How To Use Terrain In A Sentence
While the alpine end of the sport needs only cold weather to produce skiable terrain, cross-country must have snow.
We were constantly rewarded with stunning scenic views and the satisfaction of navigating challenging terrain with ease, but we didn't get very far, as the crow flies.
How many fathers would drive their daughter 120 miles through mountainous terrain so she could attend weekly ballet and singing lessons?
But it is precisely the familiarity of the urban terrain to those who live there that enables them to use it to the advantages of ambushes, surprise attacks and rapid redeployment.
Range selection is dependent on the anticipated engagement range; it is affected by terrain intervisibility, weather, and light conditions.
FM 71-1 Chapter 2 Battle Command

The rugged terrain to be negotiated and the 32-km distance to be slogged from Eravikulam hut to Konalar fishing hut at a lower altitude of 1,889 m made the members sweat out in just five hours.
In bess mountain area, the problem of drainage becomes a nodus because of the special nature of bess and terrain . The nodus must be solved immedialtely.
Each has written compellingly on this subject, yet each has been unselfishly and unfailingly supportive as we explored terrain that they already knew well.
American Grace
As well as isolation, problems included often rugged terrain, the prohibitive cost of transport, cattle ticks and poison plants.
But this inhospitable terrain is also key to the boomtown future.
A sheep dog is the unofficial greeter of Harberton Estancia, a picturesque ranch with red-roofed buildings and rolling terrain.
The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.
The mountainous terrain is hampering tracking.
Times, Sunday Times
This is difficult terrain for the son of a billionaire pitched against the son of a bus driver.
Times, Sunday Times
I drove it on a treacherous course in the rugged terrain of Virginia.
The Sun
The insurgency is concealed in rugged terrain and grows stronger.
Times, Sunday Times
Later, I will examine the impact of terrain, in its military definition, on operations.
When the troops actually got into this situation and found, you know, these hills denuded by naval shellfire and things like this, basically only then did they actually discover what the true nature of the terrain was.
Don't just look for landmarks and terrain features, take their measure, too.
Pas besoin d'être grand clerc pour comprendre que le terrain d'investigation de la chercheuse a été pour l'essentiel la Mayenne et la Manche.
Unbewitching Jeanne Favret-Saada
That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead.
Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
He said the trek had been something of an ordeal over difficult terrain and there had been days of miserable weather with wind, rain and snow.
Depending on the irregularity of the terrain, the operator can adjust both the ground clearance of the machine and height of each step.
The area encompasses zones of subarctic mountain birch forest in the lowlands, heather and grassland higher up, and mountainous alpine terrain at the highest altitudes.
Located on a narrow peninsula, Yehliu features special terrain and geologic landscape from wave erosion , rock weathering, and crustal movement.
That concludes the rough sketch of the terrain; now begins the journey.
PLACEBO: The Belief Effect
The region's benign climate, chalky terrain and spectacular summer light is a wine-maker's dream.
Most bushy tail jirds welcome cage companions but they treat humans like part of their terrain to be explored.
British police say they believe Mr. Heselden died while testing an all-terrain equipped Segway and lost control and drove the machine off a cliff near his estate in Leeds.
Owner of Segway Machines Dies on a Segway
The trip will take them through harsh desert terrain and some of the poorest countries in the world.
Cycling: Hire a cycle to explore the surrounding countryside; the terrain around the lakes is fairly gentle!
But the brutal conditions - including high humidity and a harsh rocky terrain - soon took its toll.
The Sun
We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
The army, they say, lacked sufficient combat readiness to fight in mountainous terrain.
Within this ecoregion, the islets between the lava-covered terrain in Timanfaya National Park support 3 species of plants which are endemic to Lanzarote: Echium pitardii, Odontospermum intermedium, and Polycarpea robusta.
Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets
Thanks to the form-fitting footbeds and Vibram outsoles, these backless wonders breeze through pushy terrain.
He might not know much about the Church, but with this terrain he was thoroughly familiar.
Rural counties such as Gwynedd suffer particularly since they often have very low density settlements, rugged terrain and relatively poor roads.
At first we seem to be in familiar terrain, both emotionally and geographically, since this story of a fractured marriage has been shifted from Oz to England.
This is a terrain in brutal transition: the boomburbs circling the edge of the metropolis only recently existed as country towns or rural settlements far away from the urban fringe.
In hummocky terrain, the wire is presently suspended above the soil surface over hollows.
Our national walk survey shows the coast is our favourite walking terrain.
The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.
In the mid-19th century the Norwegian government, eager to colonise with people a terrain it owned in name only, offered free land here to impoverished farmers from the south.
The difficult terrain of the Pennines will be a hard nut to crack.
In the west, the fiordlands and alpine terrain of British Columbia attest to vigorous glaciation of high-relief mountains in a snowy, maritime climate.
Rescuers had to struggle on foot through more than a mile of rugged terrain before helping the passengers.
Waterfront Plant Landscape: aquatic, biogas plants mainly with terrain target.
Amazingly, although set up to tackle the roughest rally terrain in the world, the Group B cars could race on a track as well.
It was a bold and ambitious plan that took no account of the terrain or local conditions.
Plots were treated independently rather than as paired samples because the terrain was sufficiently rugged so pairs were not well matched with respect to plot aspect or slope.
Moreover, each vehicle had to be capable, during each patrol, of traveling some 2,000 miles over unmapped, inhospitable terrain, and scorching, shifting sands.
The highlands have rugged terrain that is difficult to cultivate.
But they have fought with incredible courage in almost unimaginably hostile terrain.
The Sun
Theroux may be revisiting well-trodden terrain, but he hasn't lost any of his insight or power to enthral.
The Elephanta Suite: Summary and book reviews of The Elephanta Suite by Paul Theroux.
Model's terrain intelligence is necessary information for those experiments.
At Gusev Crater, Spirit had to divert from her original course up Husband Hill because the slopes were too steep and the sandy terrain too slippery.
Drops of mercury rain ran down their faceplates as they all looked out across the cooled rocky terrain from the cave's mouth.
But he doesn't do emotion or much like the idea of stomping about his own unexplored psychic terrain without a map.
Times, Sunday Times
It has been speculated that it was in this bank that the left wing hit terrain, beginning the crash sequence.
These figures move slowly around a terrain apparently laid waste by some great disaster.
The terrain is bumpy, crisscrossed by steep elevations and ridges not running parallel to the river and bisected by numerous ravines.
In much of the up- and-down terrain between Dulzura and Tecate, the mountains themselves are the only barrier.
The truck tires we're currently testing are designed for light-duty pickups and SUVs, and they include 12 winter, 13 all-terrain and 23 all-season models.
Truck tire testing update: Judging a comfortable riding tire
The Soviets tried to strike immediately before reo could arrive & used the hilly terrain to cover their rush forward with T34's & ISU122's towards the right of the German line, while holding their SU76s back in a safe place covering the objectives.
Nick's 05/06/09: Firestorm Battle 3 Turn 4
In this terrain the cacomistle, a catlike raccoon, lives in rock crevices.
The environment is heterogeneous with undulating terrain and numerous smaller rivers that dissect the interfluve.
Tapajós-Xingu moist forests
Geologically young, the Rockies exhibit faulting, glaciation, and volcanism, resulting in rugged, spectacularly scenic terrain.
The latter expeditions were made arduous by jungle and mountainous terrain.
Times, Sunday Times
A sketch was made of the souterrain and it was found to be about 52 feet long.
Stretching across terrain already gridded by Andalusian farms, Andasol 1 and 2 rely on the same energy source as the crops.
And in Strut, two vicious-looking dogs occupy a vague terrain in which a pair of skulls suggest a boneyard where the dogs have eaten their fill.
Modern sensing devices detect objects or terrain disturbances even though they are well camouflaged.
The tourist office there can give you a map of the more mountainous terrain north of town, where you can walk through wild mountain lavender.
Times, Sunday Times
Clinton trod on to murky terrain.
The signals got lost in the hilly terrain.
Times, Sunday Times
The rugged terrain and long distances (up to six hours in the saddle each day) make this trip best for those with riding experience.
Hard facts of terrain, distance, and a determined enemy would dictate military progress or the lack of it.
Though other tracked vehicles can tear up soft terrain, our tracks steer much the same as a tire-equipped vehicle.
The road slices through rolling mountain terrain covered in greenery.
Instead of the relatively flat, even terrain farther north, the Mauricie is known for everything from rolling hills to steep slopes and harshly broken, rocky terrain.
Even more enticing is that, like the tubing and skiing offered here, airboarders at Canaan have their own dedicated area - an airboard terrain park, the first of its kind in the U.S. - News
Never mind contemporary country music, with its upbeat insipidity, which is to the genre at its best as a giant shopping complex is to the wild terrain eradicated to build it.
Soldiers are well-defended against most IEDs while they travel in all-terrain Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, Fuller says.
Army weighs silk to help shield troops' pelvic areas from IEDs
The situation in south-west England is broadly comparable to southern Scotland, with rounds (small enclosed homesteads), courtyard houses, and souterrains present, though only one villa has been recognized west of Exeter.
A new full-screen Places view lets you look at terrain maps with markers of where your photos were taken.
Live from Apple: iPhoto 11 gets Facebook enhancements, better book publishing
It took one computer artist a full year to paint terrain relief on every plate.
Race over the rugged terrain on a 4x4 tour or savour a more relaxed view from the back of a camel.
Times, Sunday Times
They walked for miles across steep and inhospitable terrain.
Where the road was, the house seemed to be at the bottom of a shallow bowl of weeds and terrain.
For the purpose of walking on uneven terrain, the main features of BR2 include geniculate legs and a translatable balance weight in the body.
This blade can be used to level the machine in uneven terrain and to increase digging depth or dumping height.
But almost 50 square miles of ski mountaineering terrain make the lifts pale in comparison.
Much of the evidence comes from studies of ancient trees and undersea terrain.
He claimed to know the rugged terrain around Machynlleth well.
Times, Sunday Times
They had to travel over extremely bad terrain on the way but by 13 December they were in place.
The software then does the calculations, using built-in data on the energy cost of traversing different kinds of terrain.
These flights gave the pilots an opportunity to study the terrain, note landmarks on their maps, and reconnoiter routes to and from the front lines.
I suppose a forecaddie can prove useful considering the hilly terrain, but Lost Canyon's forecaddies smack of a military escort.
Cariaga's innovative language-oriented poetry challenges the assumption that avant-garde poetics is the privileged terrain of white heterosexual male poets.
The terrain is very varied from the great expanse of Dartmoor to the gentler stretch of Exmoor.
Battle is delivered on more accidented terrain, as armies with great mobility do not need any particular terrain to fight on.
Battle Studies
Different skill levels, longe range is all right if the shooter/hunter knows what he is doing and is aware of the terrain/conditions in which he is operating.
Long Range Hunting
The terrain was the most difficult part, the downhills and uphills and the constant changing of pace.
The past owners put little energy into publicity, despite the resorts' excellent terrain.
Race over the rugged terrain on a 4x4 tour or savour a more relaxed view from the back of a camel.
Times, Sunday Times
Last year, on the day of the big annual school play, young Brandon "cased" a jump in the terrain park.
Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
She tackled the Himalayas at eighty-eight, occasionally allowing porters to carry her pick-a-back across impossible terrain.
The goal of the paper was to apply the method suitable for grid terrain data to the irregular point data, and to realize an efficient multi-resolution expression of the terrain.
Windsor enjoyed snowboarding, all-terrain motorcycling and video games, especially Halo and Magic, the Gathering.
March glimpses
Example sentence: Le sarclage étant plus difficile lorsque la terre est sèche, il est judicieux d'arroser le terrain légèrement une heure avant de commencer.
French Word-A-Day:
Desert terrain, boscage and fields in Normandy, destroyed urban centers, a naval facility in Norway, and other locations will be presented to the player throughout the course of the game.
As quickly as possible I took off my skins and side slipped down a 45 degree hour glass to easier terrain below.
The fireline crosses several pallisades of rock cliffs, and only a footsure crew of Hotshots could have cut this trench over that terrain.
Conservation officers get the beasts to trample shacks on protected forest land in the Assam region, where hilly terrain makes bulldozers impractical.
The Sun
Not only does this serve to strengthen the car in a crash, but it also allows the car to absorb heavy impacts in jumps and fast driving over rough terrain.
Hereupon in came the old woman and dragged my brother by his feet to a souterrain and threw him down upon a heap of dead bodies.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
First there was the difficult terrain.
He sent all-terrain dune bikes bouncing across the desert.
Times, Sunday Times
They undertook the three-day and four-night challenge last week, amongst the rugged terrain of the Isle of Wight.
It was ill conceived and poorly planned, above all because the Allies had little knowledge of the terrain.
Times, Sunday Times
They took part in a nine-day trek, covering 50 miles of rugged terrain and taking in some breathtaking scenery.
The spines on the legs of cockroaches were earlier considered to be sensory, but observations of their locomotion on sand and wire meshes has demonstrated that they help in locomotion on difficult terrain.
La Cucaracha, La Cucaracha
The two stalwarts who aided him in defining his sculptural terrain were Michelangelo and August Rodin.
Most of the artistic terrain here has been mapped out by the trailblazers of past generations, yet these contemporary artists seem satisfied to meekly follow along this well-worn path.
It means skiers will no longer have to catch an often overcrowded bus to explore the area 's great terrain.
Times, Sunday Times
In the years immediately following reunification, this empty terrain slashed through the newly open city.
They could only walk for four hours due to high temperatures and tricky terrain.
The Sun
The terraced square of rough stone blocks follows the terrain, suggesting an odd reminiscence of prehistoric megaliths.
Travelling through unique terrain features such as climbable walls, bunkers, tunnels, and caverns, the player will battle four types of droids controlled by the Separatist Army.
But most of it is under tundra permafrost, if not indeed under even more inhospitable terrain.
When we travel to foreign countries, we carry guidebooks to help us negotiate terrain that is strange but wonderful.
(Potere Operaio, No. 61, July 16, 1973) Even as late as November 1978, after the kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro, Negri's own magazine, Rosso (Red), far from condemning the escalating violence of the Red Brigades, wrote: "In claiming as its own all militant actions on the proletarian side, the movement must relaunch the initiative on the terrain of organized counterpower and mass illegality.
'Apocalypse Soon': An Exchange
Classical terrain navigation systems usually consist of three parts: a barometer, a radar altimeter and an inertial instrument.
And it's certainly true that ski- and tourism-related business owners in ski towns often clamor for more development, more marketing, more lifts and snowmaking and terrain.
(You wouldn’t want to invade from the East anyway, because of the mountainous terrain.)
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Vietnam Comparison — A Closer Look At The Numbers:
Each of those battles offers a contrasting type of military tactics, terrain and drama.
Two years of barbaric fighting in the most inhospitable mountain terrain left 1m soldiers and civilians dead.
Times, Sunday Times
Rebecca NicholsonFor most of the near decade that British troops have been fighting in Afghanistan, the focus of their war has been Helmand, a region famous even among Afghans for the hostility of its terrain and the doggedness of its people.
TV highlights 29/06/2011: Killer Tigers | Timeshift: Hotel Deluxe | Finding Amelia | The Apprentice | Afghanistan: The Battle For Helmand | 24 Hours in A&E
Only at the very western end, where the terrain is mountainous, are the old smuggling routes still open.
Times, Sunday Times
It is undeterred by uneven terrain, small rocks, sand or any smaller obstacles typically found on a ski trail.
It is now betting its future in digital terrain - from cameras, inkjet paper and online photofinishing to photo kiosks and minilabs, X-ray systems and commercial printers.
Secondly, it develops the tank's kinematic and dynamic analysis method and terrain match method.
A maneuverable sled is provided for use over snowy terrain.
If you are planning a sojourn on hilly terrain, sloping mountains or steep ghats, then this is the place.
The terrain and weather conditions on Attu placed the logisticians in a reactive instead of an anticipative mode throughout most of the operation.
Here, you can ski the steep terrain at your leisure, always stopping to enjoy the views, and then coming out again at night for some night skiing.
It simply reflects how narrow the accepted terrain of public discussion has become, at a time when ideas can be dismissed out-of-hand as being in bad taste or offensive.
I never realized that the terrain in Africa is so diverse.
They are simple to use on flat and gentle terrain, but glide better on the steeps, which of course, will also take a little more practice.
A sheep dog is the unofficial greeter of Harberton Estancia, a picturesque ranch with red-roofed buildings and rolling terrain.
Multi-beam Swath Bathymeter is a kind of newly developed advanced seafloor surveying equipment with high efficiency, high accuracy and fine terrain resolution.
Then he went away more disheartened than before and returned to his own house where he saw his wife sitting, for she had foregone him thither by the souterrain.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
According to TIME and the paper's abstract, the team created models based on the formation of similar terrain on Earth -- subglacial volcanos and ice shelves -- to determine how the chaos terrain on Europa could have formed.
Europa Water: Scientists Find Evidence Of Lakes On Jupiter's Moon (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
Terrain defilade is a key factor for early warning system (EWS) in detecting low altitude targets, effective algorithm provides the foundation of operational simulation.
As Gould rightly assumed, vast areas of terraincognita held enormous possibilities for new and exotic species.
The physiography of the region is generally a continuation of basin and range terrain (excluding the Stockton Plateau) that is typical of the Mojave Basin and Range (14) and the Central Basin and Range (13) ecoregions to the west and north, although the pattern of alternating mountains and valleys is not as pronounced as it is in Ecoregions 13 and 14.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The terrain here is flat, and the poor drainage encourages the creation of wetlands and bogs.
Also, the kid's all-terrain stroller left calligraphic trails in the untrodden carpet.
Apparently any terrain is suitable as long as it is washed regularly by salty or brackish water.
At ground level it comprises tracts of both dense and open-canopy forest dominated by conifers such as fir, larch, pine, and spruce, interleaved with boggy terrains.
Given the destructible environments and all the problems a developer runs into with uncertain terrain, the camera works very well, but there are occasions when it can become stuck or feel unresponsive.
It is an area dense with the thick woods and craggy terrain of a largely virgin Arctic rain forest.
This made the terrain whiz by so fast that it caused the images to blur.
Eckley, Wayne A.
Besides, the authors make a suggestion on how the automatic plotting of terrain perspective graphy with high level of reality can be realized.
Patala is symbolic of gold and the earth's minerals which energize the terrain and fertilize it.
Makhmalbaf adapts the volatile terrain to his story, such as in a harrowing and memorable scene set in a medical camp populated by limbless mine explosion victims.
The terrain's high points provide a panoramic view of Los Angeles.
This helps to avoid twisting an ankle when stalking these animals on the rocky terrain they favour.
The low temperatures here are a function of the terrain as much as of the climate.
My wife, perhaps becoming complacent, went ahead across the steep traverse, lost her footing and slid at terrifyingly high speed, bumping to a halt on some rocks where the terrain levelled and badly grazing her arm.
You always try to pick steeper terrain to fly relative to.
The Sun
Mountain building in the Cape region formed megafolds and monoclines, with the highest terrain diversity seen where two trends of folding meet (syntaxis).
Montane fynbos and renosterveld
Organ Pipe is quintessential Sonoran Desert terrain, a landscape of cactus and creosote bush interspersed with jagged mountains and laced with thickets of mesquite, ironwood, and palo verde trees.
Several times, sweeps through rough terrain, which had previously yielded nothing, resulted in the discovery of enemy units.
Undulating terrain and intervening crests require a large number of observers located on dominating heights to cover the entire area of operations.
Nevertheless, by the end of 1868 Montana had an initial point, a baseline, and a principal meridian, and much of its most economically promising terrain had been surveyed and mapped.
Once her work there is done, she will take a long drive to the south, heading for an area called Etched Terrain, which the science team homed in on for study months ago.
Establishing that the terrain is haunted with ghosts from the past is an effective strategy for the eventual release of the spirits.
They found what they called a terrain map that had positions of U.S. troops and Iraqi forces basically arrayed out like in a sandbox.
CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2003
Public health action takes place on a terrain of contested meanings and unequal power, where different knowledges struggle for control.
This rolling terrain on the plains of western Amazonia is high in biodiversity.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Preparations for the Normandy landings took place here because the terrain is similar to that which faced the Allied invasion forces.
They can grow faster than this and if you live in rocky terrain they will wear them down pretty quickly.
Does anybody know the average life span of an Eastern Wild Turkey. Not including the hunting and predator factor.
Guests are encouraged to hire cars to explore the island's uncompromising and maverick terrain and to drive to restaurants on evenings when dinner is not provided.
A source said the helicopter often struggled in hilly terrain to attain sufficient altitude to monitor a wide area.
Times, Sunday Times
He was sufficiently under the sway of Niebuhr's influence to know the terrain in Niebuhr's way.
Whether you are out for a brisk winter walk or backcountry snowboarding the new generation of snowshoes will have you floating over the terrain instead of plowing through it.
The IRS 700XX works great in rocky situations, and its ground clearance allows it to work exceptionally well in muddy, rutted terrain or in areas where fallen trees cover the trail.
Quad 2009 ATV Buyers Guide
With his singular New Orleans-indebted legato style silenced, Little Feat somehow soldiered on, veering into jazzier terrain behind guitarist Paul Barrére and keyboardist Billy Payne.
Troubadours, Technicians and Dixie Chickens
The worthies claimed that the jeeps had literally come apart during campaigning as they carried 20 to 25 campaigners over the worst possible terrain.
Digital terrain modeling can be applied to computer transformations in places where the ground is undulating or has high relief.
Thankfully these are not Norse raisers in their longboats, but the Royal Marines' new all-terrain vehicles, now being delivered to Corps units.
Beginners and early intermediates do better by ignoring the tram and skiing the lower slopes and mid-mountain where there is plenty of more suitable terrain.
The dynamics equations of simplified off-road vehicle model were set up according to the dynamic tyre force, suspension deflection and off-road terrain sinkage.
However, your stop-over will probably act as a foretaste of this incredible land of rugged terrain and rocky coasts, and not forgetting the fact that Japan is one of the few places in the world that enjoys four seasons.
I do not use a GPS but can see their use in rugged terrain where visability is limited due to mountains or forest cover.
Are we as sportsman becoming too dependent on modern technology?
The insurgency is concealed in rugged terrain and grows stronger.
Times, Sunday Times
The exhibition showcases incredible work - done in inhospitable terrain, without laptops, cell phones or machinery.
Presuming you're not changing onto another train, your subterrain adventure is almost at its end.