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How To Use Terra cotta In A Sentence

  • There's no boisterous paging system, and the parts and service area is as clean as the showroom itself - not one drip of oil on the terra cotta tiles.
  • Too much crotal will make the wool a dark red brown, but a very pretty terra cotta red can be got. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer
  • The sculptures range from earthy red to dark green tones and are modeled in terra cotta from a life form, and then cast in bronze.
  • The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor shifts from the sands of Egypt to The Great Wall of China where we see a fierce Emperor cursed by a sorceress to spend all time with his army suspended as terra cotta until Alex O'Connell is tricked into awakening the Emperor. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Review
  • You can check terra cotta for age by analysis and there are the accompanying documents. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
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  • Including organic matter (fibers, charcoal) with the clay makes terra cotta a better insulant. 7. Building Instructions
  • He originally specified either ornamental plaster or terra cotta for the proscenium and plaster (optimal for acoustics) for the hung ceiling vaults, as at the Chicago Auditorium.
  • Bring one or two orchids from your collection and an unglazed terra cotta pot for each and learn repotting techniques in workshops. March's gardening and nature programs around D.C.
  • Terra cotta is cracked all over the exterior of the building. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Among the worthies depicted: the poet, dramatist and philosopher Voltaire and the great encyclopedist Denis Diderot, both by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle (1714-85), and the philosopher and composer Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Houdon, who is far better known for his work in terra cotta and marble. France's Artistic Mettle in Metal
  • For floral arrangements, choose terra cotta pots with glazed insides or give unglazed pots several coats of varnish to make them watertight.
  • Using natural materials like stone, slate, granite or terra cotta for your flooring and countertops will help complete the look.
  • Buatto "plants" fake garden flowers -- foxgloves, orchids, delphiniums, hyacinths, lady's mantle, and roses -- in terra cotta pots. Suzy Bales: Fake Flowers: Ever Green and Always Growing
  • Against crumbling cobblestone facades hang old wooden clogs and terra cotta pots filled with the best blooms of the season. Susan Fogwell: An American Sculptor in Holland
  • Included on his menu is tangia, an heirloom recipe in which lamb shanks seasoned with cumin, saffron, nutmeg, and ginger are placed in a fat, terra cotta urn and cooked overnight in the coals of the public ovens.
  • A little bin serving as a mailbox sat next to the newly painted black door and on the opposite side was a terra cotta pot filled with red tulips and a crate containing firewood.
  • “The terra cotta tiles and the art glass are the main ornaments on the building,” said Mason City architect Martha Huntington. August 2007
  • Products called earthenware, whiteware, low-temperature ceramics, and terra cotta are all fired in the range of 900-1100°C. 3. Temperature ranges and requirements
  • Nestled in terra cotta, thick, gutsy prosciutto barely girdles hunks of luxuriantly gooey mozzarella bocconcini that have been roasted into a delicious taffy, the perfect bonbon to chomp on during a film by the Taviani brothers.
  • You can check terra cotta for age by analysis and there are the accompanying documents. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • - Terra cotta is a much better insulant than metal, so less heat is lost from a terra cotta stove. 7. Building Instructions
  • Terra cotta, which is afterwards baked, is plastic; and yet becomes hard; thus a Tanagra figurine is an example of plastic art, while a Florentine marble statuette is a product of sculpture. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • Other materials like limestone or terra cotta might have worked better in its place. Condos Clash In Park Slope
  • Stone, terra cotta and metal images of royal figures—and some misshapen commoners—populate "Dynasty and Divinity: Ife Art in Ancient Nigeria," a look at the Yoruba city-state of Ife from the 12th to 15th centuries. Don't Miss
  • Student drawings of China's terra cotta army hung in the hallway.
  • The @ symbol was also used as an abbreviation for "amphora", the unit of measurement used to determine the amount held by the large terra cotta jars that were used to ship grain, spices and wine. discovered this use of the @ symbol in a letter written in 1536 by a Florentine trader named Francesco Lapi.
  • It's odd how there's no mention at all of how the terra cotta warriors, the namesakes of the show, came about.
  • One volume will be clad in terra cotta, conveying permanence and protection, while the other will be clad in glass, symbolizing a more subtle message of impermanence and fragility. Jewish American Museum « DESIGNPHILADELPHIA
  • The prehistoric root flourished in many Indo-European languages, mainly carrying ideas to do with “cooking” and “ripening,” as seen in numerous words that English has borrowed: cook, cuisine, kitchen, kiln, terra cotta, and even precocious, as in “pre-ripened,” or “mature ahead of time.” The English Is Coming!
  • Fill any clean shallow container, such as a flowerpot base, or terra cotta pot, with plain tap water.
  • In the Ceramics chapter, for example, the divisions are Terra Cotta, Green Glazed, Multi-Color Glazed, Black (barro negro) and Painted Red. Mexican Folk Art from Oaxacan Artist Families by Arden Aibel and Anya Leah Rothstein
  • Alien eggplants, they deign epicycloid arcs aimlessly spaced on a fragmented landscape of trap stone and tar, terra cotta chimney caps and aluminum antennae. Silver Spring to Phoenix
  • So to fulfill a desire for something green and flowery, I went to my local Stuff Mart and bought a couple boxes of paperwhite bulbs and planted them into terra cotta. O the green things growing.....
  • Elephants carved in wood, a bull in terra cotta.

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