How To Use Termite In A Sentence
Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
Soldiers resemble worker termites, except that they have enlarged brownish heads and strong, well-developed jaws.
Not for the first time it struck Buncan that Clothahump went through famuli the way an echidna went through termites.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
The borate ingredient in the fire-protection solution makes the wood a less than ideal food source, so it is resistant to termite and fungal damage as well.
An adult anteater can eat as many as 30,000 ants or termites in a single day

Additionally, the foam does not outgas harmful chemicals and it offers no nutritive value to termites.
The tamandua feeds on ants and termites which it catches with its long, sticky tongue.
Our yardmen have done such a good job of piling clippings against the foundations that the Empress has termites.
Termites have invaded the Bundy home and they have to spend the night in Al's shoe store while the house is being fumigated.
This encourages other bacteria to take hold, then termites discover the soft wood, further adding to the damage.
It's about three feet long and was hollowed out naturally by termites, which is the way they are made.
I. Podrán ausentarse del país hasta dieciocho meses en forma continua o con intermitencias dentro de sus cinco años de estancia;
FM2 vs. FM3
They also discovered a contact sex pheromone in the female's tergal gland - the first time such a pheromone has been identified for any termite species.
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites.
They have large lips, a long tongue, a pale muzzle and well-developed hook-like claws that enable them to climb trees and dig for termites.
_white ants_ or termites (which are ants only by a misnomer).
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
What properties of spirochetes (or of the termite gut itself) enable them to become such a prominent component of the microbiota?
Osbrink collected termites from four different colonies and placed them in glass tubes.
The chimpanzee then pulls out the grass stem and picks off the termites with its teeth, smacking its lips with pleasure.
Yet its opulent, mouldering furnishings appear intact, its books look down from the shelves, their spines unspoiled but their pages crumbled by termites.
Termite mounds dot the roadside, rising in vertical shafts to tapering points, each one a tiny architectural marvel, a many-towered Camelot.
For instance, termites had begun hollowing out live trees instead of just dead ones.
Cockroaches, scorpions, earwigs, mosquitoes, termites, beetles, ants and even fleas, present different challenges to homeowner ... read more fauna how-to lifestyles
Mi Pullman: remodeling a Mexican Art Nouveau townhouse I
After we removed the tube from the mound wall, the termites immediately closed the hole.
However she found only a few trees infested with living colonies of the termite.
Lemaire M, Nagnan P, Clement J-L, Lange C, Peru L, et al. (1990) Geranyl linalool (diterpene alcohol): an insecticidal component of pine wood and termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in four European ecosystems.
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A single bug may catch ten or more termites in succession in this way.
Two basic types of termites may be cohabiting with you: drywood and subterranean.
Spreading from the ports, Formosan termites began a subterranean colonization of the country.
This is not to say that these termites have no perception of the earth's magnetic field.
For groundsills, we use laminated American hiba arborvitae wood highly resistant to rot and termites - a necessary considerations for future residents.
But when it comes to creating a permanent home for the colony, termites are the champion.
It is a powerful little digger with long, strong claws, which it uses to rip apart rock-hard termite mounds.
At midday, you can join the bugs for lunch, and sink your teeth into braaied mopane worms, grasshoppers dipped in chocolate, or spicy termites.
In South America, anteaters evolved long sticky tongues that enable them to feed on ants and termites.
And recently, researchers identified a nitrogen-fixing spirochete bacterium that lives in the gut of termites.
Neoteinic: applied to complemental females in Termites because, though reproductive, they retain some juvenile characters.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Aardvarks can travel as far as 16 km a night, visiting termite mounds.
Also, the aardvark is reported to eat wild cucumbers in addition to ants and termites.
The species that Yap studied is a "subsocial" one, meaning that it hasn't reached the same social state as ants, bees and termites, with their large colonies and castes of workers.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Termites are an important part of the diet of the nine - banded armadillo.
The didgeridoo is made of branches of eucalyptus trees that have been naturally hollowed out by termites and other wood-eating insects.
For example, carnivorous mammals' descendants that now shun meat include bamboo-eating pandas and termite-slurping aardwolves.
Then an enthusiastic student inadvertently overwatered the colony just before a weekend, leaving a flood inside the termites' box.
At 250 ppm, the oil discouraged termites from plowing through the sand.
In many termite species, for example, soldier castes are highly developed, and colony members never leave their nests of dead wood because, like gall aphids and gall thrips, they are able to feed off the walls.
Although a native termite colony might occasionally infest a tree, it's almost invariably a dead one, Messenger says.
No doubt the extraordinary development of tongue is given to it for the same purpose as to the _edentata_ of the ant-eating tribe -- to enable it to "lick up" the _termites_.
Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
The dark wyrm stood upon the caravel's main deck, facing sternward and digging through the somercastle like a pangolin after termites.
The Veiled Dragon
The new facility, with air con, treadmills and an aerobics studio, bears little resemblance to the sparse and shabby termite-infested sweatbox above an off-licence that the brash young boxer, then named Cassius Clay, walked into five decades ago, and which eventually produced 12 world champions under Dundee's tutelage.
Emotional 5th Street return for Muhammad Ali
The termite inspector can point out some problem areas.
For example, ants, termites, many bees, and some wasps are social insects that form organized communities.
Dwarf mongooses mainly feed on insects like termites, locusts, beetles, grubs, larvae and spiders.
This clever housing arrangement is also guarded by soldier termites that protect the mound from invading ants.
When Termite discovers the words vomica, vomit, vomitive, vomitory, vomitorium, vomiturition, and vomitus in the dictionary, she comments that, Page 1,355 has got to be the best page of the dictionary ever.
Archive 2006-08-01
Company sources told Business Line that they procured the coir, separated the fibre, sprayed fungicide to prevent termite infestation and then plaited it with thin bamboo sticks.
The home should be inspected for all wood-destroying insects, including subterranean and dry wood termites, longhorned wood borers, metallic wood borers, powder post beetles, anobiid beetles, carpenter ants, velvety tree ants and carpenter bees.
SFGate: Top News Stories
My house is going on 160 years old, built entirely of redwood, which is largely the reason it's still here in termite-land.
Mandolin Cafe News
I saw the behavior of this termite for over a month before I finally realized what it was doing - counting in binary.
Back in January, I moved from the California Wine Country to Charleston, South Carolina, trading my 47 acres of ticks and foxtails for a 152 year-old Victorian House with vintage termites.
As the name suggests, anteaters eat ants and termites in vast quantities, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day.
So do the million and a half termites living in the colony.
Hugenholtz interrupted, quoting a colleague: “Maybe the termite is just a fancy delivery system for the creatures in the gut.”
Gut Reactions
Like most buildings in the region, these must be raised off the ground on low piles or stilts to ward off termites and rot.
Mick Pearce , a Zimbabwean architect living in Melbourne, has been inspired by the humble termite.
The hindgut microbiota of termites includes an abundant and morphologically diverse population of spirochetes.
The prototype had a waterproof canvas stretched over hinged timber ribs, quality-tested by letting armies of ants and termites loose on the fabric.
It is on the underside of this plate that the bellicose termite constructs its most spectacular architectural invention.
I found a colony of small white termites eating up the underside of a board.
That most commonly used for such construction work is obtained from termitaries, because the termites add a secretion which gives it better plasticity.
They collect twelve species of mushrooms, four types of termites, crickets, three types of grubs, and twelve species of caterpillars.
There were termites in that vast storeroom, too; but they were specialized creatures, such as termitary life abounds in, that were so distorted as to be hardly recognizable as termites.
The Raid on the Termites
The mounds are of zoogenic origin, originally created by termites and often colonized by a wide variety of burrowing animals.
Termites and ants do it seasonally when the time comes for them to mate, disperse and set up new colonies.
As far as the eye can see in all directions is green savannah, dotted with anthills and termite hills, scrub and manioc fields plunging down into forested valleys with jungle and rivers and women carrying huge loads on their heads and thousands of little kiddos shouting “mundele” ‘white person’ in Kikongo almost hysterically and running after the truck as we drive by.
Archive 2007-05-01
Steel does not rot, warp, crack, split or change with the weather and it is termite and vermin proof.
Termites (Odontoteomen obesus), white grubs (Halorachia spp.), and the gallfly (Goccidomulid gall)) are also important pests.
Chapter 10
It will then learn to poke sticks in termite mounds when it is hungry.
But for many in the South, the annual emergence of fertile, winged termites swarming furiously to scatter and search for mates isn't one of them.
Termites, crickets, red-bugs, stink-bugs, horseflies, mosquitoes, beetles and diptera of all shapes and sizes arise in millions as if spontaneously generated.
A Bird Calendar for Northern India
Mole-rats are the only known mammals to live in large colonies presided over by a queen (like ants and termites).
Ants, beetles, and termites turn over soil and wood.
The source of the alarm that has my colleagues chittering on the termite mound like meerkats on the veldt who have espied a Martial Eagle coursing aloft is a report in EU Reporter by Chris White:
Archive 2008-01-13
According to him, termites and bookworms damage palm-leaf inscriptions.
The floors and doors on the main floor are of solid mahogany, which is impervious to tropical woodworms and termites.
Termites rush to a breach in their nest and clamp their jaws onto the snout of a marauding anteater, almost guaranteeing their own death.
As if Formosan termites weren't bad enough (they devour everything, not just wood), now New Orleans, and Florida, are coming to grips with their latest visitor from Over There: defective drywall.
Harry Shearer: Chinese Drywall and the Cost of Truth-Telling
Without termite protection, a house in the southeast is likely to get hit sometime.
Her eyes saw, her ears heard, her nose smelt every animal in the forest form the elk and bear to the termite and the shrew.
It is a good idea to coat all wood and bamboo roof materials with an anti-termite solution-such as carbonyl, Xylophene, or Creosote.
Chapter 6
In one study, they determined how quickly other termites would reinvade an area after a single colony had been eliminated.
This type of interaction occurs in horses, elephants, hyraxes, rodents, and lagomorphs (hares and rabbits) but is probably best exemplified in the termites.
He even asserts that as Noah used only gopher-wood for the ark, it was ‘probably resistant to both rot and termites’.
This frass is considerably different from the pelletized frass left by drywood and dampwood termites.
Nor was a blueprint for construction encoded in the termite genes.
‘The saliva of termites has great causticity, although it is not strong enough to destroy concrete buildings,’ said Cheng Ruihua, a termite exterminator in Yangpu District for over 30 years.
Subterranean termites tunnel in moist soil to find wood, putting decks and lower levels of buildings at risk.
She is matched in her determination by most of the other tourists, who scuttle about like termites, obstructing the monks as they circle the arena in their ritual costumes, to the sound of conch trumpets and drums.
He points out that all of the branches or groups technically called clades known to have primitively eusocial species—aculeate wasps, halictine and xylocopine bees, sponge-nesting shrimp, termopsid termites, colonial aphids and thrips, ambrosia beetles, and naked mole rats—rely on colonies that build and occupy defensible nests.
Termites eat cellulose, a main ingredient in woody plants/materials, and we find them in decaying trees and logs as well as in our homes.
Four other characteristics of global scientific interest are the responses of the plants of the region to 1) fire, 2) seed dispersal by ants and termites (myrmecochory), 3) the high level (83%) of plant pollination by insects, mainly beetles and flies and 4) its Gondwanaland floristic relicts which allow the reconstruction of very ancient floral communities.
Cape Floral Protected Areas, South Africa
The principal collections are those of ants, termites and myrmecophiles, of grasshoppers and crickets and of butterflies.
This treatment helps wood resist attacks by termites and decay-causing fungi.
The sloth bear's long muzzle has protrusible lips and nostrils which it can close - these two features allow it to create a vacuum tube to suck up the termites.
An aardvark's tear membrane protects its eyes against termite bites.
Anteaters have long snouts which they thrust into ant-heaps in order to devour the ants or termites.
The whitish and smoothish sleepers are fairly new, while the darkish and roughish sleepers may be 10 years old. Wooden sleepers are not used where there are termites.
The importance of microbial spatial relationships for the functioning of the termite gut microbiota have recently been discussed in detail.
All those termites play havoc with the shagpile.
He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.
Children collect termite, snails, and the caterpillars of several insects.
A house under attack from termites may be chemically fumigated through a process known as tenting.
termites were responsible for the damage
Also don't forget that your woodpile also looks like heaven to termites, so it's best to only keep a week or so worth of wood near the house in easy reach.
I looked up and there, in a part of a breadfruit tree that seemed to be playing host to a nest of termites, was a beautiful Jamaican Woodpecker.
In contrast, termites have been rather neglected and are mentioned only briefly in major references on social evolution.
So hour after hour passed, through which, between vain attempts to sleep, I managed to wade through many pages of Rosny's Le Termite -- a not very cheerful proceeding, I must say, concerned as it is with the microscopic and over-elaborate recital of Noel Servaise's tortured nerves, bodily pains, and intellectual phantasma.
It is on the underside of this plate that the bellicose termite constructs its most spectacular architectural invention.
(Coast) or with dried termites (Turkana); young leaves are chewed like Catha edulis (khat, miraa, Maasai, Luo-Migori) or cooked as a vegetable
Chapter 7
In cases where the wood will not be exposed to the soil or water, borates, a form of naturally occurring salt, will help prevent decay from fungi and wood-boring insects such as carpenter ants and termites.
The aardwolf is a undoubted termite specialist, lapping up exposed workers assembled along foraging trails.
For years, Shaw spent his days spraying termites with pesticides and his nights in worried sleep.
This seemed to be the case with Hymenoptera, an order of insects comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants, though it did not seem to fit the termites.
Anteaters, pangolins, and some armadillos use hook-and-pull digging with the enlarged claw of a single, enlarged manual digit to open termite or ant nests made of hard dirt.
Recent evidence has shown that the harvester termite Microhodotermes viator most likely creates these heuweltjies.
Kaokoveld desert
Other pesticides such as aldrin, used against termites, conform to a ban imposed six years ago, he said.
All termite species build nests, also known as termitaries or termitaria, but the specifics of these nests can vary.
Some mammals, like tree pangolins and tamanduas eat arboreal ants and termites.
It's a thermal imager that can detect termites behind walls and in other hard-to-reach places.
One nontermite host of Arthromitus that my colleagues and I examined in depth was the common sow bug, Porcellio scaber.
Soldiers with flame throwers came behind the bulldozers scorching the earth and burning the termites and their eggs to black cinders.
Although these termites are closely related, they construct strikingly different nest structures in a range of different habitats and they feed on different forms of cellulosic material.
When you sit in your porch, instead of seeing lovely greenery or properly constructed homes, it's old galvanise, termite-ridden board and dirty looking water drums.
Most widespread and commonly encountered nasute termite in the Philippines can be found in both urban and rural areas attacking dead wood on the ground, agricultural crops, lumber and wooden structures
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And when we landed, a tamandua was busy breaking into a termite mound beside the runway.
Like most buildings in the region, these must be raised off the ground on low piles or stilts to ward off termites and rot.
These days, a house under attack from drywood termites may be chemically fumigated through a process known as tenting.
The termites use their jaws to turn the woody plant material and soil they bore through into tiny particles that the microbes can process.
Cockroaches, termites, and mantids form the well-accepted monophyletic group Dictyoptera.
This is applicable especially, but not exclusively, to so-called social insects such as bees, wasps, ants and termites.
Snyder reported a strange neuropterous larva which he found in a termite colony at Falls Church, Va., in 1918.
Many of the structures associated with feeding are modified for feeding on ants and termites underground.
Like a little aardvark discovering a termite mound, her tiny nose twitched ecstatically.
While the researchers have identified the fungus residing in the gut of the Asian longhorned beetle, they have yet to find one in the gut of the termite.
Certain of the test compounds have both prevented wood decay and killed native termite colonies.
However, the relatively soft woods of European furniture were no match for the humidity, tropical woodworms, and termites of Cuba.
The termite mound, or termitary, consists of hard, thick walls that seal in moisture and keep heat out.
In South America, anteaters evolved long sticky tongues that enable them to feed on ants and termites.
He also wanted to clarify the allowances for using pesticides to save homes from such pests such as carpenter ants and termites.
Look for pests such as caterpillars, flys, mites, termites and slugs are garden pests that might like to make a meal of your geraniums.
Suddenly the termite is everywhere, from Popular Science to Congressional Quarterly Today to Wired.
Gut Reactions
Suki sat in the shade of an old termite hill and blew on her sore fingers.
The African termite lives in tall mounds so strong that humans use dynamite to remove them when they are in the way.
Aphids, grasshoppers, and gall wasps appear in the Cretaceous, as well as termites and ants in the later part of this period.
Around the margins of the hill, the termites construct tall, thin-walled chimneys which stand out from the sides like ribs.
Some termites feed on the wood timber of houses, posing a danger as a roof or ceiling can collapse from the impact of their feeding.
Dwarf mongooses mainly feed on insects like termites, locusts, beetles, grubs, larvae and spiders.
Technicians use fiber optics to pinpoint exactly where the termites are living within the wood.
He thinks that searching for individual enzymes in the termite will be a dead end, but that harnessing the power of whole environments might yield results.
Gut Reactions
Termites, more nutritious than rump steak!
Double-boiled whole shark's fin soup with matsutake, sauteed scallops with termite mushroom and ginkgo and wok-fired prawns with boletus and almonds are just some of the innovations.
No people, no houses, no cars, just a wilderness of river-gum trees lining ancient waterless riverbeds, acacias, spinifex grasses and spooky giant termite mounds.
Trap termites using their long protractile tongues, which are covered with a thick, sticky saliva.
Most of the remainder comes from wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost, and termites.
I. Podrán ausentarse del país hasta dieciocho meses en forma continua o con intermitencias dentro de sus cinco años de estancia;
FM2 vs. FM3
The termite feeding assassin will daggle a dead termite infront of the opening of the termite mound so the hungry termites look at it.
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This potent fungus, which also kills termites, doesn't harm bees or affect their queen's production.
Oils from the larvae of raphia palm beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros) recorded the highest level of non-saturation of 65. 61percent while the winged termite had the least level non-saturation of 50.02 percent.
Nigerian Scientists Discover Pharmaceutical Potential Of Insects
However, even the termite-paste, and the fact that the termitary citizens were blind, didn't seem enough to account for the immunity granted the two men as they began to come presently to more crowded passages and tunnels near the center of the mound.
The Raid on the Termites
If you try to penetrate to the depths of the mystery, yards underground, by blowing up the termitary with gun powder, the only way of getting to the heart of things -- you destroy the termites.
The Raid on the Termites
Termites tend fungus gardens, leaf cutter ants make underground compost heaps and many species of other ants tend and protect aphids for their honeydew.
The termites defend themselves against the intruder by attaching to the tool, at which point the chimp slowly withdraws the tool and eats the attached termites.
And recently, researchers identified a nitrogen-fixing spirochete bacterium that lives in the gut of termites.
In each case, I leave it to the reader to supply the words "fear of." acarophobia mites, parasites entonophobia ticks aelurophobia cats galeophobia sharks apiophobia bees hippophobia horses arachnephobia spiders musophobia mice bacilliphobia bacilli myrmecophobia lice bacteriaphobia bacteria soleciphobia worms batrachophobia frogs, toads swinophobia swine cynophobia dogs taeniophobia tapeworms eisoptrophobia termites taurophobia bulls A much smaller cluster of fears is centered on the plant world.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
Fumigant: For storage pest control and quarantine of imports and exports points. Especially for termites.
No people, no houses, no cars, just a wilderness of river-gum trees lining ancient waterless riverbeds, acacias, spinifex grasses and spooky giant termite mounds.
For example, carnivorous mammals' descendants that now shun meat include honey badgers, bamboo-eating pandas, and termite-slurping aardwolves.
These snakes feed on smaller prey - the larvae, pupae, and adults of ants and termites - and they do so remarkably fast.
Termites have a strict caste system, which consists of worker termites, soldiers, winged reproductive termites, a queen termite, and a king termite.
Rampant use of a common termite pesticide called chlordane.
Getting Pregnant
We drove along a rough track into open sand plains dotted with spinifex, mulga bushes, ghost gums and termite mounds.
Even wild insects such as roasted grasshoppers, flying termites, and caterpillar skins are enjoyed as snacks.
When Termite discovers the words vomica, vomit, vomitive, vomitory, vomitorium, vomiturition, and vomitus in the dictionary, she comments that, Page 1,355 has got to be the best page of the dictionary ever.
Archive 2006-08-01
Somewhere in a rainforest, inside a rotting log, lives a colony of termites.
Ants, bees, and wasps (but not termites) have a peculiar genetic system called haplo-diploidy, in which females are produced sexually and have two sets of genes but males are produced asexually and have one set of genes.
David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection IV: The Great Reckoning
Its great curved claws, which bear a very striking resemblance to those of the ant-eaters -- especially the large _tamanoir_ of South America -- are used for the same purpose: that of breaking up the glutinous compost with which the termites construct their curious dwellings.
Bruin The Grand Bear Hunt
On my way there I turned over a board and found a termite colony with a few big soldiers in with the rank and file.
On the menu this week are braaied mopane worms and spicy termites at Wits, plus the Wits Choir, a bird fair, UJ's new gallery opening, Joburg's great shops, hiking, art, and walking The Wilds.
Energy efficient buildings inspired by passive cooling in termite mounds and non-toxic fabric finishes inspired by water repellant lotus plants are examples of biomimicry changing our world today.
Duh pookie
Anteaters, pangolins, and some armadillos use hook-and-pull digging with the enlarged claw of a single, enlarged manual digit to open termite or ant nests made of hard dirt.
Although the termite poison, called chlordane, has been banned in the United States since 1988, it cannot harm humans unless they drink water from Sligo Creek, which is not recommended, or eat its fish, which is prohibited.
Retired Greenbelt professor on pollution hunt
wood dust is a sure sign of termites
The tenrec family belongs to the order Insectivora—nominally the insect eaters, though not every species confines its diet to true insects such as crickets and termites.
The Song of The Dodo
When primatologist Jane Goodall first observed chimpanzees ‘fishing’ for ants and the larger, bulbous-headed red termites at Tanzania's Gombe Stream National Park, she was astounded.
Too, they can mean that your home is attractive to wood boring insects like termites.
Termites are usually happy to tunnel through a sand-filled tube, but when a layer of sand soaked in catnip oil is present it stops them dead in their tracks.
In each case, I leave it to the reader to supply the words "fear of." acarophobia mites, parasites entonophobia ticks aelurophobia cats galeophobia sharks apiophobia bees hippophobia horses arachnephobia spiders musophobia mice bacilliphobia bacilli myrmecophobia lice bacteriaphobia bacteria soleciphobia worms batrachophobia frogs, toads swinophobia swine cynophobia dogs taeniophobia tapeworms eisoptrophobia termites taurophobia bulls A much smaller cluster of fears is centered on the plant world.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
It is on the underside of this plate that the bellicose termite constructs its most spectacular architectural invention.
She picks her way between the trees along a paca trail, feeling as tiny as a termite in a patch of tall reeds.
And neither is the termite mound a heap, a haphazard pile of dirt.