How To Use Terpsichore In A Sentence
The Duke of Wellington got it more or less right when he said that the course of a battle was as difficult to follow as an evening spent in terpsichorean enjoyment.
Established in 1994, it was thought by some to be on the same terpsichorean level as the famous Perm Ballet, even though the two companies, which shared the same theater, were diametrically opposed in their views of dance.
Now when the French government sponsors a festival, it does so with a certain panache, and this offering of contemporary French dance provided a shop window on their terpsichorean culture with ten companies splashed over two weeks.
Commonplace stuff, but the details of life are always shifting on you, and the child who dances without care in the middle of Southdale turns into the stoop-shouldered teen who rolls her eyes when you bring up her terpsichorean abandon.
Everyone loved how we deflected their thoughts from the scurrilous rumors of a government-instigated famine in the Ukraine with a veritable cornucopia of terpsichorean appetizers!
Diary of a Bolshoi Potato Dancer
From terpsichorean temptress to sorority sweetheart, just like that.
The Mata Hari of the Faculty Lounge
Them lovely Terpsichore, one of the Muses, bare, united with Achelous; and once they tended
The Argonautica
For Brown, doing the Cirque work is like getting a terpsichorean passport through the world's different cultures, whether it's Chinese acrobatics or the Russian bar.
The Fifth Book of the Histories, called Terpsichore
The History of Herodotus
It is the custom at some of their gatherings, after the hunting season is over, for the men to indulge in a kind of terpsichorean performance, at the same time relating in Homeric style the heroic deeds they have done.
The First Landing on Wrangel Island With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants
Urania is represented by the armillary sphere, Euterpe by flutes, Thalia by the rebec, Melpomene by the hunting horn, Terpsichore by the cittern, Erato by the jingle ring, and Polyhymnia by the organ.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
It was clear that Anita Ratnam was an object of devotion and an inspiration to her talented young dancers - to whom she gave generous space to display their admirable terpsichorean gifts.
Astaire 1899-1987 couldn't stand to think of himself as the embodiment of terpsichorean romance or a pin-up boy for love-starved shopgirls.
He Just Had to Move
Despite dance-instruction diagrams plastered across the cover and occasional references in subject headers, Shuman's terpsichorean allusions are superficial at best.
So, at first they tried Strictly Ballroom Badgers, but there were some badgers which did not have the necessary terpsichorean abilities to perform a solo dance routine to even the mediocre standard necessary to enthral an early evening TV audience enough for those viewers to start making the necessary lucrative phone calls to the TV station.
Small Woodland Creatures On Ice
Showing what happens (lucky you) when you get caught between the moon and New York City, Twyla Tharp's Come Fly Away, her terpsichorean celebration of the music of Frank Sinatra (27 songs, with the classic arrangements), swept, timelessly hip, into Segerstrom Hall.
James Scarborough: Come Fly Away, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Costa Mesa, California
I say danced, but that is stretching the word far beyond the wildest dreams of the jazziest terpsichorean.
Tales of the Jazz Age
'Terpsichore' [1: 50] 03 - TRAINING - Two Bagpipes solos by David Munrow [2: 56] 04 - ON THE ROAD - Basse danse 'Dont vient cela' from Susato's 'Danserye' [4: 07] 05 - COMPLAINT - 'O death rock me asleep', anon.
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Showing what happens lucky you when you get caught between the moon and New York City, Twyla Tharp's Come Fly Away, her terpsichorean celebration of the music of Frank Sinatra, swept into Segerstrom Hall.
James Scarborough: Come Fly Away, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Costa Mesa, California
My personal favorite was a four-foot tall statue of Terpsichore, the Greek muse of dancing who bore the Sirens.
The second lieutenant of the Terpsichore was a young Irishman, with a sweet, musical voice; and, as the boats left the ships, he was with difficulty kept in the line, straining to move ahead, with his face on a grin, and his cheers stimulating the men to undue or unreasonable efforts.
The Wing-and-Wing Le Feu-Follet
Titled "Terpsichore" turp-SIK-uh-ree, the work will include a visual component in the form of a "light organ" comprising seven acrylic tubes mounted on an interior wall in the stair tower. Front Page
But it demonstrated that—at least here—Mr. Lepage could do everything except for a few high leg lifts his terpsichorean partners could do.
A Life in Multiple Roles: Lepage's Enigmatic Dance
The eight-day event will provide opportunities for anyone to have a go, as well as showcasing regional terpsichorean talent.
The massive collection of French court dances that Michael Praetorius collected and arranged for his volume entitled Terpsichore in 1612 was just one in the extraordinary series of publications he issued within only 15 years ...
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her terpsichorean activities
When you tire of tolerating the troll trash trust the true tribesman to thrust the tenacious tergiversation of the tormentor of our terpsichorean teacher You been doing a good job of dancing around the fool to the termitarium to which he resides.
Think Progress » Pundit Attacking Muslim Congressman Is Bush Appointee to Holocaust Memorial Board
The cause for celebration, the ninth annual American Choreography Awards, also proved a fine showcase for an array of terpsichorean talents.
The Greek Nine are: Clio, muse of history; Thalia, muse of comedy and bucolic poetry; Terpsichore, muse of dance; Euterpe, muse of lyric song; Polyhymnia, muse of sacred song; Calliope, muse of epic song; Erato, muse of erotic poetry; Urania, muse of astronomy; Melpomene, muse of tragedy.
Muses Through the Years
Urania is represented by the armillary sphere, Euterpe by flutes, Thalia by the rebec, Melpomene by the hunting horn, Terpsichore by the cittern, Erato by the jingle ring, and Polyhymnia by the organ.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
In Karachi, what at times starts off as a docile four-lane line-up in a thoroughfare meant for two lanes, frequently descends to a crawl and ends in a seething orgy of terpsichorean self-expression run riot.
Tom and Pete are the Vic and Bob of the dance world - a terpsichorean double-act whose work spills over into territory not normally trodden by the Lycra-clad.
Te Deums; six psalms; twenty anthems; three German operas; one English opera; thirty-nine Italian operas; two Italian serenatas, two English serenatas; one Italian intermezzo, "Terpsichore"; four odes; twenty-four chamber duets; ninety-four cantatas; seven French songs; thirty-three concertos; nineteen English songs; sixteen Italian airs; twenty-four sonatas.
A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
Kullak, stern old pedagogue, divides these dances into two groups, the first dedicated to "Terpsichore," the second a frame for moods.
Chopin : the Man and His Music
Even so, the young dancers in the Opera North company have considerable terpsichorean ability; and the revamped plot has a crude contemporary relevance in dealing with Immigration and Identity.
Every Sunday, around 10 or 11 in the morning, a few dozen terpsichoreans gather in the park's concourse, slip some Basie into a boombox, take to the stage, and dance.
Even my feet are beginning to move slightly and it takes bombs to bring out any rudimentary terpsichorean talents that I possess.
A subsequent theatre arts program examined different ballet solos from a dramatic, rather than terpsichorean, standpoint.
Then again, dear reader, have you taken a close look at our native terpsichoreans?
Even committed terpsichoreans may find her book a dry, dutiful trudge through the life of America's most electrifying and infuriating 20th-century choreographer.
The climax to these terpsichorean rites was, of course, the appearance of the King himself, also masked and sometimes specifically attired as the Sun in its Heaven.
The same way that North American big band jazz is closely intertwined with popular dance music, Latin Jazz does a perennial cha-cha-cha back-and-forth with salsa and mambo and other terpsichorean forms.
The Jazz Scene: Rhythm Kings and the Chairman of the Board
But at the dark club of the Unspecified Collection of Gods, all that mattered was the capacity to be swept away in a terpsichorean frenzy to those strange unknown rhythms, and the ability to pay the cover and produce a valid picture ID.
Urania is represented by the armillary sphere, Euterpe by flutes, Thalia by the rebec, Melpomene by the hunting horn, Terpsichore by the cittern, Erato by the jingle ring, and Polyhymnia by the organ.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Although ballet took on a new look with the abstract terpsichoreans of Balanchine, this 1984 piece for me was the onset of contemporary ballet.
In Elizabethan masques, poets, composers, choreographers and scenic designers emulated or simulated the Golden Age, immobilising Time in terpsichorean elegance.
Associated with Venus as well as Terpsichore, the cittern was strung with metal wire to ensure reliable tuning for impromptu use. 247 With their wood paneling, one can imagine that the studioli offer resonant settings for listening to music, which should be counted among the duke's activities in the Urbino studiolo.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro