.
  • It's terribly important for parents to be consistent.
  • Plans for a new building have miscarried terribly.
  • I was terribly homesick when I first arrived here and missed my family very much.
  • I'm terribly sorry-did I hurt you?
  • Chris, then, has fallen from grace and is living in a kind of purgatory, respected but terribly alone, knowing he can never be forgiven because the person he wronged is dead.
  • She suffered terribly from stage fright but she's past it to a degree.
  • Now, imagine how years of fry-cooking grease-laden air will affect that jute rope they are made of and what it may look like if seldom cleaned and you will get an idea why I only went there once and why the word macrame is terribly unappealing. Fashion World of SL
  • The film was terribly disappointing.
  • I am full of thoughts and wishes for all of you and am terribly frustrated not to be able to express them.
  • Rebecca felt terribly guilty about hiding her relation to David, but she pinched her lips and said not a word.
  • So terribly inconsiderate of her to put us to all this fuss. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • Although she missed Ethan terribly, it was easy to let him slip from her mind when she was surrounded by many handsome, earnest sailors.
  • Clearly, something is terribly wrong in the Hobbey household, but neither Shardlake nor the reader can puzzle out what evil abides there, even after the half-mad mistress of the house cries out, You fool! Chasing justice in Henry VIII's England
  • European Cup as if it is not terribly significant is not so much to betray a lack of soul, but a lack of commercial savvy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rose, the eldest, is in the lead and she realizes something is terribly wrong before she sees what's the matter. Lance Mannion:
  • It's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.
  • John Grisham’s first work of nonfiction, an exploration of small town justice gone terribly awry, is his most extraordinary legal thriller yet. The best recent books: True Crime
  • The stakes are terribly high as operators enter uncharted territory in the broadband world.
  • I can only spare you a moment, I'm afraid?I'm terribly busy.
  • I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend.
  • He survived, but was terribly traumatised by the experience.
  • The darkness edged away and there was something in the corner, some terribly old and deformed thing, with a bloated, distended belly and wide staring eyes.
  • OK, I exaggerate, but my mate down there was under the weather, so it didn't seem terribly good form to inflict my jetlagged, mindfucked blethering on him. Archive 2010-06-01
  • I hope that these deviations from sphericity are not terribly large for sn1's. Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
  • Yet, again, I could not escape that there was something about her eyes, something terribly alert and competent that defied her physical mien.
  • Finding Neverland, which explores the events that inspired J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, briefly skirts that line before veering off into terribly cornball territory.
  • This is not a terribly satisfactory outcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some bright spark decided it would be terribly amusing to spill the contents of six litter bins across the cathedral green during the night.
  • There's a few great action sequences in it, but apart from that it's not terribly remarkable.
  • This is incredibly unrealistic and not terribly conducive to the story itself.
  • This suggested a rapid resolution, only for those hopes to be dashed when the mission turns out to have come terribly close to catastrophe.
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • She was more angry than scared. Very angry, terribly angry.
  • When she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked.
  • I feel terribly fond of penguins. The Sun
  • I start my running class today, so I want to make sure I eat something good and not terribly heavy, and I don't want to be wolfing it down at the last minute.
  • We may have won, but we played terribly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jessica St. Clair is Jane's younger sister, Emily, the stand-in for happily married, terribly earnest supermoms. Talented cast, humorless task in 'Motherhood'
  • He suffers terribly with migraines.
  • Last week the omens were not terribly encouraging.
  • Anyway, I wasn't terribly sold on the alleged political riskiness of this movie but it did do boffo business in France and here, due in large part to the controversy stirred up by its foes..
  • Hence, a man could be very conscientious in the duties of his occupation and still fail terribly in his calling as a father.
  • It's all very well to say that we must ditch the economic model that measures things in growth, but last time a beardy-weirdy type suggested tearing up the global economic system and starting all over again, it didn't turn out terribly well. Christina Patterson: What I Learnt from Prince Charles
  • She is terribly frightened, no doubt sensing that she may soon be badly hurt or harmed.
  • These aristocrats are wicked, all right, but they're not terribly decadent.
  • The trot of the dromedary is a pace terribly disagreeable to the rider, until he becomes a little accustomed to it; but after the first half-hour Eothen, or, Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
  • He's very good-looking but not terribly bright.
  • I'm terribly sorry-did I hurt you?
  • No wonder the firm makes a loss; the office is terribly overstaffed.
  • It's terribly difficult to make a call to those sort of islands as they don't have many telephones.
  • We were both terribly upset about that. The Sun
  • It is terribly hot.
  • Mr Brooks said his family missed Robyn terribly and thought of her every day.
  • Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. 
  • With all due respect to John Young, the enthusiasm for him as NASA administrator is terribly wrong. First He's In - Then He's Out - Then He's Back In - NASA Watch
  • It's terribly noisy living near the airport; planes are coming over all the time.
  • But there's nothing terribly racy from the 19th century. Boing Boing
  • There are three aspects of the reaction to the epidemic in Britain that make me terribly uneasy.
  • It's stagy and obvious and not terribly effective, since Olive doesn't really seem to come to any particular understanding. Michael Giltz: Theater: NYMF #3 -- Chorus Girls, Satyrs, And Song Cycles
  • They were terribly funny, like comedy in stereo. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a recipe for decay and decline - and would be terribly hard to escape. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's terribly upset because her father passed away last week.
  • My son's terribly untidy; my daughter's no different.
  • Lysander, her hero, is a lovable thicko who isn't even terribly proficient in bed.
  • None of it bodes terribly well. Times, Sunday Times
  • After her husband's death she felt terribly alone.
  • I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting.
  • The Dutch have at least 135 nude beaches, which just goes to show that Netherlanders aren't terribly worried about hiding their nether bits.
  • Initially, I didn't find its ornate, elaborate style terribly appealing, but a mirror is a mirror and it was useful in our bedroom. Catherine Fournier's House: Mirror on the Wall
  • This used to be a well-known fact; and daily still, in certain edifices, steeple-houses, joss-houses, temples sacred or other, everywhere spread over the world, we hear some dim mumblement of an assertion that such is still, what it was always and will forever be, the fact: but meseems it has terribly fallen out of memory nevertheless. Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • She dressed in her warmest clothes, as the Spanish nights were terribly cold, and grabbed her valise.
  • The whole issue has been handled terribly, right from governmental level downwards.
  • was terribly het up over the killing of the eagle
  • He is so happy and contented due to the fact she has looked after him so well through terribly difficult times. The Sun
  • First time round it was terribly trendy, but it's horrific that it's actually back in fashion.
  • `I've been trying to call you for months and months, but I mislaid your number and Information was terribly uncooperative. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • If you're not terribly interested, then skip ahead past the italics.
  • What we have allowed DEP to do is to terribly understaff this permitting process, he said. AP: Pennsylvania is approving gas drilling permits with scant review
  • Corinth, the Corinthians having received certain intelligence by their spies that he with a numerous army in battle-rank was coming against them, were all of them, not without cause, most terribly afraid; and therefore were not neglective of their duty in doing their best endeavours to put themselves in a fit posture to resist his hostile approach and defend their own city. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • He grew terribly bright, as if ghostly images of himself had focused on him, and a crackling nimbus of pure force that glowed a deep gold-crimson surrounded him.
  • I'm always terribly busy on Thursdays.
  • Piano rolls are of course much too bulky and not terribly sturdy for use in a combat situation, so Hedy's invention, which she had patented in 1942 for use in WWII, was not implemented until 1962 in the Cuban Missile Crisis, once solid-state technology had finally caught up with the amazingly innovative Hedy Lamarr. Hedwig Kiesler is a Stone-Cold BADASS
  • Some people are so terribly insincere you can never tell if they are telling the truth.
  • It's terribly trite, but I honestly think I have the best mother in the world.
  • Fay was never terribly good at living, so it makes sense that she would eventually cloister herself away behind a typewriter.
  • The coach was not terribly worried about his team's poor performance.
  • Personally, I think Adams's collective work on homophobia is terribly important.
  • Although not terribly powerful on his own, he's often useful to have as part of a team.
  • How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth.
  • She's got a terribly guilty conscience about it.

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